Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    ggs to:

    Betabow (again, got revenge on me this time!)

    SumoTX (we've played several times)



    and lastly, JUNOSYNTH! This guy is really strong! Nice connection too. Juno changes styles/tactics VERY well mid-match, and always seems in control of the fight, I wanna play again!
  2. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    ^^ What's your GT?
  3. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    I am Master and I do quick match more than I host. I find this gets me a match quicker and I can avoid people that I have lagged with in the past and I can avoid matches with kyus.

    I can't even find 10th Dans out there since I became Master I have found one and couldn't connect. I fight Konjou whenever I can.

    Who are the 10th Dans on the East Coast?

    And yeah what is up with Goh's who use his sabaki like three times a round? That is lame. It's good to know that kick still works. Goh players also when pressuerd do low punch then without hit checking do the shoulder. This goes through elbows and I think that is silly. It just rewards mindless low punching. Does the shoulder also kill low punches?
  4. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    I believe it beats 2ps as well (if you try to 2p after blocking their's). /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    I usually get caught with that once per match vs. Goh. It seems to me that if they land it successfully one time, they'll continue using it as their sole post-2p option. You're +9 if you block it, so you can set up a nice lil' nitaku situation on guard.

    Of course a good Goh will begin throwing after 2p to mix up...but that's a different story all together. Seems like there are very few good Gohs online anyway.

    GGs to:
    Black LAC
    Mattcruea (solid Aoi, fun games)
  5. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    +9 seems generous to Goh. I am not inclined to block after I block a low punch. Anything else work? Maybe Lau's u+k,k? That Goes through mids sometimes. Maybe sidekick? I find it hard to get a sidekick through two low punches online when I block the first one though.

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    GG's to sweeptheleg and glory85 .........for the past three days I was on a Mass Effect binge ......but I'm back to that sweet sweet VF /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  7. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    I find it silly that you play a turtle lau and abuse the same moves over and over then go to other threads and say that you don't turtle when in fact you do and then preach you don't. Lau has too many good moves and too many ways to inflict high damage. How many good circulars? How many launchers? Easy crush moves to apply. How many ways to get ppp2k with alot of combos? He's overall a strong character to start with. On the other hand goh players have to work for a living and that is why goh has a sabaki for every level. It's not like goh is set up with an array of fast attack weapons to come and charge you down like lau. Goh's have every level of sabaki and should be maximizing their damage against you with every one. They can stop p with p+k,p+g (tons of mixup), stop 3k with 46+k(crumples with decent followup),stop 2p with 43p+k(nets basara combo), stop 6p with 3p+k(Not sure, but I think pk is guaranteed with the option to go backturned and catchthrow if not interupted) and all have a decent if not better followups. When you say it's lame to use sabaki three times per round it's like saying it's lame for lau to start pp strings, using low circular at mid range etc, whoring his high punch crush or low p crush. If a person sees you abusing p and they p+k,p+g you three times and it works is this dumb, lol? They are just reading you like an open book. If they are abusing 2p and your not buffering a response it's not their fault if they don't know it's -4 on block your reaction has to remind them they can't do it. Let's get back on topic since this is a good games thread and leave the new people alone, because if nobody is telling them or showing them right from wrong they won't know will they?

    Piss on your ranks you should be helping the community as a whole and promote learning rather than concentrating on ranks and maybe just maybe people wouldn't complain about newbs so much, because they would be stronger. WOW! what a great idea helping people get better!
  8. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    What is turtle? Do you mean I block too much? I feel that I am pretty straight forward and aggressive most of the time. Of course a person can't perceive how what they are doing to other people. I usually am trying not to dance around but rather to get inside and mix shit up, get advantage, and get a combo or a throw.

    I'm sure I do different shit depending on who I am fighting, but who doesn't. I play like a real boring shmuck against Eileen and Shun, but that's because I have no idea how to deal with their strings and really want to just keep advantage. If you play Sarah, I really hate getting hit by kicks and kick combos from halfway across the screen, so I try to safely get inside and then elbow or punch or whatever and then attack or throw. At least those moves aren't magical or anything.

    Sorry if that is not to your liking. Maybe you can fax me Lau's movelist with the moves you find acceptable circled so I will know how not to offend you.

    Goh sebaki would be way better if it only did punch. It wouldn't be as annoying. It seems to sabaki everything but pretty crazy moves and every move that it doesn't sabaki leaves the oppenent really vulnerable to ff k. Maybe I am wrong, but I am not the one who brought it up.

    Sorry for the spankings I have delivered to you in the past. It sounds like you are bitter about it. If you think I should be more helpful, we can have some private matches. I like to help the needy.
  9. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    aaawwwww shit.... DEATH MATCH FOR BLOOD!

