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Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    Really? That's why you ringed yourself out against me and removed me from your friend list?

    Happyfriend won't play me cause of defense.
    STL Seiju won't play me because of my reactions.
    and you won't play me because of my spacing.

    This community is something else. : / I thought we passed the point where we complained about DM PK and others playstlyes for no reason, but I guess not.
  2. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    TRUTH! Preach brother, preach! Lol, oh man, I tell you man, I was never much into gaming communities or any online community for that matter (other than myspace back in the days, some funny shit there) but I got sucked into this game due to a lot of crazy reasons... anyway, I started to think "these people like fighting games, not just fighting games but the best fighting game of all time, they like fights too, they're fighters just like me" ... man, was I wrong about a bunch of you, lmao.

    Some of you are worst than girls. Seriously. With all of the ducking and avoiding of certain players that you guys do it puzzles me how you can call yourselves "FIGHT" game fans. Some of you guys aren't fans of fighting. You guys are fans of getting your way. Doing what you want to do in a competitive game that appeals to you. You want SOME resistance but if the other player imposes his will on you you're outta there.
    Crying, bitching and moaning all the way.

    GT, I thought you didn't go through this because you do all of the "cool" stuff like multiple ETEG and amazing movement. I thought people like STL would be "ok" with losing to a player of your caliber because you're not just beating them with abare or simple 50/50 setups and scenarios. I didn't know you had a list of "players" who avoided you too! Oh man, that shit kray.

    That shit is sad too man. I'm sure you probably got more too. For such a small community to avoid playing others because "they're too good" or "the character they use belongs in Tekken" and all kinds of pathetic reasons... shit is just sad.

    I call these cowards DUCKS. Here's my list of lame ducks:

    Kaminari Oyaji, aka Kalamari, aka STL Soju, aka Timmy! This guy is "the" duck king to rule them all. He loves to play noobs the most because he can always beat them and teach them and talk to them and blah blah blah. This guy LOVES to talk on his little fucking mic. Blah blah VF5 sucks blah blah but I play it all the time blah blah it's impossible to win with my character Sarah waah waah waah. Sigh, stfu, Tim and just scrap.
    I swear man, people with your mindset, it's as if you're not playing a FIGHTING game. You don't want to FIGHT. You want to talk and cuddle or something. Wtf Tim. Seriously, wtf is wrong with you?
    You will play the shit out of a noob up until that noob starts beating you, then you run away holding your bloody vagina like a little girl who started menstruating for the first time ever, smh.

    ... alright, I made this too long already so I'll just mention one other lame duck who was never a lame duck for years and I never thought ever would be but once I figured him out, poof! Vanished: Kingo.
    Kingo and I started off great. He would whoop my ass and I would take my ass whoopings like a man. I love a challenge and I'm always up for a fight. Getting beat only makes me want to play that person more... wouldn't it be great if everybody in this FIGHTING community had that fighting spirit? Anyway, so everything was fine between us, but then, things started to change. As I developed as a player I started to shorten the amount of wins in his streaks before I would get my wins. Then when it was me streaking him he abruptly deleted me from his friends list.
    When I texted him "I see you deleted me from your friends list, lol" he responded "I thought you had retired from VF lol".
    Mind you, I wrote here that I was retiring but just like numerous professionals who say that they're going to leave the hobby/sport or whatever that they love, I couldn't. I don't post on VFDC that much cause of other reasons but VF, I still play it every week. An Kingo was player who I was playing regularly so for him to say "I thought you had retired" and that's why he deleted me... Kingo, Idk why you deleted me and frankly I don't care. Have never asked you and I never will but the fact is that your style is great when you have a guy figured out but when a player figures you out, I guess you too run away like a little girl.

    It's sad but hey, there's still a lot of really good people in this community who are true fighting game enthusiasts and not just little girls with fragile egos who can't take losses like men.
    GG's to all of you who don't wear your heart on your sleeve and continue playing everybody, win or lose.

    I could do a lot more name dropping but those two were at the top of my list.
    There was even one player who stopped playing me because, and I quote "Goh is a dirty fighter. I'll play you in FS when they do away with zero frame throws" O_O
    Can you believe somebody complained about Goh? Goh from vanilla VF5? Hard to believe, I know. Oh and that particular player loves to call other players little girls just because they use 2P... lmao.

  3. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    This is what you think ? well, if it makes you feel too good or something, why not... I don't even remember "whooping your ass" in the past, I always thought we were getting back and forth since the beginning, and I honestly don't care because the lag beetween us is quite heavy, so it was abare mode on both side, which is quite boring for me after some time...
    Yes, I usually delete people who didn't play for a very long time or who retired, in order to add new players. I remember deleting "konjou akira" a long time ago because I think he said he retired too, and even though I saw him hosting from time to time with his new account " rodnutz", his profile always appeared offline and I never added him again until recently. Maybe I would do the same for you after a while ?
    Anyway, there are lot of players who figured out my style and kick my ass, and I don't think I avoid them..on the contrary I enjoy playing them to get my revenge.:p
  4. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Heh, I didn't realize there was this many personal grudges and bad blood flowing around here. It's no big deal to me though, as there's nothing wrong with airing out what's on your mind in my opinion.

    Hey tonyfamilia. I'm the type who just hops online and challenge or host anyone who reaches me first as opposed to going private and quietly sending out invites, so we always seem to find each other at the wrong times. We gotta hook up when I'm able to get back to play VF5 online. I don't care which fighter you or anyone else choose to play with.

