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Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    some late GGs here.

    Akai- Good pai. it was fun playing you. you adapted well.

    konjou- hey man that was a lot of fun as usual. didn't think my vanessa would do that good but something just clicked this week with her and I've been really dishing it. your Lei is getting better.

    Denkai. Lol when was the last time I played you before this week? it mush of been for ever. It was good to have such a long session with you. Your Jacky is beastly. I was actually falling a sleep at one point cause it was so late, but you are too much funny to play. I forced my self awake to play you some more. what do you think of my vanessa??

    Yupa? hey we have really been at it lately. your sarah is getting there quite nicely. just stagger your moves more vs people who know sarah.

    Rare Entity. Man your offence is really good. I just think you get carried away. I still have no answer for all that El blaze shenanigans. If you just keep doing all those running mix-ups on me you would own me with no problem. like he will wiff be on the ground and I go to hit him and I wiff, WTF!! lol I need to study him a bit more.

    Wasted wish. hey man what an odd night. we spent most of the time talking instead of playing. Sux that there was lag with us.It would spike every now and then. I was getting a little put off with it. at one point I started testing how slow it was. I would press 2 or g and then two seconds later it would do the command. next tiem we will get more matches in then talking. lol

    Landon Ryu- good matches. your shun is good, I just think you should work on your combo's a little more. other than that good stuff. you pace yourself well.
  2. mana_knight08

    mana_knight08 Active Member

    ggs this week.

    beansodoom-you beat me good this time mate.That RROD seems to have produced an angry little Shun.

    Seidon-good to finally play you,well good and bad in a kinda "back to the drawing board" way for me.You hammered me, but thanks for the tips.10 mins of talking to you probably saved me hours of research on Wolf.

    Marcel Van Soul-ggs as always, i dont think you post on here cause you play Lei without the ususal combos and guaranteed follow ups but still as effective.Btw why do i meet 8 different Leis in 1 hour of ranked matches on Tuesday and none in player for weeks.Get in player matches guys, i need the practice vs lei!

    UK Diddy-I have a vague recollection of WTF! for 5 matches or so against your Akira.I just couldnt interupt without getting CH.ggs.

    Hitmandu 91-Thanks for hours of Pai practice,the info is sinking in slowly.

    ACTION KUNFU-An hour of fun games last night.Dont know how many i won or lost,dont care either.Thats the first time i've felt conscious of situations/adjustments and at least an awareness of what the hell was going on in VF matches.There's a lightbulb went on somewhere and it feels like i'm starting to unlock the proper game.(might just hang on to 4th Dan now)
  3. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    GGs to BorisOfWales and Sharp J7 last night, fun games /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  4. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    good gamez 2 to texas-lion glad we met since u bin back.i had way 2 much fun in our gamez bro we must do it again....
  5. RORY

    RORY Well-Known Member

    GGs to THR Fin, Havoc Zz, Marlyjay, Faded Film, Settra, Jorjo and Ultra Lewis.
  6. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Good Games to:

    King of VF4- Dude, you are one of the people that has made me decide Aoi is one of my worst matches.

    Akai- Deadly Pai...

    Aoi, Pai and Brad give me the most trouble by far... For the two ladies, their quick attacks, good strings, nice juggles (some that carry pretty far), some serious defensive options and powerful throws... Pai and Aoi are nightmares to my Goh. (Brad, not the main topic here but I try to evade against him and die for it.)

    Since Pai and Aoi have defensive options too, I end up afraid to throw too many mids on Oki because they can just reverse me. I have a lot of trouble when they abare out of things with the 10f jab; I turtle up and eat a pretty big throw soon thereafter.

