Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    good games Social Ruin: Fun times.

    Serina Hayakawa: you had some good moves with Aoi.

    Turpenoid: That was some crazy Lei!

    Just added and played! SilentNephilim

    and Cardorna. Good stuff everyone!
  2. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    ggs quash~
    Thanks for the games and I really hope to join norcal again!!!
    Next time we should play some vf and sf offline!!!
  3. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Haha~ you make me no choice, LA.
    When I used Akira during the first couple matches, the reason I won just because I was lucky~ Akira is too "linear" which means I need to make one choice between offense and defense. If I pick the right one, I can beat Shun with huge damage, however, if I was wrong, I probably make myself into a worse case than usual. I can't let god to decide which one is gonna win, the chance for Akira is really rare to compare with Shun.

    Lei is much more efficient to against Shun coz both them have pretty the same ability. Lei has some "safe" moves to protect himself too. I use the same reaction for all my characters and I realize I can win easier on Lei and Kage. Actually I'm still confused of Lei right now coz almost 70% Lei players don't know what they are doing, including myself!! We just force ourself to do fast inputs and relay on pp ,ppp or stupid k.....stupid but it works!!! Haha~

    Next time if I need to face you on WCG, I will pick Lei no doubt!!! ggs as always~
  4. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    hey dennis,
    what all characters do you use? all of them?
    i know at least, ak, ka, lei, wo, sh, and it seems like you've mentioned others. Just curious. Good work on having such a selection of quality characters btw.
  5. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Yeah Dennis0201 is special indeed! He plays so many characters and plays all of them really, really well. I'm jealous!

    Dennis0201 - Thanks for the compliment, but my Akira still has much to learn. Thanks for believing in me though. I will try my best to work out the kinks for WCG. GG's today! I need to play with you more. I find it amazing that you have developed this crazy tekkenish style and made it work in VF. Good stuff man... it's fun to play against, but really annoying at the same time LOL

    GG's to Air Jacky, Panther NeoGeo and anyone else I played recently. Sorry but it's late and a lot of names are eluding me at the moment.

    T-Fam... your gonna be missed man. Thanks for the awesome compliment. I'm glad anything that I taught you worked out for you. Most of the credit goes to yourself though. I just helped you put it on paper, but your the one who wrote it down, studied it and developed it. Great job! Don't stay away to long, but definitely take your time and get your life in order and do the things that you need to man. If and when we get R, best believe I'll do what I can to help you out. Take care bro!
  6. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I used to use Akira, Jeffry, Wolf, Jacky, Kage, Lei.
    And sometimes I also pick Lau, Lion, Goh, and Shun. But I have to say I'm not an expert in either one of them. I have to confess the hardest control charters are Akira and Wolf, and that's why I really admire Akira and Wolf players~~

    However, stick with only one character can make you become invincible just like ---- vVv adamYuki
  7. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    Gentleman Thief: ur goh is gangster.. thanks for the game btw, I thought that it was very classy to send an invite after u were done playing ur game.. some vf players are snobs since im new.
    much appreciated
    AssasinCP: Learnt a shit load of goh stuff from u, we should experiment more stuff.
    ZYM dragon: ur pai mixup is intense... I HATE FIGHTING U! thats a compliment btw.
    Kamai/Ayu: one day ill rep VF BC... but not today or tmr... hopefully soon, its coming along though. btw, the Kage wake up u taught me... is wow.
    WEIAND 8 71: thanks for all the advise and games. Late night games ( :
    DeathSushi: I wish we had better connection... u taught me alot of the mechanics of the game. Maybe 1 day offline we can play
    ( :
    Black Bauer CTU: i duno where the invite came from out of nowhere, but "THANKS!", those were good games!

    been playing alot of great ppl online, for the ppl i forgot GG's, its late and i cant think of all the ppl
  8. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Yeah I agree about akira but still when I play people like homestay, sancha, joseph, etc. I rarely ever win. Those guys make akira seem like he's a top tier character. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    As for lei, it just feels too tough to get control of the match using shun. If I know I have to face a lei player, I would just rather use jeffery. 2k+g and 43p work really well vs lei. Also, I can guess random 6k combos but if it gets blocked, lei cant really get good guaranteed damage.
  9. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    2 words...



