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Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    None Other
    Interested matches.

    Slayer is pretty far from Hunter rank, thats why our bar didnt move. ...I guess, lol.

    Anyway I felt 2 things.

    1, I couldnt move like me. I mean my moves were really simple and stupid. lol I did same things over again and again. I should change some of that. I suck more than before! lol

    2, Why did you use so machi? I was thinking you have more chance to attack, but you didnt. I was wondering why? maybe you could crush most of my moves.
  2. MasaRED

    MasaRED Well-Known Member

    GGs to Yosuke-san.

    Thanks very much for the very long player matches with me tonight! It was still so tough to win against you, but because of little lag I had a very good time playing you.
  3. jaaaaamm

    jaaaaamm Member

    GGs Cozby and KingofCarnage. Lots of fun playing you both.

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    that was fun. thanks for the matches, too. you prepared for what I do/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whistle.gif that made me miserable for some situations.

    >>panishing soul
    thanks for the matches....I am kind of sorry as well/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
  5. PompeyFraz

    PompeyFraz Well-Known Member

    Some REALLY good games last night:

    DrFamilia - Awesome Brad m8. Loved your combos. I was constantly whiffed into combo after combo. Nice style to. Hope to play again soon /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    ChiefFlash - You make me want to learn Wolf! - GG's man!

    Other shout outs: Brisal73, Azrea, KingofCarnageVF and to Yummy Dango the other night (I love playing your AK)

    GG's to anyone I may have forgotten also /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif
  6. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    GG to King Zeal and all the others as well I played the other day. King Zeal's Aoi was solid and yet I was making it good match. I guess playing king of VF4 not too long ago make fighting King Zeal somewhat easier than what I would have expected.
  7. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Sorry for being such a pain, but as some folks can tell you - on a good day my Aoi can be less than conventional. I'll have to be at least two copies of VF5, since my system seems to make it a point of scratching the disk to high hell. -_-
  8. Punishing_Soul

    Punishing_Soul Active Member

    Nah, don't worry about it, I really enjoyed playing you. Simply amazing Jacky; I think that was the longest losing streak I've ever had lol...Thanks for the games!!

    Also, ggs to SDS_Overfiend, Gentleman Thief and Frak1musGrime!!
  9. shadthefuture

    shadthefuture Active Member

    ggs to boido e

    the leg drop

    the nameless 1

    and to sds overfiend, sick ass jacky, solid defense too, if more guys like you played ranked more often, id play rank all the time
  10. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    DaBadSeed ggs. U get ur own post on here man. U made me look like DaBadLeiFei player!! I had no idea u had it like that. Wow. Either ur reaction time is phenominal or ur ability to read me was. Prolly both. I have a habit of getting predictable when the going gets tough. I figured out a few tricks against u as the sets went on, but not enough to win many. I'm glad that most games were close though. At first i thought i was gonna run away with it, and my bro was like 'this is the best i've seen anyone do against him', but that didn't last too long. GGs. Very impressed. I wish u had some space left on ur friends list. I'd like to slam my head against the wall til i was taking 1 outta every 3 against u. As bad as it sucked getting handled like that, it left me feeling good knowing how much untapped potential there is still left in my character. Great games to you.
  11. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    GGs over the last week or so to...

    Kaiser_Driver - Fun mirror matches we had there Ash /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
    ses1mf1 - keep it up with vanessa matt!
    Jhow77 - I think I could do a lot better against you, we don't play much but our matches are always pretty close. Need to learn some of that Shun shit!
    Mr Expert Opti UK
    Akairyu Medion
    Dai Bison - Nice to see you back man
    Plague - I can't believe you managed backturned SPoD on me in all that lag, fun games man
    Auvii - Pretty nice Jacky, apart from Denkai I never see decent Jacky players

    Probably lots more i've forgot about, thanks for the games everyone.
  12. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ggs to frankus grime, pomprey fraz, tfams brad, auvii (nice to finally play ur jacky--showed me how bad i need to quit blindly using rising attack, especially vs Jacky), boido, edsocal, and anyone else i played sets with this weekend.
    ggs to smb, those i played vs ur pai (haha, u made me smash her when u started talking shit and we saw u were up 5-4 so i realed off 7 straight--big mouth), but more importantly ggs to watching ur lei fei vs other people. U were holding that raider rank down, beating everyone who stepped up to play u. Good job only losing 2 matches in about 3 hours and 1 of those was tooth and nail against gentleman theif. Scary part is, u don't even use my most effective setup. Have fun playing with that advantage monster!!!! Can't wait to run ur lil setups into my game. Ggs smb. Also that jeffrey vs. goh marathon, eek, do i ever need that 40 minutes of my life back. U2 or at least the 5 minute recovery from when i got mad and gave u the nut shot. LOL. later bro. Thanks for letting me and my girl stay the weekend. Oh yeah, perfect example of don't play ranked with ur girl in the room. My GF stood in front of the tv during the close of round 5 in a rank meter match to ask me if i was winning. I lost. lol.
  13. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Shouldn't she have been in the kitchen or something?

