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Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    but did u remember at first I was ALWAYS punched by you !!!!
    Now you have to adjust your step a little bit~
    (Actually your speed is faster than mine, so all I have to do is to catch the timing that you lose your hit.)

    You are very familiar with Lei-Fei so you should know sometimes his advantage is also his disadvantage.

    Btw, I really like the connection between u and me. ^^
    And I definitely would like to play with u again because I know u will find the way to crash me, and then it will become my turn to figure out how to break you~

    I like the match could make both players grow up.^^
  2. soakrates

    soakrates Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it took you a few games, but you learned how to space out pretty well. Jacky can make it very hard for Lei Fei to get into his ideal range. I noticed that you started backdashing and punishing with /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif (I think that's the command) after seeing my stances. Have to learn to close space and maintain positive frames, hehe.

    Yeah, our connection is actually really good. It's funny, because when I played DubC earlier there was a little lag, and he's just one city over from me. I have a feeling that if I play you for long enough I'll know how to play the entire cast of characters! If only I knew more character so that I could give you more of a challenge haha.
  3. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    GGs too man. Your Akira is really good offensively, damn good combos too. I'll see you again online, and hopefully I'd have gotten used to playing effectively on the 2nd player side.

    Good games to Fulaani as well, after playing a few matches it looks like you figured out the most effective attacks to use against Akira. Play more mid-close combat and you should be ok against Akira. And use the stun attacks if you can more often.
  4. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    GGs to soakrates. I don't get why our connection is like that even though we are so close to each other (the kind of connection where it "looks" smooth, but it feels weird when you play, and evades/fuzzy doesn't work properly). I jumped into a match with Chanchai immediately after, and it was pristine, and he lives in Oregon - still west coast, but further nonetheless. At least we are close and can get some offline matches at some point. I'm always up for playing a Lei Fei that isn't trash, like 90% of the ones on LIVE. Usually Lei Fei is a walk in the park, so it's a breath of fresh air to see his tools being used effectively (delaying attack from stance to beat evades, etc.)

    Chanchai did teach me a trick though about his charge attack, that will make sure it doesn't hit me anymore, so looking forward to using that next time we play. =)

    And of course, GGs to Chanchai. Thanks for all you taught me about Lion, about properly getting up after crumples, etc. And thanks for some really good matches. Definitely more and more and more to come. =)
  5. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Good games to Prince, went back and forth a couple times but you came out of it still clutching your master rank!
  6. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Props to Chibiya. Had my El Blaze in check(Yikes!) Learned alot on how to use my boy against Akira. But, I had to redeem myself by using my #1 homie...WOLF! lol. And stop it, your Akira is freaking tight. You have a good Defense, Solid offense and a great sense on when to input your throws, just like Jerky(must be a Philly thing, lol)Will do more sessions....Don't let El Blaze dance, you saw what happens, lol. GG man.
  7. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    More good games to Prince as the rank changes hands back and forth again.

    dennis0201 was fun playing a couple games with you. I'm very weak against Jacky. I really need to learn what he can do. Your play is very stylish, beating me using the neutral punch catch when you had like 1% health left. Really nice to see brave gambles like that.
  8. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    Yeah great session man. Yeah its mad hard to deal with elblaze when he gets going and that shit confused the shit out of me lol. Nice shit man. Looking forward to our next set!
  9. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    you mean when I scrubbed it up right there.

    hahahaha jk. though I have seen a couple videos where a high level player would do something like that cause the opponent didn't think that would happen.

    anyways yea, I need to stay up in your face more often. And after we stopped playing I remembered "Oh crap I have a sabaki that deals with those annoying elbows of his."
  10. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    Very GG to:

    Blacktion Man

    Good player and good connection.
  11. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    you show me the the amazing combo with Goh!!!
    and I have no idea how the overcome that.......

    I really need to practice more and more with the characters which I'm not used to.(like Goh,Lau, Eillen, Shun.......etc)

    GG to Faded~ you really beat me down ^^
  12. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    Good games Dark Timmy. Encourages me to practice my throw breaks more. So many choke slams.
  13. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    Great blast from the past KRUZA.. aka Ken from detroit..who we havnt seen since VF3 days..

  14. YuuKun

    YuuKun Well-Known Member

    good practice session with Kaminari_Oyaji, i needed a good Sarah to train with, flamingo gives me a headache.

    you have some nice mix ups and keep getting me with those sweeps, keep it up and we practice again sometime soon. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  15. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Good games with Ikap Killa,Faded and MrExpert. I wish I was already 10 dan so these matches would have more at stake, hehe /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Also nice matches with Tricky, thats incredibly good connection, by far the best connection Ive had to US. Why I dont get that good conn with other people I dont know. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  16. Konradinho

    Konradinho Well-Known Member

    GG to FadedFilm, ManjimaruFIN .
  17. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    yeah gg's ikap, manji, faded and yuukun apart from those guys it was alot of boring matches /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/sleep.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
    10 kyu's with 0% joining my session ¬_¬ , i had to give him 2 wins I felt so sorry lol
    oh gg to konradinho too, next time I will play you with more effort i really was playing quite bad because I was bored I apologize.
  18. Konradinho

    Konradinho Well-Known Member

    u r very good player, of course gg to u too. <gawd, i forgot :p>
  19. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Yeah GG to you too Konradinho, you play Pai very nice /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  20. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Your Pai was killing my Goh. Had to revert to Kage which made me feel a bit dirty. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif

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