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Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to AllStar804 ^_^ It was good play again, I should defiently get back into it
  2. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    Waverusher Kobi
    GGs to Cozby, THE WEIAND, and KingofCarnage.
  3. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Plague! I agree, we don't have as much VF philosophy as of late. And I'm sure people are all ears about me giving away my secrets, which I don't mind at all. If anything the more people give me trouble the more new things I will learn.

    I'm surprised you bring this one up Tony. I don't remember doing it to you that much, and now that I think about it the most I seem to use this move is at the beginning of the round. The person who used this move best was None_Other. I guess I've just never fit it in to my style, BUT I SHOULD! You're right that it's a great quick poke, and I guess I don't have much advice on dealing with it. Worst case scenario is that you'll only get poked by the first part, because if I do the K follow-up it really should be blocked, unless of course the P ends up being a major counter. But the way None_Other always used this move was he just did 1P, and often he would do another one right after.

    You're also right Tony about people hesitating after this move because of waiting for the K, so it really is a great and frustrating move because it's so damn safe. This is why I need to use it more. I guess I would say don't worry about it too much, because if you consider that you should block the K anyway, if someone just does the 1P then you're really not at a disadvantage after, even considering the 10 frames advantage, I don't think it's considerable.

    I'm glad you brought up 6K+G Dennis. I NEVER see Shun players use this move, and even Japanese players. None_Other even commented on that to me awhile back during our matches. I would hit him with it and he'd kinda laugh in a disgruntled way saying, why are you using that move, I hate that move. =) Maybe it's not a great move, but I have been using it since VF3 and it's part of my Shun whether I like it or not. I really do like that move because again it's pretty damn safe considering if I get hit out of it I fall down, and best yet, I fall down FACE UP / HEAD TOWARDS, which is, in my opinion, the best way to be knocked down, especially for Shun. It also hits low of course and is pretty much safe from high attackes and some mid attacks.

    Since we are talking about Shun (my) strategies, I'll give away a huge secret in hoping that I learn to deal with new threats during this situation. What I'm about to say is something that surprisingly only Denkai, None_Other, Air Jacky, and sometimes Gentleman Thief and Konjou exploit in my style. I was talking about this with Air Jacky last night and he was going to comment on it but I'll do it for him.

    As you all know I get drink crazy a lot and often with SOU stance drinking. You all may have noticed that I like to do more than one drink in SOU stance. The thing that these few players take advantage of is running up to me and either throwing or back throwing me right after I've taken a SOU stance drink. I must say I'm shocked that more people don't do this to me, but I know the timing can be hard to anticipate and get up close, especially online. I know part of the hesitation in running up to me is fearing the onslaught of what could come, but Air Jacky and Denkai have it down pretty damn well!

    I just thought of something else and it's the most shocking of all. It seems that 90% of players online don't know to pounce after knocking me out of either lie down position, handstand position, or any other position that results in Shun falling down without being able to techroll. This is a big reason why I will go into these stances more often than I should. If I get knocked out of a stance I don't care because players don't follow up with anything. A pounce is GUARANTEED by any character in these situations. Some characters can even do combos after the first hit that knocks me out of lay down position. Shun for instance can do 3P to a lying down Shun and then follow up with 3PPK for huge damage!

    Oops, gotta get back to work! Later ya'll!
  4. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Oi Jhow, when I was at the height of my Shun groove, I whored k+g probably to my detriment because noone would dodge to Shuns stomach. Hell sometimes I'll test people with pppk simply because this fundamental isn't known to a lot of people. I started getting addicted to a silly range with 3p+k (the elbow you can charge) it seemed to push back decently and most moves would whiff if the opponent attacked after blocking at max range. This ended up for some nice CH attacks! What do you think about this move?

    I used to mix this with the 1P for a semi safe (unless avoided) range game. Back during shakedowns Konjou used to comment on my liberal use of moves and this is a move I rarely will see you do.

    Maybe I should get rid of it? I liked it for the push out though and the fact that most retaliation would be to slow or short to punish allowing me to punish freely. For fun I'd do 6k+g then bait tech rolls with 3P! Of course if they didn't tech 3ppk for juicy damage!

    With 7+p+k+g maybe I shouldn't be thinking about such spacing games however and just go for MAX damage! Once I get my new box and stick this will be my focus I swear!
  5. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Haha, that's funny [​IMG]

    I'm not surprised and probably Shun is the only character can deal with your style. I believe Denkai and NoneOther can also read your flowchart in good way.

    I have a problem with your safe loop. However, Shun has 3K+G to stop your 7P+K+G spacing, and I think Denkai and NoneOther can just crouch and throw you. The rest of your options are very clear like you mentioned above. When you abare, they can easily evade and use 236PP air combos [​IMG] , or KK2PK when DP is 16. [​IMG]
    Your 3P+G throw is also useless cuz they fly away too. [​IMG] Of course, they can do spacing too when you abare to make you confused.
  6. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    ggs to tony for the brad mirror matches
    ggs to allstar and boris yesterday
  7. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    Ur Not Shidosha
    GGs White Worm, AkiraZero,Feaucha Feck, GentlemanThief & KingofCarnageVF

    Always a pleasure - hopefully i can get my groove back and be a threat to you guys [​IMG]

    Also, JHow you piss me off, i love it. Thx for sticking around and continuing to play me. I'll understand more as time and experience goes by.
  8. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    Ur Not Shidosha
    GGs also to Air Jacky, I doont know abotu you but i had a bagillion failed inputs, hence the random 50000 random sidesteps or combo strings
  9. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    gg's ta OhNoUDidnt, all I heard was hmph, hmph, hmph, hah (dblpalm)! From all the evades and moves lol, shit was wild.

