Flamingo Stance and Throws

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by VF2011, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    I have no idea how to make the button icons show up but here goes.

    forward+k, down+p+k k are the most common ones. If those moves are ever blocked I immediately use throw escapes because I know I will most likely get punished.

    I usually react to throws rather than prevent them ahead of time. I'm still not at the level where I can input so many commands at once. Inputting throw escapes after every attack that leaves me vulnerable is probably the next step, but its a big one to take that will probably take me a while.
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Just go into dojo, set the cpu to react with a mid or a throw. Put the throw as one direction. Do a move that leaves you at -7 to -11 and practice your ETEG.

    Once you successfully perform it say 20 times in a row move up to 2 throw directions and go from there. It doesn't even have to take up all your time jst do it for a little bit when you turn on VF or before you turn it off. Even when you're waiting for a match.

    You can do the same for fuzzy guard (up to -5) and crouch dash fuzzy (-6)

    And your TEG (-12 and up) The G is very important because if I know someone is mashing throw escapes at -12 then I'll CH the failed throw escape instead of just punishing normally.
  3. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Certain strings become natural combos during a recovery counter hit, or regular counter hit. So while an attack that executes in 13f is still guaranteed to hit at -13f, the entire string won't connect because it wasn't a recovery counter hit.

    Hazzerone, Sarah's [6_][K] is actually a 14f move, so the recovery counter effects (i.e. float) only kick in at -15f or worse.

    As already mentioned, Jacky's [3][P][P][P] is a 13f startup, but the entire string is only guaranteed at -14f or worse.
  5. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Informative discussion! Thread stickied.
  6. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    [6_][K][P] is good -15 punisher, use it on guarded delayed mid wakeup kicks for the float and combo. Also due to it's speed, it's good to use it in anticipation of a throw attempt as well.

    Just put it out there, it has reach and everything. If you get major counter you can get 69pts combo up to Lau(but not Akira), iirc.

    Also that [6_][K] is half circular.

    Playing Sarah it's always best imo to strike on punishment. Sarah is an amazing punishment character when you know the frames.

    On her flamingo backflip roll, always make sure that you escape [6] throw if you're incapable of escaping more. Because often times the opponent has to dash in on the reaction to the move instead of the anticipation... if you're doing it right. That move gives you time to watch how they're moving toward you, too, if you see crouch dash go for [3]
  7. TheRook

    TheRook Member

    im still fairly new here but is there a tutorial for Sarah? there are a few things i wanted to know about her and her flamingo stance...
    the first being that odd parry like move she does when she twitches her leg. how and when would i use that?

    the second thing isnt flamingo related but...she has alot of moves that she does a step motion afterwards...i have no idea what its for.
    thanks if you could answer my noob questions.
  8. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    That is done by pressing [P]+[K] from flamingo or from step stance. It is a low punch parry, and if succesful she can do some combos after it. It doesnt parry anything except low punch though, and because of that its more than a bit risky. If you can read opponents low punch, then it gives nice damage though (succesful parry -> [G] to exit flamingo -> [3][3][K] float; Or easier succesful parry -> FLA [6][K]+[G] flopcombo)

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    the second thing isnt flamingo related but...she has alot of moves that she does a step motion afterwards...i have no idea what its for. </div></div>

    That is done by pressing [P]+[K]+[G] after certain moves or from flamingo. I suggest you take a look at her movelist. The stepping animation is known as step stance and she has some attacks from it. Theoretically its not very good due to her wasting time stepping where opponent can interrupt, but have a try. [​IMG]
  9. TheRook

    TheRook Member

    ahh thanks~ i've tried to use those previously mentioned in quest mode...they didnt fair all that well~ i guess i should fine some good examples in how to use her...i'll take a look at the strategy wiki when i have time tho.

    -thanks again.
  10. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    I find they are useful to change up your attacks and fool your opponent, unfortunately the ai isn't fooled and won't be tricked by these moves.

    Its the same with interrupting some of her attacks with G so you stop in flamingo stance, the ai is never fooled by it.
  11. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Low Punch property moves. Jacky's [1][P] for example can be parried with the fake. [2][P] and any other low punch property moves.
  12. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    I've been practicing cancelling out of Sarah's attacks to flamingo stance, but I've run into a problem. You can't fool the ai.

    Every time I cancel to flamingo to try and mix up my attacks the computer opponent just hits me. Should I just play on an easier setting so they don't constantly hit me and I get a chance to practice more, or just put up with them. I'm playing on hard on quest mode. What did you guys do to practice this sort of situation?

    Also, Sarah's throw 6+p+g, 8. Is there a good followup attack from this throw? It seems the opponent can always recover before I can get in a hit. Is there no guaranteed follow up attack and I just have to hope to start a new combo?

    And finally, when in flamingo stance the opponent is always side stepping me. What are some of Sarah's better attacks that hit in a circular motion to keep them from getting easy hits on me. 6+k seems to work, but it hits high which isn't being very useful and its super slow to come out.
  13. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Sarahs FLA K+G is your best bet imo, or you can just do flamingo throw since it cant be sidestepped.

    ps. The CPU cant really be faked. So that part of practise against CPU cant really be done.