    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif member la? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  10. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    shun doesnt have a short shoulder! :p
  11. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yeah I agree about akira but still when I play people like homestay, sancha, joseph, etc. I rarely ever win. Those guys make akira seem like he's a top tier character.

    Does'nt this just throw tiers out of the window then lol!
  12. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Does'nt this just throw tiers out of the window then lol! </div></div>

    When there are equally skilled players, yes. But i'm obviously not the same skill level as homestay and those guys so what im getting at is, those guys are so good it makes their character look like they are the strongest character in the game. Maybe that would have been a better way to phrase it.

    Also, there are hard matchups for alot of characters in the game.
    Shun seems really tough for akira just like vanessa is really tough for shun.
  13. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    GGs to:

    MarlyJay - A good 10th Dan Eileen player from the UK. You kept me on my toes.

    SCHAKAL81 - A good Shun player from Germany who I had to hound to play because of lag. All in all it was a decent connection. It's funny because he kept ringing himself out so normally I would have left him alone but the moves he used to ring himself out showed that he knew how to use Shun. Thanks for the games!
  14. turpenoid

    turpenoid Member

    Love VF..... why did I leave? GGs:

    TFam: Good playing you, man. I didn't really understand what the last day to play vf in your profile meant at the time. Lame. Cheers, man.

    LA: That was a pretty awesome matchup we had. Very fun and super aggressive back and forth. Haha. You show me how much I don't know about Shun.

    stompoutloud: Good stuff, man. Pai is a pain for lei to fight.... at least I think so. I have to really concentrate do make sure I don't get punished too badly. Hah.

    Gentleman Thief: best goh online. Love seeing how you use him.

    motorcityjacky, Chibiaya!
  15. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    That new one of venger is dope. From the intro iirc.

    GGs to turpenoid. Good Lei.
  16. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    ha ha - I knew you'd notice. =)

    I never originally made that into an avatar because the file size ended up being too big. I decided that I must have it though so I reduced the frame capture by ½. It still looks decent though.

    Sorry about the off topic but that scene has some of the best animation ever to grace Saturday morning television in the '80s. It's actually not from the intro but from an episode called "Day of the Dungeon Master."

    For anyone interested click this youtube link and make sure to click the HQ button.
  17. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Wow, didnt know you posted here. Thanks for the asswhooping earlier lol. I dont know anything about lei fei so i just mashed half the time. Bad move i know -_-l Im still noob so cut me some slack lol. GGs man

    GG's LA akira: Your helping me out alot man and its much appreciated, I promise to do my best to come to the gathering i really wanna meet you in person so we can play some offline vf and you can own me with out lag lol. I look forward to playing you more. Thanks for the help and dealing with the distance lag -_-.

    Good games to everyone else I played today. Played some vanessa player who was decent. Man i have to learn these matchups -_-;
  18. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Great games to

    Shackal81 (sp?) Crazy fun to session with ya again man, you gotta wild Shun going on there, I don't even know where i'm getting hit most of the time, is it mid? High? Low? Which way am I supposed to evade? I just don't know lol. Maybe ima have to fight him in the dojo so I can see. Looking foward to another session sometime.

    TSF01- Dam bro we must have played for like 2hours but then I had to go, ida liked to played more man, that was hella fun beating the mess out of each other during and after the rounds lol.

    And Khanlious (sp?) Always love some Akira mirror matches, was some good stuff man. Hope to play ya some more bro.
  19. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I already gave you GGs and compliments but I just wanted to say that I would take the game seriously if I was given the chance lol.

    You know online is... well it's online haha. Can hardly take that serious and I don't get the chance to play offline with people. So it's more like I don't get the opportunity to take the game seriously /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    Maybe I should join you and just give in, i've put a lot of effort into learning and understanding this game and I can't really work out why. Yeah the game is damn fun but all i've got is online so it's pretty pointless.

    Thanks a lot for the comments and for getting some games in with me before you retired /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  20. smb

    smb Well-Known Member


    <span style='font-size: 8pt'>

    (for those of you who don't know, a simple dot after a quote means, i completely agree/couldn't have said it better myself so i wont try.)[/size]</span>

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