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Got that PS4 yet?

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    ps2 had higher resolution graphics than ps1
    ps2 had higher quality sound than ps1
    ps2 had bigger memory cards for more data for games etc.
    ps3 had higher resolution graphics than ps2
    ps3 had higher quality sound than ps2
    ps3 added the concept of a hard drive to the game environment

    C'mon man all of that had immediate impact on the quality of games (immediate).

    Can the same be said for PS3 to PS4?
  2. grap3fruitman

    grap3fruitman Active Member

  3. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    grap3fruitman likes this.
  4. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    PS2 was nice over the PS1, but the PS3 did not make close to the same impact and difference as i see it. HD graphics was nothing new even then, if you weren't miles away from computers at that time - and not the reason for PS3 being a good console.

    And PS2 did not have any particular higher resolution (if all) then PS1 either.
    The sound would be the same if you don't mean movie-surround mode capabilities (not used in many games at all) even from PS1 and onwards the sound could be as good as game-dev would make it, if not keeping to the psf spec (which is a nice format for sound emulation if feeling nostalgic, but that is another topic).

    What the new consoles will do is make cross-platform easier though, and the cloud-server tech that both MS and sony are experimenting with now - but there is no use speculating, we will know what they brought in a year or so.

    For me i just go where my games go. (ps1 had great games not available on pc, PS2 did aswell (VF4/Evo for instance), and i went PS3 for the very same reason), if i am looking to be amazed, i would not constrict myself to a console anyways, it is about the games)

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    I have an answer for that question. Its because Japan knows its going to win in sales with the ps4 in Japan over xbox 1 lol because no one will get the xbox 1 in Japan, maybe a couple of people will but in the USA its a good competition for them vs xbox 1 so they released it here first to compete with xbox 1.
  6. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Good point SNAKE BOSS. I think you're right, only a couple of people will get the Xbox 1. The other handful of people here would probably rather get the Wii U or something.
  7. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Even when MS was money hatting JRPGS for the 360, Japan wasn't biting. A small minority still bit, because it had the exclusive SHMUPS the PS3 never got as well.

    It's a circular thing where Sony, being a Japanese company is supported more, thus more Japanese developers sticking with that because of sales. There's also the issue with mobile ruling over there, and Japan having a hard time with HD devolpment.

    I'm curious to see how well the PS4 does, and wonder if the sales will be anywhere near as strong as they were in the U.S. and Europe.
  8. grap3fruitman

    grap3fruitman Active Member

    How many Japanese-developed games are there out for the PS4 in the US right now?
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    PReP LOL maybe I'm reading your post wrong (I could be, I often get the intent of someone's post wrong) But it I'm seems like your argument is:

    Since the PS3 was not that much better than the PS2 and since the PS2 didn't really have higher resolution than the PS1 and even if you consider the movie-surround sound capabilities of the PS2 most games didn't use it anyway, and the fact that although the PS2 was nicer than the PS1 But the PS3 wasn't equally nicer than the PS2 therefore of course the PS4 is better than the PS3 and since the PS4 is going to have all the games that's where you'll be playing. But if you were really looking to be amazed you wouldn't even be playing on consoles anyway:confused:

    That seems to be your argument in the nutshell forgive me if I mis-characterize. So let me ask my question a little more directly.


    The PS3 has the capability to display the graphics of games at 720p to 1080p . Specifically what is the graphics capability of the PS4?


    The PS3 has the capability to stream sound Dolby True HD Audio. Specifically
    what is the sound capability of the PS4?

    Processor Throughput

    The PS3 has a cell processor(7-8 cores) capable of 256 giga flops through put. Specifically
    what is the processor throughput capability of the PS4?

    I don't have a PS4 yet.... And so far when I try to get at the nitty gritty LOL of the PS4 and why its a better gaming machine. I get answers like "Its just better", "The games are way more better", "Its sold more than Xbone 1", "Its more powerful in every way" "The graphics look much better" etc., And when I try to ask why it just so much better, or more powerful and has better sound I get answers like "pretty soon everyone will have the PS4 and it will have all the exclusive games" LOL.

    and PReP I'm still contemplating your post:confused: But the cross platform possibilities that you bring up, would constitute a tangible, specific advantage of the PS4 over the PS3 if said cross platform possibilities ever materialize.
  10. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    How about you try to study Google-fu for a change?
    grap3fruitman and masterpo like this.
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    LOL, touche
  12. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Actually you lost the understanding of my post right at the:
    "..therefore of course the PS4 is better than the PS3"
    - which is a conslusion you arrived at, and statment you then built, yourself.

