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Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Good games recently to...

    CF White Worm

    EDIT: Ooh, forgot to say GGs to kingofvf4. Spam harder next time Kingo, you was a little slack today [​IMG]

    Sorry if i've forgot anyone else.
  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Ahh, it feels good to play VF!

    Good games Jinxhand! I had a good time fighting your Jeffry!

  3. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    LoL Wat?

    Can't you ask someone good to teach you? Ok, OK. I'll PM you.
  4. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    GGs man!!! It's great to fight other Lion players. I have probs fighting them and Pai players for the most part...

    Case in point, I fought Gentleman Thief (GGs btw) and it seemed to be going good for me, but my kills got stolen left and right. GT, you stole my title of 'Comeback Kid' last night man... Some of those matches were crazy though... I will say that even though the lag kicked up a bit, it made some of those matches funny... I finished one round with a splash mountain, and I felt like I was Afro Zangief doing a SPD finish because the screen paused for quite sometime...

    VF12345, GGs!!! Enjoy those 0f throws with Brad while you can [​IMG]...

    Hopefully I can get more matches in tonite... Operation "Shinobi Bootcamp" is in effect...
  5. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    TonyFam-good Goh stuff dude, can't wait for you to get a mic!

    Beligerant Feck-fun stuff man. Lions finger actually looks pretty aggressive I noticed when I was spamming it lol, but I was just pissing around. Burst out laughing plenty of times during that match.

    KingofCarnage-Li vs Jeffry, Ak vs Ak, Ak vs Wolf. Alot of good matches ggs dude. Ak vs Ak was prob my favourite, I felt like you wern't trying to pressure me and I could take my time to have a go at his more difficult stuff, much appreciated.

    TheBiz422(plus more numbers)-fun Ak vs Lei good stuff, nuts how much of Aks good stuff Leis standing on one leg inashi nerfs.

    Now playing totally on stick, so if anyone wants to step up and give me a free ass whupping be my guest [​IMG]
  6. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    ggs to u2 mate. You were unusually patient with akira the other day lol
  7. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    LOL I never know with Eileen players, if they are just spamming stuff of what...?
  8. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    kingofvf4 is an Aoi user, Noob. No such thing as spamming with Eileen.
  9. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    GG's To Jinxhnad - Nice Session. Anytime My dudes is always a pleasure.

    WTFG's to T-Fam - ?

    GG's to WEIAND.

    GG's to Social ruin.
  10. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    GGs last night to jinxhand. I don't thing we've played for over a year have we? You were much better than I remembered. What was up with the random disconnect we had while waiting for rematch? That was odd. I wanted to play more! Let's do so soon.

    GGs to Wasted Wish. Again I don't think we've played for months! Your Akira is pretty good. You don't play him like a lot of others do which was interesting to fight against. I kept waiting for you to throw but you didn't much. Is that part of your style or are you still trying to get a gameplan with him? Sorry I couldn't play any longer. After I sent you a message I saw yours about switching to Pai. How is your Pai compared to Akira? I take it Lei is still your main?
  11. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    GGs Jhow,..... I need a rematch, to redeem myself [​IMG]

    Here's the dealio with my akira. He's mediocre-not great but decent enough to steal matches here and there. For the last month? i was in a semi-akira-funk. The last 2 weeks in a full-blown-akira-funk. Nothing has been coming out right, its mildly frustrating, but oh well, i'm sure when i pull out of it i'll be better for struggling through it.

    You combine that with the fact that, despite having played with him for a decent amount of time now, you are the only good shun i've played....at all!!!! In the last 3 months or so, i've probably played a total of 5-6 games vs shun with my akira. So i was at a loss, plus you are soooo damn slippery, lol, i lost the first 7-8 in a row just watching with a smile on my face to see what you would do next. I finally one a couple once i just cut out all the extra (on my end) and went super basic, so that i didnt get trapped, as often, in all your great traps.

    Pai is the closest i have to a main now. Nowhere near the level of what i used to be with lei fei, but she's good enough to win a few more than i do with akira. As far as the monk goes.....well, its been about 2 years now since i REALLY PLAYED him, and i have no muscle memory to fall back on (b/c i have since switched to a stick.)

    GGs to:
    Jhow [​IMG]

    that shun is killer. it was awesome to see you using all the tricks and traps you told me about (and that i used with 1/3 the effectiveness with my foray into shun a year ago or longer). Its pretty amazing how you make stuff work, i swear you somehow get away with stuff that no other shun can (including myself when i used him). Its like your shun is always perfectly positioned to be minimally out of hit box ranges, like when you swing drinks back and forth in my face. no one gets away with that, but somehow you are untouchable as you do it.. ahahhahahahahahhahah, that shit never worked for me [​IMG]

    aside from that, awesome usage of the moves list. my only sour grapes is that i felt like you got in some 8k+g off moves i didn't feel it should have landed, buuuuuuuuuuuut thats shun for you [​IMG] Its easy to play vs shun and think he takes no skill to use and that he must be easy b/c he has such fantastic move properties, but having used him for a few months, i understand how tough he is to use, and how good shun's just make him look super easy. no one realizes how much he whiffs throws with those gator arms until you try to use him, then its a real wtf situation. just like all those setups where no one can hit you, people play and think, well yeah, you can't hit him, but if you use him most will find out that he's completely hitable, jhow is just slippery as an eel [​IMG]

    btw, i need to throw more, lol. part of my funk.
  12. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    WTF's to my life [​IMG]
    Seriously, GGs and apologies to all of you who I played for a few games and then had to go [​IMG]

