FAMITSU: VF5 for XB360?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Brisal73, Jan 28, 2006.

  1. Raptor1017

    Raptor1017 Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ice-9 said:

    Also, I think VF4 sold better in the U.S. than in Japan on console, ironic as that may sound.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But wasn't a big reason for that because in Japan, it was released the same day as some other extremely popular game and pretty much got overshadowed?
  2. HervE

    HervE Active Member

    Xbox 360 would be the best choice for one reason. Patches! If we don't get an arcade version here in the states, they could always make upgrades vis Xbox Live. I don't think Sony will have that, but if they do that can work as well.
  3. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    LPC73, you mistranslated the article. Sega says they are investigating the possibilities of the "Virtua" series on Xbox360, not the "Virtua Fighter" series.
    While that statement includes VF, it also refers to games like Virtua Cop, Tennis, Striker, ect.
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I think it's because VF fans in Japan prefer to play the game in the arcades, where you have competition, better graphics, and true VF.net.

    Plus I think at the time of Evo's release FT had already been announced?
  5. zokun

    zokun Active Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ice-9 said:

    Plus I think at the time of Evo's release FT had already been announced?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, I'm sure that PS2EVO has been released on the time when EVO(ver.B) was working in arcade.
  6. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    This actually sounds cool? What kind of updates are available for download in current games? Could this be a valid method for upgrading to different system revisions?
  7. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Hey Myke you remember that silly rumor we were talking about when you were in Mtl? I wonder /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    I hope no VF goes on 360. Most people I know that bought one aren't using it. The game library the 360 has right now is almost as bad as the PSP.
  8. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Well, I always get whatever system vf launches on..so I don't care....but I would love vf online play...even though sega publically stated that is not in the works.
  9. HervE

    HervE Active Member

    Sports games do an automatic update every time you log on. So if someone is injured you couldn't use him for online play. Halo maps have been downloadable and that game was also patched. There was/is a glitch in it where you could use this plasma sword and a rocket lacunher to launch at an enemy and instantly kill him, but it was done away with.
  10. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    I think DOA now uses balancepatches (lol) thru 360. This is something I think all beu games should adopt and most probably will (even though a few traditionalists will whine) in the future. VF is, after all, the only fighter with no infinity bug and stuff like that simply has to be fixed asap.

  11. Setsuna_Goh

    Setsuna_Goh Well-Known Member

    well 360 would suck for me big time, i don´t think i could ever play in one of those pads, and seeing how third world countries never get good sticks...
  12. HervE

    HervE Active Member

    You know they sell converters that allow you to play PS sticks on the Xbobx, i don't see why they couldn't do the same for the 360.
  13. Heta_Akira

    Heta_Akira Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    HervE said:

    You know they sell converters that allow you to play PS sticks on the Xbobx, i don't see why they couldn't do the same for the 360.

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    They will be adapters, but I bet they will cost a lot more money than previous models. The reason for this is that Microsoft will have a special license for devices that plug into the X360.

    Heta Akira
  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Setsuna_Goh said:
    ...and seeing how third world countries never get good sticks...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Elaborate on this if you don't mind. I'm guessing the problem is either obtaining a credit card or getting reliable shipping. Either way, I wish it was easier for you.
  15. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Remember guys, it's most likely that the size of the installed user base is what will determine what console Sega releases their top titles on.

    Sega was burned by releasing titles on the X-box in the past that barely moved units in Japan. That's because the X-box has a very tiny percentage of the Japanese market.

    Right now, unreleased PS3 installed user base in Japan = 0

    Right now, already released and very much marketed and hyped XBox 360 user base in Japan = almost 0

    VF is one of the most popular fighting games in Japan. In the US there is a very small market that perhaps they want to expand, but it's still a very small market compared to Japan's VF playing population. Therefore, Sega will most likely make their decision about which console to port it to based on the Japanese market, not the American one.

    You could make the argument that they could make an X-box 360 port for the US, and a PS3 port for Japan (assuming the PS3 succeeds in Japan, which it probably will), but that's a gigantic waste of money, developing for two consoles that are very different. It's not the same as porting MAME KOF games.

