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Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    nah, for the majority of my play time i was living in the breadbasket of oklahoma. a law abiding citizen of the blue laws.

    living in ak for the last year and 3 months. haven't really been a VF5 regular since i moved up here. i'll get excited to get back into it about once every 3-4 months. but always give up b/c of the connection.
  2. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ggs to:

    xyz98###, your offense can be very tough to deal with. All those staggers just make me wanna throw my hands up in the air and say fuck it. I swear sometimes it seems like u get half my health for landing a jab [​IMG] I like to tell myself if it was offline i'd recover in time, but uh....i've never played offline so i don't really believe that is true. lol. Can't wait to play u again. I felt like i was making some headway into ur offense.

    mackfactor, i saw shocked when u said u felt that vane could be played like eileen or goh. the whole time we were playing i thought it felt remarkably like our goh versus goh matches, lol. Ur vane is freaking tough, was pissing me off too. She is a beast, and u represented accordingly. You are walking down ur goals man. Hope u didn't mind the heavy dose of poke fighting, it was the only way i could salvage a game that felt balanced vs you. Shit, i used to rape her tornado kick, i don't think i avoided it once tonite. Ironically, u got much more damage when i blocked it then when it connected, lol.

    Jinxhand, i was just sitting waiting for an opponent, damn well knowing my girl and i were about to watch district 9. And then you joined, noooooooooooooooo. I knew i wanted to play you a long set and it wasn't gonna happen. Those were some fun games too. For a second it got bogged down in 2p p vs p 2p, but then we both stepped up the evades and then...the connection stepped out so it was a good stopping point. I used to complain about every jeff being the same. But recently, as there have been more good jeffs we actually have some very distinct play styles. I like that. Phenomenal throw escapes!!!!!!! That's what i'm talking about player.

    vfnumbers, your defense is getting pretty tight. lol, i can tell you've taken a step back from playing vf5 and have taken a long tangent into playing defense on vf5. I know you've said you were a little frustrated recently, but realistically u are attaining what you are practicing. Defense. When i attack you i have to be on the edge of my seat, cause i know more than likely it's not getting through. But contrary to popular sentiment i think a good offense beats a good defense. I think it's just like basketball/football/etc, the offense just has that slight edge of dictating the action. imo

    smb, lol i didn't realize i played so much til i hit up the ggs thread. You went into jerk mode with ur lei vs my scrub. I came back for revenge but u had left to grab ur scrub, lol. Sorry to hear vf isn't hitting the spot. I was having a blast talking it up with you, and experimenting, and honing that 3p into a useful shot. 'now when u talk about smb, you are talking about a guy who can...' struggle with his connection. Well do we all know the torment of a consistent bad connection. To be honest though, i hope when u go to put this down it doesn't let of you, lol. love ya bro.
  3. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    man what a night for vf. sorry to the guys who i missed, i wanted to play you all. While mack was waiting for me to join his match i got invites from plague, tfam, and gentlemant thief, and KoC. That's right!! 5 invites in about 3 mintes! When my match was starting with jinx, denkai had just became available. Live was popping tonite.
  4. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    gg's to

    WEI_AND: i play u everyday and ur right its never a dull momment with the WEI_ANDS unique style of jeff.

    social ruin: I love the poking ur doing its a very effective strategy, i encourage it. Your goh caught on to my vanessa very quick. I think figuring out a vanessa player is tough.. its like fighting 2 characters. Man its already hard for goh to fight 1. Why fight 2. I wouldnt know how to fight a vanessa myself. Your goh has come along way bro. From what ppl say she cant punish until 17 in DEF. OFF shes linear. but i duno.. i dont really see much openings in Vanessa yet. A little bit but shes a real tough fight for goh. I hope to take on Vanessa/EILEEN more seriously cause i really enjoy using her. When i use those 2 characters i feel like im playing a different game. With goh i have to make evry strike count except when im whiffing moves on purpose to bait highs but other than that evry strike is important with goh. With Van and eileen it feels real good to have strings and variables in the mix. Attacking is more forgiving when u have so many options. I can whiff PP, and then P again and get it blocked and still keep going. The Eileen and akira matches were very fun. U have a real nice akira. I remember you mentioning u wanted to pick him up one day?

