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Fear of underwater and drowning - from MH3 thread

Discussion in 'General' started by Feck, May 21, 2010.

  1. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    Re: Fear of underwater and drowning - from MH3 thr

    The thought of hydrophobia has never really crossed my mind. Mostly cause I grew up swimming and I've never had the experience of choking on the water in the pool. I've always dreamed that I could be one with the element. Heck, it even came to the point where I once wanted to be a marine biologist as a child... I'd go to aquariums and I'd dream I'd swim with the fishes... [​IMG]

    (I feel like such an aqua nerd... I mean, I'm Waverusher Kobi for God's sake...)

    But, in all seriousness, everyone is bound to have something they fear. And when you mix death into the equation, it's a hard thing to conceive.

    But to relate with Feck, I have played games that have really screwed with my fears. I am scared shitless of foundries and molten metal. I once had a dream where I was slowly being lowered into a vat of molten metal inside of a cage. It was excrutiating, since it seemed everything was going on so slowly... And, it was one of those dreams where you could have sworn you've felt the heat.

    Heck, it comes to the point when I play SFA3 on PSP, I always cringe when I come across Zangief's level. Bloody foundries...
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: Fear of underwater and drowning - from MH3 thr

    I'm only scared of two things in this world:

    Moths and Butterflies.

    Everything else is cool.
  3. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    Just thinking of swimming in the Hylia lake back when playing OoT was giving me the creeps, not to mention the Water Temple..
  4. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Re: Fear of underwater and drowning - from MH3 thr

    Dude. [​IMG]
    Moths are annoying and get in the way. Butterflies are like, the most harmless fragile things that fly.

    Back on topic: If i pick up a Wii in a couple months, will people still be playing MH3?
  5. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: Fear of underwater and drowning - from MH3 thr

    Nah, man they scare the shit out of me. Had a bad experience with them when I was younger.
  6. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Re: Fear of underwater and drowning - from MH3 thr

    Only fear I ever really had was that of praise. I'm so used to adversity that I'm paranoid of people that think to highly of me.
  7. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    Re: Fear of underwater and drowning - from MH3 thr


    Hey, man... I'm sorry, but I'm just deathly allergic to bullshit!
  8. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: Fear of underwater and drowning - from MH3 thr

    Sharks are one evolution's greatest creations. They've existed for millions of years, before the first dinosaurs ever walked the earth, almost completely unchanged. They're so successful in what they do and how they survive that they haven't really had to change at all. There are sharks in all types and temperatures of water all around the world, even in rivers in some places.

    I would have loved to see a Megalodon (an acient, humongous but extinct species of shark) in action. I think they died out when the earth got colder and a smaller size became favored because they need less food. Whales are huge but evolved much later than sharks from a land mammal that spent most of its time in the water. If you look at their skeletons they have small vestigial (an uneeded trait that remains from an earlier time like our appendix) leg bones from the days when their ancestors still walked around.

    I think animals are very cool in general.
  9. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Re: Fear of underwater and drowning - from MH3 thr

    Then die already.
  10. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Like 2 years ago I almost died in a pool... Konjou was just like, "this fool... tsk tsk (maybe i wont have to fight that random ass lei fei if he goes out)." I still dont know how to swim whatsoever but, eh. Ill stick to knee high water.
  11. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/inA-36YRV0Y"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/inA-36YRV0Y" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>

    Good thing Plague wasn't here...

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