First footage of Sarah in DOA5!

Discussion in 'News' started by Reno, Jul 12, 2012.

By Reno on Jul 12, 2012 at 11:17 AM
  1. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Members of Team Ninja and Dengeki magazine squared off in DOA5, bringing us our first look at Sarah in action!

    It looks like most of her attacks are intact from VF5, so Sarah vets will most likely be able to jump right into the game once it comes out in September.



Discussion in 'News' started by Reno, Jul 12, 2012.

    1. Myke
      Damn, I thought he looked familiar!
    2. Unicorn
      Yeah, her VF animations are significantly betetr that the DOA ones, I can not agree more.
      But then I realize how awkward the animations of Kasumi are and how stupid they look in compare to Sarah ones.

      Pure DOA character vs changed-for-doa character [​IMG]
    3. Kidvid711
      DOA animation compare to VF is pretty damn quick.
      So far I dislike the sound effects.

      And now I'm patiently waiting for the final results.
    4. replicant
      I think the character model and animations look pretty solid. The model definitely stands out as it looks very clean. However, they really need to take her makeup off as it looks ridiculous.
    5. ToyDingo
      LeiFang has the most awkward crouching animations I've ever seen. Looks like she is trying to lay an egg and walk at the same time...
    6. WINBACK
      Why do they have clothes on. I don't get it. WTF Tecmo.
    7. shinryu_returns
      Every time there's a DOA, I think "this time, this time they will get it right." I was convinced there was a good game in DOA2, I loved figuring out how to break the combo system with Helena (it's one of the unfortunate things about VF is that it feels like somebody in Japan has probably thought of literally everything you think you're "discovering") and every time it's kind of gotten worse. But I'm a Sarah mark and she looks awesome so I guess I'm in again.

      Ironically, it may turn out that Itagaki being booted (in a gross fuckup on Tecmo's part) may make this one be that legit fighting game. Shame it had to make Ninja Gaiden 2 unfinished and Ninja Gaiden 3 utter shit to get there.
    8. steelbaz
      Never liked Itagaki's style or his ideas, Ninja Gaiden was never important to me, so no loss there. Hopefully this game is balanced, I was one of the top 5 Hitomi players on original Xbox, but Tiers were everything in that game, so you needed a ninja to compete with other ninja's in many instances, or Ein [​IMG]

      GT made a comment about how it's scrubbiness shouldn't matter if you aren't a tourney player, but I was good enough @ DOAU to play in tournies, and picked off some of the games best players. That isn't the case with VF or even Tekken, where the good players are leagues above people who just picked up the game/franchise. I guess we'll see if they make a solid fighter instead of the shiny, but entertaining spamfest that DOA use to be. The top DOA guys did agree the game was broken and are saying that they hope it has been redeemed, they were pretty excited about Virtua Fighters being in there last time I checked.
    9. shinryu_returns
      Ninja Gaiden was basically God of action games till Bayonetta dropped, and Gaiden 2 would've been great if Itagaki hadn't been being kicked out the door when it was being finished; it was still awesome but they never really tuned it to be "hard but reasonable" as opposed to "holy shit I actually cannot see a single pixel of Ryu Hayabusa in between all of the fucking explosive shuriken homing in on me from everywhere." So I have serious respect for the guy in that arena. But he had this weird "gambling" philosophy for DOA that never really translated into a good game. And it sounds like he actively made DOA4 worse after the first versions looked so good since he didn't like the frame trapping (advantage on block? That is unpossible!)

      Did you ever get to play the mythical DOA 3.2? Supposedly that was the "legit" DOA, you could sidestep, frame trap, all the real big boy fighting game shit. Never got my hands on it to see.
    10. steelbaz
      Price point will be important for this game, don't think it should be a $60 release, but it probably will be.
      Sarah looks awesome, but she just doesn't fit as well in DOA as Akira IMO right now. That might change when I try her out.

      For example, DOA seems to be string heavy, and most characters like the ninjas, Hitomi, and my girl Kokoro rely alot on different options within their strings, as well as delayed strings, to mix up characters and get damage. (as well as to bait holds and/or cause them to whiff)

      Sarah's never had alot of long strings, let alone ones good enough to base your entire gameplay from, so she has to rely on alot of raw normals, but unlike Akira, she doesn't seem to have the damage to back it up. Just like FS, she has to rely alot on combo damage via launchers, but prolly doesn't have a good sidestep (I mean, this IS DOA [​IMG] ) or frame advantage (hellooooo holds/counters) to help get it off.

