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Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    LoL Yeah Juno that fight came down to the wire.
    To: Masa Red , JHow77 and None Other. Everytime I see you guys hosting Im going to challenge. Im trying to learn from you guys and everynight one of you host /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Blahzie, that was really weird playing your Sarah, just didnt seem right. Cause its like when it comes toBrad theres Shinn Akira and then there's you.
  2. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Ahem good game to Sorias, we already talked about our fights but
    acknowledgement none the less. My Jeff is slowly turning into
    the CONG beast that he is. Sorry about the distance games and
    excessive Oki but I'm to unfamiliar with Aoi. It's always good
    to play someone new too, helped me seal up a few wholes, maybe
    next we won't play for almost 2 hours /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    Good games to PotKettleBlack and MudSkipperJeje if you think you
    fooled me, you got another thing coming kid. Bring on the SHUN!
    Where were you playing from anyway? Does this mean I can actually
    rank up without being demoted randomly? (Inside joke)
  3. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Chief, Masa, and Gentleman Thief...

    GGs last night! Chief we had some fun matches as usual! Masa I still can't get a grip of who is gonna win. It almost seems like it's a drink competition. =) Gentleman Thief your Goh is unusual in the fact that I have to change my style completely. It seems like when I attack a lot (like I normally do) it doesn't work against you. I had to retool my efforts to come out with some wins.

    Good shit guys!
  4. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    GGS to:

    -Ash Kaiser- (It's fun to play Goh vs Wolf man!)

    -DaBadSeed- (wish I could have played you a couple more but it's
    all good)

    -HAMMERTIME- (your Blaze is formidable to say the least)

    -Shadoolord- (great games man, it's hard to learn a new character, keep it up cause I know I'm gonna)

    -Yupa- (I finally got you a few times, my tactics against fast characters and abare is improving slowly... Your Sarah is a sexy BEAST o' doom... Good thing her throws suck cause you know how to land throws my man.)

    -Johnson0184- (Never encountered you before but your Kage is very, very tough... It was a victory for me just to win rounds against you. When you're good enough that I'm satisfied with just stealing some rounds from you, you're REALLY GOOD... Nice combos, you're pretty much automatic)
  5. Blahzie

    Blahzie Well-Known Member

    lol, it didn't really feel right trying to play her either. I kept trying to do slipping right>P and getting MCed.
  6. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

  7. MasaRED

    MasaRED Well-Known Member

    Yep, don't hesitate to challenge me. I always welcome challengers. That's why I always make sessions on my own. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  8. MasaRED

    MasaRED Well-Known Member

    GGs to JHow77 and JunoSynth.
    JHow77, I can't wait to play you again! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif I'm really happy being able to have a great Shun player like you in U.S.
    JunoSynth, thanks again for the message yesterday after wrapping up the intense rank matches!
  9. Kyogaa

    Kyogaa Member

    Played a few matches on my o S H I R O o account today.
    GGs too everyone I've played recently. I kinda stopped playing VF for a good while, so it's been great to get back into it as I try to get better.

    Yupa- GGs dude, thx for the tips; it was fun playing your Sarah since it answered a couple of questions I've always had. Hope we play more soon!
    Glory- I haven't played you in months, the match we played was definitely a wake-up call for me.
    DaBadSeed- had some matches earlier this week. Always a pleasure playing with you.
    Blahzie- I was outmatched completely by Brad... I definitely want to play you again soon.
    Kingpin619- Again outmatched. Great games.
    MOLDAIVER- I hate Pai, don't really know how to play against her really. Our games taught me a lot thx.
    dennis0201- played some player matches a while back. Those were a heck of a lot of fun, and it was great since I struggle against Jeff. We gotta run those back sometime.
  10. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Kashinnnn man that akira is TIGHT!!

    i was chokin my joystick, lol ~ i could have won more matches if i was concerntraiting hard, but i was too impatient and light headed with the pace of the match.

    crazy throw escaping tho~..... and i had to go to work -___-).. damn work.
  11. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    oh so that was you??? dope sarah!!!
  12. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Props to UK ranye baby! Good Wolf vs Lion matches, brother.
  13. PineTree

    PineTree Well-Known Member

    GG's to those I played tonight

    GERNBURGS: very good goh, nice games we kept going back and forth on the wins

    JCruzYoou: I played a couple with you tonight but I don't know what happened on our last one, did your connection time out?? Nice games.

