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Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    GGs to VF5395. I don't know how I did it but I freezed you up bro.
    I think you thought I was still Jeffry lol. Lei vs Lei fights are too strange.
    I think my dumbed down Lei was a bit more direct than you're used too =)
    You should have kept wiggling though everytime you did I ate well...everything.
    Now that I know more about Lei, lets see if it helps my Jeff game.

    GG's Subbers I know you probably got tired of playing my scrubby Lei but
    I was busy trying to figure out what good pokes he had. You helped me out
    immensely. Too bad I still haven't done a thorough circular investigation.
    Brave Aoi though, but then again I wasn't Jeffry the risk isn't as great to keep
    doing all those counters /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif I had no combos to answer with either.
  2. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    ggs to worstplayer( i freeze alot against lei im surprised u used him i did think lei was gonna splash mountain me lol) wasted wish ( fun matches) Rikojiang( his lei doesnt move like water but more like a tsunami pressure offensive with little room to breathe i was very surprised there was no lag) Konjou Akira( 42p+g 42p+g spod =awesome)black bauer ctu, xyzx forgot spelling very good eileen, None Other, and many other players i forget to mention
  3. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Ahh, well I decided to actually look at his movelist and play him a bit the past
    two days. My boy is getting good with him and the best way to keep beating his
    ass is to unveil all Leis secrets =)
  4. eiyujpn

    eiyujpn Active Member

    ggs to chief flash and social ruin

    once again exciting matches man! great stuff!! learned some of your combos n stuff! i wish i couldve recorded the whole session!

    @social ruin-
    nice lei, would like to play you again sometime, sorry if i seemed too much of a turtle, was trying out some stuff at the time and im afraid of lei...
  5. Air Jacky

    Air Jacky Well-Known Member

    Good Games to Action Kungfu you have a great Sarah. also good games to Sharp j7 we had alot of good matches there. also good games xyxz### sorry forgot the rest of your gametag, it was fun playing you.
  6. EeHoN_WIN

    EeHoN_WIN Member

    They definitely were... I learned alot. (like how much I hate Shun and envy those who can play him-- I wanna learn /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif *pouting face*) LOL
  7. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Yea gg's there mlp715 and to whoever else I played.
  8. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    Good games to Tha_FeachA the other day! Man, it was so fun trading win streaks and getting SPoDed by you lol. You have very good execution skills with Akira. Didn't know 46pg - p p p p - double palm connects on Akira. I always did three. Anyways, I'll see if I can catch up with you execution-wise. Good stuff!!
  9. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Who were u using yesterday eiy, i remembered playing u and then ditching. I don't mind playing turtles--i always love to work on my throw game and then usually my opp will want to start throwing too, and then i get to work on my throw escape game. Hit me up again sometime, i'd stay'd longer if i knew u were a vfdc-er. Especially if i was winning...meaning alot of time if i'm winning and i don't think my opponenet is playing really i don't want to stick around while say...shangstaboston works on spamming jump punch. I want to have, but i also want to get better : ) Can't remember if u were the goh, or the pai/sarah tan with wings combos i was playin. ggs all the same.
  10. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    who you talking to?
  11. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member


    Leave it to Jake to figure that one out!! I'll never forget that night at Jeff's when you, Mike, and Alex were playing the Sega Saturn version of VF2 practicing Akira combos on Dural's slow-mo stage until like 5 in the morning. Good times!!

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    ggs to:

    ACTION KUNGFU: man, i'm glad i got a chance to face you. It seems like you were bugged out by me at first; you must have thought I was a Ryu wannabe trying to be the next street fighter champ or something -- no, I wasn't trying to take down one of the best players for bragging rights. But, you are certainly as good as everybody says. the way you effortlessly switch to flamingo and play it like regular style (especially when you crush me with her /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df_.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif) I hope I can face you again, and maybe even in the ever-elusive invite match, because I can learn alot from ya. I love facing against other Sarahs.

    Ne0 Maxim: crazy leifei. crazy looking leifei too! I had to closely eye your stances to figure out when to evade and what attack to use. thank you for helping me in my vs leifei game

    GodEater VFDC: I think that's how you spell it. Nice Jeffry, it was close, I thought I was gonna lose, but I was determine to pull out! Wait, did I lose? I don't even remember anymore, I'm getting old.
  13. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    ggs man. yeh at first that's what I thought, but it's cool and all that I mean everyone has their reasons for playing. I had fun playing, so good games and everything.

    what's "ever-elusive invite match", you mean like a private match?

    Also, good games to everyone that mentioned me in their gg posts since I don't really post in this thread too much I just basically read it.
  14. mlp715

    mlp715 Well-Known Member

    ggs to ACTION KUNGFU sorry about my connection everyone in my area was having wierd online issues even though i had all bars green and full time warner dsl was havin probs. next time it should be better maybe i can win more than 1 round lol
  15. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    it's ok man.

    and next time, it's possible.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    yeah, I meant private match
  17. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    75suited lol stop killing me with your bokutai okizeme game! hahaha I always tell myself "I got you now!" Then boom im dead!

    Ggs to JRX1 LENNIE lol i really did throw my gum at the wall after one of the matches we had.

    Ggs to Social Ruin oh boy your an Angry Aggressor! Lol your always trying to knock my block off!

    Ggs to Konjou my Kage didn't deserve your Akira I couldn't even execute TFT combos correctly.

    I like the way TWP plays Lei its very stoic & fundamental-like... nothing like casual Lei players.
  18. Linzhuomin

    Linzhuomin Well-Known Member

    ggs to:

    shin akira - Wow. I didn't stand a chance. Thanks for playing me all those times. At one point your playstyle changed drastically. It could be either that you were toying with me or trying to teach me something fundamental. Given your skill level and the number of times you played me, I'm going to guess the second option. Whatever it was, I'm guessing that I only grasped the surface of it. Either way, I'd like to formally admit that you're far above my skill level, and I've definitely lost the delusion that I'm any good at this game. At the same time though, I'd really like to learn from you. So, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to play more sometime. Also, if you'd be so kind, clearly you saw a major flaw in my playing, so if you could let me in on what that was (and not tell any of the other leis before I can fix it) I'd really appreciate it;)

    JRX# LENNIE - yo, good games, finally I got to play a 10th dan, I really really appreciate you providing me with that thrill that comes only from a ranked match. I haven't had a rush like that in over a month. You were scary too! I almost lost it. My only regret is that you lost 10th... I personally feel that you deserve the rank, I just got lucky man.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    in what is like my 18th time posting in a day -- thanks to Social ruin for hitting me up with tips after our player match. heheh, I might even use them against other unnamed VFDC lei users, one might have actually been about two posts above me......heheheheheheh, *cough*
  20. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    gg to blackstar. u exhibit all the things i hate about sarah, lol. fl kicks that i swear r straight and half circ, crazy hit boxes-i kid, fast jab, and whatever it is that i cant put my finger on. also, i never know when to throw her. she lifts that leg and i dont know what the hell to do...u had me thinking my stick was broke, lol. i need to get better. thanks for the games i m gonna be hitting u up all the time til i learn sarah.
    ggs coz, whenevr i play one of the lei feis subs i feel a bit dissed and go aggro--well the nonsense in the 1st game my bro called. but sometimes when someones sub shows up i have to say f-it, i'm just gonna work on things too and i start trying to explore frames, for instance what moves leave garaunteed 9kg and knock the block offa shun, and practice 236 pk. but that being said, good shun-it played almost like a main shun.
    gg incident73, ur jacky was fun. made me realize how much i'm leaving on the table vs recovering opponents. hombre.

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