      Kasumi, Rig, and the gang are manipulating their opponent's positioning with blowbacks, launchers, danger zone moves, and knockdowns. Sarah in these vids seem to be mostly......well, hitting them. And leaving them in your face and still a threat. She seems to be playing a different game than anybody else. But can we really play VF in DOA5 and win?

      I dunno, these are just speculations from watching these vids. But from what I heard from the DOA pros @ E3 is that Sarah was totally broken, beyond S tier. And also, the guy(s) playing Sarah in these vids didn't seem to be all that good with her either. Might be bias speaking tho. :p
    12. steelbaz
      She's probably not broken beyond S tier, DOA scrubs probably just aren't use to her attacks, flamingo, and strings. They are mashers and counter spammers, with a few high damage strings off ninja tier launchers, it is DOA after all. I do agree the guy using Sarah isn't doing a very good job imo, but whatever, i'd love it if the S tier her for DOA [​IMG]
    13. Unicorn
      Just realized there is an Akira video as well. I saw it and I think my eyes are bleeding [​IMG]
    14. Blackula
      I don't know about 3.2 but I think all the stuff you mention is all in 3.1. If you had a modded XBox (or a Japanese import) you could play 3.1. Most DOA players consider 3.1 the best in the series. Hopefully 5 will be good enough to take that spot.
    15. LostCloud
      Sarah's lookin' pretty darn good in DOA5! Team Ninja really did a great job transitioning her into their game. I gotta say though, I was hoping to see some new opening/win poses for her. I wanted to see TN's take on her personality and maybe update it a bit. Not a big deal or anything, just a little tired of the things she says in VF5 [​IMG]

      Should be cool to try her out in September. I wonder when we'll be seeing Pai in DOA5? 'cause I can't wait to see how she looks! (Provided that char list from the demo was accurate). Anyway, good stuff TN! Day 1.
    16. Griever
    17. Righteous_Dream
      You guy's couldn't be more picky lol. You can't get hit by stray bullets >.> As for the Dangerzones being disturbing. It's like saying Street fighter shouldn't have fireballs lol. The only S tier ninja in DOA4 was Ryu Hayabusa. On a sidenote DOA5 will have some stuns where you can't hold.
    18. steelbaz
      The sound effects are so awful.
    19. Cla
      Where's this part where you get by hit a stray bullet? (is this a fact or are you guys just assuming?) The RPG I don't mind cause it's not random. You have to hit your opponent into that specific corner and the fact you can combo after it is actually pretty damn awesome. The fact that this game is making its stages differ not just in aesthetics but function as well is something that makes this game stand out to me. And I appreciate when fighters do something to separate themselves from the bunch.

      Anyway, I'm happy that this is FS Sarah verbatim so I won't have to re-learn much. But some reaction and frame data is clearly different. 66K doesn't cause push back (almost makes it useless now) and towards the end of the VS Rig vid I saw that 1K couldn't be punished on block by a quick punch.
    20. WINBACK
      #1, you must've not had a PS2 to say crazy shit like that. "Bayonetta", really buddy?
      #2, no, it wouldn't have. Just like you thought all those DoA games after DoA2 would be any good when they weren't (3.1 being the exception, which by the way I heard Itagaki had nothing to do with the frame-changes in it).

      Trust me, he couldn't have left at a better time. Doesn't mean DoA5 will be sure fire, though.

      And for those who don't know: DoA3.2 was the European version. All I know about it is that it tweaked what little evasion the game had, like Hayate's Cartwheel. Apparently it was less retarded in that version compared to 3.1.

      Did you play DoA4? Had the same type of shit (cars, Pterodactyls, etc). It was pretty random and tends to ruin everything, but that's only if you care about competitive play. Anyway, this gimmick has been done.
      I think DoA should try to be a half-decent fighting game before it tries to "separate itself from the bunch," but hey, that's just crazy-talk from me. Besides, it's reputation alone has gotten it separated well enough, don't you think? How about they try something different for once, like not make a scrubby fighter focused solely on eye candy? Wouldn't hurt to try something new.

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