    I want to get some Brad vs Brad action against Blahzie, were you at?? lol
  14. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    good games to kingofcarnage, blahzie, moldaiver, gottagroove, kotamo, oSHIROo, vf5395, xflamingqueenx, mr doritos, smb is me, shin koryo, kidvid711, master pain fin, and the other japanese players (too many to name)... definite props goes to akai for keeping me on my toes... finally got a better way of mixing things up with jeffry now, but i still rely on 3k+g entirely too much... hope to wean myself from that move and only use it when necessary... mad props to krsjin also for getting his revenge in style...
  15. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Special thanks to Tricky especially for finally being patient enough to let my vanessa learn something same goes to VFUK and EU plz. I am learning more and more about vanessa from each fight like I did pai when I was learning to play her on 360 early on. I know that I don't always do the basics like techrolls and basic recoveries, I know how to do them and some times I actually make a habit of doing them alot, it goes off and on and on this day it was off and Tricky was killing me because of it but is close most of the time and that was good. I hope to get more practice with her with good people and I will make a habit to actually tech roll or just get right away at that time like I know I can and do most of the time except today.

    I aside from that ranking matches were dead and I always see the same people there making wonder why I even bother with it sometimes but I am not quiting on it. I did a decent with my pai in ranking matches and I wasn't destroyed at all not even once that is odd for me playing ranking matches. I can only hope to get 7th dan again someday soon as well. I am actually very close to it again.
  16. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Good games to MasaRed and Jerky :D.

    Masa: you have a fun Shun. Hopefully I get to play you offline someday.

    Jerky: Great matches. Some of the matches were nailbiters too. I really enjoyed the mind games that we were playing, even though i was on the wrong side of it most of the time. As long as I landed DPoD multiple times I was happy /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  17. ETPharaoh

    ETPharaoh Well-Known Member

    GG's to Brisal and None Other. Tatsuki, playing your Shun is good for me since you are quite good and your style is different in many ways from Jesse's. We will have to have another get together at Jesse's at some point if he is down.
  18. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Great matches to Plague. That was fun. A lot of back and forth. Annoying jumping footsweep FTW! I am surprised the connection is as good as it is considering the 3000 miles between us. Sometimes I think I dodge but don't or I eat a zero frame throw when I think I attacked, but usually it is very good.

    Shinn Akira, dude I am going to have to learn Brad before we fight again. You use his craziness too well. That's why I never guard. When I try and play D, I think I have an opening I find I was wrong. Doh!

    El Brisal, dude sorry to see that you ranked down. You must not have been using DMPK enough! Ha ha j/k, pardner. Good matches.

    Good fights to Sanjuro. We need to get some player matches in sometime.
  19. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    GGs to Plague and konjou:

    Plague: I'm sorry I didn't notice that u were recording.
    Wait.... Did u save that one which I laid down and waiting for the execution??? Hahahahahahah~~~ Nice job!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif and my weak point is "ALWAYS" "side escaping" and then do the "throw escaping"......u know that /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif

    Konjou: I'm so impressive that ur Lei Fei is "TOTALLY" different to compare w others I have met so far!!!!!!!!!
    I have to admit that I was really in a BIG trouble when I faced him, and it took me a long time to adapt to ur "Konjou" style!!
    Otherwise, u realize AKIRA too much so I couldn't take any advantage of u and I always be passive.......... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
    But I really appreciated those valuable matches to make me understand I still have a lot of work to improve AKIRA /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    Btw, I think it turned out that u have to reboot ur modem and I have no idea why it happens to us.....
  20. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    None Other
    sure! yeah my style is very different as Jesse's.

    well, but I changed my style after I played you.

    My style was kinda onani- style(let you check Japanese, I dont wanna say it in English lol!!).

    I changed to yomi style, well it says my style backed to the yomi style. cant win anymore when I use onani- style, caz it is just have a fun for myself.

    I'll be very serious for now. so for now, we can play more high level VF. Sam, your lion is very good. I hate your sabaki!!(I guess it is 214P...right?) hahaha

    Also, GGs to Masa-san.

    i just wanna ask you "how was my yomi style?!" hahaha!

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