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E3 '09 thread

Discussion in 'General' started by ShinobiFist, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    Kojima didn't say MGS wasn't coming to Xbox... he just said MGS4 was never going to be on any other console because of the format (IIRC, he had to cut out content from the game because it couldn't fit into one bluray).
  2. PompeyFraz

    PompeyFraz Well-Known Member

    No one's mentioned Left for Dead 2?!
  3. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Samus Aran x Team Ninja > vaporware eyetoy 1.5 dancing around in front of your TV b.s.

    And that's coming from a lifelong wii hater.
  4. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Shouldn't we just rename this thread to a general E3 thread? That way, there won't be any excess topics and everything can be discussed.
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I was going to suggest this too, beat me to it ya bugger.
  6. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Man I cna't wait to be called faggot by 127 of my teammates!
  7. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    MS got this year's E3 again.
  8. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    I cant say MS got it this year. No exclusives save for Halo. Natal's great, but... I have to echo some of the reactions on the VG sites: where are the games for gamers?
  9. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    I have to ask what sold you on the MS presentation so much? I'm serious because I missed a good part of it.
  10. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I don't think anyone got anything....

    Biggest and best announcement was easily the Metroid game, mostly everything else had already been announced or just not interesting (FFXIV, zzzz).

    Microsofts attempt at ripping off the wii-mote and adding a cam looked more impressive than Sony's but I can't imagine either of them working too well, nevermind the fact that you never usually get decent software with peripherals like that.
  11. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    Nintendo did quite well in my opinion. They have all the casual garbage for mass consumption. However a new Mario Galaxy, Metroid, and a new Golden Sun (for the DS) are what more seasoned gamers would want I would imagine. I'm honestly going to pick up a Nintendo DS for Golden Sun 3 alone.

    MS at first looked like it had some huge Metal Gear Solid announcement but that was short lived when it was revealed to be a non-Kojima game, an action game, and also a PS3/PC game. And MS's other games were just fan service to already existing 360 users, games like L4D2 or the Halo announcements aren't exactly wooing in Nintendo and Sony gamers. Not really impressed with MS so far.

    Sony announced that God of War III is coming out next March...quite the wait but GoW1&2 were amazing so whatever. Also Rockstar announced a new spy game based in the 1970s for the PS3 only that they said would rival the influence of GTA on video games. Talk about hype for that. Other than that nothing really extraordinary coming out of Sony's camp either.

    Nintendo > Sony = MS, at least for day 1 in my opinion.

    And the PSP-GO looks terrible. Hopefully some hands on proves me wrong but man...still no left analog stick? Really?
  12. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    To me the presentation that excited me the most (and I walk off during a good part of it) is the Sony conference. However, the biggest blunder has to be the price tag for the PSP Go! Waitta hit the extremes sony.

    On the Wii side, I coudln't help but shake my head at the fact that there is even more crap to buy for that console to get the "full experience". The price tag to be able to play everything my gf would want to play is just silly.
  13. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    Dennis looks like Hideo Kojima!
  14. Heta_Akira

    Heta_Akira Well-Known Member

    Well, E3 is almost over and I think that VF5:R won't be announced at all. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif

    I don't care about MG:R[/size] it's VF5:R[/size] that I want!!

    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif

    Heta Akira
  15. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    It was nice seeing Alan Wake after a long hiatus. That game is really looking amazing. I'm hyped.
  16. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    It was well done for showing absolutely nothing, lol. On the reals. This E3 was all about innovation, or trying to innovate. And is getting quite ridiculous. Tony Hawk RIDE and it's stupid Skakeboard controller, Nintendo and their "Blood" pressure looking add on crap. Sony, and their "Glow" sticks. And not to mention MS camera. Is getting out of hand with all this gadgets. And quite frankly, I think alot of gamers don't care, we just want to play are games on the couch. We just want to relax, and chill.
  17. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    While all these add ons may be ridiculous, the MS camera was still the most impressive in terms of innovation. Nothing to hold... it just somehow snaps onto the top / bottom of your TV and that's it. Personally I think that will be a fantastic add on. Hopefully it will not be something you have to connect / disconnect all the time when you want to opt for a standard control pad.

    Depending on what's available when it's released I might jump on the band wagon and get one if they can keep it under $200 and that's being generous on my part. If the finally product can accomplish 80% of the things they showed I'd be satisfied.

    One thing that puzzles me though is the voice recognition thing. When the teenage boy walks up to play that fighter it actually spoke his name "Ian". Will the device have a data base of prerecorded standard names or something? I'm really curious how they will get this device to speak many of the really unusual names out there.
  18. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    If you've tried the EyeToy, you'll realize it's not that different. The EyeToy also has facial recognition and a mic (voice recognition is primarily software anyway - as long as the mic is decent, and the software is good, it will work fine). What the eyetoy doesn't have is depth recognition, which the PSsticks fix.

    But... I'm on the boat of "i just want to sit down and chill". The last thing I want after a long day at work is to have to get up and jump around the room to "relax".
  19. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    meh, yeah they both do the same thing we get that.... But look at the cheap generic software they had on display for the PS3 wand thing.... I mean did you see the state of that sword, ughhh. It was same with the eyetoy, all games that looked like crap and were only fun for five minutes.

    On Microsofts side though the software they had on display in the demo looked pretty damn decent, which is to me the most important thing.... You know the games matter more than the gimmick were using to control them.

    Oh and don't bother saying they PS3 wand/eye thing is still early in development and what they shown was just early demo stuff, I seen people saying that a lot recently when people are comparing these products but everyone seems to forget that project Natal is still very early in development too.
  20. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Yeah Feck but the Sony eye of sauron thingy is still early in development!

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