Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    GGs to Kingo. I'm going to take the fact that i managed a few wins against your Eileen with my Vanessa as confirmation that my Van is no longer complete trash.

    The Eileen mirror matches where great and i always learn stuff, but i have one serious question. Why is your Eileen now dressed like mine? XD
  2. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

    gg's to happyfriend
  3. shaka_zulu

    shaka_zulu Well-Known Member

    player 7
    everybody i played this week
  4. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    So, some GGs to

    Xross Media Bar

    And everyone I´ve forgot...
  5. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    for sure.
  6. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Just some info I thought everyone would be interested in.... this was a bitch getting and trying to piece together.

    Shield Nine 9
    Lives in Canada
    Married with 1 child and has been playing VF for many years. He was recently convinced by one of his friends to go online with VF5 since him and his friend doesn't meet that much anymore to play. He doesn't accept friend invites or talk much because he doesn't want to get heavily involved in online gaming to avoid taking time away from his family. Like us he just loves VF and trying to find a way to stay connected since his partner's new job has made it hard for them to play offline together.

    Usually available on Friday / Saturday nights and doesn't have a keyboard so only answers everything in 1 or 2 words... it was a bitch getting him to respond to shit. It's safe to assume he knows nothing about VFDC and probably not a good idea to contact him since he is trying to keep to himself.

  7. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    GGizzles to:

    Mista Tee: Great games the last few days (weeks?). Sorry about last night though. I really was kinda out of it, lol. I'm going to get some good sleep tonight though and hopefully I see you on this weekend so my Lau can try get your Vane back. Btw, crazy good improvement with your Vane. As annoying as it is to deal with, that's the best way to play with Vane. Abusing that 1P and then that mid deflector (idk) is the way to go. That 1P is INSANE! I looked up the data on it and it says nothing about it deflecting high attacks but it does...
    When I saw you deflect Lau's 6K+G with it, I damn near quit. Seriously, w... t... f...
    GGs though, even when I was getting annoyed, I respected and acknowledged your skill. My Brad had better luck but even he was like "wtf!". I saw a lot of openings to use my midkick reversal though but my reaction was off and you were on it!

    Plague, I FINALLY looked up the frame data for 3P+K (not 1P+K like I thought) OMG+4 ON REGULAR HIT!!! I did NOT know this. I thought that you were at dis on reg hit. One time after I had blocked 3P+K and I went for an elbow pretty quickly but you beat my elbow with 66KK O_O I just froze. That really took the wind out of my sail, lol, but I stuck around, tried out different things like OM P options and stuff like that while you proceeded to do your thing and then made me watch the replays o_O Not a big fan of watching the same replays or stuff like you standing there and doing a standing or crouching P to end the match and then make me watch o_O but hey, it's your replay. I tried doing it back to you but I really don't have the patience to sit there for an extra 3 seconds after the match to watch a replay unless something unique and/or interesting happened. It's all good though, you were on that night and regardless of if it's the same setups or not I couldn't get out of my bad defensive habits. I had fun trying to figure out the magic of 3P+K though... too bad I was so off about the frames. I thought that you were at like -10 when you were really at -5 XD
    That's what I get for giving YOU advice, right? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif You were prob like "How dare you?!?" *smack!*

    More GGs to come, gotta go home from work... tired... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/tired.gif
  8. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Tony are you sure Lau's 6k+g didn't whiff over vanessa'S 1P? I find its best to use a mid elbow.

    LOL shield 9 is from korea? In the shoubox la akira said he was positive it was yosuke cuz no international vf player would bother flying stateside to play vf online with american noobs. HA!
  9. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Trust me. That reversal swoosh sound that you hear when she does that to a sweep, it happened to Lau's 6K+G. That's not the only move that I've seen her sabaki that has made my jaw drop. I've seen Vanessa's 1P sabaki Lau's 46P and Brad's 6P+K /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shocked.gif Not cool man, not cool.

    I thought Shield9 was Yosuke too when he joined one of my player matches with Kage. I didn't know who it was but I put my drink down like "alright, let's see what this guy's got" unaware of what I was in for. First round he murders me with a perfect. It was so crazy that I accidentally kicked my protein shake that was sitting next to me. So I'm like "fuck!" cuz I don't want the spill to go under the couch and all that mess. I tried to give him a fight the next few rounds but he killed me something fierce. Then he leaves. 1 player match, 2 perfects and I guess he figured "I'm not even going to waste my time with this chump" and he leaves. The he sends me a text saying "gg" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
    So I'm laughing but I was seriously impressed by this player's skill level. I proceeded to clean up my mess and then I texted him something like "gg? lol, 1 match, 2 perfects and that's a gg? dude, i spilled my drink, that's the only reason i didn't give you a better fight but ok, sure, gg, lmao"

    So then later on he sends me an invite and this time he was Goh. He started off strong and I thought it was Yosuke bc of his movement but then I saw that he would fall for things that Yosuke doesn't fall for as much. Things like my 2P sabaki and my charge moves. I've heard that I set up my charge moves well and all but my success rate with charge moves on Yosuke is very low but with Shield9 it was higher. Anyway, he started to get frustrated with my Brad so he leaves and then sends me an invite to fight his Akira. His Akira did better than his Goh against my Brad shenanigans but I could tell that I was frustrating him so again he leaves. This time he sends me an invite to fight his Lau. Now I was tired as hell already. It was late and fighting this guy is a real brain-drain. But I go and face his Lau anyway and that's when I started to think that it was Yosuke again bc of some of the setups and the style that he played Lau with. He got me back with his Lau and I just couldn't hang anymore so I quit.
    I don't know what to believe, his other characters made me think that it wasn't Yosuke but his Lau was just too much like Yosuke's /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif

    GGs Gentleman Thief, thanks for the compliment, it means a lot that you noticed. We were having some great matches and then my punch button started to act up. This has happened with Plague and it happened today with JHow77. It sucks bc I paid freaking $80 for this stick only to be told that I gotta shell out some more money for proper parts. It shoulda came with decent parts but I was having issues with the buttons from like the first week of buying it. Never this bad though. Anyway, I'll get it worked out. Nice Aoi and Akira!

    GGs Social, great connection up until the lag monster started rearing it's ugly head.

    GGs Shaka, where's your Brad at?

    GGs Johoseph, always a pleasure. You were doing some better movement and spacing!

    GGs KOC, I think that if you focused on 1 character for a while, he/she will become a lot stronger.

    GGs Happy Friend, great playing you again. I think that you were doing a LOT better against my Brad then the last time. Hahaha "no mas". That's prob what I shoulda said last time we played /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    GGs Shirt, it's all good, long time no play. Let's do it again soon.

    GGs to AssassinCP, TitanTony99, CedHTone, Tallos5, Beansofdoom and ManaKnight08.
  10. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    GGs to Sal! I hope you know I'm a clown (ass). I totally was just kidding around. I wanted to spark you up a bit though.

    GGs to Jhow! You can't run from dbpm! It's pretty cheap that Shun's DMPK can put you over a low wall /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif And SOU K_ into CHO isn't -14 but probably +3 if I had to guess. These are good things to know lol. Thanks for the games dude.
  11. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Hey Konjou, where did you get these information??
    In fact, I thought this tag belongs to Yosuke!!! Haha~~
    The way he used was too obviously that he didn't just start recently. And considering about the connection, I don't believe he lives in Canada. If he was really like what you said, that would be awesome and hopefully he can join VFDC!!
  12. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    It's good to be back, sort of. Thanks Air Jacky for giving me the chance to get back into the swing of things.
  13. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    GGs to Jhow last night.

    That's proably the first time i've seen you in player match Jhow, you seemed to have improved that Shun of yours. I remember getting the occasional win before but last night I couldn't touch you.

    Fun games man, we should do it again soon see if I can work out how to get past that super abare Shun of yours /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  14. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    GGs to...

    SCHAKAL - Your Shun is solid, must try harder to defeat you.

    DACOMBOKID - Nice Kage, good playing you again its been ages since our last fights.

    Mr Lupin 360 - Never seen you play El Blaze before and i was surprised, well played bud.

    THRfin - Been a long time since our last match, those Pai vs Lau matches were fun, sorry i could not stay on longer as i was going out.

    Morphost - Nice Aoi, i was doing a lot of high and low poke punches, sorry it may of been annoying but i am just scared of being mid countered and destroyed for it.
  15. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    Many GGS in the last time:

    UltraLewis VFDC
    LargestCOOL CJ
    Sensei SD
    Ninja X Ryu
    El Ritze

    Thank U guys CU online!

  16. UKDiddy

    UKDiddy Well-Known Member

    Hmm..Shield that's the guy who just beat the hell out of me the other night. Damn, it was vicious too. First his goh, then his kage. I get off the street fighter train, and come back to an ass whoopin like that. I thought I was just incredibly rusty, or it was Yosuke but I guess that explains it. Thanks Konjou. And good games White Worm. I know I was tickin you off with the throws, so my bad.
  17. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    hey social Ruin ggs a few nights ago. I notice you were sitting back a lot in the first few matches. it kinda didn't make me want to play so aggressive. but after like 1/2 hour I started to turn on the juice periodically. also I know what you mean with the half circle moves, but are you sure you had the correct foot forward when you did it??? I 'm sure after you are done practicing you defence and yo incorporate it into your offence we will see a great improvement. the thing that Sarah has over Vanessa is she can punish well where Vanessa doesn't get much damage. And really i think you are over estimating the usefulness of serpent cannon. I just find that it works on Lei- fei the best... but then again when I show you the new ways I found to use it I'm sure you'll hate it even more... tee, hee

    Dr. Fam. GGs. Yeah Vanessa 1p has always sabaki high moves. that's why I sometimes do it two times in a row. Van is a bad match up for Lau I think. My friend plays lau alot so I am used to most of his tricks. My only advice for you use is not to think so much about landing the big damage but rather work on you chip damage. My Friend says that if you can hit check well, then you can chip away and win with lau with little risk and keep pressure. the big damage will come just wait for it don't force it. did you save a match??? which one was it?
  18. pl4yer_7

    pl4yer_7 Active Member

    ggs to dr familia for playing 50+ matches with me and beating me at least 40 of them. anytime u need a punching bag hit me up... fun matches man
  19. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    gg's to :

    Kahn Rahn

    VF5 player matches for me have been awesome this past week, thanks guys
  20. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    GGs to...


    Hmm, think that's it. Thank moses there's people still playing VF /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

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