    ULTRALEWIS: You got a real good goh man. I didnt know your goh was that good. I like the poking between us both. I duno what it is about ur playstyle but its very tough to fight. We finally got decent connection!
    How long u been playing u el blaze? its pretty solid already keep it up. Your Akira is always fun to watch and play. Lets get in more games soon. I like how are battles flow.

  5. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    ggs social ruin, and Kahn Rahn.
  6. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Ahhhh okay, I remember you having a better connection. That sucks. Tell Pailin I said "Hhahahahahhahahaa"
  7. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    To those who dont know, Rikkojang has been on my buddy list for a year and a half. Reminds me alot of Dennis. When I was running 30/30 fiber optics, our connection was great.
    WCG 2009 Grand Final Results

    The World Cyber Games Grand Finals were held on 11th - 15th November 2009 in Chengdu China.

    Tournament Results
    1. Fuudo (Japan)
    2. ShinZ (South Korea)
    3. Rikojjang (South Korea)

    Congratulations to Fuudo for taking out 1st place, and to all other representatives for putting on a great show
  8. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Infamous Geezer
    About a month. I have not been maining any character lately. Thanks man, your damn hard to hit and your range game with Goh is grand.

    Also ggs to...

    Paper Lion
  9. Cool3stNERD

    Cool3stNERD Well-Known Member

    Lookin for some good Games ... LIVE Gamertag: Cool3stNERD Add Me! [​IMG]
  10. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to SCHAKAL81, KingofCarnageVF, and everyone else I faced
  11. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    GGs to:

    Seidon. Always a pleasure mate. Nice to use my Pai and Aoi online as well. They don't get out much.

    VFnumbers. Great games mate. Your Lei is real nice. Was you using the stick? If so it's coming along nicely. I think we both need to learn a bit more about each others characters. There were times when i was at a big disadvantage and you didn't punish me for it. I'm sure i was doing the same. Next time i'd like to save a few matches cos there was some excellent stuff worth watching again in that session.
  12. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Good games, Mana Knight.

    I normally don't post in here, but, really for you, I gotta make an exception.

    The first match we had was hilarious. It was simply a golden moment when we both sabakied each other with [4][6][K] at the very same time, resulting in a draw for us both. Thank God, I've recorded that match.

    Apart from that, I really like that you main Goh now. Nothing is more enjoyable to me than a mirror match or a match against such interesting characters as Aoi.

    I was really puzzled by the choice of combo follow-ups you did, especially after the Shoulder Ram or after [P][K][4]. To my astonishment, they even worked quite well in the first few matches. But really, they are not very effective if you take the game to offline or if the opponent has figured out those 'special' follow-ups.

    Your Goh is really at the stage where you should apply your first nitaku traps for offense. Even if you start with basic offensive strategies such as Standing Punch into Throw (which is, of course, more powerful online) or Standing Punch into a Mid.

    Make good use of [6][6][P] and [P][P], because they are very hard to distinguish from one another. [P][P] is also good after being backturned if you think your opponent is dealing with another [P][K][4]-follow-up too well after being backturned.

    You gotta make up this little traps, make your opponent guess whether you follow-up with a mid, throw, or what-not. Keep your moves simple and favor those moves that serve your purpose best, that are quick, and for close-up nitaku relatively safe.

    Don't freeze up, especially in a corner. What other choice to you have besides blocking and ducking when your opponent is bombarding you with mids, low punches, high punches, and throw threats? Think about it. There is always a ton of options you can choose. Remember Goh also possesses Sabakis, you can evade, etc.

    In general, you gotta hit-check more and hit-check whether your opponent has hit as well. If he has not, counter directly withy your quickest punishment option, and see how it turns out, how your opponent reacts (usually starting with [P]).

    Becoming aware of your options is the first way to a higher guessing game up to, I don't know, Yomi Layer 3 maybe?

    It is not wrong, in a particular situation, to decrease your move set to only the most important moves, to replay your trap again and again. [K] your opponent (causing a stagger). Check what he is doing when you rush in and throw. Did it work out? If not, modify the trap. This time, [K] him twice, or mix in another higher damaging mid. There is really no limitation to your mind games.

    Another thing is, and this is not exclusive to you, how static a good amount of players move in the ring. Most of them, don't move at all or only move by performing moves, which is the worst way of ring control you can have. A moving target is much, much harder to hit than a fixed one.

