Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Mista T
    Grusselgroser - If we ever get a good connection Ill show you the true meaning of Doggystyle!
  2. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Good Games to Tonyfamilia. I haven't actually put on the mic and played (Vf anyway) for a long time, so that was cool even if concentration. Vs. your Brad I gotta try and stay on the advantage or hope I guess the right time to interrupt. I still don't know anything that follows anything with Brad, so evade /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/db.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif and hope for the best seems a good strategy when shit starts getting dicey. Really fun fights!

    Good games to Cozby. For part of time vs Jacky I was kinda distracted by my lady, but Jeff vs. Akira was better. That crouch dash and back dash followed by /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif is tough for my Jeff to deal with, especially when mixed with a bunch of double palms. Good fights!
  3. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Kingo's abuse of my Eileen with whatever character he's using proves it. Join us, Cat.
  4. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    The two main reasons I like rank is because (I've said this before) it feels more like an arcade in terms of competitiveness.

    The second is that the rank system really does give a good description of the players level and ability. If you don't deserve to be high up in the ranks, you won't be. In player match the only way you know you'll be up against a good player before you join is if you know them. I know this is a deflating topic because most people who play are the lifers and there really isn't any new blood.

    I still do get adrenaline though when I either find someone or they join and they are ranked at 10th dan or above. I know I'm in for a good match.
  5. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I'm always thinking why we couldn't accepting the rematch no Rank mode? I mean players can save time without being host or searching if both agree to play one more.

    I'm so jealous that you guys can meet some good players on Rank, my situation is almost 95% who doesn't understand VF but join my session...... Those good players consider my connection wasn't good enough to accept(one bar with Asia). I need a fiber optics!!!!!
  6. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    I agree with you completely Dennis! There are definitely a few tweaks that Sega could have easily done with an update. I think the last update for this game was over 9 months ago wasn't it?

    As for one bar with Asia, I still think it's a decent connection. It's too bad you only get crappy players wanting to play you. =(
  7. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Actually I don't care the rank I earn, all I want is to play!!!
    However, Asian players did care about the rank they had. I always remember when I passed through Master, then I walked into a nightmare..... Some players plugged me out before starting and sometimes even during the matches.... I couldn't blame on them, and they didn't "have to" play with me coz they prefer better connection. Of course I had an extremely exciting rank match with super awesome JP players before, we wrote some messages back and forth and they said they felt shock the connection with me by one bar, but they also mentioned usually they could have full bars no question with most JP player, and that probably made them consider one or two bars was not good enough.....

    The solution for me is to change to player match or be demoted to Master again and keep it forever.....That made me get more opportunity to against worldwise players on Rank, to be honest, that worked well...............................................................................
  8. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    I think its a little different than what you think.
    I mean, if somebudy doesn't have high rank, good players are good players even they don't have high rank.

    And some players who has very high rank, they do not deserve to be high rank, because they won't try to play with strong players.

    I saw some people were trying to do it in arcade when I was in Japan.

    However in your case, you do deserve to be high rank. I do know how strong is Adam, Rodney and Denkai are.

    And omedetou to be Slayer rank again! I wonder how much you are stronger from last time when we played? hahaha
  9. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    I'm curious how those types of players even get to a high rank then. Do they just play the Hunters and Raiders until they rank up and then not play the higher level players? If so, how stupid.

    I understand this mentality because I've seen plenty of American players do it. And this is why some people are turned off to ranking matches because they feel it's too bloodthirsty. I think it should be though, but not in a negative (pulling cable) way.

    I admit, I get the thirst for blood, but it really is all in a fun loving spirit for the game. If I lose I might get pissed or frustrated sometimes, but only at myself. I know then that I need more practice. My drive, determination, and love for the game is what has gotten me this far. And the best of the best would agree I'm sure.

    By the way, thank you for the congrats! It's been awhile since we've played so I'm sure I'm stronger, but I never underestimate you Takkun!
  10. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I dont think it was that people are bloodthirsty, I think it's that some people prefer not to accept all challengers and instead, go in search of players in similar ranks that they're more than sure they can pull them wins off of instead of getting a challenging match. And just pretend that it is.

    When I almost got to Protector I accepted any and all challengers no matter who the hell it was and I even had players that were 2-3 ranks down and the bar would barely budge and they'd persistently play me for like 20+ matches joining.

    Once someone that logs on that can take your shit away, people would disappear cause it became too precious to them. I was even talking to other players on instant messenger and we'd see those particular players finally hosting a match whenever we were already in one.

    If you already put your quarter(or dollar) in, you aren't going to walk just away. If you're in the arcade at the time some very tough opponents you cant even touch are around, you're not going to leave and come back another time either. But people do/did this shit online all day.

    People just want the easiest route to a title so someone won't look down on them as a player when they see it.
  11. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    They can get 10th dan or Hunter rank for sure. But they can't promote from there.

    I saw some people from here did same things, they will not pull, but seems like they don't want to get risk.
    I mean if they think they're not sure to beat somebudy, probably they are not gonna play with them. But if they think they can beat somebudy, they'll play with them.

