Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. xx_Shao_xx

    xx_Shao_xx Active Member

    Wow thanks. Not that we didn't cover it in pms, but its all good, so no worries.

    To answer the dmp+k issue
    #1) its really a pretty good move for shun, mid distance, has some nice options as jhow77 stated, does a decent job of closing down distances effectively.

    #2) I overuse it b/c it seems to be one of the few moves of shun's that people recognize as throw punishable, and i'm trying to work on escapes. So if one hits you then i'm like GOOD, i'll do it again and hopefully he'll guard it this time. No need to point out that i failed to TE any of your throws, even when you did finally get around to going for them off of guaranteed moves. I was dissappointed that i missed so many /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    #3) Lastly, its completely punishable with standard pk style stuff, right? I mean, Mista Tee hits me with pk everytime and i can't stop him, nevermind he and i have a connection thats more or less as laggy as it gets. He'll vouch.

    most high level shun's don't do it that much, except if someone is high ranked in ranked, its b/c they win, they win b/c they do what works, thus if its landing they'll keep doing it. If you guard and punished, specifically with a solid pk option, the high ranking player willl probably quickly stop. (not directed at social ruin, but meaning a rhetorical "you.")
  2. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    I think there's a lot of discussion about DMP+K because people tend to abuse it. There's nothing wrong with using this move, especially in the right situation, but I believe the topic is, don't abuse it. Hell, Jacky's DMP+K used right kicks ass! You can throw after it, throw again, elbow kick, you name it!

    WTF am I saying? People - abuse it all you want. You will get punished for doing so. But hopefully you will learn and improve your game.

    If I really think about it I can't remember a time when I've actually been annoyed by this move. I remember the old discussion about Tsua but when I played him I never found his spamming of this move to be true.
  3. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    p,k isn't a good choice to punish shuns dm p+k if your character has a 14 frame counter. For example, shun vs shun, kkp (kk2pk w/ 16 drinks) after you block their dm p+k is gonna not only take off way more life but knock them down as well.
  4. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Good matches to Glory85: your jacky is lightning quick. I am shocked that I won those few games. I had nothing on your speed!@

    SoulKatana: sorry I didn't accept your second invite. I got tied up playing Glory85 in heated matches too! Good stuff.

    Khanilious: You have a very patient Akira~~! Good games.
  5. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    i think he is just giving a general example. I only us p,k online because of lag. if I were to go for a better punish chances are it will wiff and I will get hit by another dm p+k. p'k is the safest option online.

    and I agree with Jhow. abuse the shit out of dm p+k. it's very beatable. plus I can't blame Shun users for using it. his is one of the best in the game.
  6. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    GGs Tony. I wish I could've caught you earlier so we could've played more. You were making some cool options, really making full use of lau's moves. I wish shun's 6p was an elbow... i hate getting that high punch when Im looking for a mid. Ah well, more reason to want R. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif

    GGs SilentNephilim. Sometimes, some of the stuff I'm trying doesn't work well against specific playstyles. It's not that your a bad player, but it's an aggressive mentality that can become tiresome to deal with. Look at what moves you use that are unsafe. Sometimes I don't expect you to use unsafe moves so much, or attack out of your nikatu. Even if I beat your decision the last few times, you still would assault. That's a big part of Aoi play imo, she has more than enough tools so she doesn't have to worry about being disadvantaged so much. That's when it's time for double jump kick/throw mix ups /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif I need to look for better moves to use against her though
  7. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I'll agree that p,k is just not acceptable... Akira has 14 counter for all DMp+k except Lion's I believe, but I have to say punishing Shun's is by far the hardest online. There have been so many matches where I try to punish it with my 14 frame counter and I just eat another DMp+k from him. I'm like WTF, so next time around I figure fuck it I'll go for the easy p,k..... woooot I still eat another DM or Mule Kick to the mouth. I'm not gonna tell people how to play anymore, but hey if you guys love your DM's then by all means use it.... just don't be surprised when you play offline and every time you use it you lose 50-60 points of damage.

    Oh and also don't be surprised when you notice that your success ratio of DM and random flying headbutts not hitting that much go waaaaaaaaay down. Blocking a headbutt online is like trying to run a race with one leg. If you don't anticipate it or it's not telegraphed forget about it. I've been in so many matches where Shun is like a mile away and go neutral because I think it's coming and BAM still get hit while waiting for latency to tell the game "hello... he is standing!"

