Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    No man, you just let me run wild with my punch sabaki thats all. No name calling, no nothing. And forget my advice, if you want to improve your Lion you should totally play junosynth, dude totally destroyed me 9-0 yesterday, it wasn't even funny /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif GGs.
  2. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Very Good Games to Kanari ZAKOdesu!

    Has anyone seen this guy? It's a Japanese player and we had a very strong connection. He plays Aoi, had Vindicator rank until I knocked him down to Gladiator, and over 85% wins. I can't believe I did as well as I did against him.

    I was about to demote to Barbarian and then I came back to not only demote him because of the forced loss for same rank matches, but continued to win about 10 more.

    If anyone is looking to play a good Aoi look to this guy!
  3. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    jhow77, let's get games in again sometime. I'll knock u down a peg or 2 : ) World get ready for jhow75. lol. Or you'll beat me down, but whatever, it will be fun
  4. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    thanks for the games Kamais Ookin. You use your throw very judiciously...and it makes me mad cause i want to flip out of ur splash mountain!!! Honestly though, i think u should throw more.
    cozby...also plays wolf. always nice to knock out a set at 3 in the morning. And who knew u played wolf as well. Funny thing was i don't even know if u have any wolf strats or u just pick a character and say, i'm gonna do their mid attack, best move, and an anti-sabaki. And i couldn't do nothing vs staggers last night : ( Keep up the drive to...i'm gonna use everybody-ism...with continued hard work you could be the next...Rhikojang
  5. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Great games to Paper Lion who has a very good vanessa

    and Denkai... What is my win % against you? 20? At least it is easier to fight everybody else after we are done. Dude, what was up with TFTing me out of ring? And don't think I didn't notice that Jacky DMPK. You're better than that, son! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Kamais good jeff fights. Jeff v lau is a real hard matchup.

    Weiand - those were real good fights. so many of them came down to the wire

    I am glad that more people are back on VF instead shooting backward jumping Akuma fireballs for hours on end.
  6. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    What??? That's where it's at son! Damn, I wished I worked for Capcom. Their job's even easier than the guys who work for the Madden franchise.

    I watched a Sagat vs Ryu fight the other day just to see one of the guys from VFDC fight and I sat there for like almost 3 minutes watching Ryu do hadokens while Sagat did Tiger shots.
    "Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!
    Hadoken!" - "Tiger Shot!"

    IT WAS EPIC!!!
  7. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Paper Lion? this IS the GGs thread.
  8. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Uh oh! Is he notorious for something or other? He didn't seem like an addy or anything.

    He did DMPK a lot...
  9. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    I played him a few days ago, he's not as bad as he used to be but he still back walks and K+G alot.
  10. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Yeah, he does play distance vane w/ /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif or /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif a lot and of course DMPK and the tranny elbow drop, but at least there's some of the other moves being used! It's all part of the, uh, growing process...
  11. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Yeah he played my Vannes in ranked and I demoted him, but.. he started to adjust wich he really didnt do before.
  12. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    lol, it's already picking up steam
  13. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    Yep, i'm still playing Aoi. She is my main after all lol. But i've also been working on my Vanessa too.
  14. Zym_Dragon

    Zym_Dragon Active Member

    Good games to everyone I played tonight. I know I am forgetting a few.

    LA Akira: It's so much fun playing against really good players. I hope I made you work for most of those wins. Your Shun is fun to fight.

    Panther NeoGeo: You got me this time. Night match.

    Mista Tee VFDC: um... ouch. Sara is tough.

    Konjoux: Hope you weren't just being nice to me.

    xx Shao xx: If I hadn't lost a lot to LA Akira earlier, I probably would have lost both matches. Nice Shun.
  15. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    hahaha mids are the trooth! Idk... I should invest some more time in playing wolf.
  16. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    Good Games to Tony Familia! Your Lau has some crazy range and mixups. As I said I'm upping the matches to Youtube and they should up for viewing tommorow since the connection is a bit slow...
  17. xx_Shao_xx

    xx_Shao_xx Active Member

    GGs Zym_Dragon, i wish you would have played more. I need more practice vs pai, I need to avoid that cartwheel kick more, and you need to play someone who punishes you for doing it so much, it would have made us both better. To that extent, be careful with that move, sadly it was hitting me nearly everytime, but against the better players it will be a liability more than an asset.

    GGs to you mr. L_A Akira, what a great shun, i was suprised to get a couple wins. it was awesome to play you a little session in ranked, thank you accepting my invitation to play me multiple matches, granted you destroyed my win % but i don't care, it was great to play you. I only saved one match, i am kicking myself for that now. lets play more please.

    everyone else too.

    Jhow, we need to get sum games in soon, sure you'll kill me, but it will be eyeopening i am sure, can't wait.
  18. Zym_Dragon

    Zym_Dragon Active Member

    ggs QueenofCarnage, it was nice to get so much practice in against your Vanessa. She sure can dish out the punishment when I leave you an opening.
  19. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    ggs to:

    KingofCarnage: After getting chucked around by you in the previous match I made sure to come out blazin' That one match was WAY closer than I care for -_-;

    Khan Rhan: Nice to see you again.

    Mister Tee: As bad as you beat me with Sarah I still got some trauma from the Vanessa match way back when. You're a much better Master Rank than I am. You had me off balance for the better part of the show.

    Plague: Always a pleasure, I need matches like that to figure out my shortcomings (same with Mr. T.). I can respect a dude with patience.

    Silent Nephilim: Yeah, I try to do mirror matches in moderation. Quite a few things I haven't seen before by Aoi, even from kingofvf. It's nice to know that we in the Aoi community all have our own unique "signature" moves /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif (at least those of us that are left -_-)
  20. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to Kamais Ookin, Panther NeoGeo (always nice playing a fellow Aoi player ^_^), xx Shao xx, and everyone else I played ^_^

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