Goh Combos

Discussion in 'Goh' started by Leonard_McCoy, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. tmd02

    tmd02 Well-Known Member

  2. Pasqual

    Pasqual New Member

    More random combos that need further testing:

    1P+K, P, 9P+K, 4P+K, 6K~P+G (99)
    Definitely works on all the ladies, although possibly only closed on Pai. Also works on Blaze and Lion at least. Definitely doesn't work on Shun, untested on everyone else.

    CH 6K, 1P+K, P, 4P+K, 46P+KP6P (110)
    Tested on Blaze and Lion only so far.
  3. WingedRegent

    WingedRegent Member

    IDK if this was covered, but this can be done next to a wall against everyone except for Akira, Jacky, Jean, Wolf, Jeffrey, and Taka.

    With opponent's back to a wall:

    CH 6K, 6P+K, 1P+K, 4P+K (Max Charge), 9P+K, 6K:p+G

    7 Hits at 140 DMG. Works pretty consistently.

    Here are also combos that I had posted on a GameFAQs forum for VF5FS:

    4P+K, P, 66P+K, 46P+KP6P. 6 Hits for 76 Damage. (Works on LW and MW)
    4P+K, P, 6K:p+G. 4 Hits for 62 Damage. More stylish than anything. (Works on LW and MW)
    6K+G, P, 46P+KP6P. 5 Hits for 64 Damage. (LW, MW, and Jean)
    4P+K(Charged), 2P, 46P+KP6P. 5 Hits for 72 Damage. (LW and MW)
    1P+K, P, P, 6K:p+G. 5 Hits for 73 Damage. (LW and MW)
    66P+G, 3PP. 4 Hits for 49 Damage. Replaces his old 66P+G, 333P+K combo from VF4Evo-VF5. (Everyone except Wolf, Jeffrey, and Taka IIRC)
    333P+K (Stagger), 33P, 66, 46P+KP6P. 5 Hits for about 81-87 Damage IIRC.
    1P+K, P, 9P+K, 6K~P+G. 5 Hits for about 83 DMG. For Akira, Jacky, Wolf, and Jeffrey, use 46P+KP6P instead of the 9P+K set-up. Not as strong, obviously, but it lands.

    1P+K, P, 9P+K, 46P+KP6P

    6 Hits for about 84 damage. Does the same damage + easier to land than the 6K~P+G variant. A bit more reliable, but both are nice to use.

    1P+K, 9P+K, 6K~P+G
    1P+K, 9P+K, 46P+KP6P

    The top variant is a bit flashier, but it does 3 less damage than the bottom variant + is harder to do, so I'd recommend ending with the 46P+KP6P string. Both do somewhere in the High 70s to low 80s in terms of damage + both work only on Taka-Arashi.

    333P+K (Stagger), 46P+KP, P, 6K-->P+G.

    6 Hits for 93 DMG. For Akira, Jacky, and Jean, you need to be just a tad-bit faster to catch them, or else they drop below the grabbing range. This combo does NOT work on Wolf, Jeffrey, or Taka.
  4. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Any combo which includes [6] [P] [+] [K] causing a wall stagger is not a guaranteed combo. It can be struggled out of.
  5. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Against Taka (these might be listed here already, but anyway)

    - 1P+K, 9P+K, P, 6K:p+G 84
    - 1P+K, 9P+K, 46P+K,P,6P 79
    - 1P+K, 9P+K, 46P+K,P,P 76
    (if not exact recovered 3K for +13 dmg. Ground throw not guaranteed, but you can try)

    The above aply from CH 6K also

    CH / crouch hit
    - 3K,P, 1f delay 46P+K,P,P 69 (+ possibility for 3K down attack +13) 46P+K,P,6P cannot hit with 1f delay.
    - 3K,P, 46P+K,P,6P 72 (Last hit is escapable with exact recovery, so not really a combo)

    - 46P, P, K 44 (kinda sad)
    - 46P, P, FC 3P+K 45 (Don't hold 6 during the jab and it should work as long as you're not too close or not too far. The P registers as 13f. Just know when it's aplicable e.g. as 4P+K,P punisher it's perfect distance. For meager 1 point more!)
    - 46P, 3PP (Open stance only)

    Near wall 236P+K, FC 3P+K 40 (Just for lols and because it's possible)
  6. WingedRegent

    WingedRegent Member

    That's a given, yes, but the combo's still there + when it comes to Online, I've noticed that people don't tend to break the staggers too often, so it's viable. Not "optimal", but viable. *nods*
  7. Berty33

    Berty33 Member

    I know about 1% as much as you do when it comes to Goh, and true "combos" are my weakest part of the game IMO, I'm useless at punishing.