    Incorporate crouch-dashes into your movement pattern if you think box-stepping or stair-stepping is yet too hard to do. Make your opponent whiff, and successfully apply your move. Become aware of the wonkiness of your moves' hitboxes, hitting the opponent with the tip of your little toe when [K]ing him.

    I really appreciate your low throw versus my me when I fuzzied after you hit me with your Shoulder Ram. I always giggle if people punish my fuzzying [​IMG].

    Hope to play you again, Mana. Keep up your spirit! Be more aggressive (especially online -- as the ability to defend is reduced signicantly in online matches -- due to lag).
  13. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    as always, GGs to my man Lucky GT. this nigga is the truth! [​IMG]rade
  14. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    GGs mang I gotta remedy that 8 streak you got on me sometime. [​IMG]

    Also GGs, to Denkai, Tonyfamilia and Konjou.
  15. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    GGs to...

    Konjou, seriously, the VFDC community wouldn't be the same without you. Only reason I tried to change my game in the first place was so that you would have more fun and it would feel like less of a task to play me and almost as much fun as you have with (ex.) a player like GT. We wrote enough on the subject on XBL but I could tell that we both had each other wrong in some areas. I now understand your criticism as just that, criticism. Not something to be taken and worked on all of the time.
    BUT there are some things you say that when dealt with, can totally change a player's game. I know it's for the better but the problem is you can kill all of it. So, for example, if you say "you should evade more" once a player starts evading more you murder them with delayed attacks/throws/full circulars/half circulars/movement/baiting/the works!
    Now, this is not a bad thing and I am NOT complaining, please understand that to those who care about what you have to say (me) your words make a player want to change. Once that change happens and it gives that player good results versus other players, it's great. But when said player plays you again and tries to do what you reccomended... and then gets killed for it (lol), well, it can be frustrating. Specially when you're kicking ass doing what that player used to do before he took your advice (double lol). I really hope you don't let silly players and/or VFDC members like myself get to you man. Please trust that we're not on your level so, please, don't come down to our level. Stay on that Top 10 player level, above the fray [​IMG]
    P.S. I finally felt what Konjou must feel when he fights me. Attack, attack, attack, ATTACK! [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Plague, wow, props bro, you took the most frustrating player award this year and the year isn't even over yet. I propose that Akira's 3P+K gets a new name: The Plague. Since Brisal already got a move named after him for using it so much this is my proposal, after getting hit with that move I'm just going to acknowledge that I got Plagued. I was playing you literally with my mouth open at how many times you used that move. There were times I just held block, I didn't even block low cuz I know that's what you want me to do (obviously, VF's about setting up your next attacks so this is mostly in jest [​IMG] ) but I just stood there like "wow... he REALLY likes that move" lmao! I had the most fun when my 1P would beat out your 3P+K, wait, I mean your Plague [​IMG]

    TrueWiseMan, me diverti y fue bueno jugar contra ti otra vez.

    The Weiand, good to see you joined the site. Always a blast to pit my Goh versus your Jeff, you stepped up your game a lot, very nice eteg skills.

    Denkai, that Lion is one of your strongest now, at least against me. And that's saying a lot considering you play Shun and Lau.

    AyuFanBoy, always a pleasure. I wonder which one is your stronger character now, Kage or Akira.

    Gentleman Thief, great games this weekend. Kinda sucked that we only got to do 2 Lau VS Pai, I love that matchup <3 We gotta do that one again soon. Honestly man, I wish I could save ALL of our matches. Even the ones I lose in badly just so I could showcase your killer Pai on youtube. Ima put up the one where you wrecked me in that one round ( [​IMG] ) real soon.

    None Other, great Shun. Good playing you again. I gotta save some of those matches, the only problem is you leave if I don't immediately push the rematch button [​IMG]
  16. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    I propose that Akira's 3P+K gets a new name: The Plague.

    I think that should stick
  17. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Plague Punch of Doom. PPOD.
  18. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    I WAS PLAGUED TOO. I too reached that shocked state where u just give a sickly laugh and start actually contriving ways to see if he'll do that move again. I wonder if, if i, will he, he did...wow.

    the worst is when i predict it, and goh low punch sabakie and next thing i know i'm crumpling and he's 66kk. Damn my timing.
  19. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Fell victim to it also and my reaction was just like urs though Double S lol. PLague is the man though so i can respect it.
  20. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    i was plagued, too.

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