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Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. Grusselgrosser

    Grusselgrosser Well-Known Member

    GGs to all those that I have played recently, you know who you are :)

    Also, I am wondering when the hell do people play this game, sometimes there is absolutely NOBODY online. Is there a thread somewhere with times that people are usually on? Nothign sucks more than wanting to play and getting denied :-(.
  2. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    ggs to bfeck. hahah, i just wanted to stand around and hold g, watch your set ups so i could steal them [​IMG] but instead i just got raped by guard break.

    I will be trying dlc vs rising opps, and see if 66p+k 8/2 p, 66p works as well for me as it did against me. Also, any reason why off 46p you were doing 1 frame knee instead of p, dblplm, or 2p, dbplm?

    Grussel, idk man. i always just go to xboxlive.com, log in, see if anyone on my friends list is on, see if i can solicit a game. if so, i turn on the xbl, if not, i don't.
  3. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    sorry my bad, and I shouldn't use "handle" in the sentence.
    I was trying tell SDS that it's not a big deal losing to Jhow style, cuz I believe everyone must suffer from your tricks.

    First of all, I love your tricks man! Such as back turned P+K+G P P and then quickly roll back to wait for my rising kick. Even I know you will use 66P+K, but I can't help myself taping the kick button to see how smart you are! Being unorthodox like this is absolutely fine for me, no problem at all. If anyone complains your style like this, and he is a noob!

    I would like to share my experience playing you, and maybe someone can help me understand.
    Well, the biggest problem is, I don't know how to deal with your 2P -> K+G. I'm not able to do anything after blocking your 2P, the following K+G comes immediately no matter you are -5. I don't need to mention what's gonna happen if I get your K+G hit I think. My solution for this case is I try to evade into your stomach when I block your 2P........

    Another pattern I'm not able to handle is your 'safe loop'. After blocking your 8K+G, my PK is not guaranteed. Instead, I need to consider you can evade or DMPK. For example, if I still use PK, you can evade and do huge combos. When I throw you, you will use DMPK next time to hit me back, or create a clash...... Maybe you can share with us what's your consideration at -13?

    The other thing to keep you safe is about 7P+K+G. For example, after 8K+G -> 6P+K, my wolf is not able to use 66P+K to hit you, so you always can space with 7P+K+G P+K. My solution for this case is I give up 66P+K and keep crouching close to you and throw you. And your solution is after your 7P+K+G P+K, you will do another DMPK to stop me throw you or make another clash.....

    When I realize your DMPK, I try to wait for it. And what's goona happen is you can still use 7P+K+G after DMPK block. Everything is like keeping in the same loop and either one of us can't get rid of it.....

    To be honest, I asked Konjou and Denkai about what's the match between you guys because I'm so curious. The reason I asked them cuz I have played them offline and I trust their feedback. Konjou actually show me the replays at his place and I watched very carefully. Denkai said using Shun against you is better than using Jacky.

    I have nothing aginst your style Jhow, and I think I know why I can't defeat your Shun. Your fancy way definitely make me understand Shun into next level, and I can tell how much time you spending on Shun to reach that level. What I was trying to say to SDS is "it's no necessary by defeating JHow to prove himself." As long as you figure out the reason, you still level up!!
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    You won't see many setups from me just spamming [​IMG]

    DLC is strong near the wall, if the second hit gets wallhit then the bodycheck is guaranteed. 66p+k 8/2 p, I only follow up from that if it gets stagger. No reason I was doing KNEE after 46p, i'm just lazy so it was either that or pk lol.

    GGs man, looked like the connection made it difficult for you but that looked like a nice Akira, I never even knew you used him.
  5. Grusselgrosser

    Grusselgrosser Well-Known Member

    Feck when do you play? We should set up a match
  6. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I get on pretty randomly, add me and you can send me an invite when you see me on.
  7. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Jhow Much Love to You bro and you know that. I always tell you fighting your Shun is like Grabing a Oiled Pig. That day you were on with you trickery. Everytime i chased you i got punished badly thinking i can stuff certain things. After awhile i was like Nah man i ain't chasing this guy around he's killing me when i rush in on neutral. In a nutshell i think SMB and Dennis sum it up pretty god.. Your Barry Sanders with a Sake bottle on your hip lol!!!

    @Dennis - Oh yes even if i don't win against Jhow i still level up because he make every other player seem slow. One of these days ill find a way to win for that day.
  8. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Dennis I appreciate the dialogue and I love talking about tactics! I'll try to comment as best I can.

    Heh, you're the first person to comment on this trick. It's a good one isn't it?! I think it took me about one year to start doing that one. It works on the best of the best! =) I should try to experiment more in that situation, but I think 66P+K is the only move that hits.

