For fun, how would you tier thus far?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by ice-9, Jan 1, 2002.

  1. Howe

    Howe Member

    Is there any fast way of getting the dbl palm out faster? I tried but its either an elbow appearing or the dbl palm coming oput too late. Thanks
  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: OK, here are my thoughts and tier

    Double low throw escapes--oh yeah, definitely...
  3. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    I dunno... df, df, b, f+P seems to work for me? Sometimes I roll from the second df to b to "make sure" it works (to avoid the single palm coming out accidentally). You can use db, db, b, f+P as well, but I personally don't use that.
  4. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    If you go to the top of the page, right under the Dural picture, you will see "home" and "versus city". Clicking "home" will take you to the beginning page, and in the left column, you will see a <font color=orange>Virtua Fighter 4</font color=orange> menu with character names underneath. If you click it, you will see links to combo guides, a counter guide, and a character selection guide.

    Here's a link to the combo guide:

    <a target="_blank" href=></a>

    To avoid confusion later on, you can use D instead of CR. They both mean the same, but D is most often used. I am not, repeat, am not trying to nitpick.
  5. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    ShRm Floats

    Whole shrm combo starter (shrm can be replaced by Yoho):
    <font color=white>- d/f,d/f, f+P+K, P[G] -></font color=white>
    Many variations follow, ex :
    <font color=white>- d/f,d/f, f+P+K, d/f,d/f, b, f+P (shrm, P, shrm, dblplm)
    - d/f,d/f, f+P+K, b,f,f+P+K (shrm, P, shrm, BC)
    - knee, BC
    - P[G], dblplm
    - K[G], b,f+P+K+G (do not G-cancel the previous punch, whole combo goes -> shrm, P, K[G], b,f+P+K+G)
    - DLC
    - AS3/Fujin
    </font color=white>

    etc. There are weight requirements, keep in mind. I havent be able to pull shrm/yoho, P[G], knee, dblplm yet or have seen it done, so you can get back to me if you get it /versus/images/icons/smile.gif.

    <font color=white>*</font color=white> Akira play tip : when you land d/f+P+K+G, P immediately follow up with a b, f, f+P+K for a little more damage. The BC is more reliable than following up with a shrm combo.

    BTW, double low throw escape consistently = scary.
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    hey howe.. the trick to doing this combo is 'modified' attacks. If you crouch and then try f+P+K or b,f+P .. you waste about 1/5th of a second crouching. It's not much, but it's enough to slow you down enough that the combo you mentioned won't work.

    However, if you crouch dash [press d/f, d/f on the stick] you go from standing to crouch instantly. You don't need to wait 1/5th of a second before doing your crouch-only attacks. This makes the akira combo possible. The complete combo would look like this:

    D, f+P+K ---> d+P ---> f+P+K (you're already crouching from the d+P) ---> d/f, d/f, b, f+P. You must do the last move very quickly and return the joystick to the center after every tap ... d/f, center, d/f, center, b, f+P. If that doesn't work, try holding the second d/f for a split second... (d/f, center, D/F, center, b,f+P).
  7. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Oh, just one thing. You don't need to go to the center in VF4. I've done df, df, d, db, b, f+P and the double palm still comes out.
  8. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    errm, you have to go to the middle between the d/f's obviously, but I see what you're saying... wow, you can roll to the double palm.. that's too easy! m-dbpm should be in anyone's grasp since you can roll crouch dashes too.. like d, d/f, d, d/f, d, d/b, b,f+P.

    That looked like an SNK game super combo motion.
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    modifying moves

    I find myself using both df, df, b, f+P and db, db, b, f+P. I use the former method more frequently but the latter does have it's uses, especially when you CD back out of trouble and whip out the DbPm for punishment.

    Just a bit of advice for anyone having trouble with modifying moves. There's no need to hold the second df motion like you did in VF3. Just double-tap the df motion and continue on with the rest of the input.

    Finally, just a request to all those who still use the '/' whenever they're typing out a diagonal motion. For example, typing d/f instead of df. It's kinda redundant and I just think it looks cleaner without the slash.

  10. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    One minor thing: When you crouch dash from standing, you cannot crouch in VF3, there are X-number of frames before you will be considered crouching. In modified commands, and I think this is especially so for VF4, if the motion is done quickly enough, the character doesn't even crouch, but the CPU stil interprets the d/f,d/f input as D.