    I don't know why abare gives me so much trouble, other than that I always want to throw. Depends what they abare with but the 10f jab I eat every time. Plus Kingo and Akai are two players that really seem to shut down my stagger openings. I'll stagger them but they will duck under my throw or block my big move/launcher to counter them ducking or "hospital throwing" me... (Hospital throw works against me too often... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif )

    Any advice is always appreciated...
  7. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    GG's The Ugg/Ughil - Sorry for coming off like a idiot in the beginning but i was trying free your mind.Thats why i told you to just have fun.If you need any more tips or advice i give you what i know and think can help you.

    GG's To a Japanese player name oooooman or something like that.
    Nice Solid Wolf and El Blaze. Had a lil lag but it was'nt as hampering as some.It was pretty stable so i kept coming back lol!
  8. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Yeah great games man. I really had a lot of fun. Your Kage can be a little confusing at times, but hey that's a good thing. Hopefully we can get some more games in really soon. I'll look for ya!

    Great games as usual bro! Your Vanessa definitely seems a lot better from the last time I played her. During our matches I thought I had you figured out from time to time, but then I get so hasty and before you know it I'm on the losing end of Vanessa onslaught. After moments like that I could never remember what I was doing right and had to figure something out all over again. LOL! I have to stop forgetting that even at advantage just don't try to keep attacking Vanessa(same with Shun). It's just not worth it. She has to many tools to get an easy interrupt and a lot more to apply / keep the pressure. Can't wait for the next session man and I am also curious what Denkai thinks of your Vanessa.

    GG's to Akira Zero(ohknowyoudidn't VF) - You style is so different compare to everyone else. That's not a bad thing as most of the times I was confused as hell. It's so simplistic, but yet it was breeding big results from time to time. I realized I had to tone it down and through out the flashy stuff and just apply fundamentals.

    GG's to anyone that I may have forgotten.
  9. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Yeah man, thanks for the games and practice. Time flies when playing great players like yourself. Anytime.
  10. TheUgg

    TheUgg Well-Known Member

    Dude its no problem, you just confused me at the start a bit, but I had alot of fun playing your Jacky and Brad. GG's
  11. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Good games to Kaminari, Jons Up (spelling?), (Plague (glasses fixed!), Gentlemen Thief, Junosynth/Texas Lion, Mista Tea, Gernsburg, and Konjou for the long gaming sessions and beat downs in the last couple of weeks /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif .

    Gernsburg - I am average at best and you adapted pretty well at the second half of the marathon!

    Here are some general pointers on how I try to do to get better from losses. If you have trouble determining why you lost a match, save a replay of the match. At your own convenience, you can take the time to figure what went wrong. I like to think on how I can improve my game or went wrong in a match in three broad categories:

    1) execution - Did I failed to input my command correctly? Did I failed to react in time? I know many times I failed to input G fast enough in a TEG attempt. So I get counter hit a lot (attack CH my whiff throw) when I should not if I had better execution skill. So in the case of people playing "abare" attacking with fast moves such as jab at disadvantage and beating out your attacks. That sounds like an issue of not reacting fast enough. Practice and less lag to improve your reflex should fixed this problem.

    2) knowledge - Do I know the options available to the opponent and my options at a given situation. This is basically textbook VF, knowing the game system. So you input your 14-frame elbow flawlessly but still got beaten by a jab from your opponent at disadvantage. Well, this is where you just have to go to the old command lists and look at the stats. At small disadvantage, Pai's 10 frame jab at -1 or -2 frames will beat your perfectly executed 14 frame elbow. Aoi' jab is 12 frames. Knowing more about the little stuff in VF, you can determine whether you need to improve on execution or need to just read up on the stats.

    3) guessing - Can you anticipate what your opponent plan to do? Are you becoming too predictable? As you mentioned in your post, you tend to like to throw a lot. Try switching at times to using fast mid attacks (ones that will guaranteed to hit your opponent if they try to attack at disadvantage). On staggers, and guessing correctly on whether you do a mid attack or throw...I just have to say I was very lucky! Have alternative moves/options for different characters/players as each one will have different properties/tendencies respectively. For example I had a tendency to use Pai's high mid punch sabaki at disadvantage against you. Where you might usually go for the 14 or 15 frame mid punch attack, switch up once in a while to 14 or 15 frame kick attack, or use a 14-15 frame low attack. It reduces my options and make me have to guess more on what you plan to do.

