Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    I feel like being an ass so I'm going to butt in here. You still haven't learned Konjou how long has it been now? 2, 3 years? I remember maybe 3 years ago we was playing on PS3 and you was telling me to stop doing something over and over I said why? if it works I will keep doing it I proclaimed. You then went on to say that "I can beat that by doing this" and then I said "okay then, keep doing what you know will work so that you will force me to change. I think you probably beat me the next two matches and then stopped what you was doing and lost a match when you tried to play differently. Beating someone two or five matches in a row sometimes isn't enough for the player to realize what you are doing to constantly beat them, you have to hammer it in them try to aim for as much wins as possible. Don't let your opponent think that you just got lucky. It's the only way we can get better.

    I know I always get better after losing badly the more I lose the better I get. That day when you beat me like 9 in a row I made sure I changed up my game I'm eagerly awaiting for you to pull that feat again if you still can. It takes loses to make a person finally learn from their mistakes, preaching to them wont effect them much when the outcome seems to be going 50/50 in terms of wins.

    I don't need to remind you what Flash did to you at WCG last year and lets not even talk about your other loses at tournaments..that mentally of yours is a killer, especially so since it's a hard one to notice. This is what I think "Worrying too much on your opponents weakness will become your weakness" once you let go of that your win ratio will sky rocket.
  2. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    It's cool WW, I shouldn't have picked Aoi. On the other hand, part of me felt it necessary to put you in a "pressure" situation. You were actually doing better as the matches went along. I WAS trying my hand at using Akira long, long ago (forgettable moments), but the strain it was putting on my Hori would eventually put a stop to that run.

    Also GG's to L_A Akira. Damn, never expected you to show up on my doorstep. I still hate dealing with Shun but those were pretty good (and close) matches. Only guy I hate more than Shun is Kage, which brings me to....

    Konjou: Kaminari had recently showed me some stuff with Kage that I was still having nightmares about coming into the match. Then you reminded me once again about the importance of the basic stuff (about 5 or 6 elbows I was eating for just being an idiot, but no one's fault but my own). Wasn't expecting either of the two DMPK's. I should've though -_-

    HyperNoob: For making a good run, however you might want to rank up once in a while.

    SDS Overfiend, Shirt, DaBadSeed, and Orochi Violator: Always good to clown on the "Party" line, especially when it's about sorry no-account, lazy, 2p-ing, cable-pulling bums.
  3. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Well said... everything has been noted! You are right, I do put to much worry on my opponents side. And you are right again, even when I know I can beat the tactic I should continue to beat it and not give up doing so after just 2-3 wins.

    Really, I appreciate the criticism! I promise you I'll raise the bar very shortly for another 9 wins or so.
  4. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Ggs panther, thanks for the matches. Lets play some more soon! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Also GGs to flash. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  5. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Well I noticed that every time I stagger you you would just crouch to avoid throw. And even if you blocked my elbow there would be a small delay before you attacked. So I had to force you into standing more... nothing works better than multiple elbow staggers. I was surprise it took 5-6 in a row, if you hadn't stop me I was gonna just keep going. It worked though as it was easier to throw you from then on.
  6. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to WEIAND 8 71, Stompoutloud, QueenofCarnage2, and everyone else I have played the past couple of days. I really need to work on my Vanessa XP
  7. smb

    smb Well-Known Member


    VFDC how to handle criticism of your game 101. And then look, on this next page Konjou shows us a repeat performance. Why are the best players on this site the best players on this site? Because they know where to focus their attention. A lot of people on here (perhaps myself included sometimes) woulda came back with a counter argument of blah blah blah. But both Chief Flash and Konjou hang their heads and take criticism of their beloved fighting style with humility.

    not to go all masterpro on you guys,
    but pay attention to the heart, not the hearbeat.
  8. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    of course we'll play when we got time. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    I don't have own 360 right now, so I need to go to my friends house to play VF, but I'll try to let you guys know what date I'm going to play like today.

    Jesses play style and my play style are really different, so I'm pretty sure you need to figure out my style when you face to me. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    to be honest, I don't like to use Shun against Lei, so I might use some weird skills when I got a hard time to deal with Lei. haha
  9. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    you don't have to worry bout that /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif i'll be using shun too.
  10. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    GGs to cf White worm, Shinybrentford, Donotforkwithme, Assassincp, and Hayato. Tonite was goh nite.

    I feel alot of what Rodney was saying especially when I play online. Sometimes I'll run big streaks, and during the matches i lose in, I usually give up a majority of my low-medium advantages and just hold guard while my opponent assaults me with stuff I previously had beaten, typically because I expect my opponent to realize these things.

    Like Denkai said though, you gotta keep shooting the jay sometimes. If you had an 80% 3pt FG percentage during the 1st half, would you keep shooting during the 2nd half? I found myself cheese-spamming Lau's KK > elbow and p > Dragon Cannon with Sarah today for that reason. Leave it to your opponent to drive and ask/seek out a solution.

