Eileen Combos

Discussion in 'Eileen' started by MarlyJay, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    No, tripple kicks is always guaranteed after 43P+K on hit.
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Eileen players I need your help. I am updating our offical combo list and we have a lot of combos to test out on the cast. I need folks to test combos in both stances against characters who have a Question mark listed in their box. Just post here when you test things and I'll update them in the combo lists. I'm still adding more combos to our list so things can go a lot faster if we all help out.

    Lets make Eileen's combo list the most comprehensive and detailed list on the forum!
  3. synce

    synce Active Member

    Some of these combos look pretty sweet but as a VF noob I can't make good use of them yet. Does Eileen have anything a little simpler I can use in the meantime? Something that generally works on mid weight and isn't dependent on wall, strict timing, or stance. Right now I'm just using stuff like 9k,6p+k,p,p
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Ah, I take responsibility for this. I've been meaning to update the list to include the basic combo enders. Just from me to you (and anyone else who reads this thread), all of eileen's basic combo enders from any launch is 6K or P > 6P+KPP. Normally you can get away with use PPPK or PP6P in a pinch. Anytime you land a comboable move you can use this kinda stuff. I actually use those combos from time to time because when you knock somone out the air in such a way that you can combo them, it's not always clear which combo you can go for so I tend to go for the safest most damaging option that won't is not likely to miss. PP6P is my Go to for that. I've been able to get two PP6P's in one single combo because of that kinda stuff. Often times you can get a 6K on the ground if they don't tech roll, and in some cases even if they do tech roll the 6K will hit them.

    TL;DR: use PP6P and 6K after any launch. P>6P+KPP i the slightly more advanced version.
  5. synce

    synce Active Member

    Thanks, didn't even think to try adding an extra p in there

    I'm not struggling as much now with some of the combos after assigning p+k to square button, but now guard is L1... This game is hell without an arcade stick
  6. Tipzntrix

    Tipzntrix Well-Known Member

    I went through the Jinrai Santen combos with ? in them and this is what I found (X means not possible):

    [6][P]+[K][P][P] > [2][P] > [6][P][P][2][K]
    EL N,N : AO N,N : LI N,N

    [6][P]+[K][P][P] > [2][P] > [P][3][P][K]
    I can't hit this [P] after [2][P] even on characters that are marked N, maybe I'm missing something.

    [6][P]+[K][P][P] > [2][P] > [6][P]+[K][P] > [2][1][4][K]+[G]
    EL N,N : AO N,N

    [6][P]+[K][P][P] > [9][K] > [2][P] > [3][P] > [2][1][4][K]+[G]
    EL N,N : SH X,X
    Can't hit Shun with [2][P] after [9][K] without it being techable.

    [6][P]+[K][P][P] > [9][K] > [2][P] > [1][P][K]
    EL N,N : AO N,N

    [6][P]+[K][P][P] > [9][K] > [6][P][P][2][K]
    EL X,X : AO N,N
    El Blaze's body is too small and is out of range even if I dash before [9][K] to hit [6][P][P][2][K] (the last [2][K] misses).

    [6][P]+[K][P][P] > [9][K] > [2][P] > [6][P][P][K]
    EL X,X : AO X,X
    The last [K] goes over their body.

    [6][P]+[K][P][P] > [9][K] > [2][P] > [4][P]+[K] > [2][3][6][K]+[G]
    EL X,X : AO X,X
    But I can hit N in all 4 cases if I use [2][1][4][K]+[G] instead.

    [6][P]+[K][P][P] > [9][K] > [2][P] > [3][P][P]
    EL N,N : SH X,X
    Can't hit Shun with [2][P] after [9][K] without it being techable.

    EDIT: I notice you have one combo where you hit Shun with 2P after 9K in closed stance. I can't get it, but if you can maybe some of the SH combos are possible.
    Tricky likes this.
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

    Some of the 9K combos require 1 frame delays of either the 9K or sometimes the 2P. I try to stay away from those combos, but they're good to know about.
  8. Tipzntrix

    Tipzntrix Well-Known Member

    You're welcome

    Also you have to dash like with Blaze to hit the 9K combos on Aoi in open stance (closed stance doesn't require it). The 9K hits even without the dash, but many of the followups don't hit unless you dashed before 9K.
  9. Tipzntrix

    Tipzntrix Well-Known Member

    About the [9][K] > [4][P][P] > [2][3][6][P]+[K][K] combos:

    Against Shun only, they do not work in closed stance unless you are at pretty much max range. Basically, if you get Execution 17f in training mode, you are too close to do this combo. If you get 18f or 20f, it works.

    In open stance, no problem though.
    Tricky likes this.
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Thanks for the info man, I'll add this to the notes in that combo. I normally do 9K from close to max range unless it's a punish so I never really noticed the difference.
  11. Tipzntrix

    Tipzntrix Well-Known Member

    Hikou Bokushoku combos (9P):

    Not sure why this is empty anywhere except for Taka. Also, it's in closed stance that the last hit whiffs, not open. If you do 9P from open stance, you get the full combo. If you do it from closed stance, the last hit whiffs. What may throw you off is that she switches stances during the combo, so she ends in a different stance than she started. However, the K+G does hit at least once on everyone on the list in any stance, except Taka.

