Goh: Final Tuned

Discussion in 'Goh' started by Myke, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Just forward dash a bit if you're really worried about that, have you tried using Goh before? [4][P]+[K] has not changed very much from Evo, and it was very usable before, with longer failed evade animation, it would only make it even more usable.
  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    ...the exception being charge moves right? At least for Lei Fei's lunging attack, but I think the same should apply to Goh's [4][P]+[K].
  3. Robio_kun

    Robio_kun Well-Known Member

    you would think so wouldn't you. I know wolf's[4][6][P] tracks. Unfortunately Goh's[4][P]+[K] doesn't seem to. Don't know why...
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    That sucks!
  5. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    What's the damage of Basara?

    How much dmg does basara do btw (exakt same dmg both options)?

  6. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: What's the damage of Basara?

    Same exact dmg with each options. 65 dmg total me thinks.
  7. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member

    Re: What's the damage of Basara?

    Can anybody give me an idea of how to time the Basara? I was practicing a little bit, yesterday (like, for one match straight)... and I only pulled off the whole thing once. I only even got to the second part about 3 times. How am I supposed to time it? I know that's a little hard to explain online, but are there any visual tips? Things to watch for? Is it "as fast as I can?"

  8. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Re: What's the damage of Basara?

    [ QUOTE ]
    b4k4 said:

    Can anybody give me an idea of how to time the Basara? I was practicing a little bit, yesterday (like, for one match straight)... and I only pulled off the whole thing once. I only even got to the second part about 3 times. How am I supposed to time it? I know that's a little hard to explain online, but are there any visual tips? Things to watch for? Is it "as fast as I can?"


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can help a bit with it this friday.

  9. Makatiel

    Makatiel Well-Known Member

    b, df p + g


    the site above says there is a [4][3][P][G] throw. if there is (i havent been to an arcade in a while) it might be something that should be added to srider's sticky. was it something that was added in ver. a?

    edit: another thing i saw on that site. it has the follow up to goh's [6][6][P] as just [P]+[G], not [4][P]+[G]. can someone confirm?
  10. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    Re: b, df p + g

    [ QUOTE ]
    Makatiel said:


    the site above says there is a [4][3][P][G] throw. if there is (i havent been to an arcade in a while) it might be something that should be added to srider's sticky. was it something that was added in ver. a?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As far as i can remember [4][3][P]+[G] is goh`s [6][4] [P]+[G] from VF Evo....this throw-command definetely exists in Final Tuned!
  11. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Re: b, df p + g

    Goh Combo Maniacs
    Orange Mook
    Text - Astro
    Translation - Noodalls

    1. [P] [K]+[G][P]
    2. [P] [6][P][P]
    3. [P] [P] [3][3][6][P]+[K]
    4. [P] [P] (B1 or B2)
    5. [P] [P] [K]

    From [4][P]+[K] combo 1 is the biggest damage. It connects up to Lau in the middle weights in open stance. On counter hit you can take away the [P] and it will connect on bigs. The total damage off a normal hit is 63, which being very high, means you want to connect this every time you get a chance. Combo 2 is for open stance, and connects on all characters, even on a normal hit. The last hit is a slam hit, so if the opponent fails to tech you get a free down attack.
    Combo 4 and 5 also work on all characters irrespective of footstance. Specially combo 4 ends with a slam, so if the opponent fails to tech you can go for a ground throw. With combo 3, if the combo is done in closed stance, you can go from there into okizeme smoothly.

    [4][P] (A2)
    6. [P] [2_][6][P]+[K]
    7. [P] [6][K]

    From [4][P] (A2), when in closed stance a follow up [P] will connect except on Jacky and Lau. Combo 6 works on light weights, and 7 connects on others. In open stance, it's difficult to connect a [P] on Aoi. Against her, you can repeat the [4][P] (A2). For some reason, against Jeffrey in either foot stance [P] will refloat him very high, so you can go for a [K]+[G].

    [4][6][K] or [4][6][P]+[K] or [K]+[G][P]
    8. [P] [3][3][6][P]+[K]
    9. [2][P] [K]
    10. [3][3][6][P]+[K]
    11. [2][P] [4][P] (A1)

    The basic combo after a stomach crumple is 9. If you delay the [2][P] slightly it will refloat, then you can do the next move asap. If you do manage to refloat them you can look to add damage with combo 11. For people who aren't good at refloating, 10 is the safest option. 8 is the biggest damage you can go for against heavyweights. The [P] timing is difficult, so you can go for easy damage instead with combo 9.

    [4][6][P] (on minor counter or above)
    12. [P] [6][P][P]
    13. [P] [3][3][6][P]+[K]
    14. [P] [K]
    15. [P] [4][P]+[K] [K]
    16. [6][P]+[K][P]

    On minor counter or above, the [4][6][P]slams the opponent down, 13 and 14 are the safe options. Both give poor overall damage, but connect on all characters in either stance. Against heavy weights you need to delay the [P] a little. 15 works on Aoi and Pai only, but can be evaded with tight techrolling. When in open stance, go for combo 12. For light weights to akira, after the [P] dash a little bit forward for the [6][P][P].

