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Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    You'd have to survey each person who posted to get that answer!

    My guess is that most posters giving GG's here were from player matches especially since the update.
  2. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    GGs to: everyone i've played, can't post at home, so i smack down 50 games in a wkend and come in on monday and don't know who to highlight.

    Cozby: Sorry about only getting 4-5 games with you, didn't even play enough to steal anything new from you. I've been mad-rocking some of your arrow punch mixups, wearing it out bro. Also sorry about sweeping the legs, but you know, sometimes you gotta sweep coz's legs, thats just the way it goes. We need to get a marathon session in sometime soon. (and some shun v shun).

    VFlunchcard: Okay it wasn't a good game, lol, I won three rounds in a row as opposed to u beating me in 5 as per usual. Looked like you were either in a slump or trying out new stuff, waaaaay to many 4pp to open your offense. But we need to hook up some marathon player also. Invite me player.

    Linz: ditto, invite me to some player.

    To round out the lei fei crew:
    Social Ruin: shun v shun, weak buddy. we both sucked. all other subs, and that epic lau v blaze, we shoulda saved that and thrown it onto youtube for everyone to witness. watch out 2kk.

    Your lei is getting stronger, you solid. In the next couple wks you'll start having some effectuve traps to set up, i can see your progression with every session. Just wish you'd go a touch more serious against me, like you said, i can see your autopilot light flashing just about everytime we play. You keep trying and you'll get a 2 game win streak on me one of these days /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif hehe, sure you already have. Your mix ups are getting better and nowadays theres no jacking around, i have to actually play and play hard, no more throwing out random bad moves. And big ups on the throw evades man, very few newer players get those, heck i don't.

    75suited: quality pai my friend. It was nice to play you a few again, sorry about demoting you /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif I like playing against you, we are close enough in level that its always a competitive match and you combine just enough of the things i can handle as to make me feel good about myself and just enough that i can't handle as to make me improve, hope i offer the same experience for you.

    Yellow Cafe: damn you and your lau, lol.

    Blahzie: we played 1 or 2 over the weekend, sway back low kick for the win, you brads kill me. The most hilarious part is how we never have a close round it seems, one of us steamrolls the other one than we reset for the next. Hit me up for player sometime.

    Shinn Akira: where to start? I know, SABAKI. It gave me an edge (not over you but over my previous matches against you). I actually had a 2 game win streak, i thought about running away right there and never playing you again, haha. Sorry to drop out so soon, Me and social ruin had penciled in some players and didn't want to ditch him. Of course invite me anytime, haha, you already do but lets keep them going. You are teaching me so much about brad and VF5 in general. You push me past my limits. thanx man.

    Dabadseed: can't believe i beat you twice in a row with my shun, then you realized i'm a masher and beat me 20 in a row. Your aoi is still off the chain, if she was ever on it. Invite me for some lion matches some time, i here you got a good one, and 4000 games later i still suck against him.

    VFBAND: ggs.

    i'm done highjacking this thread for the time being. When i think of some more later in the day i'll put you up.

    Also, special thanks to everyone who beat up my shun this weekend. He sucks, but you'll just have to endure kicking my can.

    let me edit this real quick: ggs too subbers, you took my master rank you punk /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    ggs to Kingofcarnage, hit me up any time, i'll be glad to help knock the rust off.

    peace out.
  3. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    ggs to wasted wish( i definitely was brainstorming on some defensive techniques and observing ur attack patterns.) Johoseph(those goh throws r vicious i better practice more in throw escaping him), SDS Overfiend( fun playin ur brad we' ll get more matches 2 day) Laoshu( I got spod alot thinking u were gonna dash and throw) Konjou Akira( i always see something new from ur kage to keep me off balance). Blackstar84i ( very impressive sarah), Rare Enity( i practiced alot to deal with that type of offensive strategy i gotta recognize his RD attacks more and defend accordingly), KingofCarnagevf(sorry bout the lag very tough matches) and every one else i forgot to mention. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  4. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    90% of my ggs are from ranked, but i play 90% ranked. Really i'll give a shout out GG to anyone i can think of regardless of where or how we played.

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    0_o ....?

    I don't play Sarah
  6. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    haha, u just nerfed his gg
  7. eiyujpn

    eiyujpn Active Member

    ggs to cheif flash!! thx for the beating~

    truly a beast with wolf, the best ever

    throughout my whole vf5 experience, never has anyone gave me such an electrifying jaw droppin fight

    never experienced excitement like this before

    sorry my goh wasnt up to par then but hope to fight you again someday and put up a challenge

    later bro
  8. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    VF5395 GGs mate you scared me there for a min. My Lei Fei hunting days looked
    like they were over /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif You're doing good though and forcing me to mix things up
    when I get you on the defensive my only piece of advice is find more ways to stay
    on the offensive and don't finish though setups all the time.