    This situation is definitely one of my staple situations. K+G is pretty much Shun's elbow. =) The only thing I can suggest is dodging it the right way. It's weird because some people I play are only around an intermediate level but are successful in dodging K+G about 80% of the time. This is very frustrating because if you can do this 80-100% of the time it can be devastating to my game. However, this move is also good for the fact that often if I get hit out of it I just get knocked down. Have you also noticed once and awhile I will do K+G, P? This move is seldom used by Shun players but at certain times has really great properties! I'm not a frame data guy but I know if the P gets blocked that I feel at an advantage. After K+G,P if I do 7P+K+G,P+K it is almost always successful! Another thing you can do after my 2P into K+G is a quick jab. This actually works but you have to anticipate and with online it is hard to jab that move. When I get hit from the jab it is usually because of spamming, but kudos if you anticipate!

    I know that Rodney has talked about this too but PK is in fact guaranteed, just hard to do online I guess. I can see how frustrating that can be. As for my consideration at -13, like I said above I'm not really a frame data guy, it's just more of a feeling I have in all situations while playing Shun. I guess in situations where I'm at negative frames I will rely on 7P+K+G, DMPK, 8K (8K+G), 2K, or even 3P. The reason why I will sometimes use or appear to use abare is because Shun has so many options after certain moves, even when at slight disadvantage.

    This surprises me because I thought Wolf's 66P+K is guaranteed in this situation, in fact I'm sure of it. Here is something I don't think many Wolf players know, maybe not even Chief Flash: If I do 8K+G -> 6P+K then Wolf's 66P+K is guaranteed, BUT, if I just do 6P+K at anytime during the match then Wolf's 66P+K is not guaranteed. The only thing I'm not sure about is that it might be guaranteed if Wolf gets hit when he's crouching because it takes less time for him to fall to the ground and tech roll. I'll have to try that. And it makes me wonder about if Wolf is crouching and get's hit by major counter. All interesting things to find out!

    Rodney and especially Denkai are very good about ducking or crouch dashing in on my 7P+K+G -> P or P+K. I hate this! =) Shun's recovery time is really bad after whiffing those. They are both quick to adapt so I'm not surprised, but Denkai knows Shun very well so again I'm not surprised he knows to do this. Denkai is also right about using Shun against me instead of Jacky. There are two reasons for this. 1) Jacky was my main character for 10 years so I understand him very well. 2) I don't know why but I really struggle against mirror match with Shun. If I had to guess why I would say that fundamentals work better during mirror match and tricks do not. I guess you can't trick a trickster! =D

    Thanks Dennis! I really would like to play you more. We don't play enough. I think we've only logged about 10 or 20 matches in the last year. I'd love to theorize about tactics more too if you have anything else to comment on.
  9. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Looks like I may be picking up VF5 again! Damnit all! Everyone else is having all the fun. Oh and I will be playing on stick! This may just be a new experience overall for the ol TWP!

    Guess a new nick may be coming with a new xbox....we shall see...
  10. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    good recent games to

    Beligerent_Dad, TonyFamilia, Gastinell, Dennis0201, SDS_Overfiend, CF White Worm, TitanTony, YamadaPL, Luzio Bros, Matteo

    good future games to TWP
  11. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Thanks mate! I look forward to stomping you all with enthusiasm and earning the hate that this moniker once
  12. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    stomp away.....if you can ^_^
  13. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Yes, this set up is really good! And I think 66P+K is the only way due to the distance. Imagine you can lay down after that in FS!! [​IMG]

    I'm a little bit confused here, do you mean you treat K+G as a elbow? For me, 2P blocked into K+G is the same as I block Jeffry's 2P and Jeffry use Knee right after. I can't use my 14 elbow against your K+G after blocking your 2P. Am I the only person suffer on this? [​IMG]

    Yes, I'm not able to punish PK at the moment online and I'm already used to cuz it happens a lot, not just the match with you. [​IMG] My question is, do you use DMPK in purpose cuz you know I'm going to throw you? -13 is not a slight disadvantage I guess. Please realize I'm not mad at DMPK, cuz when anyone decides to use DMPK that means he gives up TE. [​IMG]
    It's interesting! But I doubt you would use 6P+K anytime in the match. [​IMG]

    Both Konjou and Denkai are very good, and I think all of you have better connection than 2 bars. That's why I was wondering what's the match look like between you guys.
    Like I said, I'm not able to either throw or attack after docking dash cuz your DMPK destory everything, and you can keep yourself in the safe loop with 7P+K+G spacing.

    No problem man, I think I just post from my observation and point out my difficulty playing with you.
    I also appreciate your repsonse JHow, it makes me understand more thought from your side! [​IMG]
  14. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    You don't know what you are missing man. The online matches are great overall.
  15. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Yah, I meant that I treat K+G as an elbow. It is one of his best choices at close range. You are not the only person who suffers with this, and online probably makes it a little worse, but I know for sure you can jab me after 2P and it will knock me out of the air.

    I never use DMPK when I think someone is going to throw. If I anticipate a throw I will either crouch or TE. Now that you mention it though there are a few rare occasions where I purposely go for the throw clash, but I can't think of what they are right now. I will admit that sometimes my use of DMPK is in desperation. I wouldn't consider it flailing/spamming though, because like I said before I usually have recourse if it gets blocked. If my DMPK gets blocked I will definitely do ETEG or sometimes just TEG, or if I get hit in the middle of DMPK I will get knocked down sometimes. This is why I use it more that some other do with their character(s). I guess the best way to describe my use of DMPK, or any attacking strategy is that I often don't care if I get hit. I have so many tricks and offensive choices that I can get right back on my feet and be forceful again. Shun right after tech roll is scary with his 7P+K+G. If he lands 7P+K+G -> P+K and it's a major counter you then get 3PPK and it's 50% damage!

