Gameinformer score

Discussion in 'Console' started by Onslaught, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Heh, I remember that. Infact that was the last good review I read on a fighting game.

    "You can't tell right off the bat, but VF4 is the best fighting game in years"

    Unfortunately reviews are written for people who don't play fighting games hardcore like us. It's not cut and dry for fighting games unfortunately. As the fun tends to be in playing the game right and not using "gimmicks" as such.
  2. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    When you review a game, it has to be based on the game as a whole - the fighting engine, extras, everything. From what I've been hearing iirc, VF5 is not the coming of Jesus everybody wants it to be. Not having any online features in this day in ages is just retarded. Who cares what Sega's stance is - it is equally as retarded.
  3. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    I keep hearing about some lack of features that VF5 "might" have but it seems that people just like complaining about nothing. VF5 has a VF.TV feature that nobody even uses, which is sad. Then you have people talking bad about the game but they don't even have a system to play it on. This game is the best game on the shelves today, hands down!
  4. Old_Man_Shun

    Old_Man_Shun Member

    Game informer can kiss my .... I've played VF5 and i know it deserves a 9.2. I agree with Sega on not having online play since
    Fighting games are require both play to have no more then a 35ms delay. on online fighting games play the winner is never decided by the players skills but by who has the fastest ping Look at DOA4 or any other fighter release with online support including the 2D ones from SNK and capcom. I have a feeling ever one is going to ding the game base on the fact that it lacks online play.
  5. FaisonI

    FaisonI Well-Known Member

    You are right because even if this game would have received -10, based on what I have seen (videos) and what I have read here (VFDC) I still intend to get this game on day one. I don't even have my PS3 yet, only because when the system was launched there wasn't a game that launched with it that I wanted. So when the date for VF5 rolled out I said BAM that is when I will spend my $800.
  6. azrael

    azrael Active Member

    Onlinecontent would be really nice and thats what is really missing in VF5. And i just mean new costumes or updating the version not online play, there i think the same way as sega.
  7. Old_Man_Shun

    Old_Man_Shun Member

    I think they can do Online content and version upgrades over the PS3 store.

    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

    Yup. The very delicate juggling act between casual and hardcore is tough in anything, especially writing about it and considering who your audience is.

    I do try to cater to both type of readers in my work, but yet, I don't want to like tool. I do have journalistic integrity to uphold. And to top it all off, I got deadlines, editors, and ad space to deal with. So yeah.

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