    However, I just tried out some of the above posted combos in dojo, and those 2 above definitely work on characters other than Taka. Tried it on Taka, Pai and El Blaze and it works on those 3 at least.

    Maybe I'm missing something, I wouldn't be surprised.

    In the same vein (only tested on El Blaze), I noticed you can do:
    1P+K, P, P+K, 6K~P+G for 82 dmg, which seems decent.

    Like I said, when it comes to combos I'm a total scrub so let me know if it ain't right.
  8. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Just came up with this. Only tried on Eileen so far.

    3K,P, 1f delay 3P, 1f delay P, 46P+K,P,6P
    3K,P, 1f delay 3P, 1f delay P, 6K~P+G

    Both do 89 on crouch hit. No stance requirement.

    And just because I like to be an ass with spike combos:
    3K,P, 1f delay 3P, 1f delay P, 46P+K,P,P (shoulder)
    does 86 (99) on crouch hit but open stance only.

    Against Jean from open stance 3K,P, 1f delay 3P, 2P, 46P+K,P,6P

    EDIT: autosmilies screwing my notations. EDIT2: Jean edition.
  9. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Can someone please explain why Wolf doesn't hit the wall when you finish a combo with [4][6][P]+[K][P][P]

    Is this something exclusive to that particular weight class?
  10. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    (CH 6K) 3K,P, 3P, 2P, 46P(delay),P,6P

    Works on Jacky both stances. Since I forgot to mention the damage in the Jean version it's 88 (on 3K crouch normal hit). I got this combo to hit in a couple different ways from closed but open seems impossible unless you do it like this. Hard, but I think that's max against Jacky and hey, it's stance free.
  11. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    VS Sarah and Lion only after back-turned [P][+][G]:

    3P, P, 46P+KP6P
    3P, P, 6KP+G

    Sorry if this is old.
  12. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Here one combo that i tested it against sarah. im sure it works and to other lightweights or superlights but i didnt test it.
    [3][3][P] > [3][P] > [2][P] ( 1fk [2][P] ) > [4][6][P][+][K][P][6][P]
  13. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    what do you mean with "buffer"? tnx
  14. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    You can do 2p with 11P+K+G. That means you need 1 frame delay on the low punch. Some combos requires 1fk 2P (2P= 11P+K+G) to connect.
    Mister likes this.
  15. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    In an attempt to revive the thread...

    In a somewhat recent Japanese match, I noticed a Goh player ending his combo with 4K+G rather than 46P+K, P, 6P. I saw some nice mix-up potential while back-turned if the opponent would ukemi after. Here's one of my better results. (This camera is old as dirt. My apologies.)

  16. JaLoHa21

    JaLoHa21 Well-Known Member

    I tested 33P+K, P, 66P+K, 6P, 4K+G on everyone with a ? and was able to do it on:*
    El Blaze: CS
    Aoi: CS
    Lion: CS (Dash half way up and do 4P+K, certain timing)
    Vanessa: CS (Dash half way up and do 4P+K, certain timing)

    I tested 66P+K, P, P, 46P+KP2P on everyone with a ? and was able to do it on:*
    Eileen: CS and OS
    El Blaze: CS and OS
    Aoi: CS and OS
    Sarah: CS and OS
    Pai: CS and OS
    Lion: CS and OS
    Vanessa: CS and OS
    Jean: CS and OS
    Jacky: CS and OS

    I tested 66P+K, P, P, 46P+KP2P on everyone with a ? and was able to do it on:*
    Lion: CS and OS
    Vanessa: CS and OS
    Jean: CS

    *If you don't see a character with a ? on this list it's because I couldn't get the combo to work. I tried virtually every possible timing but could succeed to make it happen.
  17. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    I guess this is supposed to be 33P, 4P+K, P, 66P+K, 6_P, 4K+G?
    Thanks for testing.

    I think one of these is supposed to be something different than you wrote up? Twice the same notation.
  18. JaLoHa21

    JaLoHa21 Well-Known Member

    Oh ya, I did mess that up. I did test 33P though. And no, on the combo list it says what I wrote down.
  19. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    To quote a turd "you know that puts you at disadvantage". Yeah for inside jokes.
  20. JinKs81

    JinKs81 Well-Known Member

    9K+G(Stagger) 2P P 46P+KP6P.
    It does good dmg and works against the HW like Wolf as well.

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