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Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Kruza... yea I totally forgot they added this feature to LIVE. Hopefully more people will use it to find me. I know I have used it a few times to find a few people.
  2. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    All good you wanna speak the truth. And i appreciate that very much. I do play other players/practice mode/ etc which is why I dont constantly bug you when your online. Do what you need to do i suppose and get at me when you feel like you want to play i guess. Nothing else i can really say on it. I apologize if what i said sounded like an attack, I also was just doing just that, speaking what was on my mind.
  3. soakrates

    soakrates Well-Known Member

    I went back and forth with your Eileen a bunch of times in ranked, but I dunno if you remember me. I was the Lei Fei with the ponytail and glasses.

    Anyway, I can understand your frustration but I think a simpler and fairer solution would just be to get rid of the people you rarely (if ever) play in the first place. Then you can set aside time to play the people who're closer to your level, and play whoever challenges you the rest of the time.

    If the invite notifications are annoying you that much, you can easily turn them off. Just hit the Xbox guide button and go to "Personal Settings" then "Notifications".
  4. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Nah man I didn't take it as an attack bro. I am way better than that. I rarely take things personally, especially game related. I hope you didn't take my response as an attack either.

    I appreciate everyones advice and while I can just erase the people who I don't play with that ofter, I often get a message from them saying "why did you remove me?" and they just resend the request. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif Since I am a nice guy and I don't want to hurt anyones feelings, I often feel helpless and can't figure out what to do.

    Any ways, I will figure something out.
  5. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I remember you... who could ever forget your GT! It's one of a kind! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  6. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Least you have people in your friends list!

  7. ThePrince

    ThePrince Well-Known Member

    WTF? Who the hell are you? I don't give a shit. There are loads of other players out there who are way better than you that 'low' level players can chat to, play and learn from.

    What the raasclart?!? I don't need to read shit like this. You ain't the messiah of VF, damn, you can barely execute standing jab double palm combos and Akira's your main.

    Don't take it personally, it's just VF related. It's still fun playing you, but I think you would have done just fine without this post of yours. Don't delete me though, I reckon I could take you out, if the connection is bright green.
  8. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    you just answered your own question as to why I miss jab double palm combos... although we have good matches, our connection is never at it's best. I am amazed by your post. I can't tell if you are serious or playing around. I thought you would be one of the few who actually understood. And I never made myself out to be the Mesiah of anything. I actually tell people constantly that I am just an OK or AVERAGE player... And I am. I know there are far better players than me on LIVE. Cheers!
  9. ThePrince

    ThePrince Well-Known Member

    OK OK, I was venting, I agree with some of what Konjou said but I disagree with the way it was delivered.

    I've had many sessions with Konjou and he's always ranked up off me which is no fun, but our connection is never ideal. I always fight to the death with him. I'd just like to know who he is referring to (people that hide etc) who is it, speak out.

    No offense intended OK?
  10. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    hahaha nah man I don't take offense to these things. As for the hiders, your not on the list and sorry I won't give names cause it will only increase the amount of heat I am going to get from my original post. I agree the delivery wasn't the best, but hey I am only human. While our sessions definitely have never been ideal, they are still fucking fun as hell. We go at it so hard, that when ever I play you I have to call my roommate into my room so he can watch. He enjoys our match up and loves watching how your Eileen grows. Yea I have been lucky by coming out on top sometimes when we session, but if I recall the last time we played you gave me a spanking that made my eyes blink in awe. I got beat so fast and hard I was kind of just staring at the screen saying "What just happen?" So, obviously you are still growing and my chances of beating you is definitely getting slimmer. Same goes for J Sharp who has finally figure out the key to winning with Shun is DRINKS DRINKS DRINKS DRINKS DRINKS DRINKS DRINKS DRINKS DRINKS... LOL Last match we played he got all the way up to * DRUM ROLL * <span style='font-size: 26pt'>40 /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif </span> Yea I lost horribly!
  11. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    I dunno why, but it seems like you've become the household name of VF, Konjou, when talking about skilled americans. Maybe you just post a lot, or maybe you're easy to track down, cause your GT is so obvious. I can certainly understand why you get mobbed by invites, and it's probably the same reason Yosuke made that post here about not wanting to make his GT public. That said, I pretty much assumed this would happen since the beginning, and never did invite you, our games are still one sided enough that it probably doesn't make too much difference anyway.
  12. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    My apologies to kingofvf4 for ducking out early, I just came off a grueling 1st to 10 with yuukun and it's a work night for me, we'll continue from where we left off, I really need to learn those aoi follow up combo's properly, yor aoi is too nice /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
    oh and good games to yuukun, bloody blaze tired me out ;p
  13. ThePrince

