Evolution 2k4 is announced

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Brisal73, Mar 28, 2004.

  1. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Sounds like this years evo was just as great as last year - wish I could have been there. Thanks for the reports, they were excellent.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shun won Evo? Awesome. There goes that wonderful VF balance again. Not to put down Zang's vf hotness but I wonder if things would have been different if some of th eother big name jap players came like chibita / homestay / kyasao / minami and all the other faves.

    [/ QUOTE ] I think it probably would have been different but...don't take away the Shun glory!! /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Got to love it. Now that FT is released then who knows a brad player might win the next evo /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

  2. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hayai_JiJi said:

    you realize you people basically came in here to rain on shou's parade. people were congradulating and deservedly so and you had to come in here and start the hate. just let the guy have his moment. kbcat if you havent ever met shou then stfu about his character. fool is one of the nicest guys ive met just bewcause someone gives an honest answer when asked and doesnt try to feed peoples egos doesnt make him a bad person just makes people who get that offended by his thoughts bitches.
    zero-chan: did shou steal your anti-depressents or something? well if he did forget about go back to your doc ask for some more make me act normal pills and move on. jesus h christ

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Parade? We're throwing him a parade now?

    Look, didn't I say -- he has proven himself a good player? Kudos to him for coming in 2nd.

    But, I'm tired of all these "now everyone can suck him" comments -- he's still arrogant and self-centered by my observations. No, I've never met him in real life, but that "it's just online, he's not really like that" argument has never worked for me. Your demeanor online is just as much a part of your character as your demeanor in real life is -- in fact, I would argue it is a better reflection of one's true character since they are at arm's length to everyone and essentially free from the immediate consequences of their actions.

    All I want to point out is that being a good player is no excuse for being demeaning and arrogant.

    reverend kbcat.
  3. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    Vith_Dos said:

    Were there any KOF games played at evo?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, they had unofficial SNK tourneys in the Bring Your Own Console room. Someone posted on SRK saying that Ryan Hart got 2nd in KOF '02 tourney. /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
  4. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Heh... Shou was a strong player. He was also cool in person, not very arrogant at all... he does taunt you when he's playing, but mainly in game, like doing Sarah's sabaki, intimidation, you know. It's not a 'bad' tactic, and he did a good job stepping up and playing hard in the finals.

    I just wanted to say that I've been without internet at home for a while(I'm at work), so I haven't been able to write as much as I'd like, but I really really enjoyed EVO and hanging out with so many fricking cool people from all over the US; and the world, for that matter.

    I don't have time to personally thank everyone right now but I will sit down and write a little bit, eventually. Great memories though. I had an awesome time.
  5. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    I just want to say I had the best time of my life attending EVO2K4 this year. Hopefully we will see a console version of FT so we can keep it going next year. It would be a shame if things died when it's getting so GOOD.

    I also would like to send a shout out to Myke from VFDC. Thanks for all the hard work you put into running the tourney and making sure everyone had a good time. I am sure it was hard having to focus on two things at once. 1) running the damn thing 2) being a part of it. That's tough!

    I also would like to send shouts out to some of the peeps I notice have grown considerably. Siyko(fuck i don't know how you spell it), your skills as a VF'er is coming along nicely. I am positive if you keep it up you will surely be the future of VF. You have the fire and determination and most importantly you also hold your composure. The latter is very important. So keep up the good work man. Next up is Sanjuro! I liked how your Jeffry has developed. You moved very swiftly and in an unpredictable fashion. That's a perfect style for Jeffry. If you keep it up you will definitely be a true force to be reckoned with. Dobi, I know we didn't get to play much. But from the little that we did I can see you will be strong as long as you keep playing. Only flaw I saw in your game was I think you use [2]+[K]+[G] a little to much. But, hey that's your style and it seems to work /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif. Keep up the good work. Ticky your Goh is coming along nice as well. POKE MORE. I can't forget my boy Haiyai Jiji. Although you are very lazy. I think Sarah might be the perfect character for you. Train a little harder and let's see what will happen. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif If I left anyone out I am sorry. Everyone played great, but these were the select few that stood out to me during that weekend.