    Anyway, GG's to Mista Tee as usual. I can't wait for you to get your stick man.

    GG's to Silentnephilim(sorry if I spelled it wrong) Good stuff bro, but you might want to omit all those long strings Aoi has and try not to attack out of most disadvantage.

    GG's Denkai... fucking monster! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    GG's to Madrox... weird style, but effective!
  8. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    GGs last night to...

    Quash VFDC
    I M3NAC3 I

    I think that's everyone, fun games with you guys and thanks.
  9. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to Cozby, Konjou, and everyone else I played. I still have a few things to work on XP
  10. xx_Shao_xx

    xx_Shao_xx Active Member

    Mista Tee was right. I am not advocating pk as the best possible solution to dmpk when blocked. I realize everyone has a better option. But my point was, even in very laggy situations, you can still land at least pk. so yeah, mista Tee said, pk was just a general example.

    GGs to Jhow: thanks for the games. your shun owns, and by owns i mean owns me /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
    fantastic beat down, can't wait to do it again. Awesome, awesome, awesome. thanks for all the help.
  11. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Lei's DM P+K is -3 on block. He also ends up in dokuritsu which autoreverses P, low P, Akiras StPm and elbows..
  12. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Well, his dm p+kp is -14, no one uses tho, cuz the other option is so much better. However Im sure (hoping) characters have moves that'll beat his options at doku -3.
  13. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Yeah that's what I meant... obviously the complete DM from anyone. I'm aware Lei can stop at the DMp+k into doku.
  14. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">GG's to Madrox... weird style, but effective! </div></div>

    LOL ,, thanks Konjou... its not really a style... but more of freaking out with patience.

    Hard to go from scrubs to a random 'vfdc' master... and adapt.
    I've been learning patience, so thats whats been carrying me since i've come back.

  15. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    I haven't seen MADrox for a sooooo long time...
  16. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Had a great time on VF online tonight, GGs to...

    QueenofCarnage2 - Felt like that Vanessa of yours has improved man, I really didn't know what you were throwing at me half the time haha. Also thanks for putting up with my awful Brad for so long.

    DrFamilia - Great to play you again, haven't played you for ages. You're really good at mixing stuff up and keeping the pressure on, there was this one setup involving a 6p stagger that kept killing me even though I knew how to deal with it... and that wall pwnage you was doing was nasty. Got me sweating so bad I couldn't react properly /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    ughil - Fun games with you, shame you couldn't stay longer. Your Brad has a nice keep away game but I think you rely on it too much, I was enjoying all the jumping and prancing about we was doing!

    Also GGs to lil c rob, erdraug and marlyjay, sorry I couldn't stick around to play you guys my ISP was being ghey. Sorted itself after 12pm, stupid ISP.

    Thanks everyone for the games, hope I didn't forget anyone.
  17. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    ggs Tony,
    Sorry I had to change the character since the combo didn't work, and that happend recently... I was waiting for you but it seemed you already joined someone's match!!! I hope I'll see you next time.

    ggs Konjou,
    I was surprised that you joined my match coz last time you said you quit online already. Now I know you need to prepare for WCG so welcome back!! Nice set up and I'm always confused about your 66p and 666p. Counter hit kills me....... I'll see you soon and get a lot of practice with your Akira coz I need him!!!
  18. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    GGS to everyone int eh last week. sorry I can't remember everyone I played.

    Konjoh. fun matches but if i continued one of us would have been demoted...Me.

    Jhow. ggs! I really need to play a more favorable match up vs shun. there is only so much sarah can do to control him. if that were possible. how come u and I never play player match anymore??

    KOC what the heck happen??I know it was lag, one of those weeks I guess.

    Denkai. you woke me up man. I like playing your shun. lots of fun.
  19. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    ggs to gentlemanthief, social ruin, and some other cats i fought last night... JE is coming back, and LI is still in training...
  20. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    Many GGs these days...

    - BorisOfWales
    - WEIAND 8 71
    - Black Bauer CTU
    - COOL CJ 75
    - Khanilious
    - REMUS139
    - stompoutloud
    - Xross Media Bar
    - PeleliuCorner
    - DrWoo80

    Thank U guys, CU online!


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