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Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I for one, don't want to dominate GT. I want to have a meaningful exchange of two people trying to win. If I'm dominating him at this stage in the game he must be drunk or chances are no one else is going to give me much of a challenge in our little community.

    That would be boring.

    Remember during a round you can win/lose many times. I can honestly say I make more correct choices during a LOT of my matches versus people. I just don't juggle worth shit so my rewards aren't as high. The point isn't to dominate in my opinion. Its to NOT be dominated.

    If you are being dominated and have a good understanding of this game without some physical impairment you are thinking to highly of your opponent or really need to re-evaluate what you're doing with some anti-auto pilot juice.
  2. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    I think we should all try to adopt this mindset ^
    Enough with all this blahblah about what your opponent does or doesn't do lame or weak. The only time that criticism should come up is when you're giving advice or asking for advice.

    I know it's hard to resist playing people who's playstyle annoys you sometimes since there's not that many VF5 players online. Sometimes you just have to make due. But if you're going to play somebody who's annoying to play or a total noob, at least try to give constructive criticism instead of the usual "you suck!" type of exchanges that don't lead to anything helpful for either player.

    There are players who would LOVE it if you played THEIR game. Some of these guys can beat most players but can't beat that one "scrub" that abuses lag/uses dmp+k really well/is too random to figure out/etc. Those "good" players (not talking about you Rodney, seriously, I know you would kill 95% of us offline) get very frustrated when they can't beat a certain "scrub". I wish those players would stop approaching the game with a sense of superiority and instead treated VF like an NFL game instead. Anybody can win any given Sunday.
    There are two opponents. You have 1 out of 2 chance of winning. It's 50/50. Why cry about losing or what the other guy is doing when you can do the same or worst? I miss online VF but I don't miss the egos and the foolish pride issues. It's more fun when we all play to win but if you lose, relax, it's not the end of the world. Just take it like a man, learn from your mistakes and try again.

    I've complained before but I had to move past that in order to grow. Nowadays my least favorite style to play is "runners". Juno, the type that run away the whole match. It's a boring, dull and monotonous style to play against. I like action packed matches but I realize that my opponent may not. He may not want to to techroll and may want to run away from my offense and I can't fault him for that. All I can do is try to catch him but even if I'm winning, eventually I just want to stop playing that person. I don't know how anybody has fun in a fighting game by running away from the fight but hey, to each their own.
    Still, I won't even bother sending messages to this person about how boring it is to play them.
    For certain players it's just best to say "ggs" and just let them come to a better understanding of the game on their own... even if it takes them like 10 years [​IMG]
  3. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Well said Tfam [​IMG] [​IMG]
  4. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I find characters that actually have to back dash to run away less irritating than characters with a fast back walk. Godbless small stages with walls.
  5. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    That's not surprising. When there's a relatively simple tactic that someones made effective, (that they've been using for years), having to re-adjust yourself to it can take time. Also the human condition in VF seems to demand that the offended person try something equally as lame to beat said tactic. The problem is if you spam PPP, and I'm try to be equally lame with constant 2P; then I'm concentrating on being as "lame" as you in my mind more than winning. Why do people do this? The same reason why people procrastinate: it comes from a feeling that what has to be done may not be worth it in the long run.

    Its a waste of time but it is entirely possible for someones goal to shift from winning, to making the experience as shitty as possible for the other player.

    See the DMPK rule of thumb. If you DMPK expect your opponent to return the favor within 3 or 4 moves! I'm sure everyone has seen the post round communication of constant throws or 2P's in an attempt to mock someone. Just because you win doesn't mean your opponent was TRYING to win; especially if he hates your style with a passion.
  6. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    I get what you're saying WP. The tactic I hate most in fighting games is turtling. If I'm fighting against someone who is constantly turtling, that just encourages me to be lame. And Konjou turtles a lot. I know it's a valid play-style, and I probably shouldn't complain about it, but it's just something I don't like to deal with in matches.

    And with the argument that adjusting to a lame tactic can take time, that's part of the reason why he got 6 in a row on me. 2p DMPK is a pretty lame tactic with Kage, and although it's always beatable, the right way to beat it depends on the other player's reactions, which can take a while to establish. It didn't help that I was just plain frustrated by the turtling and trying to be more offensive than I should've been.

    But you know, the difference between me and Konjou is that I wasn't overtly trying to be lame, and I'm pretty sure he was. I fought him the way I fight everyone, but he fought me with intentional spamming that I'm sure he would never use in a match with a player he respected. That is something I don't appreciate.
  7. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Sometimes that's not mocking. I don't have a mic anymore, so if I do that sometimes it's just me telling a smart opponent to chill with it cause they lost the match because. If I usually play them, and they think it's HARMFUL mocking, coming from me, then they probably had a problem with me in the first place. I can do something like that to Lucky, and then he'll turn around and do the same thing to me the following round, knowing that it's just in jest and to try and wake either one of us up, but we've been playing each other in fighting games for well over 5 years.

    He's not unbeatable, you got too many holes in your VF game he can take care of better than your regular opponents.

    People seem to forget, what really determines if someone is strong at VF or not.

    The 2P from Sarah was only working because you would either start your moves too deep, or start them too deep in closed stance. Play in open stance with Jacky as much as you can, and watch what magically happens. There's even a range after 6P where Sarah's throw is absolutely no threat to you because it won't reach without inching forward, where from this same exact range Jacky can still throw.

    Believe me man, the concentration can be tough. All the time, I'll be in the middle of a session with someone and I hear a door to another apartment or footsteps from outside, and then I can't think about the game anymore because I'm envisioning threatening scenarios(I'm not lying).

    The people that play me the most, can probably tell when I go in and out.


