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Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. PaulMartinKPG

    PaulMartinKPG Member

    Well, good games to all the good players I fought over the last few days, especially some excellent Jeffs and Wolfs, good stuff!
  2. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    ggs to, tfam, stl seiju, and some others, I can't ever remember more than 2 or 3 people when I play now.

    anyway, here I was, thinking that something was just wrong with my execution and also that lag was a problem. Turns out, my stick is fucked up too, it doesn't even respond right for both the directions and the buttons. I keep getting normal hit by tons of moves, and getting thrown when I push buttons. It's all delayed or doesn't come out at all. I feel like just throwing this stick down my apartment stairs right now, it'd make me feel better for the time being.

    Until then, I quit, until I get a new stick probably ssf4 one for 360. This custom stick is a piece of shit, and I blame my stick maker Kaytrim. Fuck this shit yo, I'm so pissed off right now for no reason.

    What else could go wrong and shit
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, lots of shit.

    This may not make things any better, but rest up for VF in 2 weeks. We got sticks. No worries about that.
  4. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    GGs to Manakight yesterday evening. I was crying out for a decent opponent and you delivered. You also have the manliest looking Akira ever. Chest hair and awesome sideburns. LoL
  5. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    ggs exquiel give me some more time to adapt and please stay for more than 2 games at a time [​IMG]
  6. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Thanks marly for reminding me. GGs mana the other day, I really enjoyed your games and I think Goh really suits your style. Sorry I had to leave suddently, you know whats it like for a married man. Hope to play you again soon!
  7. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    gg's to everyone i've played. I know I didn't message a lot of yall back for some stuff besides the normal "gg's". It's just that i've been super high while playing and I don't wanna sit there typing with my arcade stick lol. Sometimes I don't mind doin it, but just not lately.

    And I dunno what's up with me losing so much...Only thing I can think of is that my timing for fuzzy is so awesome that the lil bit of lag online produces messes it up n I get hit..LOL [​IMG]

    Tfam- Yea that was wild when you jumped over the shrm lol. You just got that timing bruh lol.

    Hopefully I can make it to the next big gathering. I wanna know what offline is like. I mean I played some offline before but that was within my first few months of playing n couldn't really see/tell the difference too much. Just the timing for buffering dblplm is a lot different. Everything seems to have some sort of delay online which seems to make reacting from seeing certain stuff that much harder cause you can't get out the way, block, or te quick enough. Cause you see it, try to move or whatever and your input just doesn't register fast enough..
  8. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Don't hold your breath on that one lol.

    He does the same shit to me. I played him last night, got lucky and beat him then left on his ass lol. I know he prob don't care, but I know he felt it cause he hit the rematch button quick as fuck lol. Plus I got to drop that 120-30dmg whatever wall combo on him.

    I can dig it though, he just seems like one of them cats that don't want to play people he can beat/don't give him a challenge. I can understand. Same with this cat named Valkrye or something, uses Sarah. Sucks cause I get a great connection with them too. But ohh well what can you do?

    Oh yea n a thanks to yall that hung around for a few even though ur beating me bad. All I ask is for 5-10 matches n i'm ok with that [​IMG] so I appreciate the extra time.
  9. mana_knight08

    mana_knight08 Active Member

    GGs to
    I know it!! My wife says he's the gayest looking akira. We probably shouldn't delve any deeper into this [​IMG].The Aoi/Goh matches were horrible for me.You got at least a 16 streak and it would have been more but i had to stop cause my tears were making the screen blurry [​IMG]

    Boris : great Akira matches.I noticed i have 2 different styles depending on which side i'm on. its almost like using 2 different characters.

    WEIAND : your wolf is as fun to face as your jeff.

    Matteo : ggs man.gimme a shout anytime. nice to have more 3 bar opponents.

    Colonel W Guile : fun goh mirrors. i liked your thinking about the 4 p+k. gonna try it more.
  10. Grusselgrosser

    Grusselgrosser Well-Known Member

    My name is just a fake German last name that my brother name up, its his name, hes the one who got all those gamer points lol. Good games tonight, it seemed to go back and forth for a while then I got frustrated as it seemed that you had me figured out. I think the delays you incorporated got me. Also, seemed more laggy than usual.
  11. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    GGs to...

    Silent Nephilim.

    Wasted Wish, most def take a break if you need to but what I think you need a break from is online is all.

    FadedFilm, great playing you again. You had ring rust but I could still see you doing really smart and well-timed tactics that only really good players use. Hopefully you stick around and once you start getting back in the swing of things you'll start to feel more comfortable and pull off more of the things you really want to do.

    Jason, things will get better. Stay strong and keep your head up. Offline VF pwns online VF anyway.

    Tha Feaucha, Lau's 8K+G over shoulder ram... I'm still shocked. I've seen Lau jump over a lot of mids but I never expected him to be able to jump over anybody's shoulder ram. I feel kinda bad but hey, the move's in the game, I have to use it. I can't wait to jump over Eileen's and Goh's shoulder ram. I can't see Lau jumping over Wolf's shoulder ram... but I wonder...

