EVO 2K8 Info

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Brisal73, Mar 1, 2008.

  1. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Well, we could pull in the JPs who are there for other games lol. Like Nuki and crew.

    I say we go gung ho and rally people to EVO, plan this accordingly and do it up /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  2. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    I'm willing to go even if VF isn't in the card. Mainly because I didn't get to see the strip the last time I was there. Vegas + VF = good enough for me.
  3. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Good point..I might go now
  4. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Sorry to keep posting but more I think about it, more this sounds ideal. Attending EVO would be cheaper than any other option, be it SoCal or NYC or wherever.

    Those who play other games can enter those still. The atmosphere at EVO is fun in general. And it shows good sportsmanship on our behalf to acknowledge our game isn't an official game there, but we're still holding it and showing we do have a "scene".

    We would just need players to confirm they will be going to get it all in motion. Then plan accordingly from there.
  5. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    I come from the other side.
    If EVO wont have it then we shouldn't be there.

    since the beginning VF has been a burden to the EVO staff
    EVO has never treated VF fairly
    The first 2 tourneys were ran by VFDC members and they weren't told until the day of.
    VF is an afterthought, example no setups to practice during the EVO regionals and from what i hear terrible finals setups for the EVO World.

    do you know what was best thing about having VF at EVO

    IT WAS THE GATHERINGS AFTERWARDS...perhaps EVO should be an afterthought for us as well... see you in March
  6. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    I agree with Brisal on this one..EVO is only fun if you're a capcom fan actually just anything other then a VF fan. VF was just treated poorly at the tourney's there. Having a side tourney there wouldnt gather crowds either..when the game was new last year it didn't gather a crowd so why would it a year later?..Sadly the only way to create buzz with this game is to create drama with it (think of the famous money matches with Jason wong and others) NO drama equals no crowd at EVO especially if outsiders think the game is boring to begin with
  7. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Who's "Jason" Wong? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
  8. haunts

    haunts Well-Known Member

    This game wont make it to the main tourney but I guarantee it will be all over the place with side tournies and casual. A lot of capcom players have picked it up recently and is talked about quite a bit over at SRK.

    ill be there this year ready to play, that is for sure.
  9. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    I agree, that's really true. But it's not like having the game elsewhere will draw crowds either. Duno, just think it would be fun cause we could hold the side tourney, then go to rooms to play more lol.

    I know we have the March gathering, that's already established and near. This isn't until August. So that's why I'm planning for that.
  10. EndCA

    EndCA Well-Known Member

    Think would be a big mistake for you guys to skip EVO this year if trying to expose this game. This is a breakout year for VF, it's the best fighter on both next gen consoles, if you own a next gen console and a fan of fighters you probably gave VF a try. It probably didn't gather attention last year cause it was a PS3 launch release which as a system is still have install base troubles. The 360 brings lots of new players with a bigger install base and online to give people a chance to practice/play against real people. Think EVO is missing the ball by not having this game too, but dunno could be wrong...
  11. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    The problem is that EVO won't give the game any time. It really feels like "hurry up finish your games so we can move on". It's a constant feeling that I get when attending EVO. Even though I believe EVO is the one game that most if not all of the Japanese players play when they attend EVO. Maybe they use VF to get the International attendance up?

    and the last thing is I don't even remember if EVO ever produced a constant VF player to the scene.

    I would say the last three VFDC events in Socal and from what I hear NY were way better than any EVO a VF player could ever attend.
  12. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    People are making good points. Ultimately though, I think that attending Evo is not to appease the Evo staff. It is not even to appeas the current crop of players. It is to expand the game and show the new comers how this game is played properly, and that it is worth picking up and staying with.

    It's true that the SoCal and NY gatherings were more organized and fun for the veterans of the scene. Sometimes we do get some new blood in said gatherings. Unfortunately they are very few, and the gatherings don't expose the game outside of VFDC.

    For those who will go to Evo to promote the game, will be doing it for the game. Evo will bring the crowd for us to take advantage of.
  13. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    thats the thing i find wrong with the attitude towards evo. people were more concerned with having casuals somewhere where the game couldn't be exposed.

    if you were at evo world you noticed nobody bothered to run casuals in the byoac. there was no exposure of the game except in the early morning of qualifiers or wherever people were hiding in their hotel rooms and during the finals.

    since i was new to vfdc at the time i had no idea where everyone was at and basically twiddled my thumbs last year looking for vf casuals. i wonder how many others felt the same way?

    i think the evo staff did more than enough by offering up a great prize for players to compete for and having setups to bring your own console. what more could you expect them to do?

    in any event, i'll be at evo this year with my own console and a pair of sticks in the byoac for anybody who wants to get some games in.
  14. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    #1 you could have easily asked us where we were playing and
    join us
    #2 most of the VFDC'rs that were there were only there for VF
    #3 past byoac's didnt work cause it was still only the same
    VFDC'rs playing and honestly no one is willing to setup
    there expensive PS3 since EVO has been known for things
    being stolen