    All jokes aside.... Guys lets knock it off before it takes this thread way off topic. If you guys want to duke it out, then do it via private message. I am not picking sides. I am friends to the both of you. It's just that this is such a good thread I don't want to see it get fucked like so many others before it and then it gets locked. Apologize to each other if you like, if not then PM each other your gripes and spear this thread please. THANKS!
  10. Kyogaa

    Kyogaa Member

    Good games to:
    Black Bauer CTU
    DRE Fei (very nice Akira)
    lille dk 3

    And everyone else I played! I'm really enjoying the comp online, although I don't find enough players when I'm on. I sometimes run into the same people every time I play, and I have an inflated record (like 80% in 350 matches) when I KNOW I'm not very good. So, if anyone wants to play sometime, drop me an FQ and let me know. Happy VF!!!
  11. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    Good games tonight to:

    Kaptain Krool (Omg your Goh owned me so much lol)
    EuroKage (I can never beat this guy, it's always soooo close!)
    Razelle1 (Good matches against your Vanessa)
    XceptionL Skilz (I can see your getting there, just work hard on whatever character feels comfortable and you'll do well)
    Be360 (This time your Wolf owned me lol, I guess it was payback :p)
    VF Lion (Damn your Lion is annoying, but good matches)
    Andr0GYNy (Good games)
    Zankuro75 (I hope we meet again)
    Alemone (Awesome ^_^)
    Geewaiho (See you online)

    Also to anyone else I failed to mention, good games people.
  12. Cupcake_Desu

    Cupcake_Desu Well-Known Member

    good games to anyone i played, still getting back into the swing of things, also hopefully ill get a better isp very soon, anyone i played against can they tell me how bad my lag was, majority of matches i played seemed fine to me.
  13. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    GG's to

    Demon Eyes
    Konjou Akira
    Murder Material
    Mib Geo
    Vanilla Tears
  14. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    Good games to Brisal73, man you keep killing me, I am lucky to even get a round on you.

    I also played the most awesome Jacky player EVER today!
    He had silver hair and a bunch of rings. His gamer tag was bauer something I think. I desperately need to learn from this guy!
  15. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Good games to everyone I played last Night (geewai_ho, Optimus, KingoVf4 etc).
    I played against 2 players I hadn't met before, EuroKage (Kage) and abarae moralist (nice Lei Fei) are they on this forum ?

    I managed to get back to 10th Dan (was so loong, hard to find 9th/10th dan to fill the bar).
    So if any Master wants to try ranking up, I'll be happy to rank them down /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  16. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    Gg's to SS8 and greatsinister...

    Great sinister: Why only 3 games man? You won a match then bailed on me to play someone else....=(

    SS8: Just keep playing bro, You gotta play more people online to get better /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  17. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Good games to drefei(who's your main?) vigaku (craziest rushdown sarah I have ever met) j6commander and perfectdesign. I need to quit when I'm tired, but the addiction is too strong.
  18. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    GGs to all! I wish I had more time to play. Unfortunately the only day I can play all day is Wednesdays. I do usually manage about an hour late at night though.

    Betabow: Wow, we kept going back and forth for Master ranking. After switching ranks about 5 times someone else joined my session and I couldn't find you again. Plus I had to sleep. Damn sleep!

    I still can't believe the first time I quested for Warrior status with Chibitox that after 4 in a row he was demoted to 9th Dan. Then two days later I lost to Ikap Killa. Soooo close!!

    AdamYUKI: Great private sessions the other day. Thanks for the kind words as well.

    JunoSynth: We need to play again! For some reason I've only seen you online once. We must keep missing each other.

    Konjou... I'm looking for you tonight!

    Bauer: It's been awhile.

    & finally ...Fontaine... Can't wait to play again!

    See you all online!
  19. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    JHow77 - Yeah man, great private session. Looking forward to more! As i've told you, you have great fighting spirit and mental strength (like IMF & ghettoSHUN)! I can feel it when you play. Great stuff.

    Betabow - Dude, when i first started battling you to defend Master status, i was so nervous! Your reputation as the best Lau on LIVE is well deserved. I was so lucky to have managed to squeeze out a win.

    Fontaine - I have so much to learn about Pai! I don't know what to do, especially when she is in your hands. You are so fast and strong. I will get better soon!

    Happy Friend 76 - Good games, as always. Also, impressive win ratio! You've definitely got some sneaky tricks with Lau that i have to watch out for.

    Damn, i need one more win to get to WARRIOR, bitches! Which 10th Dan will i prey upon to get there? Hmmmmm............
  20. GreatSinister

    GreatSinister Active Member


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