    And GentlemanThief, I don't think I've played you in several months, but I've never been the one to shy away from competition. I have to get to sorting out my Friends list and clear out some space to include more VFDC folks. At any rate, if you have room on your list you can add me.

  5. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    I concur to GT's statement. There's definitely players in this community that avoid others due to their "play style". I've quoted the word play style simply because the reality is, they refuse to play others based on the fact that they're sore losers. They come up with excuses to justify why they avoid players just so they can trick themselves into thinking they aren't sore losers.

    This community is small enough as it is to do that, but I guess that's why the VF community here in America sucks. I've heard arguments such as "winning is fun and losing isn't, and I just don't have fun playing someone who figures me out all the time" while I commend this person for his honesty, it's still an asinine mentally to go about when playing a fighting game.
  6. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Man, that's a sad mind state to have indeed as far as playing fighting games.

    I believe that more lessons are learned from losing than from winning since it's the losses that exploit mistakes and bad habits more. The key is to learn from mistakes that are made and bad habits that are picked up and not repeat them. Losing will force and motivate a person to learn and improve on these things. On the other hand, while winning certainly feels better to do than losing, winning and getting by without having motivation to learn and improve doesn't help much. So it's just as important to notice how one is winning as it is concerning if they're winning.

  7. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah i don't have time to waste with you trying to sandbag matches... I play to have fun and challenge myself. I don't have time to waste. I cherish my time that i have. You was on some other shit and i choose not to deal with it. I removed you by accident in a rush to send you a message. I don't have time to duck or be afraid of anybody. Im probably the only person who stay plays this game faithfully as a first option the moment i cut my system on instead of Gears 3,UMVC3 or MW3. I still play Denkai when i get the chance along with plenty others. I don't have time to bitch about 2p or DMPK. Do whatever the fuck you want. you brought the game. I avoid Very few only because they are dickheads not because they probably can be me. Everybody in here whipped my ass and i enjoyed it as a learning experience. My only gripe is when the shoe is on the other foot don't sandbag the matches then say stupid say to downplay why you lost cause really no ones cares. I see the frustrations mid match with certain people so i just break out after a certain amount Say GG and keep it moving. All that other shit Holla at me when you see me at a function im not going back and forth on this forum.
  8. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    There are some people I don't play because I simply don't have fun. People like JCblack. He never learns and every game is, without exception, the EXACT same.

    I don't mind losing. I lose to Kingo almost all the time but I enjoy my matches with him. hate it when you play someone a couple times and it's obvious there is some latency issues, you lose a couple and that's fine but the moment you win one they duck out because of the lag. That's bullshit.
  9. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    Alright man, for what it's worth I don't bear any ill will towards any of the people I mentioned above. Sometimes on the internet things tend to come off more malicious than what they actually are.

    But I have to say, I never "sandbag" matches. I may pick a characters that I'm not very strong with yet, but I'm always trying to win. It just so happens that I feel that certain characters have strong ranged play. Like Lion, Shun, Kage, Pai etc....they all have tools really, and it's a part of the game.
  10. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    lolol I want to play you, I enjoy losing against you!

    Everybody's got an ego and we have to protect that in order to function in the real world. Plus this is a fighting game forum where sometimes it can feel like everybody is looking for a weakness.

    IMO at the end of the day this is a game and if someone leaves my game for whatever reason to do something else with their leisure time, then they should have the right to. Without snide comment I should add.

    Personally I go by fun, if I'm not having fun I'll leave. Sometimes I have fun losing. Sometimes I want to push myself to overcome a better player. Other times I want to relax with a videogame and not get stomped on for 15 rounds. Sometimes (meh, character flaw incoming) I feel I'm better than the other guy and I feel I don't deserve to lose. Sometimes the guy will be trying too hard and I feel it would be too stressy to try to overcome him and push for the win.
    WHATEVER, it's a videogame. I think people should just chill out and have fun and not bitch. Cause bitching gets you no where.

    I think the player base got stale a long time ago and that it'll be bloody lovely to have some more variety in the people that you can play when FS drops. Because if there was a hint of a grudge but you've only got 3 VFers online and two of those are playing each other, meaning that you have to play the guy you don't really want to in order to get your VF rocks off...then that grudge is only going to get worse.
  11. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    Been playing ultimate lately, but if anyone wants to play just send me a message if you see me playing Marvel. If it's not a fighting game it's not me cause I don't play any other games.
  12. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    I prefer just having fun with it. In the end it is just a game. Anyways, GGs to everyone I've played the past month lol. So many games been coming out that I keep getting distracted with them XP
  13. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    GGs to kingo!!! [​IMG] haha finally
  14. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    GGs! There were some pretty fun lol moments.
    Any particular reason why you didn't escape my ground throws ? Don't say you guessed wrong all the time lol

    GGs blossy, Aidan / settra, zippingcrayon aka rodnutz.
    Geez I can't do eileen 236KKK online now :-(
  15. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I'll play you. Your textbook D skills represent a huge investment of time and effort and they make fighting you kind of tedious, but I'll fight you. And I have fought you for a while so I don't know why you wanna randomly put me in the same category with Tim who honestly should be in some sort of mental health facility.
  16. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Its not your spacing Son... Its was your running. Theres a difference. I know what i see.
  17. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    LOL i didnt even attempt to do so, i just forget to do it! i haven't played in a while. and i missed heaps of inputs!!!!!!! [​IMG]
  18. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    I see I'm not alone! I forget to escape ground throws now as well.
  19. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Escaping ground throws is for sissies.
  20. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Where dat FS at!?

    Maybe I should get xbox live back...

    I'm probably mad ass at VF now.

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