    I'm building some reaction time to BT which will get you killed once it's in muscle
    memory. RisenGlory has some very flashy yet safe Lei play if you get a chance play
    him although I know he's out of practice.
  9. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    GGs to Blahzie

    Long session there last night, you constituted 100% of my VF5 for monday night, lol. It was a good session, not as back and forth as I would have liked, but some days are gonna be like that. I didn't save enough of the replays, but i did save about 10-12, so that'll give me something to digest in regards to where brad is vulnerable and where he isn't. And damn me for rising kick into counter sabaki once per round, lol. And damn you for punching lei in the nose in the middle of his 236 p+k once a round. That darn move is supposed to sabaki punch. You had the winning move every round, like 7 outta the first 10 fights came down to one hit each, and each time you hit me, i was gettin frustrated for a minute there, but then i just had fun and went with it. Look forward to hittin it up again.
  10. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Oh forgot GG's to Blahzie:

    Blahzie one of these days I'm going to join a game with you and you are going
    to just murder my Jeffry. I mean like everytime I join. I'm going to be like WTF?
    I look forward to that day man, you deserve it. You've put so much time in playing I almost feel guilty about KNEEING YOU IN THE FACE AND MAKING YOU BLEED OUT OF THAT VAGINA YOU CALL A NO.....

    wait, sorry gotta take my medicine.......

    I kid, Blahzie we're going to have to player matches soon, when we do we'll see who is the real domdada!
  11. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    GGs to VF5395. The last time I played you was probably over a month ago. You were very good then but have improved greatly since the last we fought.

    I love Lei matches. They always make me think (too hard sometimes) but Lei vs Shun is always interesting.
  12. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Lots of good stuff I've seen over the time I've played so far, most notably from:

    Konjou Akira: Didn't expect to see you in the Player's section. The one time I thought I had you figured out, I end up getting tossed all over the place for my arrogance /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Thanks for the session.

    Lois Must Die X: Again, thanks for the lesson. I had told JCruz and Yip Yip I'd be starting to work on Pai. Now 'sides an REALLY blue and a REALLY green Pai y'all gonna have a REALLY white Pai to deal with. That being said, thanks for helping me develop her. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    Air Jacky: Nice adjustment towards the end of the session.

    Dextroverse: Didn't figure on winning having just started with Pai but thanks for fighting me anyway...

    And to the folks who whupped up on me in Ranked...
  13. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    ggs to WorstPlayer(defensively my timing was perfect until u adapted and delayed many of ur attacks and throws. i got too aggressive offensively /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif ) ggs also to None Other and Jhow77 both of ur shuns r extremely tricky I definitely learned alot from our matches /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  14. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Seems I am stuck at 7th dan which sucks crazy balls, but good games to all the people I have played recently...

    Wasted Wish
    VF band
    ...and everyone else.
  15. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ggs to VFlunchcard who has recently became a turtle, lol. When u mix that with offense naturally it could be the next step in ur game. Right now its kinda either ur pooring offense (usual style) or u go turtle, but i know its gonna click for u and u gonna be a juggernaut whom u cant hit --seriously, u work hard on ur game and thats the biggest part of ur style i need to gank. mad props. p.s. ur fuzzy gaurd recovery game is strong, yet another tool. vf#### has the best stagger recovery i've ever played--easy.

    wasted, what can i say. ur monk is off point. for u to be as strong as u r and do so much wrong and f-up so many inputs and never escape a throw (lol)...u got potential waiting to be tapped at every position, i'd be scared if the whole team came to play. AND u still as good as there is. U need to handle business and take ur game up to assassin or whatever.

    i see so many people on this sight that r elite, please invite me to player matches gt is social ruin (no underscore), i play at least 2 hrs a night between 8:30p.m. and 2 a.m.
  16. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    u play too mucn vf#### every player known to vfdc is gg-ing u every night, lol.
  17. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    VF5395 is to Lei Fei as
    Blahzie is to Brad.

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    gg's to dabadseed and loismustdie
  19. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    GGs to:

    We played one game and you straight spread me across some bread like i was mayo. Not a competitive second to that fight, lol. I was on a phone call and was like "i can play this dude while talking on the phone" but after that whacking i realized it would be fair to neither of us. Sorry we haven't got to hook it up proper yet, i'm really not ducking you buddy, we'll get it goin soon, promise. (from one match i'm thinking your akira is gonna be sick-nasty).

    Social Ruin:
    thanks for the praise. And i think i know what you were thinking. Lei Fei doens't have any super annoying saying to rub people the wrong way after the fights....what can we do to offset this??? I know!!! *lightbulb* i'll put him in the train conductor hat!!!!!! lol. But here's the real, you are getting better everyday. Its only a matter of time before you get up here on the crowded lei fei crew podium and start fighting for some form of minor dominance. N if you keep progressing so nicely you might even take the #1 spot in Coz's shadow, but i'll do everything in my power to keep ya from it.
  20. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    More Lei Feis just what I KNEED.

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