    Well that's it. There are other who I would like to mention. But I don't think it's neccesary. They know who they are, and they know that they are very strong(Cappo, Maddy, Stomp, etc, etc, etc.) Cappo you are the only one that knows my Goals for FT. I am trusting you to keep it a secret, because I am going to work real hard to make it happen. I actually already started yesterday about 4 hours after I got back into town. LOL /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif What you said to me about the NEXT level was amazing. Hopefully we can get there together. I look forward to chatting more about it with you on MSN or IRC. I also plan to keep a journal of my training. If I complete my journey through this hardcore training maybe I will let you or everyone read it.

  6. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    some random interesting quotes

    *Silly Willy: Shang is the Asian Urkel.

    *Jerky: "Stomp just ends streaks. Doesn't matter who is on a streak, he just steps in and ends the streak".

    *Shang: "Shut the fuck up Myke"

    *Kurita was asked who is rival was... "Anyone who is better than me"

    *Kurita: "my favorite character to play against is Wolf players. Because Wolf is strong with throws and attacks and Vanessa is a poker. Very contrasting styles.

    *Kurita: "My favorite players to play against is Chibita and Segaru"

    *Itabashi Z.: Why did you start playing Shun? "I noticed there was less shun players than other characters. I want to be the best Shun player ever"

    *Roah: "Fuck you Diago" (When he was introduced in the third strike finals)
  7. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jesus people -- he may have proven that he is a good player. But, he has yet to prove that he is a decent human being. Consequently, he doesn't earn my respect.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i dont get it either.. what was the flame war all about in the first place?.... there was a ridiculous amount of angry posts, now there is a ridiculous amount of happy posts.. *shrug* ---------------- i guess it seemed to be all about his play then.

    oh, and on another note, i hope nothing stupid happened between ryan and shang after their little dispute.... heh, i'd be more surprized if did, i'm sure both are decent enough guys to let it go.

    btw, eh, to keep my post non-screwy ---- err, sounds like people, had fun!!.. i might consider entering the next one even if my game is up to it by then... /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  8. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    I had a great time at EVO this year. Definitely worth the trip and hassles at the airport. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Siyko: It was cool how we ended up next to each other on the flight to Dallas. God that flight attendant was fucking hot! Good games and I hope you get your wallet back.

    SillyWilly: You provided so many classic moments, I can't even begin to list them all. Big thanks for driving us around all weekend and extra thanks for driving Siyko, Rodney and me to the airport on Monday morning. Hope we can do it all again next year.

    stomp: That wasn't me outside the bathroom door...I swear. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    Sanjuro: It was cool meeting and hanging with you throughout the weekend. Thanks for the tips on Pai as I did see improvement when I started implementing them. Hope to see you at the next event.

    Rodney: It was great to finally meet the legendary Omaha_Jeffry I've heard so much about. Good talking with you on the ride back to the airport as well...even though Willie dropped us off at the wrong terminal! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif I definitely hope to make it up to NYC if/when you guys host something for FT.

    Myke: It was cool to finally meet the man behind VFDC. The banter between you and Shang was priceless. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Yushiro: It was fun sessioning with you at the hotel on Sunday when nobody else was playing. Way to come back on me during the latter part of the session. You've got a lot of potential to become very strong...get a scene going up there in Sacramento! Also, thanks for driving me up to Cal-Poly on Sunday night.

    Goatcheeseblues: Thanks for letting us invade your place for a couple nights of VF. Hope we didn't leave too much trash lying around. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    Shang: You are just too funny man. I expected you to be totally different after all the shenanigans on VFDC. I had a lot of fun hanging out with you and the rest of the Boston crew. Hope to see you guys at the next event.

