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Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    ggs mack,
    sorry I wasn't able to reach you again last night, and I'll log on tonight and test the connection with you no problem. as long as the connection is smooth, both of us can actually "see" what's gonna happen. I'll use the characters I'm familiar with next time. Btw, I just realize that Brad's SR and SL has different animation:)
  2. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Yes, kick option is necessary:)

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Ggs to plague yesterday got the shining wizard setup going a few times and then he changed into the turn me to my side game. I also got to play rodney for the first time yesterday definately a very experienced player. I also got to rank up a little yesterday it's like there is a secret group of players out there.
  4. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    gg's kotetuitmon. rare i play in afternoon, but played this guy for 1 hr half ( playing this guy since day one, he and his brother or whoever he shares accnt plays evryone character) before i got 1 bar, now i get 2 bar, and fuzzy no problem without worrying about lag and getting hit by mid, and this is ASIA!. Thnks for the games, solid connection again.

    Its wierd, JCBlack doesnt play, he disconnects on me.. I thought i trip him out and keep playing and keep joining.. but he wont play more than 1.

    ) :
  5. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    GG's to TFam, Slide, Denkai, WaveCrusher Kobi (2 game limit?) and anyone else I played this week.
  6. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    GGs to AZ a few nights ago. Feels like I'm getting in the swing of things with Pai again. Only thing is she's so teef online there are things I won't allow myself to do.
  7. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to XxRodnutzxX (its cool dude. srry for my crappy playstyle, I was out of it XP), PL4YER 7, DrFamilia (great games as usual lol), JCblack333 (always manage to find him online lol), ses1mf1, THEWALL17, and everyone else I played this past week! ^_^
  8. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    Waverusher Kobi
    I sent you another invite after, man. I had to pop off for thirty seconds to help with family.
  9. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    It's all good man I just thought I'd ask because each time we played it was always 2-3 matches. And sorry about missing the invite, unfortunately if you are not on my friends list I don't get them. I tried to add you the first time we played, but your list is full lol.

    Anyway GG's!
  10. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Played alot of people today dr fam and happy friend lau wiped the floor with me. I can't figure out jeffrey for the life of me hate that knee punch botte cut and all his crazy throws. Rodney I think I was the 2 game limit guy.
  11. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    gg's oooglas and omelette ( that felt like offline ( : . he seemed pretty happy with our new connection as well ), Ikareboss . its a different feeling when online lag doesnt effect fuzzy g that much :) .
    thnks to rocketblaze for making el blaze videos and showing me what makes EL blaze so strong and thnks for the Brad info.
  12. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    GGs Mitsuruga.
  13. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    GG's tonight Shadoolord1979, Infamous Geezer, Sowderjamie and Darthminion!
  14. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Good gahhmays to the people i've played over the last couple weeks.
  15. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    GGs Blossy. To be clear the sabaki was Pai's [K][P] from bokutai. I think it beats most single limbed High and Mid attacks, but you should be able to punish the sweep with Sarah's backflip so long as you're in range.
  16. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    The sabaki from Pai's K,P from Bokutai sabakis everything basically it even sabaki things while Pai is BT as well. the sweep is very punishable if it is blocked as well. I like how Blossy is progressing I was playing him when he was just starting out and the improvements I see in him is a welcome sight.
  17. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    That Sabaki covers HP, HE, HK, MP, EL, MK, SK, KN

    My wife has demonstrated this to me more than once. I've switched to shoulders and rainbow attacks when I see it coming.
  18. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Marly, and GGs! Also GGs to Kakamoto and Infamous geezer again, fun mirror matches (I fell for your cancels into the gatling kick like every time!)

    And thank you Shadowmaster, I remember playing you when I started out. I didn't have live gold at the time, but it was free for a couple of days so I decided to try it out. I was new to the game (and fighters in general) and I had bought Soul Calibur 4 almost at the same time so I tried them both out online for a couple of days. I wanted to start playing one of them a bit more seriously, and I was leaning towards VF but I wasn't sure (I obviously sucked at both). When I played SC all I got was hate mail from people because I sucked. When I played VF all I got was friendly advice on how to improve my game from people like yourself. (No offence to the SC community, maybe I just ran into the wrong people.) It helped make me start playing VF, so thank you and everybody else for helping out a new player!
  19. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    Yeah I was kicking ass online on XBL one day at my brothers house on his Xbox. The asshole actually asked me to play something else because my arcade stick was too loud. I cursed him out and told him to fuck off. What a whiny bastard. Coincidently, I beat his ass so bad in online VF matches, he swore off playing the game altogether.
  20. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member


    kobi (are u still in AB, never had 1 bar with u b4 ): ), cheshire Cat, nice talking to PLAGUE, shumai001

    Special thnks to rocket, for making me tons and tons of EL BLAZE videos to study to.

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