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Fahrenheit 9/11

Discussion in 'General' started by DissMaster, Jul 5, 2004.

  1. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Urm like NO, remember the arming of the Mujahedin by the US, there wasnt much outright over that was it?
    There wasnt becouse it was seen as the native people rising up against the communist Soviets, so why would there if there was a movement to oust Saddam from within with the west just giving millitary aid and protection?

    Sanctions should have been lifted partially and in fact that was what the votes were about, not so that Saddam could rebuild his capabilities but to stop the needles suffering of Iraqi´s.
    Thats a BIG nuance over lifting all sanctions outright(something that would NEVER have happened with Saddam in power).
  2. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    fish, learn yourself to stop double posting, and learn it quickly. and remember that you can delete posts - editing a post with "DP" when you have the option of deleting the post makes you look like a bigger retard than josh.
  3. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Just to clarify before any flaming occurs, I was beng extremely general by those views of Rep./Dem., but both parties are corrupt, that is all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dude if you're put it that way than the Whole fucking world is corrupted so what else is new. Here in the U.S. especially New Yorkers w/ what happen. We don't take kindly to ppl making us look bad unless we're the ones doing it. & This fucktard is making US look real real bad in front of decent ppl around world. Yes there are decent ppl in the world.

    & so far w/ your response to the topic, the only thing I have to say is WHATEVER.
  4. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Maximum, why don't you just dig up Margaret Thatcher's corpse and hump it a few times while you're at it? At least that wouldn't pollute cyber-space.

    Tee hee. That was fun. Seriously though, Bush and the Mayberry Machiavellis repeatedly implied that there are and were connections between al queda, Iraq, and Saddam. They used 9/11 to rally support for this war. Many Americans are still confused about this.

    Cheney is still out there LYING THROUGH HIS FUCKING TEETH about the subject. Americans would not have supported the war to the extent that they did and do were it not for the dishonest rhetoric about Saddam and 9/11.

    Everytime Bush talks about Iraq as part of the "War on Terror," he is doing something terribly rhetorically dishonest. More and more people are waking up to the mind-boggling dishonesty and incompetence of this administration. For his part in this, Moore deserves praise, even if he does oversimplify at times.

    This war and occupation are a fucking disaster. The photos of (mostly innocent) Iraqi prisoners being tortured and buggered are terrible for us all. Bush has arguably done more to help Islamic Jihadists than bin Laden himself. People in the Muslim world are furious at the U.S. and this icreases the appeal of militant Islam. The fact is that because of Bush, more people are willing to give their lives to the cause of killing Americans. We are at greater risk because of this ignorant and arrogant man and his pupetteers.
  5. Nolte

    Nolte Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    kungfusmurf said:

    & so far w/ your response to the topic, the only thing I have to say is WHATEVER.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well if you don't believe removing Saddam from power was worth the war/scandals then I do see your point. I think we had good intention but terrible execution. Based on the info at the time, people in power here in America, including the Democrats voted for the war.

    Anyways more on the movie, doesn't anyone here think it's wrong to make a documentery and just show one side of the story? He should have just made an accurate depiction of what happened instead of the unfounded conspiracy theory bit.
  6. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Its warranted becouse of the one sidednes of the so called legit press up till now.
    Its a sad state of affair when irs left to the Daily show to ask the questions real journalists should have been asking from day one.
  7. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    He should have just made an accurate depiction of what happened instead of the unfounded conspiracy theory bit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    so, you have you actually seen it, have you?

    or are you just another quintessential U.S. moron doing something you do best: talking at length on things you know nothing about?
  8. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Indeed, the Daily Show is the best source of news on the tv. What a shitty situation. Scarborough, Dennis Miller, Rush...right wingers pollute the airwaves and get platform after platform to shout their views to their follwers. Who do people on the left have to listen to? Air America in 3 cities? And the Daily Show. It is fucking ridiculous. Anyone who says we have a liberal media deserves a smack for their stupidity. I'm a "liberal" and there ain't shit I want to watch on tv but basketball, Conan, Chapelle, the Daily Show, and sometimes South Park.
  9. Nolte

    Nolte Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Mr. Bungle said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    He should have just made an accurate depiction of what happened instead of the unfounded conspiracy theory bit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    so, you have you actually seen it, have you?

    or are you just another quintessential U.S. moron doing something you do best: talking at length on things you know nothing about?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't need to see it to know what it's about. It's talked about for endless lengths on the internet, TV, talk radio, and socially. Secondly, I was saying that the Saudi connection is really doesn't hold water based on the Newsweek report http://msnbc.msn.com/id/5335853/site/newsweek/
  10. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    It's talked about for endless lengths on the internet...(blahblahblaahhh)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    so is sex - and right now you're the proverbial virgin with a loudspeaker jabbering on all about fucking while wearing a clown suit with your pants down and your shrivelled .5" pecker out for all to see and make fun of.

  11. Nolte

    Nolte Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Mr. Bungle said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    It's talked about for endless lengths on the internet...(blahblahblaahhh)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    so is sex - and right now you're the proverbial virgin with a loudspeaker jabbering on all about fucking while wearing a clown suit with your pants down and your shrivelled .5" pecker out for all to see and make fun of.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok, I'll see it tomorrow and repost tomorrow night.
  12. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Don't feel motivated to respond to Rich....he is just angry that .5 inch penis people outlength his .4 inch penis /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  13. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Nolte, dude, that comment you made earlier saying that Democrats were immoral socialists was totally fucking ridiculous.