    Ken_I: Thanks for appearing out of nowhere to take us back to the hotel at 8 Saturday morning. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    In general, everyone I met for VF this past weekend was awesome. Let people say what they may about the VF scene but it definitely has the most friendly and mature players that I've seen. I hope we can all meet again next year at EVO2K5.
  9. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Evo was fun as hell this year. The competition has become crazy good, and I know a part is due to the Japanese coming last year. Everyone knew they had to step up their game and that's what everyone did. I saw so many improvements with everyone it was scary. Don't believe the crap about few American players being competent. Any one of them could take you out on any given day. So huge props to everyone.

    Congrats to everyone who made the semi finals and finals, and to Shou for taking 2nd. That was definitely an exciting final match between him and the Japanese Shun player (who to me was like Chibita for the Shun players, he was just that good and played kind of like him).

    Good games to everyone I played. Once again, I've noticed a ton of improvements with everyone. Keep it up. And to SillyWilly for the rides and to GoatCheeseBlues for letting us play at the crib. Also to everyone new I met this year. It was nice talking to you all.
  10. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Thanks to Sillywilly, Brian, Shang, Sikyo, Phoenixdeath, and others for rides. That was well appreciated.

    Killbomb: fuck you~! hahahhahahah

    It was great finally meeting so many people. I had such a blast. If it wasn't for the dry coughing I had, I would have played a lot more. See you guys next year if there is one for evo!
  11. Yushiro

    Yushiro Active Member

    Yeah I wanted to thank the players for not only showing me some incredible skills on VF but also for the ride back to the hotel on Friday/Saturday.

    I'm really hoping that VF4 FT will be released on the japanese PS2 console. For the next Evo which I'm hoping to go again next year, I'll be bringing my JP PS2 and hopefully the JP copy of both VF4FT, and Tekken5 which I'll no doubt import. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  12. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    kbcat said: But, I'm tired of all these "now everyone can suck him" comments -- he's still arrogant and self-centered by my observations. No, I've never met him in real life, but that "it's just online, he's not really like that" argument has never worked for me. Your demeanor online is just as much a part of your character as your demeanor in real life is -- in fact, I would argue it is a better reflection of one's true character since they are at arm's length to everyone and essentially free from the immediate consequences of their actions.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Essentially I agree almost 100% with this...however you have to see that you are in a fighting game forum.

    #1 it is a game
    #2 9 out of 10 flames are started with merely an honest opinion only related to performance in the game or about the person's relevance to the game.

    You act different in your surroundings. I would agree 100% with you solidly if you were in a public park, a chat room about life or a forum about better health.

    Walk into a public Republican national event and you are bound to get strong opinions about things, screaming, debating, flaming, fighting etc. the things that dont give you a clear view of a persons real personality; just how they happen to feel about 1 or 2 subjects or what they are currently debating. It's not how they feel or act all around.

    This is why I have been able to seperate my online VF persona from how I act in real life. A VF persona is based on the issues of a fighting game and how a person relates to VF.

    I care a great deal about this game and express it in this way. Would this be the way I express myself in real life NOT related to VF? Absolutely not.

    Zero Chan, this real life community is what I care about and apparently a community you are not a part of. With this VF community I could only really care about those who can seperate VF from everything else and whom play the game competatively to win when they get on the machine or those who have commited time to learning the game and getting good and who i believe will stick around to play to win.

    Am I at fault for choosing to care only about a part of that community and catering my posts/responses to those people? I only have so much free time so I choose how to use it in this "SPORT" of sorts. If I am at fault you are trying to police the boards again.

    Get some respect in real life outside of VFDC and some from the top players who care about competition.

    How can you judge shou, when none of you really know him? I certainly can't judge his personal character either by his vf comments. Give the man his moment.
  13. Renzo

    Renzo Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    As my first VF tourney I participated in, I would like to say I got fucking owned and learned a lot.