    Overfiend, I only got to play one with you which was sad since we haven't played in what seems like forever. What made it sadder was that I was on the phone for that game too [​IMG] [​IMG]
    I WILL catch up with you again and make up for that...
    but not this weekend though [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Got so much crap going on lately BUT I have to "FOCUS Tony-san!!"
    Gotta tend to one thing at a time before I start trying to do other things [​IMG]

    Cozby, Dennis, Social Ruin, Happy Friend, Frankismusgrime, Hypernoob, Boris, Numbers, CypressHillNo1, Ced H Tone, GE, KOC, AyuFanBoy, Weiand.

    My bad if I forgot anyone. Thank you all for the games. See yall online Monday night.
    Peacers :p
  13. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ggs tfam, thanks for beasting on my goh. I already chatted u up on it [​IMG] But still real nice.

    ggs sds, thanks for all the games vs my subs. You have some good reaction choices. Meaning, your 1st reaction in situations is pretty damn good. Also, somewhat unique. It's tough to put my finger on exactly what it is. Furthermore, fantastic throw defense, it was awesome timing on ducks/evades/abare, worked out real well for ya. Handled goh pk backturned pretty nice as well. Lots and lots and lots of fun. Look forward to doing it again. The end of that one Jacky v jacky game was sick!!! Wish i had that one for some youtube!!!

    forget you wasted wish.
    ggs, you said you were just gonna were on a few things, but i think that may be the best i've seen you play with AK. Missing a bit of throw gamesies, but still nice use of your moves, and movement. i need to start focusing on that shit again, lol.
  14. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Thanks and My Pleasure...The feeling i get playing VF against a worthy adversary is like that of Raw Sex lol!! Your Subs are pretty good and i can see you are serious about using them like your main. Our Jacky Mirrors were fun. That last match with all the TE's i saved. I wish i could upload it. I watched it again and was shocked to see the pace we were fighting at braking throwa.

    AS far as the punishment thing goes...Its all in The Dojo Social. I work on reaction speed techniques for times like that. Those PK you were landing with Goh made me leary. His option are tough/strong with Back turned. He can take damage like the rest of the Big guys in VF with his holds and combos. Once again Thansk for the Compliment and the Games.

    GG's to Grusselgrosser - You clearly got better. You worked on expanding your offense and not spamming Beat knuckle early. You feel back into the bad habits after getting pressured that everyting you use to do came right back out again. Still i had fun and you are getting better. don't stop now keep going.
  15. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the kind words. LOL... Gator Arms! That's putting it pretty well. Has anyone noticed that Shun's throw range is worst when trying to throw Wolf? I've been point blank range and whiffed throws against him. I appreciate what you say about Shun's difficulty factor. The only reason I am at the level I'm at is because of playing with him for 15 years. He is definitely a character you cannot pick up overnight. If he's confusing to play against, he is equally confusing to learn. This goes without saying for any character, but Shun more so cannot rely on just knowing the moveset.

    It's interesting that more people don't use him. The only expert player I know that uses him as a secondary character is Denkai, and he uses him very well, despite the fact that his Shun is a practical Shun, not a tricky one. Really Shun is good enough to not have to rely on tricks, but I can't help myself. I love when Darth picks Shun against me. I always think, BRING IT ON!

    I just thought of something that might interest you SMB. It's something I've started doing recently that I never did before. Do you know Shun's move, 7P? I have never once seen a Japanese player use this move, but it has its uses. This is the move when Shun catapults backwards and falls flat on his back head towards. This move has a couple great uses. One, it can be used as an extremely quick evade and especially if time is almost over (not that I use that tactic much). Two, it can entice a pounce. If most characters try to pounce you can simply get up by mashing P and then throw or attack. Or something really fun is anticipating certain topedo attacks, such as Kage's 66K+G or Shun's flying headbutt. If you know this is coming you can use 7P and it will hit often in this situation. Another favorite to do in this situation is Shun's 8 or 2 P+K+G (invincible move) and then do BT throw.

    Ok, back to work for me. Let's play again soon!
  16. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Crap sounds like I'm missing out on all the fun.
    Do I really need to buy another xbox 360 to get
    in on this? *sigh*
  17. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Of course! Where the yell ya been? One thing's for sure, you'll be getting one for FS!!
  18. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    That must be the move that I was getting the choke sweeper from, you fell on the ground twice and I got back throws.
  19. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    That was actually a different move but results in the same lying down position. The move you're talking about is BT P+K,K. That makes me wonder though if Shun can get thrown while lying down after 7P. I don't think so though.

    I just thought of something else but maybe I'm wrong. Isn't the choke sweeper a back throw? If so, Shun is only supposed to be vulnerable to regular throws from that lying down instance.


    I just noticed you said it was a back throw. That is BIZARRE!!! Only regular throws are supposed to work. Why in the hell would Jeffrey be able to do that???
  20. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    GGs to Westtrade. 1,054 pages later I finally play you.

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