    We have a way to bring people in and its this site, the videos on youtube, and word of mouth. Having tournament finals at 9am doesnt do anything for the community

    side note the EVO organizers have stated on the site that NO 360's will present at EVO.
  15. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    its true i could have asked where everyone was going to be playing but pretty much everyone disapeared after semis.

    i'm not only speaking for me though but you have to wonder about people with casual interest for the game. who were they supposed to ask if there was nobody to ask?

    anyways its all in the past. i'm just saying at this evo i'm down to help out with any casuals or side tourney or if it comes down to it i will run a tourney for us there. if it fails it fails but i don't think we should wait around and expect others to do things for us. thats what makes those gatherings in socal and nyc so great, its because the players make it happen and i think we can make something happen at evo this year.
  16. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    VF has been featured 3 times at Evo. Soul Calibur and Dead Or Alive have only been featured once. These games have larger communities than VF and yet they weren't further supported. I think its because Evo staff respect VF as a quality competitive fighter.
    I was at Evo East and Evo World and both had setups for practice. The finals at both were great in my opinion.
  17. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Evo is not just about Capcom fighting games. Tekken, Guilty Gear and Smash Brothers were featured games last year. If you look around on the floor at the BYOC area you see people playing all sorts of different games like various SNK games, Melty Blood, HNK and PC games and they are all having fun.

    Why should VF players feel any different? Do you expect Evo to fluff you as you play?

    Dennis, you must admit that your overall experience at Evo last year was a letdown for you because you failed to place in the finals. You only have yourself to blame for that.
    The only way to play VF5 last year before Evo was if you had a PS3 and bought it. The fact there was no playable demo on the PS3 network is unexcusable for the simple fact store kiosks had VF5 on demo. If you did have a PS3 and bought the game but had no friends to play with you were only playing the CPU and we can agree that isn't much fun.

    One of the biggest reasons players were put off of VF in general was that players couldn't find anyone to play with so there was no reason for them to improve their play.

    After Evo last year, X360 owners got a taste of the game early thanks to a downloadable demo. Also there is the fact that the X360 version had online play really excited people. There hasn't been this much traffic to this very own site since VF4 debuted for the PS2.

    You have to accept that more and more people are playing VF now and some of those players play other games.

    How do you think hype starts?! Do you think it starts from nothing? The ideas of special matches like Wong vs. Choi came from suggestions from members of SRK. Wong and Choi agreed to it so then Evo staff promoted it.

    Not everyone that saw last years VF5 finals was a VF player and I'm sure they enjoyed the show put on by the competitors.
  18. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Have you ever given any thought that they are pressed for time?!!
    Last year Evo had to support <span style='font-size: 17pt'>7</span> other games within a span of 2 days. And each of those games have well over a hundred people playing in their respected game.

    You want to talk about fairness? Last Evo 3S players were told at the last minute that matches would only be 1 game due to a flux of last minute signups and time constraints. CVS2 for the past 2 years have only been one game matches because the game takes too long.
    You would be wrong.

    Of the top of my head of Jap players at Evo: Bas, Kindevu, Ruu, Ken-Oh, Mint, Mester, Chikyuu, and Daigo do not play VF.

    Tokido and Ino only started playing VF with VF5 and I believe they had coaching from Ohnuki.

    Even though Itazan and Yosuke are mostly known for being excellent VF players, they did well competing in other games as well at Evo. Some Evo attendees remember them just from playing ST and various SNK games.
  19. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

  20. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Shag..you have me all wrong, not entering the finals had nothing to do with my enjoyment at EVO if I came in first place I would of posted the same thing. Shag you are a fighting game entrepreneur in the community as a whole so I expected a reply such as the one you gave. I'm just speaking the truth man think about it, a new game should generally create a crowd of lookers for the fact that it is new. If street fighter 4 was at EVO I'm sure it would create a crowd from sf lovers and haters alike. If I recall I remember hearing something about we couldn't set up at the BYOC area for VF because their wasn't enough room for us (this could of been EVO EAST). I understand that we should support our game so we can gain more players but Oioron said it best going to Evo wouldn't appease the current crop of players out there most people at Evo already have their minds made up on which fighting game they want to be good at. Tekken draws s huge crowd but just because it does none of us have any desire to play it because we simply Hate it..no matter how big the turnouts and screams the finals gets it makes no difference to us because we just don't like the game, we made up our minds about that. Players willing to travel to EVO are hard core fighting game nuts and simply seeing a bunch of people play a game wouldn't make them convert..Shag it would be like going to Web2zone only a much bigger area, you remember don't you? we be in our little corner playing vf hoping onlookers would join in.

    Organizing a side tournament at EVO for VF is all fine and dandy I'm all for it but Its just not enough incentive to go if you are not going to play any other game. Why, cause EVO is the one place where you cant gather new players if anything you will get comments from people saying "Wow Virtua Fighter is cool I will play it next year" No one will drop their current game where they are playing casuals with the top players in the USA to play a new game not at EVO where so much is at stake.

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