    I actually have started doing this more, and especially at the start of the round. I always do a back crouch dash first though. This is a great mid-attack where you can't get hit by high moves. This just made me think of a funny situation against Jacky. Did you know that VF considers Shun's 6P+K+G (offensive drinking) crouching? He can still get hit of course from high moves, but not all high moves. The funny situation I just thought of is Jacky's PP4PK. When Shun is drinking in SOU stance and goes into BT SOU drinking Jacky's kick with completely go through Shun and not hit him. This happens all the time when I play Air Jacky. (I hope I described that right.)

    I'm glad you shared your observation. It's always interesting to hear other's opinions. It's like you said, it helps in understanding how others are thinking.
  16. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    That's why I need to know what's your concern at this situation.
    Well, K+G is 17 and I don't think you should treat it as a elbow. Especially when your 2P is blocked and it causes you -5.I don't use something specific against Shun and mostly I use elbow when I block opponent's 2P, however, I never hit you once and ALWAYS got K+G counter instead(Maybe Shun's K+G has special propety against elbow I don't know). I was bound by this 2P K+G set up. [​IMG] You are correct, I actually try P and 2P after blocking your 2P, because these two options are my last chances and they are faster than 14 elbow. 2P doesn't work cuz K+G jump high. P sometimes can hit your K+G in the air but not that sure. You can go to DOJO and set up CPU to see which one(P or elbow) works. I did it long time ago and I remember elbow can hit back K+G but standing P can not.(I didn't test all the characters)

    What I remembere is I can throw you at first, and then the clash comes out or DMPK. That's why I assume you use DMPK just like the situation at -13. You said you don't worry about get hit in the middle of DMPK, but do you worry about get throw when you tend to use DMPK? Did this happen before?

    Haha, I know what you are saying. I think it has the property avoid some high attacks. I use 6P+K+G to avoid standing P and then throw. Some people frozen and guard right after.

    Those are just based on my opinions, maybe doesn't work for others. I really admire your unorthodox style, especially back turned set up!! P+K+G P P P or P+K+G P P P+G, calssic!!
  17. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Wow this is fun, but I wonder if it should be in a different thread at this point. Oh well =)

    I guess I wasn't being 100% literal when I say I treat K+G as an elbow. I just meant that it's one of my huge staple moves. I don't worry too much about getting thrown after DMPK because I always try to TE. If I end up getting thrown then I know what to try or to avoid next time.

    I'm glad you brought up when people freeze after 6P+K+G. Did you know that you can do variants of that for almost an entire round? It's taken me awhile to perfect, but here is an example: 6P+K+G -> PP, if all three punches hit and they tech roll do another 6P+K+G but then just one P. Sometimes this will stagger or sometimes they will block, either way, you can do another 6P+K+G P(P) or throw. Sometimes I will take off 50 to 75% life in a matter of seconds! It can be really confusing and makes people freeze even more because they don't know if you're going to continue the punch string or not. The variations between drinking, doing just the one punch, doing all of them, or throwing, are infinite! Sometimes I get caught up in doing this and have to limit myself because it seems excessive, but I get caught up in it because it's so fun to keep switching it up. I still remember thinking when I saw VF4 Final Tuned for the first time, "YES!!! SHUN FINALLY HAS OFFENSIVE DRINKING!!!"

    As for BT setups, I can't believe that it took me this long to perfect them. I really didn't start experimenting with this until VF5. But I guess that makes sense because he didn't have nearly as much potential in BT situations in the previous versions.
  18. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    No way I'm moving your posts. This is the purest conversation about Good Games I've seen in a while.
  19. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    JHow, while we're on the subject of dealing with Shun online, what can I do to deal with what you and most Shuns use as a safe poke: [1] [P] This move is -10 on block, -6 on hit and I (and I'm sure a lot of other players out there too) can't seem to do ANYTHING with these +10 frames of advantage.
    I know that most people hesitate because of the canned [K] followup but even when I know that a Shun player is not going to do the followup and I try to do something like [2][K]+[G] or [3][P]+[K][P] or even Ducking [K]+[G] your Shun will find a way to hit me instead =/
    Lol, had to laugh after I re-read what I wrote XD
    But seriously, how the hell do you deal with that annoying poke?

    OM attacks don't seem to work either >_<
  20. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Nice observation Tony!
    Well, I don't consider this set up as a major threat cuz Shun is fucked up when his K blocked. Shun needs to take risk too. But Shun can switch 6K+G to kick someone block low. However, either way the damage is okay.

    I think moves like Lau's 8K+G and Shun's K+G might able to work against that dealy K. About Brad, can you use 4P+K+G back dash to avoid that K? At least you make yourself safe.

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