    Social Ruin, fun stuff man, I was pretty happy to see you left the monk in the garage lol. He's so hard for me to fight, hopefully i'll be able to stay longer next time.

    I am Shidosha, real fun man, the connect was pretty dang smooth for u being on a wireless, the dissconects sucked but hey..And I couldn't come back to play ya cuz I had already set one up with Ohnoyoudidn't.

    Hope ta play yall some more in the future and hopefully some of the rest of the VF players here if the connect is good. Sucks VF seems so dead sometimes.

    gg's to anyone I forgot, I know i'm forgetting a few people.

    Anyone can hit me up for some games or a freind request to play VF regardless of skill level, i'm always down to play some no matter how good or bad ya are as long as the connect is decent.
  10. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Oh yea, DrFamilia, Plague and Air Jacky. Thanks for hangin around to play some.

    I still know i'm forgeting some, gg's to yall too.
  11. mitsuruga

    mitsuruga Well-Known Member

    GGs to ShinTokio & everyone I forget to mention!
  12. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ggs to Mana Knight. It was fun player your pai. That overhead Flip kick cancel into throw was brutal, lol. i'm used to playing my brother and he doesnt do that too much. I was having a hell of a time escaping your throws too. I was impressed when u started strong with a couple TE's of you own and then escaped 2 low throws as well. Good job.

    ggs to Tfam. Always so nice playing with you and then going back and forth. I would like to play your lau again [​IMG] they're aren't very many lau's online nowadays, so it feels like great chance to practice vs a character i don't see a lot of. I noticed you playing some offline vs yesterdy, WHO YOU GOT DOWN THERE WITH YOU!!!! lol, i'm jealous!!

    SDS, oh nooooooooooo. What you mean you don't have a system anymore? Shit!
  13. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah a long story. Somebody who i thought was a friend really wasn't. Don't worry ill be online soon again.I need the break though. Time to get my priorities straight and get this job. i'll be around though.
  14. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to VFnumbers. Fun Aoi vs Lei Fei matches ^_^
  15. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    GGs to everyone I played last night.

    Great matches.
  16. mana_knight08

    mana_knight08 Active Member

    GGs to
    Social Ruin: Always fun man, we always seem to have a good 1 bar connection [​IMG].You've got the Gym for your body and VF for your brain exercise. Thats a healthy balance [​IMG]

    Beligerent Feck: You had me at a loss with your evades and guard breaks.Gave me a doing!

    ChiefGuttiWolf: we've only played twice but it was like hour and a half each time.Great sets

    VF Twinkies: Damn that was an impressive akira!.Brilliant movement and escaped just about every throw.Don't know why i havent heard anything about you on here before. Got a ten streak on me then down to our last fraction of life i accidently hit a DMPK to win. Just felt so...wrong [​IMG]

    GGs also Boris of Wales, ShinjukuATM, nothistime, Dr Familia, DOJOMODE, King of CarnageVF, Zakkapa, girlsluvcurls81.

    p.s If anyone is unfortunate enough to play my akira on 2 player side bear with me. My youhou comes out as a 2p, my overhead double palm turns into a backjump and i can sometimes go entire rounds just buffering SDE without fuck all coming out [​IMG] It kinda looks like im taking the piss at times [​IMG]
  17. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    ooh you're using Akira now? [​IMG] we should play again soon. it's been a while
  18. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    GGs to...

    ThaFeaucha, you were missed man. I remember the good ol' days when I could always count on playing either you, UK Diddy or Rare Entity everytime that I jumped online. All 3 of you went AWOL and it's really good to see you back [​IMG]

    Social Ruin, definitely fun when it's back and forth. I think I have more fun going tit for tat than getting a streak. Don't get me wrong, I love to win but I love it even more when you're not having it and you fight tooth and nail for the win. Either way it goes, win or lose, those fights that come down to the wire are the ones that get me the most hype. That and those edge of the ring positioning fights. "I'm ringing you out!" "No, I'm ringing you out!" Lol, freaking blast bro, looking forward to more.
    Oh and that was Ladon I was playing offline.

    VF Numbers, it feels better playing you. I think you're applying less thinking and more action which is good bc in VF, with zero frame throws, standing around thinking isn't so good. Fuzzy guarding can get you out of trouble most times but not against lows so it's best to just be active. At least when you play me. Online slows down the game a lot and you can afford to think but offline this game moves fast. People must be out of their minds calling VF (offline) slow [​IMG]

    Jerky! Great playing you again, I don't think I had played you since the beginning of this year. You're as sharp as ever.

    GrusselGrosser, man, I remember when you were a scrubby spammer, lol. Now you're all grown up ;_; our fights are fun and fast paced. You still only evade up but I think that once you start to improve your defense, you're going to be a very strong player. Hopefully I can step my defense game up too so I don't get left behind [​IMG]

    Jinxhand, very fun games but you left me confused when you wrote me this "ggs... somehow i did a wall combo and were able to get up and get a standing p..." and then said that you were going to clear it up here but I either missed it or you forgot. What were you talking about?

    Gentleman Thief, Wasted Wish, KOC, Saygah and Dennis.
    Thank you all for the games. Always a pleasure.

    My bad to Denkai, Mana Knight and Frakimusgrime for leaving after only a few games but things came up.
  19. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    GGs Air Jacky and Exquiel711.

    Exquiel you're very slippery and use a lot of unconventional setups. Just be careful about doing the same mixups over and over, against characters with better tools for dealing with it (or players with better defense) it can be very dangerous.
  20. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Played online tonight. It's a really different kind of VF kinda.

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