    If you are mixing a big mid move with throw, it might be easier to defend against both after a stagger (that opponent has shorten the recovery time). Instead of going for the strong/big mid attack, try a safe/moderate fast mid attack with your throws after staggering your opponent.

    Not sure if this really helps, but hope it does!

    Edit: If you just want to test something out against Pai, just let me know, during our matches.
  12. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    GG's To The Boy Slide/Action KungFu
    Fierce Sarah with a Good Defense. You Sarah WHEW Goddamn lol!
    A real Pain in the Ass knowing i don't like her as is LMAO!!
    I was Bugging at the amount of switch-back blow kept doing and could'nt follow up. Once again it was a pleasure and now i know i got someone to aim for now lol!
  13. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Over the past couple days.

    ggs as always to Lucky.

    ggs to Denkai, Godeater, and Konjou, I'm sorry about the lag the other day I don't know wtf was happening but it was lame, and it was all me. btw Konjou, Lei Fei is annoying as shit haha.

    ggs to Mana Knight, I liked your Pai because if whatever you was doing, wasn't working or you got punished for it, you would adjust properly, it made for interesting matches, that's why I continued to play for so long.

    ggs to Linzhoumin, decent Lei Fei. Alot of times though you spent most of the rounds on the other side of the ring, I guess that gave you time to think, cause I usually try to take that away and stay in face 24/7.

    ggs to Kahn Rahn, your Aoi was spinning around all over the place man, I had to do it too. I like to mimic that stuff.

    ggs to SDS Overfiend, yo man those games were too fun. I really like your Jacky moral game. And the last couple rounds was hilarious when I kept eating the 6PP I was afraid of the throw hahaha.

    I can't remember who else, but ggs
  14. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Yeah man gg's the other night. To bad we had so much lag! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif I only played with you a few times, but it's always been fun, so hopefully next our connection will act right. Really weird though because we usually have a great connection. Any how hope to catch up with you soon.
  15. pl4yer_7

    pl4yer_7 Active Member

    ggs to belligerent feck for some good back and forth brad fights and once again to cozby who at this point has beat my ass with about every character in the game.
  16. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ggs to the doppleganger. Someone highjacked konnjous account and played me three games. I was real excited to FINALLY play konjou til the crafty imposter bounced out to sit idly by and wait for random opponents. Haha. Another convert to Beast fei.
  17. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    GGs to...





    PL4YER 7 - Nice Brad and didn't spam me with hate mail after the games /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Sharp J7

    OhNoYouDidnt VF - Evil Brad!

    Had some fun games today, oh and sorry for those who had to endure my Brad. Decided to start learning him today maybe I should have practised in quest mode or something before jumping online lol.
  18. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Hey gerns, we should play agian some time....i think its been like 10 months, lol. I've got a halfway decent pai and need the goh practice as much as it sounds like you need the pai practice...have that kick sabaki ready on stand up, b/c i be a yipping fool.

    GGs: Mista Tee--yeah when the lag was up it was a little frustrating. Plus i wasn't totally into playing, as it seemed neither were you. Nice pm'ing tho, lol. I think i did so well b/c you weren't throwing, and i wasn't abaring. I would just hold g and wait out your attacks and you weren't going for throws, so profit me. I'll be moving into my own place in the wk or so here, and i'm going top notch on the internet connection, so hopefully things go more smoothly next time.
  19. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    Yah, fair enough, I can appreciate that. I guess we all just have to make best with the tools that we have available. As long as we're having fun, that's what really counts. The rest will flow out of that.
  20. HotD

    HotD Well-Known Member

    GGs to Shaka Zulu1, Kingofvf4 and SharpJ7.

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