    What you were saying basically restates conventional wisdom, so I don't fault you per se, but the conventional wisdom is wacked. People say that the country is polarized, but this is not true. Polarization implies that people are separated on two opposite ends of the spectrum. The Dems vs. the GOP is basically center-right vs. far right corporate-welfarist-fundamentalist-ultra-nationalist.

    Both parties are corrupt due to their necessary soponsoring by big money. The GOP is the fucked-up roll back the 20th century party and the Democrats are the Eisenhower Republicans of old. There is no politically viable left in the U.S. anymore. I know you are from Tennessee, but I am from a hick state too. It doesn't justify innacurate mean you have to support the fucked up things our nation is doing right now.

    By the way, the mainstream media has not treated F9/11 fairly. They are corporate and bend over backwards to give the nutty right more than equal time. Go see the movie and even if you judge it by only the footage of soldiers and Bush and his administration it gives you more than enough reason to oppose Bush and what he stands for.

    I am not trying to be insulting here. I think that this is a time of great political awakening in America. I've heard people cynically say things like, "Fuck. No matter how much Bush and the Republicans fuck up, those inbred troglydites in Tennessee and Mississippi will always love him." I personally don't want to be so cynical about my country. I have to believe there is hope for us. These guys in charge are charletans, and not even very clever ones. Peace.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    SgtRamrod said:
    Maximum, why don't you just dig up Margaret Thatcher's corpse and hump it a few times while you're at it? At least that wouldn't pollute cyber-space.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ha ha...where did that come from? An interesting thought but in all honesty I detest this women more than you can imagine. She tryed to shit on Scotland more than any other conservative leader in history and payed a price for it....not a single conservative seat remains in Scotland today. And long may it stay that way until the day we get a proper independent goverment running Scottish affairs.
  15. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    MAXIMUM said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    SgtRamrod said:
    Maximum, why don't you just dig up Margaret Thatcher's corpse and hump it a few times while you're at it? At least that wouldn't pollute cyber-space.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ha ha...where did that come from? An interesting thought but in all honesty I detest this women more than you can imagine.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, you were making comments from right of center, and for some reason the idea of someone humping Thatcher's corpse tickled my funny bone. Of course it was in poor taste, but the anonymity of the internet encourages pithy, filthy comments. (Like the following) And isn't that vile cunt still alive anyway? To be honest, that made it seem even funnier to me.

    Didn't Elvis Costello sing: "When England was the whore of the world, Margeret was her madam." and "When they finally put her in the ground, I'll stand there laughing and tramp the dirt down," ? I think that it is nice that while we may be divided about this fucked up war, a common hate can unite us.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    I couldn't give a monkey's rectum where you think my comments stand on a left, right centre scale...I'm not interested in party politics in the slightest. One of the few things that does interests me politically is giving a country the right to be independent and rule itself democratically.

    That's now happened in Iraq...*thumbs up*. Next I want it for Scotland. It simply dosen't make sense that our affairs are run from London and overseen by a royal family who come from Germany of all places. We were an independent sovereign nation for hundreds of years, so why not now?

    It;s ironic that Robert the Bruce was the first ever king of a country (Scotland) to permit the open practice of any religion, creating the first real democratic country. The Declaration of Arbroath forged in this time was to later be used as a basis for the American declaration of independence. Fuck the conservatives, fuck labour, fuck the liberal democrats......give me a party that wants Scottish people to satnd on their own two feet and run their own affairs properly.

    Perhaps you now see whay I have such strong views on Iraq?

    But now you've got me ranting about Scottish politics...I should REALLY shut up now. I imagine most people have stopped reading already.
  17. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    But now you've got me ranting about Scottish politics...I should REALLY shut up now. I imagine most people have stopped reading already.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Now let's see if snappyboy can keep his word. /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
  18. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    That now happened in Iraq?
    Cool, I was under the impression that it was semi ruled by a bunch of twerps handpicked by the US government until they can decide on the best way to declare elections that can asure them the total victory of candidates of their choice.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Well any puppet goverment is better than Saddam in power.

    And while we're on the subject of independence and freedom for sovreign nations, if the average American liberal complained as much about Ariel Sharon and the stealing of Palastinian land as they do about Iraq the world would be in better shape today.

    A few dead US soldiers and the people cry blue murder, yet are happy to see their taxes go towards constructing Isralie gunships and tanks to help hold illegal land.

    He he....I haven't shut up yet I see. Tickets booked for film tonight...
  20. Shaolin_Hopper

    Shaolin_Hopper Well-Known Member

    Honestly, Iraq would have been better off if we had openly come in to occupy and conquer, instead of the 'limited war' of 'liberation' that we're waging. "Oh, sorry, we don't think your old leaders were any good...er...in a year or so we'll line up people we think are best for your government...in the mean time, try to avoid the three seperate groups of people trying to build up a powerbase in your country." When you are at war, you're at war. When you're not, get the hell out of the country unless you're going to take the sonovabitch over. In 15 years, it's going to be just as bad as Panama and Korea, the other two places where we've tried this same crap. The leaders we help put in place are only going to be grateful to us until they get power firmly in their hands, and then they're going to spit at us behind our back just like they did before we came there.

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