    That's if they don't get pissed and pull on you that is /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif I envy people that can play offline w/ people ALL THE TIME because sometimes I wish I had the luxury to freely communicate with my opponent.
  11. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Don't you live like... real close to 2 awesome players? Envy my ass /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif ... I would have to spend minimum $120 in travel money just to get to someone who plays. Unless I drove my car to death. Who knows, maybe once I decide on a transfer school I'll end up near someone who plays.
  12. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    It's a damn shame when the smallest state in the US has the best local VF scene.

    That being said, I hope Yupa and Numbers will continue to play with me.
  13. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    i feel the same way. it's like will you adapt please and keep my interest... no okay. well then I'll just play on pilot mode. then out of the blue they adapt, so you think, " okay now we got a game here" a few moments later you do the same thing and they forgot already. and it fucks you up. lol

    big ups for dragon cannon spam and getting away with it. lol
  14. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I love to see the GG's Thread active when people are giving advice and talking like adults.

    GG's to None Other - Your Jacky is pretty Good and i have a blast playing against him. The people in my house watching me play was loving the exhibition we put on. Please stick to Jacky you pretty good with him. There's not much to tell you yet because i still learning you with Jacky. AS far as Shun Goes you got into you groove with him toward the end and i need the practice because i suck at Fighting Shun.ETing 6P+G is weitrd online while inputting 2 because i can never seem to break it.Don't worry i will soon enough lol!!!

    GG's - Shackli81 (Sorry if im wrong.) Nice Shun. It tough getting use to Online timing and running into a go shun. That shun is Dangerous and i will fully understand him thw more i play.

    GG's - Shattered Maze - Nice Akira but you have to do away with the abaring. He's to much of a one-hitter quitter to keeping whiffing with.I will punished it all the time i can off a whiff so learn to bait a little better and mix up the throws.

    @ Konjou - I go through the same thing with some of my opponents, I can beat them 8 straight on the same shit and then i switch it because i ASSUMED they will learn and they don't.
    I realized Kojou thats what the "Killer Instinct" is all about.Not giving a fuck about your opponents. Sometimes we have it and sometimes we don't. I repsect Your game a lot Konjou and i respect you personally a whole lot more cause you cool as fuck.
    I know that Hunger will come around Once R gets here.
  15. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I couldn't have said it any better than this man. This is why Adam is number 1 and has always been number one. His "Killer Instinct" is always on. He has tried to school me on the science behind it, but honestly I just haven't completely grasp it yet.

    However, the little that he has thought me has definitely made me a better player. I think my killer instinct comes and goes because I'm always looking for new things to happen in a match or trying to bring something cool to a match.

    In order for killer instinct to work effectively you almost have to have a very bare bones kind of game based around nothing but fundamentals. Unfortunately that is not my style as I did not learn how to play VF in that way.

    When I was introduced to the game, I was introduced to all the high level shit first and my fundamentals training came very, very late. Honestly it pretty much never came at all. I have always known I need to increase the level of my fundamentals for a long time, but I am so caught up in style and glamor that I find it difficult to dedicate time to it.

    But now it looks like I got to do what I got to do now huh?
  16. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Me too and that is my downfall. That why i could'nt finish Flash off in the Elimation games at WCG fight club weeks ago. My hands were moving at a speed i was'nt accustomed too believing i can. I got so hell bent on him making a switch i tried to switch up before he did but he did'nt.I clearly got better than what i was when i play Flash damn near a year ago and it took him by suprise. this is why i kept doing the Switchback blow because i know Wolf is a 1 hitter-quitter that on whiffs Flash would probably be imputting TE's.
  17. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Good games to LA this morning. Thanks for yet another session of asswhooping. At least i got a win this time -_-; Always a humble and humiliating experience lol. Thanks again man
  18. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    GGs to you too.
    Thanks for the kind words, I'm still learning how to use Jacky, but I think Jacky is hard to use online for me because I use _6KG and 3P+KP+G alot when I use him offline.

    I haven't used Shun for a while, so I kinda suck at using Shun yesterday...but I got trained with Yosuke after we played yesterday, so I think I could use him in better way. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    GGs to Yosuke-san.
    Thanks for the matches. I was surpurised that we haven't played since last year. lol
    Nice to see you again. I had alot of fun yesterday!

    I'm not saying this to any specific Jacky players but I think Jacky's P+KK backdash is really cheap move online! Don't you guys think so? If I play offline I can crouch the K after P+K very easily, but I can't crouch that K online because of lag...well I think it can't be helped, but I just wanted say it.

    When I use Jacky online, I don't usually try to use P+KK backdash, well I use that one sometimes, but if my opponent uses that move alot, I don't want to play that opponent anymore...

    Well again, I'm not saying this to specific Jacky players, so don't take this to wrong way. I just wanted say this.
  19. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Yes it is a very cheap move. Which is why i have cut it out of my game for the most part. I dont use the move hardly at all anymore. Though i wish i could break my 2p habit -_-
  20. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    same here. I have 2p habit too, especially when I use Jacky...

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