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Female VFers (was Zero-chan's Nagoya ...)

Discussion in 'General' started by Hyun_, Sep 15, 2002.

  1. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    "Fantasizing about a woman", Myke? I'm a 31 year old man who adores women, period...the woman I'm talking about is practically my wife of five years. I've helped raise her child. I started this whole gender-biased thread only to indicate from the standpoint of a guy heading into his balding years that women enhance whatever they touch, stand in front of, or breathe upon. Let me end this whole discussion by pointing out that I don't "fantasize" about women being involved in VF, but it IS fascinating to watch the juxtaposition of the nurturing, loving female engrossed in pounding the shit out of somebody in a fight game. What's even more fascinating is that Zero-Chan is an articulate, interesting voice in a sea of ego and "whip-your-dick-out frames comparison" that constitutes some of the nimrods who post.

    If Zero-Chan reads this, let me take the blame and apologize publicly for embarrassing her by introducing an element of discussion that Hyun found gratingly unbearable, deciding to ruin her more pure and enjoyable thread. The guy who posted alongside me first in response to the "gender" issue probably fanned those fanboy dream flames of the hot chick who's into what us geeks are into...but does that warrant an incredible load of shit from this Hyun guy? I guess that's the point of this little back-and-forth here, what VFDC opens its doors to...left field bullshit.

    But Myke, do me a favor and don't lump me into a masterbatory cliche, please. Zero-Chan, I apologize for any embarrassment you might feel. Hyun, you're too reactionary to innocent comments made to convey respect and admiration for women, that they would look at something like my varied interests and be amused by them is enough. Any artistic, geekoid, or intellectual projects are my own, but they are all far secondary to, for example, making sure the woman's feet are rubbed free of aches. That's where I place my intense passions, somewhere behind a woman's smallest whim. That's no fantasy, but living a good, pussy-whipped life, IMO. Subjectivity aside, I wanted to somehow indicate to Zero-Chan that she's a more-than-welcome voice to be heard precisely due to her gender, an almost different-species view of this game that obsesses me. I always want to hear what a smart woman has to say, and that's all there is to that.
  2. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: Zero-chan's Nagoya Virtua Adventures

    I'm with Hyun on this one (whatever the heck he is talking about) ALL of YOU motherfuckers are gonna pay. You are the one's who are the ball-lickers!! We are gonna fuck your mothers while you watch and cry like little whinny bitches!!
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    "Fantasizing about a woman", Myke? I'm a 31 year old man who adores women, period.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, actually, I said "fantasizing about a woman, particularly a hot chick, kicking ass in a fighting game" which is different to just "fantasizing about a woman." If the former statement is indeed heavily grounded in reality, then forgive me for interpreting it as fantasy. If it makes you feel better, replace "fantasizing" with what you originally said: "there's something enthralling about a woman... etc".

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    But Myke, do me a favor and don't lump me into a masterbatory cliche, please.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, without knowing you were a pussy whipped 31 yr old (your words, not mine and doesn't really help your case IMO), how else would you expect one to take what you said? More importantly, I wonder how Zero-chan herself feels about a guy who's only interested in hearing what she has to say, just because she's a girl.
  4. Hyun_

    Hyun_ Well-Known Member

    Re: Zero-chan's Nagoya Virtua Adventures/ FLAMEEE WARS!!!*

    Yes, I am fully aware that I am contradicting myself. I can cop out simply by saying that "we are irrational creatures. It's futile to reconcile our reason and desires." And who knows that may be a right answer. But here are a few other things to consider, if you really want to hear.:

    1. Hedonistic Excuse
    There are those who think that the point of life is to enjoy life. To sum up, we live to eat. In this view, if you enjoy game you should just play games all day and it would be a fulfilling life. Now I can't agree with this view. There is some value to "enjoying life." sure. But that can't be the sole goal of our life.

    2. Balance
    There are times for work and productivity, and there are times for play and fun. The secret to life is to keep the balance. Wow this sounds good. Almost Zen/Tao/YinYang no? However, there is still something unconvincing here. Can you think of many famous people in history who played in their spare time? No, Einstein came up with relativity theory in his spare time. Many others were simply crazy with their work and no spare time to speak of. How many crazy and famous people do you find in history? Load of them. Would they become famous if they played Majong all day? Did they really care about "balance" when they worked to make difference? Okay maybe I don't want to become one of those people. I may not become like one of those people even if I tried. But you can't shake off the notion maybe if you spend that time on something else you may be able to make difference. Maybe not earth shattering difference, but some difference. So while this "balance" argument is very convincing, this doesn't fully justify everything.

    When I am 70-years old and sitting on my wrinkled ass would I remember that kenka hook-ring out combo I performed against Adnan? Or could I have done something else that's more meaningful and memorable instead?

    Well at the end, we are asking the question "how to live a life." My conclusion is that playing games doesn't really enrich my life or others around me. But then I don't have full answer on how to live life then. And meanwhile, gaming gives "joy of life" even though I decided it's not the best kind of joy. So I keep playing, being a hypocrite.
  5. tzgorr1

    tzgorr1 Well-Known Member

    Wow, so much has been said and done since I made that first post...

