First footage of Sarah in DOA5!

Discussion in 'News' started by Reno, Jul 12, 2012.

By Reno on Jul 12, 2012 at 11:17 AM
  1. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Members of Team Ninja and Dengeki magazine squared off in DOA5, bringing us our first look at Sarah in action!

    It looks like most of her attacks are intact from VF5, so Sarah vets will most likely be able to jump right into the game once it comes out in September.



Discussion in 'News' started by Reno, Jul 12, 2012.

    1. steelbaz
      The game is $60 anyone thinks it's worth that?
    2. Righteous_Dream
      It's been nearly 7years since the last DOA console game lol. It's not a reboot/update like VF5FS. Excellent graphics, great changes to the gameplay system that makes it much more competitive than the last installments, new characters, and anything else I can't speak on because the system, characters hit properties, and many other things are still being tweaked. Jeez I suppose I should have just said yes, but then it would only be biased.

      <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Where's this part where you get by hit a stray bullet? (is this a fact or are you guys just assuming?)</div></div>

      I believe they're just assuming. I've seen gameplay on this stage dozens of times, and not once have I seen that. No one who played the E3 build mentioned it either, so I have no idea who came up with that fallacy.

      <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">66K doesn't cause push back (almost makes it useless now)</div></div>

      I'm pretty sure it wall splats, good for whiff punishing wake up's if timed properly, and it just might cause a sit down stun on normal hit which are extremely useful.

      <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I saw that 1K couldn't be punished on block by a quick punch</div></div>

      Attack's in DOA have to to be pretty unsafe on block to be punished by jabs. Atleast at 10-14 disadvantage. As awkward as it sounds, throws are used to punish in DOA, that's why they are unbreakable. You have 5 frame, 7 frame, 10frame and, 12 frame throws. For grapplers it's 4 frames, 6 frames, 7-8 frames, and 10 frames. 4 and 5 frame throws are all neutral throws and extremely fast, therefore they are the only ones that can be broken (the weakest as well). Hope that clears up why Rig couldn't punish Sarah's 1k with a punch lol.
    3. WINBACK
      True. What's really weird is that there were some moves that were throw-punishable on HIT. Leon's 1K was one of them, but that's back in like DoA2/U. Not sure if "throw-punishable on hit" moves were still in DoA3 or DoA4.

      Another goofy thing was whenever you did Jann Lee's 1P+G low throw in DoA3 your opponent got a guaranteed wake-up kick. Didn't check on that in DoA4 either.

      Nope. And it'll probably end up costing more than that.
    4. steelbaz
      No it's $60 and pre-orders are up for it, i'll get the game when it hits a price relative to it's actual worth, which isn't $60. Of everything they showed it's a $20 title max. The levels are very ugly for a DOA game, nothing like the colorful DOAU ones. The soundtrack is beyond wretched and the the hit sound effects are extremely bad. You only get get 6 outfits per character to go with the drab levels and shoddy sounds work for $60?? smh...
    5. WINBACK
      Just wait for the DLC, sir. If any series can capitalize on accessory-obsessed otaku that love dolling-up their digital girlfriends, it'll be the DoA series.
      Although right now Calibur is in the lead. A big one.
    6. steelbaz
      Ah I wasn't even thinking about this, that would make sense [​IMG]

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