Final Tuned, VF5 vaniila, and Final Showdown, etc

Discussion in 'General' started by Colorful_Tengu, May 17, 2010.

  1. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">80% Akira </div></div>

    Wasn't it 75?
  2. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

  3. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Look I loved 4FT but it's time to move on and stop tearing about how the system changed. Was it a superior competitive game? Let's leave that question to the people who had an opportunity to actually play it extensively.

    Emp has always been a know it all douchebag. Maybe his theory fighter masturbation flies on FGD at Shoryuken but here it's just laughable. I gotta join Myke in puzzlement over whether or not he actually plays or played VF with human comp.
  4. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    LOL! That was beyond awesome.
  5. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Myke for President!!!
  6. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member


    Made my butt cheeks tight! Damn so much roasting... it's like a MH3 meat cook out. I can't say I didn't see this eventually coming somewhere down the line [​IMG] . The source though was quite a shocker.

  7. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    this made me ROFLCOPTER! [​IMG]
  8. N1gh7mar3_Cuz

    N1gh7mar3_Cuz Member

    i translated everything Myke said to Empnova... Basically like saying "Fuck U and Have a Nice Day" wit a big kool-aid smile on his face. ouch ouch! SDS_Overfiend1 i voted for him too LOL
  9. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Addicted then, Rod?
  10. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    dude you should see me now! I'm like a crack fiend counting his pennies trying to come up with the cash for his next hit. Fuck man 1.5 hours to go before I can bail on this place and then 1 fucking hour of the god damn subway riding just to get home and cook some steaks [​IMG]

    *sigh* I need to figure out a way to rig my Wii to my work monitor. I'm off in a corner cubicle way in the back of the room with a coworker who does not pay attention to anything. I could offer him money and he won't blink.... hhhhmmmm I might actually be able to get away with it [​IMG]

    LOL I kid I kid...
  11. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Bwhahahaha! Man I love it when you flame people. Flame me next! [​IMG]
    Here's some motivation: I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries.
    Now flame me or I shall taunt you a second time :p
  12. ironzen

    ironzen Well-Known Member

    not taking any sides here, but i enjoyed VF4's system concepts a lot more as well. i liked the movement a lot more and the throw system was fine.
    that's not to say i hate VF5 and what it has introduced. it's just different, just like how other non-VF fighting games are different. every player will have their personal preference.

    why i like the older VF style more is a combination of many things, but i guess my strongest reasons are the movement, and pace.
    i've played R, and i feel in VF5+, it's a little too easy to maintain your flow and decision tree. there's less effort to it than in the previous VF.
    just my general thoughts on the matter and there's not much more i can say other than that's what i really believe is true.

    don't get me wrong though. i've moved on and enjoyed my time playing R immensely. it's still fun regardless. i can't wait to go back and play FS!
  13. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Said this before when Empnova said what he now said about clash, but guess it needs to be said again:

    Clash does *NOT* cater to beginners. First off, how to calculate which moves that clash or not (move exe divided by 2 minus throw execution to see up to what disadvantage a move will beat clash) is not exactly newbie friendly to explain.

    Second, a newbie in VF who can't break throws want nothing more then to mash buttons and attack right through the throws. With clash they're not allowed to. An experienced and better player who knows defense will gain a lot more from clash then a newbie will, since he will have more knowledge on what moves that will actually beat clash and how to get the most damage out of different frame situations.

    Personally, I'd prefer if throws were 10 frames at all times, no 0f throws ever. It would also work quite well imo with how the frame advantages are designed in VF5 and R. If they move it back to 8 frame throws they will also have to heavily revise all characters' frame advantages. All this said, it's no big deal if clash is in, as most characters were given pretty good high reward moves to beat clash in R.
  14. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    You like the Older VF because there's only few answers to nitaku Situations. In VF5 You have more options and people can't stand it (Change). After Watching Minami videos he plays a in and out game equivalent to that of a capcom game. Sega had to notice this and added more options with each have a greater reward for punishment IMO. To be honest against the bullshit Nova said. I do not want a small enviroment for VF with just hardcore followers. I want a nice big enviroment with players that will want to get better. Trust VF is a game where a Noob will not run over a veteran with a play to win attitude.
  15. Mastamune

    Mastamune Member

    Ok...I have almost nothing to add to this besides:

    From my limited competition (its hard to find players for VF in general, and I live in the country so my internet is so horrible I don't even want to attempt playing VF online), I like the clash system. To me, Its kind of cheesy getting launched and juggled to hell when I go in for a throw. It resets us back to zero so I can crouch dash out of the situation or go for the cheesy low kick.

    I don't have the expertise to compare VF4 to VF5. I just know that when I played VF4, I loved it because it was awesome. VF5 took a second to adjust to the clash thing, and to the throw frame speed (I guess...not an expert) and learnin what new moves people had.

    Also...Some of these terms your throwing around...SPod? Nitaku Situation? Wtf? where the hell can I read up on this stuff?

    P.S. I didn't understand half of what was written, but I had to go a burn ward after reading that flame, and it wasn't even directed at me.
  16. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Just to make sure everyone is on the same page on what throw clash actually does - Wiki - Throw Clash and Srider's Post

    As for Evo or Final Tuned comparison to VF5...imho, it is mostly a matter of preference.

    Mastamune: The wiki and the glossary is a good place to start.

    And to Myke - damn you! :p
  17. Mastamune

    Mastamune Member

    Got it, I found it shortly after posting.

    Stunning Palm of Doom...lulz.
  18. ironzen

    ironzen Well-Known Member

    there may be more options available in VF5+, but more options do not constitute a better game, nor contribute to depth. in fact, more often than not, limitations are what give rise to creativity and depth, as contradicting as that may sound.
    the additions in VF5+ merely expand the boundaries of the game. you cannot argue that any of them have improved the game or not. this is simply preference of the player. if VF5+ never introduced "bouncing" combos, OM, throw clashing, etc., people wouldn't have been in disagreement with what the system concepts should be; they would continue enjoying (or not enjoying) VF4 style, the way they always have.
    it is because sega designed these new features that people began such critical analysis of what apparentely is wrong with older VFs.

    the new offensive and defensive ideas that were implemented just offer a much wider comfort zone in the game. again, this doesn't make it better or worse, and it doesn't necessarily evolve or deepen the game.
    a big community is always great, but that should be exclusively up to the players themselves.

    i can bear with change; otherwise, i wouldn't even have played. plus, it was nice to have something fresh.

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