Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Shoutout to DaBadSeed.

    Guess it was only a matter of time before we hooked it back up. Like I said, I hope your next 'stick works out. That one round where we were blocking each other's sweeps in a standoff was funny as hell. I had fun too /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Had to sport the "Geese Howard's stepchild" look. Aoi might go back to the brown hair soon.
  2. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    GGs to are too good for your own good, or at least too good for my own good. I had half a mind to throw u in bg's thread for stagger recovering so well. Haha, on one stagger you recovered, fuzzied, and then tried to escape my throw, all so quick that the end result was: i staggered you, then I broke YOUR throw. insane. At least a won a few, i'll hang my hat and smile at that. Hope to play you more in the future. Ne advice you can give is much appreciated.
  3. Rare_Entity

    Rare_Entity Well-Known Member

    GGs to Wasted Wish, Panther Neogeo and Gentleman Theif.

    Bad games to my connection for ruining a good session. Sorry Gentleman Theif, we'll play again.
  4. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    GG's to Wasted Wish from the other there. Sorry for such a basic game, but we don't have a optimal connection so all that extra moving around becomes kind of pointless as I often end up getting hit by to many random things. Plus you like to fight from outside of range so if I miss a dash it's hard to get close to you. So I figured just keep things simple. No point in chasing what you can't catch.

    GG's to Slide from the other day. Always fun playing you man. Our connection seems to be still working out pretty good, so let's keep the good games rolling.

    GG's to Rare Enity as well. Tricky little fucking Blaze you got there.

    GG's to Sangwon(can't remember correct spelling) - Very nice Jacky / Lei combo going on there. Your Blaze was super simple, but highly effective.

    GG's to Ced H tone(I think that's how you spell it) Your getting better bro, you just need to stop hesitating so much. Just go, go, go! when you feel you have the chance.

    GG's to everyone else I played, sorry if I can't remember your name.
  5. BigBoyYoazVFDC

    BigBoyYoazVFDC New Member

    GGs to everyone including my new freinds Sangwon82 and Seito Konjou.
  6. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I must apologize to EubanksVFDC and HokutoNoCat I wasn't really into playing at that time and it showed I can do much better when I am in the zone. I hope to see you later on.

    Special mention to Methylidene's great sarah and Gernsburg's goh. My inashi game is still off and I still needs some work if I want to disrupt oki games of every character with it consistently but in time I will get it. My match with Gernsburg was a classic though. It was fairly even when I wasn't standing still and getting thrown being passive and I wasn't able to catch your mids as much as I expected to but I think I did it good enough to be considered decent at least.

    Good games to everyone else as well and you know who you all are as well.
  7. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    GGs to:

    UltraLewis: Nice wolf match. Its refreshing to play a wolf who doesn't use DMP+K for every other attack! Fantastic use of staggers as well. I was starting to wonder why you were still waking up with rising attacks after I had crushed so many of them, but then your timing changed and you hit me with every damn one. Kudos, sir!

    Ughil: Nice Brad! You really know how to hold onto advantage. I swear I wasn't trying for that many ring-outs, but we just kept ending up near the edge. One thing I would suggest, mix up your attacks when your opponent tech-rolls. I (eventually) figured out that you do a big move right when I wake up, so I just started blocking and throwing. If you had rushed my wake up down with a throw, I guarantee it would have hit. Use /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif on wakeup from time to time too, but be prepared to ETEG if its blocked! GGs overall.
  8. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    ok, I'll be back to online from next month for sure.

    my friend just gave me an xbox, VF5, and stick, but i dont have cable to play live. so i'll have to buy it.

    if you guys see me online, feel free to send me invite message. right now, i almost forgot most of combos and moves, so i need practice with people. i even forgot how to use shun, seriously.

    well, im looking forward to play many people.
  9. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    Nice! I'm looking forward to play you again ^^
  10. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to PL4YER 7, Mista Tee VFDC, and WEIAND 8 71 ^_^
  11. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    GG's to Yupa your like the best Sarah player I know ya know? Youtube'n our first couple matches later on.
  12. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ggs to my $130.00 hori arcade pro.ex. I am liking it. *crossing my fingers hoping i won't regret those words in 3 months* The stick is a lot smoother and i think when i get used to it...but for now it is only causing me negligible hinderences. But ETEG and TE are a little crisper.

    ggs to Eiyu. Fun playing ur brad.
    ggs to Gentleman Theif. I was so excited to get my new stick in it's GIANT box that i had to play during my lunch break. Fun stuff.
    ggs to cozby jacky. I got the 'figgin lei' compliment. I know i'm getting better when i'm losing, listening to podcasts, and having this converstion with my girlfriend on the phone all at the same time: "are you listening to me or playing video games."
    "Both baby. But mostly listening to you, i'm just making sure my new stick works well" <----a lie, i'm mostly playing vf5 and vaguely listening to her.
    "Ok, then what did i just say?"
    She was going on like she recently bought stock in...BEAT KNUCKLE.