    ThePrince Well-Known Member

    Rodders, How did you manage to wriggle out of this one and come out as the nice guy? LOL.

    I had a flat mate that didn't really play games competitively but loved to sit in on sessions and watch a good fight. VF3 days... The good old days. REAL VF.
  14. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    I would like to know of the list of cowards. I mean, if your beating around the bush and accusing people of not playing rank, because they are past 10th dan then name names. They obviously know who they are and if they don't play then people can avoid them since they aren't MANNING up to put everything on the line. This will force them out of their hiding spot and are forced to play otherwise be avoided. FYI- By the way, I am 9th dan and was ranked down from 10th by JHOW77 and I battled him 3 matches in a row at 10th dan(Great shun and I learned my lesson.) After that it seemed to go downhill and I learned I needed a break to regroup my thoughts before going up the hill again. I decided to go more to casual and battle people, discuss strats, share my secrets, and learn from one another without the pressure of learning ON THE SPOT CUT THROAT TRIAL BY FIRE METHOD. If I wanted to to learn vf naturally by just playing then I would not of bought a xbox360 with online features and just kept my ps3 playing vs nobody in st.louis except quest. If you ask me, I think people are too consumed with online ranking and not casual. I might go as far to say that players could be called cowards for not playing more casual and sharing all they have to offer not only to strengthen themselves, but others as well in return, but I digress. Lastly, I guess at this point I should consider myself a coward, because I am taking a break and not sucking it up and go all for it, but you know what it's my decision. Your a cool guy and I have mad respect for your skill and being a nice guy, but the way this came off seemed to leave a bad taste in my mouth.

    We have names for pullers...
    We have names for bad games..
    We even have names for laggers..
    Who's the hiders??
    Come out..Come out..

    After this please go back to good games...
  15. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    I think you're looking at it the wrong way.

    It's fine if Konjou needs to remove people because of the XBL friend list limit.

    It's also fine to call people out for avoiding ranking matches.

    But it's NOT fine to do both at the same time, because it would probably make both issues seem personally insulting when they aren't meant to be. I think your post sort of demonstrates that to some extent. I think Konjou made the right decision in the way to present this. (though some might argue that, after several pages of discussion, maybe it did deserve it's own thread).
  16. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

    good games dennis... lag was pissing me off:( and making me miss fuzzy... but very good games.. ur a fun wolf to play against.

    and good games denkai:D
  17. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    I think its all fine because I see most of you guys on live anyway. Its tough sometime to actually get in the match, but we can still play each other. Konjou and Flash were hosting last night at the same time, I played Flash but I couldnt get to Konjou but thats the way it goes. I look for players from this site just to strengthen my game, and its good to fight everyone because were all different.
  18. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    GG's to JDevience for the 2 out of 3.. really kept me on my toes
  19. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    It doesn't even matter, cause whenever I sent an invite to Konjou to play he always responded right away saying he was in some sort of ranked tug of war matches.

    Denkai, Kaminari and others, always have time to play though whenever they're available, but you don't.

    So Konjou if you want to remove me, go right ahead, cause I'm not even going to bother. We never play anyway, so it's just wasted space on both our ends. I've yet to even play 500 ranked matches, and I'm still 8th Dan, which is probably why I don't run into you anymore since Im not even on there. Ranked is too inconsistently laggy and you have to swallow that pill no matter what cause it keeps record and shit.

    I leveled and have been leveling up constantly without having to play you anyway, so it's not like it's some necessity or privilege(which is what your post was coming off to me as, whether that was your intention or not).

    And I'm not trying to be mean, just sayin'
  20. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    great games to brisal!

    for those interested on details:

    check results page...1st to 10. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

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