    About Zenku Soutsui combos (236P+KP):
    One is notated 214P+KP, should switch that.

    I also have combos to add:

    Kesshi Hanbi (46K+G)
    46K+G > PP > 214PP > 214K+G
    Works on everyone (even Taka), last hit of 214K+G whiffs in closed stance on certain chars just like other 214PP > 214K+G air juggles.

    46K+G > 43P+K > 6P+KPP
    On lightweights up to Vanessa except Shun, you can add P after 46K+G. Last hit whiffs in closed stance JE, WO. Hits everyone in open. This hits Taka too.

    Enkou Shutsudou (214P+KP)

    214P+KP > PP > 214PP > 214K+G
    Works on everyone (even Taka), last hit of 214K+G whiffs in closed stance on certain chars just like other 214PP > 214K+G air juggles.

    214P+KP > 43P+K > 6P+KPP
    Works on everyone except Jeff, Wolf (last hit whiffs) in Closed. Works on everyone Open. This hits Taka too.

    BTW, I don't see any changes to the combo list even since my Feb 15 post. Am I missing anything or have you just not got around to it?
  12. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    That's because we have a combo list section of the forum now. This place is now just to help keep track of new combos that people find.\


    That's the link to the eileen combos. Please post combos you want to add and I'll add them to the list.

    Oh and I haven't updated from your last post. I guess it slipped through the cracks. Thnx for reminding me about it.
  13. Tipzntrix

    Tipzntrix Well-Known Member

    I know about the combo index. I was more talking about the Jinrai Santens still having ?s on them. I mean admittedly it looks like some of the combos I just couldn't pull off personally, but at least the combos I could do could be confirmed N instead of ?.

    Oh and sorry if it sounds pushy, I just dunno how else to word it.
    Tricky likes this.
  14. Tipzntrix

    Tipzntrix Well-Known Member

    vs Taka only:
    If you hit Taka with 236P from standing or crouching position, you get a guaranteed 3P > 214K+G. Every other character can tech this.

    If you scare a Taka into not teching, you can get huge scrape damage with 66K > 3P > 214K+G. Even if he techs, if you time 66K right, you are only -8 because he will have to block the second part.
  15. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I updated the list to include these combos up till enkou shutsudou. That's next on the chopping block.
  16. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    ok combos off of 46p and 9p and 236p+kp works on Eileen
    [4][6][P] [P] [4][3] [P][+][K] [9][K] [2][P] [6][K] 79dmg NH
    [9][P] (the rest is the same as above still 79dmg NH)
    off of 236p+kp [2][3][6][P][+][K][P] [P] [4][3][P][+][K] [9][K] [2][P] [6][K] 83dmg NH 95CH !

    46p, 46k+g, 236p+kp, 214p+kp, and 9p are the moves i encourage all 5 of you Eileen loyalists out there to check out I got kinda tired so ill update this a little later with character, stage, and stance specific combos.

    Some Test Notes:
    For the [4][6][P] combo above on Eileen If you don't want them to exact tec just ditch the [P], [4][3][P][+][K] part and just do 46p 9k 2p and 6ppk string for 73
    HomebredTripod and Tricky like this.
  17. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    So these combos are techable, however they are only exact techable. This is useful because you can now give someone a reason to tech roll your moves when you want them to, or risk more dmging combo.

    Exact tech only combos are really useful and we need more of them. I'll add them to a section in the wiki once we are able to find enough. Y

    You can find them by setting CPU to tech roll but not exact. If the numbers turn green in the combo counter but the cpu doesn't tech out then you know they have to exact tech it. Some types of knockdowns are damn near impossible to exact tech even when you know you should, so lets explore this tech more.
  18. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Eileen and El-Blaze
    [4][6][K][+][G], [8][P][+][K][+][G][P][P][P], [P], [4][3][P][+][K]-[2][3][6][P] CH 95

    Jean and Brad
    [4][6][K][+][G], [8][P][+][K][+][G][P][P][P], [4][P][+][K]-[2][3][6][K][+][G] or [4][P][+][K]-[2][1][4][K][+][G] CH 85

    [3][P][+][K], [2][P], [4][3][P][+][K], [4][P][+][K]-[2][3][6][K][+][G] CH only 68

    Lion, Lei, Kage, Brad, Goh, Jean, Jacky, Akira, Jeff, Taka
    [3][P][+][K], [6][6][K], [4][P][+][K]-[2][1][4][K][+][G] CH only 64
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2013
    HomebredTripod, Tricky and Daydream like this.
  19. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Daydream CE
    Nice!The second should work on Lion I tested it a while back. The last one is tested and in the combo list already, I like it a lot. Especially for Taka. Love bouncing him around ^^
  20. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Do those CH 46K+G combos also work on NH too or rCH?

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