Goh Combos

Discussion in 'Goh' started by Leonard_McCoy, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. biZArre_Logic

    biZArre_Logic Active Member

    Thanks everyone! I've been using some of the combos from this thread in my online matches. Improved my fighting tenfold.
  2. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    This works on EI on open as well, I haven't tested further.
  3. tmd02

    tmd02 Well-Known Member

  4. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    some cool ideas, thanks
  5. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    I'm taking down everything you guys put in here [​IMG]
    Yea baby!
  6. Grabczas

    Grabczas Well-Known Member

    After watching this movie I realized something. I need more combos with [6][K] [P]+[G] ending ^^ Maybe I'm gonna do a little less damage but its hard knockdown with no ukemi possible so it let me control my opponent more [​IMG] What do you think about that idea?
  7. JaLoHa21

    JaLoHa21 Well-Known Member

    Well it's a good idea, but only so many of his combos allow him to do that because of how slow that move comes out. I only do it with his wall combos to make the opponent say "FUCK" to respect me and to be a little scared of being next to the wall since they end up still against the wall. Other than that I usually end my combos with 3P,P or 46P+K,P,6P.
  8. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    ha, I'm the exact opposite. I prefer 3pp and 46p+k enders. Spot a tech roll you can set up what you want to do without needing to worry about rising attcks, and it keeps momentum going. see them lying still, go for a light down attack or ground throw.
  9. tmd02

    tmd02 Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot guys!

    And I don't know about recommending to do anything from my vid in match play, I have zero knowledge of competative or casual match play, and I make these combos for entertainment purposes [​IMG]
    Genesis likes this.
  10. ChronoJoe

    ChronoJoe New Member

    1P+K > P > K > P > 33P+K [75]

    Seems slightly more useful to me, easier to execute Tested on Jean, Jeffry and Lion.
  11. Pasqual

    Pasqual New Member

    Hey y'all. I've got some damage maximums, afaik. I didn't test every combo on everyone but at least tried them against the two ends of each weight class, give or take. I'm new to Goh and really enjoying his style; I also appreciate that there doesn't seem to be much of any stance checking going on in his combos.

    6K+G, 9P+K, 4P+K, 46P+KP6P (86)
    Should work on everyone except Taka.

    3P+K, 2P, 66P+K, 46P+KP6P (73)
    Works on LW and MW.

    charged 4P+K (on hit), 2P, 66P+K, 46P+KP6P (88)

    CH 6K, 1P+K, P, 66P+K, 46P+KP6P (109)
    LW and MW! Get those extra 3 points.
  12. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    46p, p, 4p+k, 2p, shrm ( maybe requires close stance on some )

    i wrote this before, but not added to combo section

    33p, 4p+k, 2p, 46p+K, p, 6p.

    sh, li, br, va.. forgot the rest
    ) :
  13. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    i was trying this forever and i wasn't getting 86 points. then i realised you forgot to note the extra [P]s at the end lol

    [6][K][+][G] > [9][P][+][K] > [4][P][+][K] > [4][6][P][+][K] > [6][P][P][P] (86)
  14. Pasqual

    Pasqual New Member

    I think you slightly misread; the "P6P" at the end of the 46P+K string is the correct finisher.

    Edit: Some 46P combo stuff, not fully tested except against noted characters.

    46P, P, 66P+K, 3PP (67)
    Eileen {open only?}, Lion {closed}, Blaze. Kinda awkward 66P+K, not sure why.

    46P, P, 4P+K, 3PP (68)
    Eileen, Blaze (closed). Definitely doesn't work on Lion, Vanessa.
  15. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    havent tested on all characters works on aoi cl/op

    u can do it from 6k ch.
    3kp, 46p, 1 frame delay 2p by doing 66, 46P+K,p,6p
  16. TSF

    TSF Active Member

    Works on Aoi, Sarah, Pai (no 1f delay for her), Lion and Vanessa (needs more that 1f of delay for her it seems, so not that reliable), open and closed. Does 117 with 6k CH.
  17. TSF

    TSF Active Member

    After a bit of testing I saw that the previous combo worked against Vanessa but she needs 2f of delay for the [2][P] to land correctly.
    So you need to do:

    [6][K] CH, [3][K][P], [6][6][4][6][P], [6][6][2][P], [4][6][P][+][K][P][6][P]

    Also, best [6][K] combo against Shun, 115 dmg, op/cl:
    [6][K] CH, [3][K][P], [3][P], [2][P], [4][6][P][+][K][P][6][P]
    Also works on Vanessa ; still needs 2f kill but is easier than the previous one.
  18. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    I wrote down all the combos from this thread on paper and will test them later (stances, all characters they're possible on, ..). When I finished the list should I post them here or make a new thread?
  19. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    We already got that covered in a way here.
  20. SooPringles

    SooPringles New Member

    Big thanks to everyone who's contributed to this thread. Makes learning some offense so much easier.

    I think one of these was posted already, but here's some things I've been using.

    1) 1P+K > 46P > 46P+KP6P (77)

    2) 4P+K > 46P > 46P+KP6P (71)

    *No Taka
    *The timing is a bit tight on Heavyweights but they still work.

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