  14. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    ^ /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Ggs to everyone ive been playing! I'm almost back down to master hmm let's see how long I hold out
  15. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    No disrespect to anybody but....Man cut that shit out lol!!!
    I just had to fix that.

    GGs to Cozby. I should went to dojo and warm up like i intended toI knew it would've been a promotion match but i went on and did it anyway being a fast ass.I never ecover from being mad at myself after that.

    GG's SMB - Keep working on that Pai and remember what we went over.
    GG's to Mista Tee. I was'nt ready to play to today and i should've turn my game off instead of giving you a halfassed fight.
  16. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Never played Yosuke's Jacky and fuck knows who this SDS n00bfiend guy is... sounds like a total scrub /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  17. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member


    Social Ruin - It was cool to get to play the 2nd of the monk brothers. You have some very nice skills and in time can potentially develop an even scarier Lei then your bro. And yeah, stop blindly attacking on rise /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    SMB - Nice pai. You never fail to find the most annoying moves and use them on my face. ( stupid scissor kick on my rise)

    Beligerent Feck - Thanks for the compliments. Your Akira is great. If I let up for even a second you destroyed my ass with an insane 30 second string.

    Greasy Moccasin (think hes on here?) - gg's dude but you are too predictable. Playing Kage you should have more mix ups.

    ...I cant remember anyone else. Gg's to anyone else I forgot.
  18. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Thanks to everyone that puts up with my zany antics since my
    return. In particular:

    KOC: Haha I tell you, I never knew anything of Vanessa before I took a break from the game. Needless to say she ruined me, good stuff.

    75: You still lack movement damnit

    Frank guy: Good stuff, wierd playstyle though.

    Cozby: I'll get back to beating on Feis in no time you
    just wait and see!

    One things for sure, I gotta get my scrub jacky hat back on.
    I think he's easily one of the most frustrating characters to
    fight after you forget how to punish his spam fist back walk BS.
  19. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Ok, We will be seeing GGs leak outta me all day here. I'm at work and don't have time to set down and do an hour worth of ggs all at once.

    GGs to Punishing Soul.

    Playing your goh was mad fun with my Pai. That first session we had i was dominating, then you made me wait for like 2 mins b/w games, came back didn't play the first round, and it was like you handed the controller off to someone else. you just start playing on a whole other level, it was good. Then we played again sunday night, and i felt like i was playing scrubby, not hittign my inputs or TEs it could have been lag or i might have just been having unnimble fingers. Either way it was stil a blasta gain. Its cool to see how differently you play agaist my pai and my lei fei.

    Auvii--first of all, i don't know where you are getting this nonesense that my bro will be scarier than me, i don't appreciate that sir. you sir, an ass /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
    Now onto business: haha, yeah, my yip kick (sciscor kick) to the face rush down is unstoppable, ok its very stoppable but its fun to chase people around with it. and if its that annoying i know i'm doing something right....if only she had a beat knuckle, hehe. I'd write more but we've said it all in pms already. Great TE, especially since you did them when it was one hit from death.

    Plague: The lone person i played with Lei Fei this weeekend. it was awesome to play you, very nice akira, never been spoded so much in my life (at least not in one session). Sorry it was an abridged deal and that we didn't get to go for hours, but my bro was visiting and we were taking turns and blah blah blah, he was nice enough to forgo his turn in order to let me play a decent session with you. Post some of them on plague tv, some wins and losses, it'd be awesome, i would know i've arrived when i show up with a win on plague TV.

    Cadorna: Another fantastic Pai workout. You definitely have given me one of my better matchups (as in are one of the tougher peeps i've played with her) not sure what you are doing that others aren't, but my pai felt retarded against you, but i did get in some nice TEs so that made me happy. It was awesome, thats what will turn her from a novelty into a weapon, playing people who give me problems and figuring out the solutions. lol, i know i need more evasive moves with her. Keep inviting me /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    DrFamilia, pompeyFraz, and others who invited me but i didn't join: keep sending me invites, usually i don't join b/c i'm in the middle of a session with someone else. keep inviting me all, i'll get games in with you before its all said and done.

    GGs: to Social Ruin. Why you gotta come on here and brag about, ooohhh i won 7 straight. classic jb, ohhh, this was a good match up, your pai is ok, i think i got you by four or five matches, then i point out its keeping track for us and i'm up 1. boom, take that fool. haha, jk. Thanks for all the games, all the games of pool, and your goh is weak, my jeffrey is awesome.

    SDS Overfiend: thanks for the kwik brad matches, playing a good brad with my sub is like.....insert something that seriously sucks. thanks for the advice, and it was cool chatting with you for almost an hour there. look forward to more matches in the future, maybe we can go ranked and get so mad that we each destroy our houses, or televisions, or at least our controllers.
  20. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    smb use notepad then and save that shit, haha. Then you can post it all in one /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Oh, delete that double post too!

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