    I feel as though I should somehow clarify myself, or at least elaborate on what I really meant.

    Hyun, when I used the word "forced", it was only in the most figurative sense. Even though I am sure you don't think that I actually tied these girls to a chair and awarded them with nourishment only after they satisfied me with a number of matches, I feel the need to make this less susceptible to interpretation, as you stated in your first response, "Just don't make other people miserable by trying to force uninterested party to see your way, especially your love interest. (This applies to both boys and girls.)"
    All I want is for girls to try out the game with me for a bit. If they like it, Awesome! If they don't, too bad, but we can do other things.

    My own little point: what makes the company of other individuals(not just females) a lot more pleasant? I would think common interests would. And because we are all registered users of VFDC, our most common interest is VF.

    The same applies to the company of women, more specifically. As wonderful as they are, wouldn't their company be all the more appreciated if we at least had something in common? And since I'm a VF fan, I hope that it would be, obviously, VF stuff. Doesn't have to be VF, but that's what "I" hope for.

    I understand that this post might not address the evolutionary trail of comments that derailed from Zero Chan's original thread, and this is not supposed to be a direct response to Hyun's initial comment about my post, but this is merely what I had to say about my position of women in the world of videogames and just some things I felt like clarifying. My view is very opinionated, and very outwardly favors and encourages beautiful women to play videogames, and I do not deny that.
  6. American_Pai

    American_Pai Well-Known Member

    Re: Zero-chan's Nagoya Virtua Adventures/ FLAMEEE WARS!!!*

    Interesting points Hyun but here's my two pennies:

    Hedonistic Excuse sounds like my theory on life. I agree with gaming probably isn't going to help save the world but I do think it can teach you alot of things. Gaming has taught me about myself, the nature of others, the thrill of battle, what it takes to be great at something, and how to give back so I can't say I'm not enriched. I can't also say that gaming can't teach others important lessons as well because something competitive like VF can teach the same lessons as sports except for the physical aspect of it. The only thing that seperates something like VF from basketball is that you can get paid playing B-Ball. Basketball was just a game once as well.

    As for the point about balance, I'm just like you but I don't have a guilt trip about it. I have no intention of saving the world and like Eninem said "even if could use this power for good I wouldn't." Sure I'll give back occasionally to my family or fellow man but I won't feel guilty about wastin' my life away on my own selfish pursuits. The only thing I feel I own my fellow man is the respect to follow his own will, the respect to not interfere with his dream as little as possible, and the respect to exist as he pleases. Long story short: stay outta my way and I'll stay out of yours, respect my place in this world and I'll respect yours. Selfish? Probably...but I am a human and we are a selfish bunch.
  7. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Myke, I don't want to hear what Zero-Chan has to say just because she's
    a female, but the fact was appreciated. And what, pray tell, is wrong with being
    pussy-whipped? This donates two things: one, I adore the woman I adore and I worship her beyond reason,
    and two, I get to fuck the woman who turns me on most in the world. As I also
    pointed out, women enhance whatever they are around, meaning my enjoyment is infinitely
    higher whenever there is a beautiful woman in the vincinity. I have an automatic bias for women I
    find to have a brain behind their gorgeous eyes, and especially a female brain that will link in to what I
    find cool, even if she doesn't REALLY appreciate it. I DO make a distinction between men and
    women, especially in their process of thought: completely different patterns, IMO. Any guy who thinks
    women are just like guys except they have tits is fooling himself. I'm fascinated with this totally different
    species (practically) and the fact of women being involved in VF, and though I was very interested in
    Zero-Chan's Nagoya Adventures when I figured she was a fella, I'm even more rapt because of this
    strange twist in the story, of her gender. A POSITIVE twist.
  8. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    heh what if someone told you that she's fat and hideous?
    She's not, but you KNOW it would make a difference. Your enthusiasm would be dimmed. I'm guessing myke's belief is that you (let's make that "you" plural) don't think female VFers are interesting for their VF or their "femaleness" despite all the thought processes crap.

    I think he's right. I think you just wanna tap that ass.
  9. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    I really do like smart women, but in this instance with Zero I'm
    interested in her reports and not her ass. I'm also really not turned on
    by women I don't think are hot no matter how big a brain they have.
    So I'm not gonna be a hypocrite here; even if she looked like Karl Malden,
    I'd still read her reports about EVO and the Japanese scene. If she looked like
    Nicole Kidman I'm sure I might develop a little crush, sure, like who doesn't want to get
    spoken at by Kidman or her body double? If we're talking about me specifically
    tapping Zero's ass, it'd take a mighty long cock to reach from Virginia to Nagoya.
  10. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Fucking idiots, what a total disrespect for Zero-chan and for er qualities as a human being.
    You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.
  11. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    lau_fists, I didn't say there was anything particularly wrong with being pussy whipped (as long as you're getting some!). But the topic of your, as well as the other dude's, obsession with females who play fighting games was highly inappropriate for discussion in Zero's (original) thread.

