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Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. smoky

    smoky Well-Known Member

    GGs to Yucky Cookies, ur Aoi and Akira are demons! My Pai didn't stand a chance. Very fast paced fights..
    GGs to everyone else I've played today, there's been so many I've lost track of all ur gts
  2. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    arg.. gg to several fighters tonight.. none of which should be ssuddenddeath; i know youre vfdc to, stop jumping outta the RING!!

    ggames go out to especially c3rdfall, crazy player, AbleKnight and SSuddendDeath i guess i hatechu but gg too... clearly outta my league...

    edit -

    GG Chibiaya.. new jacky is a Beast.. i wanna see Aoi next, she might be my next character..
  3. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    GGs redsonrising: You stepped up man, You look like your finally getting used to how the game flows. Good shit man /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  4. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Playing Brad and trying to get past MASTER rank on my other account XxRodnutzxX /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whistle.gif I'll probably be on my Konjou account today. I'll look for you!
  5. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    GG to Betabow last night. Although not gg for me. I definitely was not playing well. I hate when that happens. Have you moved past Hunter yet?
  6. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    GGs to LemmyIsTheGame, Kage seemed to suit you more than the other characters.

    Edit: GGs to SuGarMan too, damn you for giving me my first demotion /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    gg to yip. I liked how you made me not want to do rising attacks. We were pretty evenly matched so I look foward to our growth in the future
  8. Konradinho

    Konradinho Well-Known Member

    GG Yucky Cookies (sry i beat u :p)
  9. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I actually thought I did better with the others. You're a pretty good Akira, you've got the knee down pretty well. It works for you about 75% of the time! That's about the only move I can't do when I need it.

    Play you again soon. I'll try the rest of the cast out on you. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  10. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    ah so you are lemmyisthegame. i was wondering who that was.
  11. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Hey bro you know I love yah! Your akira is getting nasty though.
  12. YuuKun

    YuuKun Well-Known Member

    GGs to DaBadSeed, LemmyIsTheGame, MrExpert, and Geewaiho.

    we should practice more, i enjoy non-ranking matches much more than i used to.

    And LemmyIsTheGame, maybe we could have another session without disconnecting multiple times per match. lol.
  13. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    I know what you were saying about noobs. I got into VF5 on LIVE before a lot of people on the forum did and they were trying to say that good players can't lose on bad players. Well of course it can happen. Someone who has played VF since VF1 (and played seriously since VF3) and knows 100 percent of the moves in the game (me) shouldn't lose on Akira's suisou spam but I sometimes do. As you said, you have lost on their crap a few times and so have I. Sometimes 3 rounds is not enough time to figure them out and hand their ass to them. Sometimes it's not only how good you are but how lucky you are. That's why I've started to like Player Matches more - not only is losing not as frustrating, but you have time to learn each other. I had some good matches with you and Beligerent_Feck today and I didn't get frustrated once. If it was a ranked match and I just came across you once and lost a big chunk of my ranking bar I probably would have been shouting at the screen and leaving frustrated instead of just having fun and learning.

    By the way YuuKun - those PK Guard cancels are very irritating! Thank goodness my Shun got the best of them because Goh had real trouble. The disconnects were frustrating though - don't know what's wrong with LIVE today. It's been a shambles all day. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  14. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    GG's to Scott da illest. At first I thought he was just another guy on live but when he switched to Sarah and did guard cancelling and throw breaks I reallized he was pretty good. Other than that I had son GG's and training at my crib with Archangel, thanks Homey were gonna shock some people eventually.
  15. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    GGS to adamyuki:
    I'm surprised u use sarah as well!!!!
    Actually I just prepared to face ur Jeffry today and try to test what I have learned since the last time we met.

    In fact,I'm more threatened by the sarah than jeffry ^^
    Coz I only have a few experience about her.
    It was a pity that u left so early and I just woke up to get familiar with ur step a little bit......

    Please let me know if u r available next time, and beat me fully!!!!!!

    I love the matches I lose lol^^
  16. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Good games to shou and pignutz tonight.

    Thanks for showing me things I haven't seen with her yet. It was a very educational match and please don't be hard on me if I steal a thing or two from what I saw. :p

    Dennis-adam doesn't play sarah. It was shou playing. Btw, I want some matches soon if you have the freetime?


    Where's adam??
  17. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    gg's tricky

    nice long set today, We already talked about everything else lol. Keep moving forward!
  18. GY_Beta

    GY_Beta Member

    Poster: JHow77
    Subject: Re: Good Games Thead

    GG to Betabow last night. Although not gg for me. I definitely was not playing well. I hate when that happens. Have you moved past Hunter yet?

    no, i am not good enough to rank up and i actually got demoted from hunter to 10th dan 2 times recently by some monsterly strong japanese players. very fun experience. i totally love it... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  19. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, gg's to betabow for always making me freeze up and taking the last round. One day I fully understand lau and all his weak points. Until then, I need more exp. Curse you lau! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    Best lau online that I have come across yet. If you want a ass beating look this guy up.
  20. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Good matches with KneeNinja today. He had a good Wolf. I wasn't playing too well with Sarah. I need a bit more practice against experts with her (in non-ranked matches I mean). I think it was about 12 wins to KneeNinja and 2 to me. Still, it made my Sarah stronger. Quite frustrating how I got hardly any throw escapes though /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif (they came out of nowhere, I swear...). Thanks!

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