Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. xx_Shao_xx

    xx_Shao_xx Active Member

    ggs to panther neo geo: that was intense, i hope u don't mind me joining a million times in a row, if it ever gets old just pm me that you want to fight other comp and i won't htink anyless of you. At first i was like: will i ever win? but then i figured some things out and it became competitve.

    Air Jacky and Grusselgrosser: two worthy jacky's, i don't like fighting either one of you, but i think its more jacky than you guys. i need to look at his moves and get a handle on his low high mix ups. Both of you guys killed me with that damn dmp+k after every blocked move, but no reason for you to stop it if i can't, so no hard feelings there.

    Zym Dragon: i agree with jhow, you are improving your throw game. good work

    and everyone else i've played today.
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    whatever, pretending your not erdraug /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    ..It's still bastert.
  3. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    GGs 2:

    - EMP XxKonjouxX
    - DaBadSeed
    - Afuro Ky
    - REMUS139
    - BH2504
    - BorisOfWales

    thank u guys! cu online

  4. Grusselgrosser

    Grusselgrosser Well-Known Member


    its alright I think I hate Shun Di more than you hate Jacky
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Hmm, who you talking to?
  6. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    overdue shouts
    Tony - 13 in a row... i'm beginning to fall off XD
    Weiand - ggs, explore the move list a bit more
    Tyrant - you suck, quit crying like a little bitch and learn your situations. That's what i'm doing
    LA - LOLjacky, i'm still stuck in 2p or not 2p mode. in due time.
    Cozby - LOLjacky x2
    nephil - ggs, i loved guessing right but mis-inputing. made the games fun XD
    anyone else i forgot.
  7. Grusselgrosser

    Grusselgrosser Well-Known Member

    is it the latest craze to say people use dmp+k too much?

    God, I don't do it THAT much
  8. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Nah man. Complaining about DMPK is old school craze.
  9. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    yep, old school craze. That being said, do it everytime if someone's not going to adjust.
  10. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Don't worry xx_shao_xx, it isn't getting old and if memory were laying the smackdown on me in those last few matches but it was my fault for not finding a way to adjust.

    Late gg's to Londoncrew_BK, lots of crazy stuff with Wolf. Not 'Prime crazy but similiar to "damn...didn't see that one coming" kind of crazy.

    @'Familia: sorry to "hear" about your eventual retirement. You remember when I was telling you about some of the stuff I was trying out with Aoi? What if I told you I was starting to FINALLY get some proper timing on said new B.S. Heh, ironically I did kinda come off DOA4 when I started VF5 Online but I knew the pay-off for sticking with it would be worth what I went through while playing it, and I still have things to learn.

    Late ggs to SangWon ( I KNOW I didn't spell that right -_-): pretty much killed me.

    Zym Dragon: We really didn't fight that much but later on you're probably gonna want to mix up your long distance moves more if you're going to use them, because eventually you're going to make the mistake of telegraphing moves with me. Other than that, I have nothing.

    AyuFanBoy: Those matches could've went a lot better (frickin' lag spikes) but I had turned off the 'Box and went and watched the TNA ("wrestling") I had recorded the other night.

    Black Bauer CTU: It's still work just keeping track of you.

    BorisofWales: If you're gonna do Ranked, just do what you do and learn what you can learn. Just don't let does xx_shao_xx put it? The Runners, the Hiders, the Pullers, and my personal favorite: The Lag-Bastards get to you.
  11. Grusselgrosser

    Grusselgrosser Well-Known Member

    What nothing to say for me?
  12. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    good games to

    Chief Flash: FINALLY we play each other. Good stuff. You were way too fast for me. hahah

    Ughil: good games. Next time, we should play longer.

    Darthminion: even after cussing me out, which I still have no idea why you did that, I still said good games. And you wrote back with a gg. That's classy. Thank you for being a good sport. By the way, our sets.. Lau versus Lau.. you were winning. So I am not sure why you pulled. No big deal for me. But really.. it's just a game. Keep your attitude in check.

    fearlesswench: good games. Pai versus Pai could get loud with a high pitch voice. hahah
  13. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    GG's today to (akira day):

    AkiroZero's AK: Damn, we were really smooth internet connection compared to what I thought it'd be! I heard good things of you coming into this match and you didn't disappoint. Your SPoD and Knee's come out in will and that scares me! Also good timing for your throw's. Saved like 6 matches I'm going to upload in the near future. You fulfilled your promise to Bfeck saying you have to SPoD me as I fulfilled mine to Truesonic by TKOD'n you. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Beligerent_Feck's AK: It was as laggy as we fought long time ago, damn. I felt confident after the matches I had with AZ but I got raped, not even a single match for me lol. Really good mix-ups with your throws didn't know what to throw escape and when most of the time, mabye you doing can-can's a bit too much? Not to say that it didn't work but if it was smoother I would punish the fuck out of that habit. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Konjou's AK: What can I say, I nagged him till I get my matches, went in thinking it was going to be his KA but alas, it was the one and only, "Konjou Akira." So different from other AK's I faced in past, this one is so technical, feels like the statue KA in a way but it isn't, can't crack down the defense very well!

    Gentleman Theif's AO: I don't know if this is one of your mains or not but it sure felt like it! Damn hard man, DABADSEED level imo in difficulty, and I always see the low throws coming but I don't know what throw escape to input (grr). Saved one of our matches the one where it was a close match (which was rare) and gonna upload in future, hope to face you again in the future except next time I want some of your GOH.
  14. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    Good Games to Social Ruin, absolutely deadly Lei Fei. I'm not gonna lie I was a bit down after playing you but then I heard you were a top ranked Lei and I says to myself "Well I at least put up a good fight" and now I'm gonna play even harder. Gonna youtube our matches as well, so everyone can see my arse getting handed to me. XD
  15. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    lol, thank you Truesonic. I appreciate that. : ) I've already told you what i thought u did well...but just for kicks. Nice mix ups on throw inputs, (now do those after i block ur big moves for TE's), and nice low blocking. For a while i honestly felt like i couldn't sweep u, and u were punishing nicely. ggs.
  16. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Well, since you asked nicely GrusGros; I'll put you in here. You did kinda whoop up on me a few times and you did come back despite me beating you a few times...and you don't pull. Now I'm going to go back to listening to Omega Rugal's '98 AST BGM and call it a night.
  17. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    I for one, cannot wait to see these matches /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  18. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    I second this, is there such thing as getting your ass handed to from Social?! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  19. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    @LA Akira

    There's a possibility I can make it to SoCal but don't count me in yet. Man I would love to go but work might put a wrench in that.

    As for Venger - huge props for knowing who he is!!! Ok, Ok, I'll put him back up, but a different one this time. =)
  20. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Well I hope somehow you CAN make it. We need a shun team to represent.

    You kidding? I watched the shit out of D&D when I was a kid. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

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