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G4 XPlay's Best Fighting Game of 2012

Discussion in 'General' started by cobratron, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    BeeGee VFDC
    Just want to point out, that Eventhubs.com writes a story about Persona 4 winning best fighter at the Spike Video Game Awards, but not VF at the G4 Awards.... :(
    Eff Dot Doug likes this.
  2. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

  3. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    I just don't get how VF is hard to understand for a lot of people, especially people coming from other fighters. I explained the game to a friend in less than 5 minutes and a couple later, she was stepping, fuzzy guarding and puttin up a nice offense. I explained it the same way at a tourney and people thought I was speaking Russian. I think people just go by reviews who also don't understand the game, and go by that.

    I hate gamers.
    BlackGeneral and Eff Dot Doug like this.
  4. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    i mean isnt too hard but there is alot to learn compared to other fighters since this is most technical fighter ever. i think the problem is new players find it boring like mentioned earlier. They dont realise i takes time to learn your character. once you do that then the game starts getting fun. lts not a button masher like DOA. Frames play to much into the game where you must respect it or get pwned over and over by competent players.
  5. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    I hate the way some individuals across other FG message-boards simply write off games with a "block button". The shallow ignorance never fails to astound me, as if VF is some kind of Mortal Kombat game lol

    Breaking the spell of Ryu/Ken or Mishimas, and taking some of these hidebound fighting gamers out of their established comfort zones, is a big part of the challenge facing the... proselytization if you will, of Virtua Fighter outside of it's homeland.
  6. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    I think one aspect is that VF is so fast, especially compared to Tekken. I picked up Tekken Tag 2 a while back and it felt like VF in molasses.

    Overall though, the biggest difficulty I found was people coming from 2D to 3D, in which case I can see how it's difficult at first because you need to 'unlearn' a lot of stuff I guess.
    Eff Dot Doug likes this.
  7. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Gah, listening to that was painful. Still remember the time I was in a room with 2 dudes who had just bought the game because it was cheap on psn. They couldn't do anything but rag on it.

    "Why are there only 3 buttons? That's so gay. Even DOA has 4 or 5! This game is so stupid. Worst $15 I've ever spent!"

    ~sigh~ It doesn't matter how much good press VF gets, if gamers have that kind of attitude towards it, it'll never be as big as we all hope it will become...:(
  8. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    ^I don't know, I think it's building, albeit slowly. Here in Sydney we've got a small scene, but it's full of dedicated players. Our last monthly tournament only garnered 8 players, but there were at least 3 that usually play that couldn't make it, possibly throw in another 2 who play often but weren't there on the day. Add to that I'm trying to get another 4 KOF players into the game, who seem to be taking it up quite well and we've got potentially 17 or so players. It's not SFIV or Marvel, but it's enough for a good little community.

    I think that VF6 when it comes out, if it's given to the West quickly enough and gets a fair timed console release will have a chance at being big, especially if Sega supports it like they did with FS with launch events and tournament organisation etc.

    This is especially true if we keep up supporting the game, I know it's dying off a bit now, but I think the scene will only build in the future. I wonder how many people had FS as their first VF game? I know it's my first that I've played at tournaments etc, despite loving the series since 2.
  9. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    There is more to learn in other fighters than VF mostly because most other fighters are deliberate with their characters and have more of them, meaning you have to know a lot more specifics than in VF. You can't mash in any game and get anywhere if you go up against someone who knows what they are doing.

    Visually, yes they need to spice it up but that's about it. It did wonders for KOF XIII, despite it not being as versatile as 98UM.

    Don't let people's opinions on VF bring you down. If they don't live in Asia, they suck at whatever game they play.
  10. shad

    shad Well-Known Member

    doct0r cube
    Srk, about VGAbest figting game reward :
    Tha_FeauchA likes this.
  11. RunningWildVidya

    RunningWildVidya Active Member

    The guy that made that video has over 500-1,000 matches he's played on his channel in games like SvC Chaos and Art of Fighting 2.
  12. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    Yes sir. I always leave it up to my boy AcidGlow to provide videos for me to completely disagree with. :D
  13. RunningWildVidya

    RunningWildVidya Active Member

    I could never get him to fight me in Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 back when he was playing it.


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