    If you enter flamingo you better know your frames to avoid being hit. FLA K.
  14. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    Sarah has a couple of half circular moves in FL. This includes [3][P] where the opponent will be hit if they side step towards her front. [3][P] is again a high move (High Punch class) but the main reason why this move is good is because [3][P][K] is a natural combo and on hit it will leave you at +6 advantage! The [K] followup is also a high class move (High Kick class) and it is actually also half circular and in the opposite direction to [3][P]!

    The other main move to consider in terms of half circulars is her FL [K]. I don't think I can really give FL [K] enough respect in terms of how useful it is - I'm sure other Sarah users will agree here.

    FL [K] is a 14f start up move and so it is fairly fast. When Sarah enters FL you want to be doing it with one of her + on block moves. Let's use her neutral stance [4][K] move her as an example. [4][K] is +4 on block so this means that the FL [K] can only be beaten by a 10 frame move that does more damage than the first hit of FL [K] or a 9 frame move. I don't believe such a move exists in VF5. A 10 frame [P] does less damage than FL [K] so that will be beaten out and there's really not many 9f moves in the game. It's only Vanessa's [3][P] from Defensive Stance (DS) that comes to mind but as it has such a ridiculously short range it will whiff.

    Anyway, FL [K] is good because:
    1. It is half circular and if they evade to her back they will be hit.
    2. Although the kicks are high the first kick is actually special high! This is maybe the most important factor to this move being good as a special high class move is a move which hits high but actually beats out lows! Yes, this means if you throw out FL [K] the first kick will beat out [2][P] (for example) and low kicks.
    3. It is neutral on block (not amazingly good but it does mean that you're not at disadvantage).
    4. It has canned follow ups such as [K] which hits mid, [2][K] which hits low, [6][K] which is a high but gives advantage on block and [K][+][G] which is a mid launcher.
    5. It gives serious advantage on hit and counter hit.

    So with all this in mind, what is the implication of FL [K] being so useful? Well, the simple answer is that as long as you're at even +2 advantage then the FL [K] should be uninterruptable to immediate attacks. Furthermore what if you DO counter hit them with FL [K]? Well... it gives +11 advantage! This means you can go for [P][K] which will all combo together, net you about 50pts of damage and leave you at +4 advantage. You could also try to be adventurous and use the advantage for a mixup such as [8][4][2][6][P][+][G] throw (gatling kick beat) or [3][K] so if they try to attack out of disadvantage they will get crumpled for about 60pts of damage. I personally would opt for a guaranteed [P][K] as it leaves you at advantage and the other options I listed only give about 10pts more damage.

    On regular hit (which may occur if they try to evade toward Sarah's back) you are also given +8 advantage which, although doesn't give guaranteed damage, should definitely make the opponent choose their next action wisely.

    In short I will say that FL [K] is a good move as it boasts the fact you're at advantage and can't be immediately beaten out of it and once you condition your opponent to not attack out of disadvantage you can then mix up the mids, throws and circulars to greater effect. Only the first kick is special high in FL [K] meaning the subsequent kicks can be beaten out by low attacks but even if this happens it means you've achieved what you wanted anyway - stop the opponent from immediately attacking (they had to wait before hitting with a low punch in this example).

    I went off on a tangent there... Other important circular attacks are FL [K][+][G] which is a high full circular kick which gives slight advantage on hit and CH and FL [2][K][+][G] which is an ultra slow (26 frames!) full circular low sweep - knocks down on hit and CH but comes with the merit that it will beat their high guard (which [K][+][G] wouldn't as it is high) and will also go under high attacks and even some mids in my experience! But with the drawback that if it's blocked we go back to that somewhat complicated mixup I talked about a couple of pages back where you use [4][P][+][K][+][G] backflip + throw escapes to beat immediate counter attacks and mix up defense based off this fact.

    I personally like to use FL [2][K][+][G] sweep if I have a feeling they will evade as it gives knockdown. From there I usually G cancel out of FL stance, back into neutral stance and apply some oki (wakeup) pressure from there.

    NOTE: Sarah's [P][+][G] and [8][4][2][6][P][+][G] are also circular (as they are throws) and given that they are catch throws they also cannot be escaped.
  15. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Its 16f and youre propably using it from +2 or so situation. Not terribly slow, at least compared to FLA [2][K]+[G] ... FLA K+G is 10 frames faster. TEN.

    Also as I have said multiple times: if you read opponents evade, it doesnt matter whether it hits high or not. It will still hit.
  16. xTank_Girl

    xTank_Girl Active Member

    Hello im new to the forums but not new to VF But wats good to do off Flamingo wen they hit the wall for max damage on VF5
  17. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    If they stagger from the wall and youre in flamingo, Id try
    FLA [3][K] (stun) -> [G] out of flamingo -> [2][P] -> [4][K]+[G] (bounce) -> [P] (wallhit) -> [4][K]+[G] (bounce) -> [P][P][4][P][K] (wallhit)

    Note: this does not work on the heavy characters.
  18. xTank_Girl

    xTank_Girl Active Member

    Thx for the quick reply ill give it a try ^_^

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