    I want to say overall playing VF is like holding a conversation with your opponent. If they start talking in baby gibberish you probably either won't want to continue the conversation, or you decide to speak in baby gibberish too and then get turned off. Or maybe, you guys are having a conversation that's too deep and it gets tiring. Sometimes, at least for me, I can tell when someone I usually play against, has something else going on at the moment or in their life where they can't really keep up with the conversation at the time.

    Back to SDS, yo trust that I knew your concentration just wasn't there. There was no way that you'd have allowed anyone to almost get a full triple on you like that.
  8. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    You could've easily done something in the match he didn't find respectful, and he simply returned the favor in a manor you could recognize.

    Again to me personally, VF is like holding a conversation. You could've started insulting him with some words you didn't know would create awkwardness. Think of it as if someone using swear words in a business conversation with someone that they thought wouldn't be offended by it, because they use it in their everyday conversation with everyone else. Mix in online, where there's no face and human body language and you can see where the problems can come up.

    Personally, I guarantee you that if you just met Rod in person and had a conversation with him, then things would be different, because now he'd understand the type of person you are and you'd know the type of person he is. Remember a few weeks ago, when you said that most of your posts you're only being sarcastic and in a playful manner?

    You had to actually TELL me that, because otherwise I wouldn't have known, and you'd just come off as some arrogant dude, really feeling himself from online matches.

    You've got to know and talk to people sometimes, cause everyone is guilty of being a lil bit judgy about things every now and then. Especially if time is precious.

    Have you ever just had a conversation with him on Live before? Sometimes people tend to air out dirty laundry in these threads, instead of just settling misunderstandings real quick in some messages.
  9. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

  10. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Why is GG section retarded? I don't understand seriously.
  11. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

  12. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I talk whenever I'm on XBL.

    In fact abiut a year and a half to two years ago I got needlesly pissed off with people who never talked and started kicking them off my friend list.

    Way to over react [​IMG]

    Still, I like talking to people about Vf when I'm playing, easier to learn and understand what's going down.

    In addition to all that good stuff I can talk smack and generally shoot the shit with whoever is online. Makes things more enjoyable.
  13. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    I have met him in person at the 2009 WCG nationals in New York. He seemed like a nice enough guy at the time, but I didn't get to talk to him nearly as much as some of the other guys that were there. Ironically, while there he said he though my play style was getting better (or something like that). But he wasn't the one playing me at the time. I actually asked him to play, but he walked off before I could finish the match I was in, and we didn't get another chance. Anyway, I think that really reinforces the idea that there is a problem when I play him specifically.

    Why yes. I sent him several messages the day we played. I even said I though they were good games until he started to 2p spamming. He didn't respond to a single one. I told him that if he wanted me to quit using 2p from disadvantage, he should just use fast mids so it no longer make sense for me to do that. His response? More 2p spamming. All he ever does is complain about how I PPP all day long. What does that even mean? I wasn't doing the same string over and over again, so I can only assume he has an issue with me using the punch button? Honestly I find the accusation a little confusing to begin with. I certainly wasn't spamming Eileen's actual PPP string, and he never mentioned and other specific move he thought was being spammed. I'm not really sure what to think.
  14. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Wow thanks for the Tips Man. I would've never figured that out.
    While i can't tell what you already know about jacky i can tell you somethings that you have to limit overall. After PK you always evade up and your just to good for that My dude. its almost like if i want to get a one up damage-wise i can always count on that to get me the advantage back. The 5P+KPP combo is ok but its not that over-powering unless you give me the idea it is. I know it freezes you so its basically a crutch to slow you down. I notice to attack on time with sarah in rising situation because she has a better feel for you so be careful im on it now.

    I liked your analogy about the convo thing playing VF lol!! I have people i don't like playing against so i just limit my sets to 1 or 2 games. saves me the headaches when they start talking gibberish.
  15. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    You see where I'm going with this, he sees ppp, 2P, pppp as intentional spamming so he responded with spamming that beat what he considers YOUR spamming. Doesn't matter that, that is the way you normally play.

    What he's saying is simply; I don't like they way you play because its limiting, now I'm going to respond with my own style of play that you'll find limiting.

    He feels you lamed him with 5, so he lamed you for 6. I'm not saying its right but what's "lame" is purely subjective. Some people refuse to "lame" or deal with perceived "lame tactics" see THE WEIAND. Once in a while he'll play me but if I break any of his "rules." He'll never play me more than 1 game or he'll just stand there.

    Why did he play you then if he thinks your lame? I watch bad movies all the time. Why? There's nothing else on.

    Welcome to VF online =)
  16. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

  17. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

  18. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    so true. for me at least. even against opponents i respect and enjoy playing, things degrade to a petty pissing contest at some point or another (and usually on both ends). But against those opponents that i "like" we'll usually bring it back to real matches sooner or later.

    --this is really in reference to Tfam and social ruin most of all--
    --and i never win at this point [​IMG] ahahhaa. they seem to be able to keep their focus on winning much much much better than i--

    If its someone i don't have as good of a relationship with, i'll just bounce after a few matches.

    Now, obviously, this has nearly nothing to do with them, and is just a problem in my thought process and playstyle. Also, it has more to do with being overall bored with VF but still sticking with it part time b/c its better than chillin at the house doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. But back when i couldn't get enough, i was all about trying to figure out a way to beat any strategy, no matter how cheesy. In fact, i welcomed the challenge of a tough but cheap strat. now, i feel like its just a waste of time.
  19. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    this guys an idiot.

  20. Grusselgrosser

    Grusselgrosser Well-Known Member

    WHATEVER HAPPENED TO KONJOU?? I remember back in the day when was a beat knuckle, DMPK, P+KK spammer he would whoop he over and over again.

    I really want a rematch with him but I haven't seem him online or on here in a really long time.


    . . . lol

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