    Two other things in this thread I forgot to address:

    Pai - after d/f+P+G and f+P+K+G I'm pretty sure the DSKs are guaranteed, but the window of opportunity is definitely much more strict than Kage's SE -> DPK.

    Blue Book - I searched through two major bookstores (the kind that are 10 floors big), a huge LAOX gaming store in Akihabara, a hobby/gaming store, and a regular book store. None had the Blue Book, there were plenty of Perfect Guides, and the big book stores had several copies of the Red Book. The LAOX person told me that the Blue Book was indeed already out but that they had sold out...but honestly, I had my doubts. I read somewhere from Summers that the Blue Book will be released in February?

    One really cool thing though in Club Sega in Akhibara and in Kanispo was that they had a running video of the first tournament constantly on display, with every tournament match and a bonus Kyasao vs Chibita Lion match. I asked if I could purchase this tape anywhere--Kanispo guy said no, but the Club Sega guy mentioned about being able to get it somewhere online on Sega's website. Anyone have a clue? The tournament was held in late October, but the quality was still very, very good and the Kyasao vs Chibita match was BRILLIANT. I would pick it up if I can.
  11. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Jeff...I went to enterbrain's site n did a triple check on the book's release date.

    1) Couldn't even find the existence of the book---ruling out the release of blue book
    2) No release date for the book yet

    What made it really strange is the fact I couldn't find anything abt the blue book. No release date, no cover, no info...nothing at all~

    Usually before a book's release, they would smack the cover on the webpage, with tons of information about the book's content, release date, ISDN number etc etc etc.

    This time around, NOTHING.

    I also went to Arcadia's site. Same result.

    I'll continue searching other sites for more info.
    In the mean time, U go do ur tourist stuff in Japan n enjoy.
    Maybe try ur best to grab a copy of the tape as well hehehehe.
  12. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    The darnest thing is that I picked up a T4 mook (Enterbrain, Arcadia), and it has good stuff in it: move damages, execution frames, advantage frames on blocked, normal, counter, and stagger...I mean, it's basically our Blue Book.

    What's taking so long for VF4?!?!?

    P.S. I'm back from Japan already...sigh...
  13. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Maybe they delayed Blue Book for Version C?
  14. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Ahh. Now that would make sense. What's the point of releasing a detailed book for a version that will be surpassed very soon. Your beloved book probably won't appear until April then.
  15. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    Re: OK, here are my thoughts and tier

    err.. what is WS and DA?? DA = dashing attacks??

    Hey seriously, how do you compare to let say a 7/8 dan guy in Japan? I am curious how people in Singapore is like? most probably quite lousy compared to Japan. I still have not seen things like dodge DTE guard and all these option select being used effectively in Singapore.

    you still in Japan?
  16. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: modifying moves

    d/f rules. df looks like defensive stance! flame flame flame!

    Just kidding. I'm still gonna use the slash though.
  17. Howe

    Howe Member

    I tried doing Shd ram, LP, Shd ram, Dbl palm... the Dbl palm came out but was late to get hit... but i learnt many things like dashing forward and backwards with d/f d/f and b/f b/f with options for single and dbl palms and shd rams. Thanks for your advice! I use to play akira like a 'sitting duck'... need to LP b4 doing shd ram or dbl palm.
  18. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Dbl plm combos only work on lightweights and MC on mid-weights, might be why your whiffing.
    Segundo : Avoid LP after first shrm -> You should high punch to keep opp. floating at high level, I find that when you LP you can only execute 1 move after, everything following will whiff because opp will be on the floor. Shrm, LP, shrm, dbl plm <- DblPlm will whiff most of the time because of the LP setup and the following shrm not floating opp high enough. I highly recommend you get used to standing g-cancelled punches in your combos if you want to be consistent in landing maximum damage on floats.
    Combos like shrm, P[G], LP, dblplm work well, but are ultimately less damaging.

    <font color=white>*</font color=white> Akira play tip: BC everything that is on the ground and just hit the wall. Fujin/AS3 almost everything on the ground after a knockdown.
  19. Howe

    Howe Member

    If SPoD (only 2 out of the 3) is excuted, can any confirmed move hit opponent after that happens? Thanks!
  20. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

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