    16. [6][P]+[K][P]
    After the [6][K] hits on counter hit, the advantage frames have been lessened, so combo with 16. Sometimes it won't connect when you're in closed stance after the hit, so go for the guaranteed damage.

    17. [6][6][K]

    BT [P]+[G]
    18. [6][6][K]

    The new move [6][6][K] causes vital point stun on counter hit, so you can go for another [6][6][K]. If you were slow in determining the type of hit, you can use [K] instead. You can do the same thing after his BT [P]+[G] catch throw.

    [6][6][P]+[G] (B1)
    19. [3][3][6][P]+[K]
    20. [P] [2][P] [3][3][6][P]
    21. [P] [2][P] [4][P] (A1 or A2)

    After his [6][6][P]+[G] (B1) you can connect 19 on all characters, no matter the weight class. Different from this, 20 and 21 are character limited combos, connecting on Sarah, Brad, Lei, Lion. One point, after the [6][6][P]+[G] (B1) you dash slightly slightly forward before connecting the [P]. If you do a [2][P] from there it will refloat, so do it immediately. On the other hand, combo 21 is a slam combo, so if you're able to include the ground throw, you can connect with big damage. The difficulty increases, but if after the [P] you can input the [2][P] as [6][6][2][P] to expend one frame, you can connect on Pai, Vanessa and Shun.
  12. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Goh's 8_2+k+g

    Does anyone know the properties on goh's 8_2+k+g? Does this have to be as close as possible for tech trip? Sometimes I get successfull evade with 46+p,p,336+p+k and try 8_2+k+g and it misses, so I try to 66 in and atempt to get 8_2 k+g and it works 50% of the time. Does anyone know if this is stance specific or it has some property I'm not aware of? I wish this was as easy as pai's leg trip, lol.

    Peace ^-^
  13. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Re: Goh's 8_2+k+g

    I wish I can give you a concrete answer, I'm not consistent with the move myself.

    I try to do the move after techrolls from chop stance specific combos, hitting with [6][P]+[K][P] and after his catch throw->shrm. You need to react fast and pick the correct side of course and it works best when close.

    I find it most effective after CH [1][K]+[G] hit and opponent tries to techroll.

    Also, on rare occassions I'll try it to punish failed evades.
  14. nobody

    nobody Well-Known Member

    Re: Goh's 8_2+k+g

    While we're at it, what's the difference between the two trip versions and what stance triggers which? I think small pounce is guaranteed after one but not the other.
  15. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    Re: Goh's 8_2+k+g

    You don't have to necessarily react fast to catch a techroller with [8]/[2][K]+[G] after his [6][6][P]+[G]>Shoulder ram; delaying slightly so you can see the direction they're TRing is just as effective as far as getting the move to hit. Delaying can also be useful off of his [4][6][P] slam combos, because it'll let you get the maximum movement from the forward dash (which will let you connect the move a little easier too). Obviously the delay method has its downsides, but it's still something you can consider occassionally.

    You can also catch QR with the move, but I think this is heavily stance (and probably size) dependant. I only rarely get it off a QR, but it does work to an extent.
  16. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    Re: Goh's 8_2+k+g

    [ QUOTE ]
    nobody said:

    While we're at it, what's the difference between the two trip versions and what stance triggers which? I think small pounce is guaranteed after one but not the other.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    After some experimentation with Evo, I think I've got your answer. There really isn't a difference between either of the two moves, however the small pounce will not hit after you've tripped an opponent with the [8]/[2][K]+[G] towards your front. That is to say:

    L1.... ....R2 Open stance (L=left, R=right,1=player 1, 2=player 2)
    ....R1 L2....

    P1 is Goh(you) and P2 is your opponent. Your opponent sidesteps to the backround, and you catch him with [8][K]+[G]. Small pounce will whiff. However, if your opponent sidesteps into the foreground and you catch him with [2][K]+[G], the small pounce will hit because [2] coincided with your back.

    Remember, it's not stance dependant exactly. It doesn't matter if you're in open or closed stance, it only matters if you catch them in the direction of your front or of your back. Kinda complicated for a small pounce, considering the ground throw is guaranteed after the hit-throw regardless of foot position or which side the opponent was caught. There's a chance I may be wrong, but that would mean the ground throw is harder to struggle out of than Goh's [3][3][P]+[G], which means it probably wouldn't hurt to go for it everytime regardless. It's that little bit that makes it better than Pai's trip, imo.

    Now remember, this is Evo. Not sure if the move was tweaked in FT, I can't find any info here that hints at it... but I haven't played FT, so further inquiry on the matter might not unwarranted. Hope that helped.
  17. nobody

    nobody Well-Known Member

    Re: Goh's 8_2+k+g

    Huh. I thought it would be more important than that.
    Thanks for the testing, I'll just keep going for the ground throw, then.
  18. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Re: Goh's 8_2+k+g

    You have to move forward a bit before you do the [3][P] ground attack to hit. It's a bit off-axis after the trip and that's why it whiffs, so just do [6][6][3][P]. Works every time as long as you do it quickly.

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