    GrusselGrosser, please take what I am about to write as constructive criticism on things that you have got to work on to get better: It's really frustrating to lose to you when you evade up so much. Try to understand this from my point of view: I already know that 90% of the time you're going to evade up in scenario A, B and C but yet I still go for a linear attack *facepalm*
    That right there is really bad playing on my part.
    I managed to get more wins but I was playing like utter shit not taking full advantage of your habits and tendencies until later.
    It took me way too long to stop doing the same crap.
    Again, I hope that you take this as the constructive criticism that it is but you shouldn't have won that many doing the same things that you do.
    That's the sign that you're playing against either a bad player or a player that's on autopilot.
    You have great offense and if you can stay on the attack, you're golden but your defense has to change in order for you to get more W's.

    You have got to try evading down at least once in a while. Also try holding block without evading a bit more too. It beats full circulars.
  12. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    ggs to KO

    Its fun to play somebody with full bars!! Great usage of Jeff's mids. Also, bounce combo's, i don't think any jeff players dribble me quite so well. Honestly, i'm sure thats how i'd use jeff if i ever pick him up. Just fish for launchers and start dribbling away.

    Lastly, good work on the throw evades. i was over using 3p+g and you fairly effectively took it away. its impressive that you were so disciplined in your TEs/ETEs after taking time off.

    p.s. bad games to myself. i should have played quest mode and practiced hit-checking. but instead i jumped str8 into some matches, no warm up, and just beat out the same patterns i've been spamming for the last 2 months. This is why i'm not getting any better, lol. oh well, at least it was fun tonight.
  13. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    T-Fam you have to understand.. If it works don't change it. If you did'nt punish it then why should he stop? You have to make him Evade downward.

    GG's to Lucky GT - Fun, Fun and More Fun. Please forgive me i been playing Jacky almost exclusive for like the last 4 to 5 months. While you pulled a switch nation and brought 3 characters to the battle arena. I have to learn to face all match ups with him before i can move on. Your Goh still as solid as ever. I wish we had recorded a few of those for time capsules lol!!! Fun times for sure. You TE'ing was incredible in those Goh Vs. Jacky matches. Your delays threw my timing off bad.
  14. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Completely disagree. I think you are missing tfam's point. He is trying to help grusselgrosser take his game to the next level.

    In the context (to me) your rebuttal of tfams point almost reads as, if you are winning don't try and get better. IF grusselgrosser can incorporate more down evades *especially while winning* then he will only be better for it.

    I know when i was at my best with lei, i wouldn't just keep doing something until my opponent stopped it. I would constantly be adding layers upon layers of something new, something different, a different look or a different option during sets that i was already winning. There was a time where only two or three players here could defend what i was doing, and it was because i was adapting and changing, even when what i was doing was already working.
  15. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Reminds me of like 3 years ago when I started. I was playing GT in player matches and I kept doing the same unsafe rising attack and getting punished for it. I lost probably 10 or so matches in a row doing the exact same thing but I didn't realize that shit was punishable until the next year lol. It eventually came to me like a blind man finally getting his sight after ages of wondering and immediately being greeted with a tub-o-tits to the face.

    People can learn but you know, it's very hard to grow with no guidance in the current online environment. Needs more players. Prefably ones that can whip ass.
  16. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Simple.....KILLER INSTINCT!!!!

    The only way you can learn is if you are being punished for your mistakes. Sort of like Raising children. Wonder why you feel like you are not improving? Because your only limiting yourself to the Dudes ur playing. If i hit you with PK 10 times and you evade up 10 times at disadvantage all the time then its up to me to punish you for evading upwards to break that habit. If you don't catch on to it by the 5 time then why should i stop? Im not showing up T-Fam with my post at all. Look back at what he said here..

    So why Should Grussel stop evading up when its clearly working for him against T-Fam? Shit if it worked for me i run it into the ground also.
    Grussel will learn eventually when he moves up the ladder of competition.
  17. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    I could take that last sentence and get offended... but I won't.
    Overfiend, you're wrong on this one. Social has it right.
    Grussel wasn't winning just cuz I would go linear in scenario A, B and C. He was winning because his offense is strong. What was getting him killed was his defense which he does need to step up.
    I agree that if something is working you should keep doing it. UNLESS you can do much better.
    For example, if he was doing 2P everytime he blocked Knee but yet he was still winning, I would still advise him to not do 2P in that scenario but instead do PK for more guaranteed damage.

    If all he cares about is the W and he's not interested in expanding on his game then yeah, maybe he should keep running the same wash/rinse/repeat tactics but the problem is that only works so long against a decent player. Eventually he will get figured out and not have anything else to fall back on because he's so used to doing the same thing in the same scenarios.

    Grussel said himself here:
    Just because he was doing good at first with it doesn't mean he came out on top. What Social is saying holds true if you're aware of what's going on and not on autopilot.
    Sometimes there's different ways of doing the same things. For example, keeping the pressure after PK connects:
    Mid/throw mixup.
    OM - P/K/throw mixup
    Movement to make them freeze or whiff then attack/throw.

    Doing the same shit over and over because it's working will only take you so far. Whenever you're interested in expanding on your game [​IMG]
  18. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Bingo!!! thats exactly what im saying. Im not saying you arent comp but he has to get exposed first till he hopefully learns. Maybe i see shit different who knows. I do what works for me.
  19. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    IT's ALL about the W. I'm not gonna randomly go study up on intergalactic real-estate and rocket science when I'm living comfortable here on earth. You gotta blow up my world first.
  20. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Cozby

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