    Thanks for the heads up about the KOF situation, Fishie.
    I really don't understand SCEA's business practices sometimes. Also, I don't understand Sega of America sometimes either. But I'm guessing it's could be all the decision making people in Japan might have a poor or incomplete picture of the American market. It must be a extremely difficult uphill battle to wrestle control away from the Japanese half for American subsidiaries. At least that's the impression I got when I met SNK USA's president.
  16. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Couple things:

    Jeff said the thought the gap between the Arcade version and Console would be over one year, but the gap between Japanese Arcade release of VF4 and Evo and PS2 was approx 7 months in both cases.

    Regarding what KT said:

    US VF4 PS2 sales, taken from: www.mlgpro.com/youraccount.php?profile=4102&blogid=2089

    Virtua Fighter 4: 624,000
    Virtua Fighter 4 EVO: 261,000

    VF4 PS2 Japan sales taken from: www.the-magicbox.com/Chart-BestSell2002.shtml

    11 Virtua Fighter 4 Sega PS2 FIG 541,973

    if you then check the magicbox's chart for 2003, you'll see PS2 Evo didn't crack the top 100, with #100 selling 130k copies, so at BEST Evo PS2 Japan sold less than 50% of what it sold in the US.

    Then there's Europe, Asia etc to take into account.

    My point is that while Japan's VF scene is bigger in the arcade, when it comes to console sales of VF (what we're talking about), the US alone bought more copies of VF4 than Japan did. The biggest market for console VF5 lies outside Japan, Japanese players will always go to the arcade as a first choice.

    If you look at the sales figures, it's easy to see why there was no console version of FT (combined with Sony's reluctance to release PS2 Evo, as punishment to Sega for the Xbox games KT mentioned).

    [ QUOTE ]
    It must be a extremely difficult uphill battle to wrestle control away from the Japanese half for American subsidiaries.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That' because the Japanese development teams (in VF's case at least) are the ones who have to program any console versions, including regional ports where only language is changed, so they decide what to spend their time/$ on.

  17. 4gotten_kazama

    4gotten_kazama Active Member

    Well I have the EGM that says its coming for the PS3 nothing about weak ass xbox though either way the PS3 is my choice

    End transmission
  18. yoomazir

    yoomazir Well-Known Member

    so much hate for xbox here...it's so sad.
  19. stealth_fox

    stealth_fox Active Member

    The same EGM that said players were liking the new dodge button? /versus/images/graemlins/indifferent.gif

    Anyway, PS3 is my choice too, but there's no reason to dismiss other consels.
  20. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I've been out of the loop lately due to an ISP problem lately. I'll just put in my thoughts here.

    VF5 is not coming out in April like Fishie said, right now the target is for a summer release, likely in mid Summer, probably around June to April. This politics issue is definitely a result of the FT decision on PS2. It's just a way for Sega to say "we have other options besides Sony." Sega is most likely feeling burned from the decisions forced upon them by Sony regarding the VF4 series in western markets, so this statement is a way to get their own say in what happens regarding home versions.

    I guess that's pretty close to what some other person said in this thread regarding better manufacturing deal.

    Aside from this, I think the possibility of an US arcade release of VF5 with VF.net is very high. Not trying to get people's hopes up, but it's very unlikely for Sega to throw away this big chance of introducing All.net to the western markets seeing that almost all the hot titles are using such system, like Tekken. Surely this trend will continue with later versions of these series'. It will be harder and harder for Sega to continue to be profitable in the western arcade markets if they can't reproduce the same game experience as the developers intended from here on out in the future. Seeing as VF5 being the first arcade game to be based heavily on All.net features, likely many more titles to follow suit; and given Sega's recent acquisitions in the US arcade markets, it's just not logical for them to not concentrate on bring the same technology over for the western markets.

    So yeah, this statement of "bringing the virtua series to the xbox platform" is most likely just a negotiating tool as many people alluded to in this thread. On top of that, seeing as the PS3 is no where to be seen any time soon, it's not unlikely that Sega is looking into other lucrative offers (Microsoft) at this point in time. (Sega's versus shooter arcade game is coming out for x360).

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