    Which is why I moved it.

    Don't forget the original context in which this all started -- a well respected VFDC member (and moderator!) sharing her VF experiences in Nagoya, Japan. It wasn't a queue for you (or anyone) to chime in with how much you dig a chick who plays fighting games.

    The original question I asked of you was seemingly ignored. I can't pretend to know what a woman would think, and I don't know if this analogy is accurate enough, but every Sunday I play soccer with a bunch of friends, and occasionally some girls would play with us too. They hate it when someone goes out of their way to pass them the ball, like making it a big deal, just because they're female. They want no greater or lesser treatment or respect than anyone else that's playing.

    I'm not pretending to know what/how Zero feels about all of this, but from my limited impression of her I'd say she would appreciate the same.
  12. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    >They want no greater or lesser treatment or respect than anyone else that's playing.

    Sure they do! majority of the women appriciate these "extra attentions", even if they don't admit it outright. It's an edge of being women. Anyone who refuse to acknowldge this piece fact of life is a hypocrite or just plain naive. while I'm not pretending to know what/how Zero feels about all of this neither, a typical girl would feel pretty damn good about all these attention she's getting.
    Either way, this stupid thread wouldn't be this long if people who are posting actually had some contacts with women in real life.
  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    >They want no greater or lesser treatment or respect than anyone else that's playing.

    Sure they do!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No they don't. Hmm, I didn't think my analogy was that far off the field. Remember, I'm talking about a couple of female friends (people I know personally) who play soccer with me and my mates. They've even expressed that they didn't want us to patronise them, or make any special allowances when we played with them, and we're cool with that. Accuse me of not seeing the bigger picture, and I hate repeating myself, but let's not forget the context. I'm talking about something specific.

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    majority of the women appriciate these "extra attentions", even if they don't admit it outright.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Of course they do, in general. But I'm not talking about the average woman on the street. I'm talking about women who choose to get involved in a competitive sport or hobby which is predominantly occupied with males. The girls I'm talking about didn't choose this sport just for all the male attention they'll (inevitably) receive. They get plenty of that elsewhere, and from much better looking guys too /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    I assumed Zero was similar, which is why I moved this stupid part of the thread to here.
  14. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member


    Rarrrrgh. Seriously, this thread has begun to annoy me beyond belief.

    About me personally... if you suddenly have more respect for me simply because I am female, then that irritates me. I do NOT want respect just because I'm a girl. I want to earn your respect with my playing skill, my knowledge, and my contributions to the community. Simply because I am engaging in a male-dominated hobby does not make me any more "special" than any other game player. In fact, I know I'm pretty mediocre at the game... that's why I'm playing every night, I am striving to improve. If you are wowed by my lacking play skills just because I'm a gal, you have a problem.

    I also don't want any sort of special treatment because I am female. Sure, the guys I play with here go easy on me sometimes, but that is simply because they realize that I am struggling to relearn and adjust to a lot of things. I'm finally getting up to the point where I can really begin to hold my own. Also, here in Japan, josei gamers are far more common than the US. I've even sparred with a couple.

    As for the dream of meeting and having relations with other female gamers... I used to frequent a chat room many years ago that had a few other girl game players in it. Several guys in there had their hearts broken when their online gamer girl crushes turned out to be attention-seeking, manipulative, and selfish. I also recall one girl there in particular who loved to pay onto the sympathy of the guys and try to get attention because of her femininity... unfortunately, she had zilch in the brains department. I hate to play the "dumb blonde" stereotype, but seriously, this was the sort of girl those jokes are about. Once guys finally realized just what a stupid bitch she was, they would turn often violently against her, and she would run off crying into the arms of someone else whose symphathies she could take advantage of. It was obvious she was trying to make herself feel special by engaging in a male-dominated hobby and then working to get attention for it. That sort of girl makes me sick to my stomach.

    Indeed, guys and girls tend to think differently about some things, but seriously, when the object of the game is "beat the crap out of the other guy" how much difference in the gaming thought process can there be? There is no "game gene" that makes males intrinscally better at videogames, any girl can reach an equal skill level if they work for it.

    The only way I think my mindset differs from a guy in VF is in terms of a. which characters I like, and b. how to dress them up.

    /me wubbles @ owl)

    Anyways, I'll just end with "don't make me lock this thread!"

    And seriously, can we cut down on the anatomical references? You guys are so willingly following the typical "vulgar male" stereotypes... I can talk just as nasty if I would want to, but I much prefer not to, seeing as how this is a public forum.
  15. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: ...

  16. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: ...

    I will add that any more really, offensively stupid posts in this thread WILL be deleted. No exceptions. This sort of subject tends to make me VERY bitchy.
  17. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: ...

    hm... we aren't talking about you.

    myke: your friends are definitely the better of exceptions!
  18. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: ...

    grmpfgr´s some more

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