    Konjou Akira - I've never been so scared of Akira in my life. It was so fucking scary playing against you in the pool we were in.

    Myke - Finally met the man from down under. You're one of the coolest and nicest guys I've ever met. Huge thanks for running the tourney and kicking my asss with Kage in our pool x_x;

    Shou - Finally met you too, even though it was only for a bit. Sad to see you're quitting when I asked if you are still going to play, we need more ppl for VF in Norcal =( Grats on taking 2nd.

    Stomp - Man your Shun is crazy. I've never seen such a good Shun player until I saw yours. Nice meeting you and hopefully ppl on this board will sell me some of that VF merchandise =P

    Yushiro - We need to get Norcal up to playing more VF. No one freaking plays here.

    To everyone else I missed, sorry, I had no sleep from the long drive up to here, and hope to see you guys soon!
  14. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Guys guys guys...can we reserve the flaming for another thread at another time?

    Shou did things some time ago that many people disagreed with, and voiced their opinions in doing so. That's one thing.

    Now, Shou placed second in this tournament. For that, he rightly deserves congratulations, no matter what you think of his character.

    If you want to bring those two things together, do it in another thread! (Now that he's proven himself, he can call whoever he wants incompetent; no, how good a person is says nothing about his character, etc. etc. etc.) From what I've been reading on this thread, EVO2K4 has been a special event for all the people who attended it; can we not ruin it for them?
  15. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Shou, you've just gotten 1st* place at Evo 2k4. What are you going to do now?

    ~hint~ mouse ears and orlando ~hint~

    *2nd place
  16. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    who the FUCK are you...
  17. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jerky said:

    who the FUCK are you...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And more importantly....who the FUCK is your dealer? I gotta get me some of that shit.
  18. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    Renzo said:

    Stomp - Man your Shun is crazy. I've never seen such a good Shun player until I saw yours. Nice meeting you and hopefully ppl on this board will sell me some of that VF merchandise =P

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Renzo, Thank you. It was great meeting you as well. I am flattered at your comments about my shun. It's got a long way to go! lol. but like I said, post in the general forum and people will kindly offer you help with the vf merchandise you want or might want. Also, there is a thread on junky's jungle with spotlite posting beat tribe tourney dvds. Pm him or read the thread and post on there if you are interested in that.
  19. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    When is something going down in Orlando? So I can plan in adavance.... ~hint~
  20. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: Final results are in.....

    Well Evo2k4 is something else, I don’t think you can truly appreciate it without being there. Shou was astonishing in the finals. You gotta give the props when the guy beats myke, maddy, raoh, ryan, kurita and took a match from Itabashi in a tournament. For a minute or two I’m sure everyone thought Shou could have gone all the way. As a fellow gamer it was something damn cool to witness. Now how good is shou really is is another story, but as far as Evo2k4 VF is concerned: it was prime shoutime.

    Other than that, Evo2k4 was an amazing experience. I finally met some of the people I wanted to meet at last: socal/ohio/cappo/stl. And seeing JP players owning in VF, 3rd strike, ST was just enlightening as a gamer… It’s just something that’s impossible to describe. So, to everyone who never been to Evo, check it out next year you won’t regret it.

    Random stuff:
    Itabashi is a god.
    Daigo’s 3S parry was the most exciting gaming moment I’ve ever experienced.
    The only two players who got boo-ed on intro were Shou and Justin Wong.
    Lonefighter is an idiot.
    I love Stomper’s storytelling, they are so funny
    Shou backed out on the money match after being pwned in public by Boston, he then avoided playing Boston for the whole weekend.
    Ryan Hart was pretty cool in Evo.
    Everyone got owned by Daigo and Kuni in ST, that shizz was the shit.
    JP Players > American Players by 100000 miles.

    P.S. Zerochan is so fucking hot. I want to make sweet love to you Zero!!! (i love it when chicks start using words like "cock and dick"). For real

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