    I do not want to say who are they. They might changed their mind already, so it's useless to say.

    Well, I'm not playing VF for win, so I really dislike this idea.

    I think you guys, Americans should play VF for more fun, because you don't have to pay money for rematch. You need money for play XBoxLive, but it's way too cheaper than you play in arcade for sure.

    I can't wait for play you again! I know it's gonna be really fun matches.

    But like I said, my XBox just broken, so I don't know when I can come back to online...
  12. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    good games for players. Because my B and X bottons stopped working well, I may stop playing VF for a while. I can't fix it.
  13. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I ain't paying 1$ for no game period anymore. Blame the companies.
  14. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    GGs to

    Cozby: Akira vs. Akira is madness! I can't even do his standard shit properly lol. GGs though.

    JHow77: Sorry if you got fed up with me joining you but I like to fight against Shun. Feel you were screwing around most of the time but it helps me, GGs.

    Tfam: Brad's back throw is P.I.M.P. Glad I got to see it a few times. Thanks for the games man /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    LGT: Only got to play a few times but its always great with you. I wish I had your understanding of this game.
  15. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Hahaha. GGs Johoseph. Im gonna be taking alot more time in working on my AK. Playing him on stick is too much fun. Our session kinda grew into a spod-fest, which is funny to watch.

    That glitch really was freaking me out. At first, I thought it was an issue with my TV or HDMI cable. For those reading, my Costume A Akira with black pants, started having white crap flashing on his pants near the shin section. Everytime I did 66kk, the white stuff came out profoundly. Lol after a match I randomly said to him, "my akira got white shit on him." he was like wtf. I told him to look to confirm during the next match, and it was there. Anyone know about this?

    GGs to Shinobifist. Thanks for the "compliments" over PMs. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif I will admit that I have developed alot of my playing through imitation of other good players. This stuff is alot of dang work though. I swear, your Blaze is almost a foreign language to me. When I attack, I feel like anything can happen. He can be very tough to lockdown at times; The evasive built in his 1p, 1k+g, 2k+g, the back-turned sweep, and other things I can't think of - are great distractions. I think that was the first session I had with you where I didn't get caught by your Burning Hammer set-up, which I am fully aware of now /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif.

    GGs to dblax. Glad to see you back online. Your Brad gets very scary when those half-circulars start connecting and that adv. mid kick comes out. You were playing very smart which is /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif, but don't let Kage run his TFT's. I didn't think Shippu K could evade rising kicks... weird.
  16. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    yeah we have people who do that at the arcade when I play tekken. we call them "Duckers". only put in there card when they know they can win and get promotion or roulette match.

    GGs. to... OMG like everyone from VFDC in the last few days.
    So many people in Ranking. to bad everyone was at master or higher so it was hard to rank up... like at all! where are all the 10th dans at?! I really tried to use more abare style last night felt odd and risky but it helps a little.... not much.

    GGs Jhow. congrats on slayer!!! something I don't get about Shun. his 8k+g is so odd. its -13 but even if I try to punish with p,k you manage to dodge it with dm p++k or 6p+k. am I punishing to slow?? the whole time i was playing you I was most concerned about shuns dm p+k. I think he has the best one in the game. that's why i swept more than I'd care for.

    GGs. Denkai. darn jacky lol. but i have a nasty surprise for you next time. TEE hee Hee.

    GGs. Gentleman thief. lots of fun indeed. I like our akira vanessa matches. never know wich way that's gonna go. and Aoi scares me. use her more on me. I don't have enough experience vs her.

    yupa. GGs man. lots of fun. it was like a set of twin cougars going at it.

    kingofcarnage. Ggs. you always start of strong then something happens. My luck I guess. lol

    did I for get you?? sorry. Then play me again and make me remember.
  17. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Thanks to Tonyfamilia and HappyFriend for a bunch of games last night. Nice of you both to spend the time.
  18. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Not at all Johoseph! I figured you kept joining because you were having fun, and that's what it's all about. I wouldn't say screwing around, rather more so exploring Shun's abilities. Good games!
  19. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Mista! I must apologize for last night if I seemed to be playing weird. I once again was playing when I shouldn't (drank too much) but I can't stay away sometimes. You move around so well with Sarah and I couldn't concentrate well enough to keep up so often times I was just standing there waiting for you to come to me. I promise better matches next time.

    As for 8K(+G) it is punishable but maybe because of online people often try too late. That move is definitely bizarre. It completely nullifies low attacks and even some mid and highs, and even though -13 it is a damn good move if used properly and at the right time.
  20. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    I think it's just a timing issue. With airborne/kinda airborne moves a lot of times the timing is tricky to know when the move actually ends. For example lei fei 9k+g is sometimes hard to get a garaunteed throw against. By going to dojo and doing the mule k vs gaurd and throw and find out the soonest you can throw escape, and technically a little before that is when u'd want to start ur punishment. Of course, easier said then done.

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