    BTW no one told me, but i'll just throw it out there. The arcade pro.ex is like 3 times as big as the hori. It was a real WTF moment pulling out of the box. Damn thing is bigger than the xbox360 by a bit.
  13. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    It's about time. but no amount of practicing will save you from my beat down. lol

    GGs to Betabow. nice Lau. very fun to play you. we should play more.
    GGs. to Kaminari Oyaji. We talked more than we Btw that set ups flaw is that it's high. 2p can easily beat ff+g+k.

    who am I forgetting.... can't remember right now but GG's to you to.
    Oh and GGs to gentleman thief on Sunday. long ass session. lots of fun!!! GOh Vanessa!! get it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  14. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    haha yea bro had lots of fun playing u ,it haz bin a while since we last played. ya aoi looks good 2 bro,az 4 the stick im hoping that sf4 one iz good,this hori i got(third one) haz had it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif
  15. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    GGs 2 all the players in the past days!

    - Panther NeoGeo: HAHAHA we played about 1hr. and his aoi countert me 2 death but it was fun, i learned a lot and i really enjoyed it.
    i never saw so many counters in a game!!! (not even in DOA) ^_^

    - HokutoNoCat: also very good games, cu online!

    - Eubanks VFDC: sry 4 the short playtime, but i was invited all the time... next time we play more matches bro. ; )

    - Truesonic2K: ROFL @ jeff jeff matches, i really luv jeff jeff even i'm not 2 good with him, its always FUN with dis BEAST! ; )

    - ThaBlackJew: new 2 me but friendly & ggs

    - Kahn Rahn: also a very nice aoi. u imp. a lot since last time!

    - OvermindXO: also new 2 me but his lei is skilled, not 2 bad!

    - Jonas G33k: ur akira is waaaayyyy better than ur goh. ^_^

    - Thaleis: long time no see! good 2 see u back in action.

    - mataare: i like dis guy, very friendly and always clean games!

    - SpareDifference: friendly but i think he's new 2 VF... ; )

    hope i'm not missing anyone...
    anyway THANK U guys 4 the good & funny games! ^_^

    cu online

  16. Rare_Entity

    Rare_Entity Well-Known Member

    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Not tricky enough! You beat me several times in a row last time we played. Your Kage is solid. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif
  17. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Good games to overseas players:

    rchacha (Korean / Kage) - Sentinel
    tbaa45 (Japan / Lion & Kage) - Barbarian
    goukunn (Japan / Akira) - Barbarian

    Man, this morning was amazing for high rank ranking matches! Albeit everyone was from overseas, but the connection was surprisingly ok. I really would like to thank the overseas players that put up with this, especially because there are hardly any players to rank up on anymore. Damn my job since I had to quit playing when I was close to Slayer rank.

    goukunn, sorry since you were the only one that didn't like the lag.

    rchacha, your Kage kicked my ass the first few matches and I finally started getting momentum.

    tbaa45, we've played many, many times before and you always give me a good fight. Your Lion is very tricky and you always land your pounce. Thanks for the compliment this morning also.
  18. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    GGs to Social Ruin. Lookin' sexy. When you get some time, peek @ the primary TE directions for characters.

    GGs to Moonwalker1213. Some very smart Akira play you got going.
  19. TheUgg

    TheUgg Well-Known Member

    GG's white worm, we'll have to play again sometime soon. I should have figured out that that launcher wasnt going to work after awhile, but I am a creature of habit. You have some really good combos.
  20. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    GGs to Lucky,

    It was my first time to see your Aoi^^, and I'm so glad you are good at so many characters whom I'm not familiar with~
    I'll try to reach you when I'm online and sorry about last night dragging you from rank to player match. Let me know if you prefer to stay on rank and I wouldn't bother you~~ Thanks~~

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