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Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. Air Jacky

    Air Jacky Well-Known Member

    good games Carolinapanter. it was fun playing you.
  2. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    i hate to say it but...lol.
  3. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    good games to

    konjou's roommate
    sharp j7

    had fun hope 2 play u guyz again. sry 4 all the names have not bin on website in awhile
  4. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    ggs to DaBadSeed~

    To be honest, I really enjoy ur Lion's customize every time!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif And u make me feel more interested about this asshole!!I've decided to play Lion NOW!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif
  5. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Sorry But thats Corny. SMDH!!!
    Sound like a Certain somebody 4 years ago lol!
    "The Jacky Incident" Seed knows.

    GG'S To Krye NL. Excellent Lau you got there bro.
  6. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    GGs guys.

    Dabadseed, when I saw you enter my room a was worried about playing against your Aoi. I thought I was gonna get floored, Lol. But the matches weren't as bad as I expected (except for the few times I tried to do the 3 hit TFT bounce combo and failed in the execution). You're on my list, so we should play more often.
  7. Vanilla_Tears

    Vanilla_Tears Well-Known Member

    GG's to:
    Social Ruin
    Kahn Rahn
    A few others too.

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    gg's to erdraug .....3 hours strait?
  9. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    GGs to holyvagabond.
  10. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    some other dudes.
    Oh yeah nice wakeup call
    by Glory85. Just when you
    think you're aiiiight someone
    shows you the laaaiiight.
  11. TheHolyVagabond

    TheHolyVagabond Well-Known Member

    There's some names I forgot so I'll edit this post later. GGs to.....

    Wasted Wish - Sarah is gonna be the death of me. I should've recorded our fights so I could get used to your offense. As a Sarah player, I feel that unless I can keep the tempo, I'm in trouble because I can't stop anybody.

    Worstplayer - One day..... One day..... hopefully soon..... I'll worry enough about other people's throws enough to at least TRY to break them. As it is..... I'm pretty much throw fodder. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif EDIT* Oh yeah and you got to see my very crappy Aoi in player match. Yeah.... I'm just trying to get a feel for her.

    Blahzie - If you would throw more, you'd own me hard. But you don't, so I can keep it close and I even got a match win out of 3. Your style is fast but I'm fine with that.

    Just remembered Bizadedo (sp?) - Owned me hard at first, but I got used to your tactics and started winning a few later on. It only took me about..... 15 rounds to stop getting my ass kicked. lol

    I'd also like (once again) apologize to anybody who got disconnected from me. My 360 blows. Sometime soon I'll be getting my new 360 and then the only problem you'll have to worry about is why the hell I'm so stupid that I keep doing Sarah's FL /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif,/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif after her Flamingo /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif counter hits when I keep friggin' missing it.

    And I know this isn't a bad games thread but I've been playing way below what I think I should. I keep trying the aforementioned combo when it friggin' never hits (So stupid) and because of that people continue to duck when they see one leg in the air and it's up to me to beat the hell out of anybody using that tactic, I let people throw me with no remorse (just me being lazy), my tech-rolling is shit (still don't know why I mistime so many), and most of all my defense..... my awful, AWFUL defense. It's been hard for me to see tactics lately. Been getting owned lately by anybody who ducks my FL and stops it and uses a patient, steady offense. It feels like I get hit by EVERYTHING. *sigh*

    Alright, enough with the depression. I'm getting back into it tonight, crappy 360 or no crappy 360. NO FEAR GOTDAMMIT!!
  12. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    GG zeextremekid, textbook akira seems like a tiresome thing to pull off consistently, loosen up, enjoy the game!

    VERY good games with BLACK L A C! Your execution of vanessa's floats is *flawless*! That OS backcharge kick > half-a-lifebar-float really hurts, plus you didn't miss a single hit throw from DS. Come to think of it, you didn't miss the timign the OS counterstrike hit throw either, impressive!! Truth be told, yes a 3-hour mirror match can get tiring and yes the game did degenerate sometimes into a series of evade attacks/f+p strings/sweeps with both of us being in DS and dancing around *but* the reason i kept pressing the rematch button, asking for more, is because i think you have many things to tech me. My execution skills are not that good as you've realized and i have come to rely on setups and flowcharts. And yours are really good: i love the way you mixup p > throw with p > knee, scoring that hit throw every time, it's also interesting how you manage to play from OS without heavily relying on f+p,pkg like i do, which means you can stay in OS as long as you like, and it's also astonishing the effectiveness of ye olde evade > boomerang hook, i should really go for that myself.
  13. Rare_Entity

    Rare_Entity Well-Known Member

    Rare Entity
    GGs to TheHolyVagabond, sorry for the cheap ring out at the end but you were just asking for it! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    Blahze, about time I found a good Brad player online.

