Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Yeah, good games. Crazy that the connection is not worse from east coast to west coast. Your Akira is very good at the jabbing, close range game with fuzzytastic D and delayed attacks. I resorted to midrange to try and mitigate that. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/ub.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif is my, uh, very advanced Lau technique /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Sorta GGs to Dennis09021. Were you like, playing with some hostility or was that just my imagination? Sorry to leave so soon, but it was a little weird...
  2. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    GGs to Shield Nine 9. I don't know what to say, seriously... I've NEVER had to work so hard to get just a single round. Huge thanks for the beatdown man.
  3. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    Good Games again to Cozby. I managed to get one win in so maybe I'm improving or maybe you were just warming up. Either way it was fun playing you again.
  4. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    GGs to Happy,
    Actually I don't even know what I was doing with my noob Lion, I just keeping ppp, 6pp and 66k without thinking, and mybe that's why you felt my moves were inappropripate~~ Haha, all I can remember is I always been hit by your 6k when I did those stuff, that hurt a lot~~

    Awesome games to Cozby!! I haven't faced that fucker for a long time!! Too bad our connection was getting worse in the end but the matches you gave me were still exciting!! I'm so curious how Lei Fei will be in R with his new moves, he is one of the most interesting characters in VF series forever!! Hope to see you again with your nasty monk!!
  5. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    TS I think you can take your Shun very far. Im hoping you keep playing him and become great with him and totally start whipping me drunken master-style!

    GGs to Shaka Zulu. Haha, I kinda forgot how to play Lau, it's been a long time since I've used him.

    GGs to Player7. That DMPK comes out too fast! I'll tried putting delays on it several times but I kept getting CH. I should pay attention to foot positions more so I can utilize Akira's half-circulars to their full potential. It's a part of being accustomed to playing your main I suppose. Alot of players tend to play different characters AS IF they're playing as their main. With Lei-Fei, foot position isn't nearly as important.

    GGs to Marlyjay, Eileen can get tricky! I keep forgetting that her Zank /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif gives her advantage on guard. I'll probably be using her a bit more often using the stuff I seen you do.

    GGs to Dennis you beast! Can you just play one character please? hahaha but dangerous using lei-fei, its scary eating and dying from jeffry's 2k+g for no reason lol. Jeff's knee is nutty on lei-fei. If it doesn't work, try it again! I like playing moral characters now. I feel he's getting worse but I will try to keep Lei-Fei as my honest weapon. Your Jeff was alot for me to handle. I had to do magic stuff to pull off wins. I know versing him can be a pain in the ass.

    Anyone got Death Tank on XBL?!?!
  6. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    gg tony
    sry i left like that, i was being interviewed and she wanted to play me as part of her report...
    so annoying
  7. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    GGs to GFA. Even though i was using Eileen my Vanessa got better from that session.

    Cozby, I'm gonna go ahead and give myself BGs for our match. I was poor. when you jumped my sweep backturned in that first round, well words escape me.

    I hope that we have a better connection next time so i can make a better showing of myself. I didn't land her 236kkk once. I still don't understand how you was doing what you was doing with that connection. Awesome play mate. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif
  8. pl4yer_7

    pl4yer_7 Active Member

    ggs to shaka zulu-i forgot what a beast you were with blaze those neverending combos are sick. i saved a replay of you beatin my ass lol

    ggs to cozby-good akira work man i was proud to sneak a few rounds from ya. always fun sparring man
  9. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Hey, no sweat Dennis. I wasn't sure, but your doing 66kk over and over again after tech roll (ok, it worked a lot because I didn't think you would keep doing it). And then crouch dashing like 6 times after I whiffed a high attack. I guess I am paranoid, but I sort of thought it was a passive aggressive middle finger or something. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Unrelated: I had like 15 minutes to kill before some people came over last night so I played a little Ranked. I ran into SirAddy who was 0-0. I played him because I thought he might be the notorious Abrupt Addypaddy who I never played. This new Sir Addy was Wolf and he did mostly 2p and DMPK. I crushed him in 3 round since lau is not the guy you wanna try that crap against. He pulled right before the end of the match. I sent him a message that said "Congratulations on being undefeated" (har har). He replied back and said. "I just joined"

    Does this sound like that Abrupt loser?
  10. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Hey Happy,
    About the 66kk, you know why I intended to do that? Because I had nothing can do with about only 10 life rest!! Haha~ I was planning to die so it didn't metter what I did, I felt shock as well coz I thought you would block after 4 times of my 66kk~~
    Well. about the crouch dashing, I only do that for someone who is good at throw escaping. I was wating for your fail animation and tried to throw again or did some CH as I could. However, it tourned out the timing was right for me and you could easily crash me with Jeffry's knee.
    I can tell sometimes my moves displease my opponent especailly when I get straight in row....But I think more important is to adapt to your opponent and that makes the game more fun~~
  11. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    No sweat man. I'll do the same thing again too because people don't exect a half way decent player to keep doing the same thing. I don't know why, but all the stuff made you seem pissed off to me which I know is silly. See you online.

    And I am only good with TE's when I try them which is not as often as it should be. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  12. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Letting everyone know that I have VF5 again for XBL and am interested in playing some people. If you guys are up for some matches add me on XBL because i really wanna get back into VF!
  13. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member


    Also, ggs to HappyFriend, Weiand, UltraLewis, V Mirza. Mad laggy but still fun ^^
  14. G_F_A

    G_F_A Member

    MarlyJay; MrsRambo and Anarkira(Sorry for the small session Anarkira...a woman wanted tha iam a real fighter! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  15. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to WEIAND 8 71, ughil, MotorCityJacky, VELUZELUGA, and everyone else I played. ^_^
  16. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    GGs to...

    OhNoYouDidnt VF - just a bit sad about the lag but ggs, akira mirror matches are fun.

    SoulKatana - That was a great session we played, lots of character switching so it was good to get in more of my wolf and goh practice in.

    GGs to anyone else i missed, i cant get onto to find out the other people i played right now.
  17. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ggs to mistah tee. Long set, very competitive matches vs your vanessa. Nice offensive pressure. It was weird to see you push the pace like that, and it was good practice for what i'm trying to accomplish with my defense. I really like playing you cause i know you are going to bring good matches, but sometimes i feel like our connection gives some funny results. There are a few half circular moves that it seems like you can evade toward the direction the move is designed to stop every time, and i don't think it's supposed to be that way. It's kinda funny the first few times, but then gets annoying. Not so bad vs vanessa, but when it nets a serpent cannon i'm not much a fan. Also, your vane was doing a fantastic job of mid kicking thru my mid kick sabaki ; ) It cuts both ways though, and that is the deal when we sign up for online play. I'm sure ppp becomes a little trickier than my opponents care for sometimes. Sometime i'll get frustrated and throw it out and be like, "oh wow, that was some incredible tracking to just to get to the opponent, not even to mention beating a move it should lose to, lol" see my lei spinning around mid punch to crush ur punch sabaki. : ) and : (
    I won't complain too much. It would be like playing chess and complaining the pawns don't move like checker, lol. Besides, i've only played about 2 hours total offline vs human opponents, so i would be at a huge disadvantage for a while. It would be nice though, to have a strong offline community. I think if i did, i'd probably not wanna play online anymore. Good thing i dont.
  18. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    GG to a lot of people. Thanks for the fun wins and mainly losses. I am getting back into VF.
  19. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    GGs to DarkVincent and Mr Lupin
  20. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    DUDE! Good to see you again! I should re-add you to my friends list - send me a request.

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