    Panther NeoGeo, very good Aoi. I didn't have a chance.

    GGs to anyone else I played.
  14. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member


    Tricky, bounced when I tried to follow the invite which was too bad.

    AG1022, much fancier Sarah than mine. Had to turtle or else I'd reap the whirlwind. Felt like it was only my oki tricks that kept me competitive.

    Steel XF, squished me like a grape time and time again.

    ShyboyLokes, branching out? Neat.
  15. TheHolyVagabond

    TheHolyVagabond Well-Known Member

    lol! I didn't see it coming until I saw the edge of the board and then I thought "Whoa I'm pretty close to the edge. But as long as I stay on the off..... Aw hell!" But don't apologize for the RO. If given the chance, I'd do the same.

    GGs though.

    GGs to Extremekid. Your akira is very methodical. Good defense too. Maybe one day I'll actually try to use fuzzy guard.

    GGs to Free Flood. You pretty much owned me for like..... 8 straight matches until I FINALLY thought to myself "You know.... maybe I should turtle when Lion starts jumping around." Then I finally got a couple of wins and the matches were closer.

    As of 10 minutes ago (after another hardware failure) I boxed up my crappy 360 and am ready to send it off to microsoft. Soon.... maybe a couple of weeks..... I'll be able to plAY unimpeeded and maybe get into some sparring matches. can't friggin' wait!
  16. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    good games to

    Rare Entity
    rejectwall ks
  17. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Ggs to KidVid it's always a pleasure chattin wit ya and eating TFT combos damn you for making me having to input multiple TE's. In fact i'm glad they're nurfing kage's /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif that move was a bit on the unfair side.

    Ggs to Punishing Soul I hope to play you some more in the future

    Ggs to VF Band. Damn you've got alot of work ahead of you. No, correction a TON of work ahead of you. ...the soundrack isn't up to par imo.

    ...oh and your Akira. He was nice. Don't worry it takes time to get used to fighting some chars - Shun used to whoop me alot cuz i didn't know what to do in alot of situations.

    Anyone know this Lion player named Artiskan? I met him back when I had just started, around when I was a 1st Dan or so. We both challenged each other to see who'd reach 10th dan first. He was exceptionally good but I suspect his Xbox has busted.
  18. Yota

    Yota Member

    GG to Kyle NL good Jeffry.
    I still dont know how throwescape the splat mountain haha
    It's hurt.

    Good mind game and zooning.

    Like to see your Lau.

  19. G_F_A

    G_F_A Member

    Good Games
    Dabadseed (funny and cool session)
    Yota good Brad
  20. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    GGs everybody.

    Action KungFu - Your Sarah is very good, but that Jacky fight was annoying, I've never seen anybody play with him like that before. We where playing for a long time, but it was good experience for me, cause I got used to some of Sarah's strings. GGs man, see you around.

    TheHolyVagabond - Good Sarah, but I was playing Action Kungfu's Sarah all day, so I got used to fighting against Sarah, that's why I kept countering or evading your attacks. GGs hope we have more matches next time.

    erdraug - Your Vanessa is good, but it's like every 10secs you wanna grab me. So I tried throw escaping and ETEG, but I'm not very consistent with those. I guess you could say my Akira is text book in a way, but I have been trying to practice certain moves and combos a lot so it comes out naturally. Next time I'll try to play different. I need practice against Vanessa anyways. GGs.

    Kahn Rahn - Last night we had some funny matches, I couldn't stop laughing. I wish I knew what direction it is to get out of the full circle grabs you used. It must be forward to back I think. Good Aoi matches, you really know how to mix up the moves and throws well, and good countering on your part. I was trying to pressure you into using counters and parrys, so I could figure out when it was safe to grab. Good matches, it dragged on at the end mainly cause I was tired, but I hope we meet again.

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