    That part of my post was more of a reply of the statements you made of PS2 vs PS1 and PS3 - and about resolution, and less so about what PS4 holds over the others.

    And that is as much effort to settling that as i have the will to execersize at this time,
    no hard feelings ; )

    I still keep to where the games are, consoles have not bringed anything especially amazing graphics-wise in a while, and thus it is whatever games that get me interested, that makes my get a console.

    (As a side note, the PSx vs Xbox-whatever argument is another thing. i choose to avoid those arguments, though i can say that i will remain biased _against_ microsoft by default, in most areas)
    masterpo likes this.
  13. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    My apologies.... you've clarified.,
    Ellis likes this.
  14. Optimus_Cack

    Optimus_Cack Well-Known Member

    hey man, squall and rinoa were dancing with real-time rendering
  15. S_KILL

    S_KILL Well-Known Member

    Im an XBOX user but i now have moved over to SONY's camp.
    In 10 days i will have mine so i'll be able to answer a couple
    But yea. This gen could have lasted 4 more years before the
    transition was made to the next gen.
    Good thing is i cancelled my XBOX MGS Ground Zeroes preorder and
    bought it for PS4.
    SoulTruth2013 likes this.
  16. SoulTruth2013

    SoulTruth2013 Well-Known Member

    I have had my PS4 since release date with the games of Knack, Call of Duty Ghosts and Killzone Shadow Fall.
    When it comes to games, The good ones are on PS plus like Contrast, Resogun and Don't Starve. As well as Warframe as a free game. Next month will be Outlast, the most anticipated indie game. It may not be good but it will pick up. Tomb Raider (PS4 version), InFamous Second Son, Metal Gear Solid V, Watch Dogs, Destiny, Driveclub and more for 2014.
  17. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Well, I got the PS4 on launch and absolutely love it. Playing Battlefield 4 as much as I can and it's been great! Rough launch, but I expect rough launches for MMOs, Diablo-like games, and Battlefield games (though I didn't expect this launch to be as rough as it was).

    That said, only two client crashes for me since Thanksgiving time so I've been incredibly lucky. However, work and family keep me really busy so I only get to sneak in game times very late at night for only a bit of time. But for me, BF4's been so worth it. But the rough launch kept me from outright recommending it to people, unfortunately.

    Here's my PS4 soldier: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/soldier/Chanchai/stats/188576115/ps4/

    I'm not that great, though I'm improving a lot (but I've been saying that since BF3 days, but really, my metrics are increasing atm). I'm definitely not nearly as strong as say, Faceless One who used to post here.

    Honestly, loving the PS4. Controller is superb (except that the L1 and R1 buttons can jam, they still work when jammed but jamming sucks period, I've been vocal about that) and there ARE a good library of games--but console exclusive stories are what make up the buzz for console comparisons so people tend to neglect that NBA2K, FIFA, Battlefield (aside from the rough launch), Need for Speed, Assassin's Creed, and even Lego Marvel are all good games. And Tomb Raider on PS4 is superb IF YOU HAVE NOT YET PLAYED TOMB RAIDER (I didn't before getting it on PS4). Trine 2 is freaking gorgeous on PS4 both normal and in 3D. And everyone knows Resogun is a very good game ^_^

    I also personally like Killzone, but it's not for everyone. COD: Ghosts is what it is--it's not a system seller, but it's a COD game which means a different thing for each person.

    I also love the Pinball games as I have those on PS3/Vita/PS4, as well as Flower (it looks gorgeous on PS4 and it's actually nice to go through the game again), Don't Starve, etc...

    Anyways, I'm liking my PS4, but I also bought it because I wanted to play BF4 on it because I like playing Battlefield on console (with console buddies and without hacks) and PS4 was the way to go outside of upgrading my PC (too cheap and too lazy).

    I definitely don't blame anyone waiting to get a PS4 or Xbox One for that game they really want to play on it-- (they should do that and) I did the same thing, it just happened that BF4 was going to be available at launch so I got a PS4 at launch ^_^

    (Side note: While I plan to hold off getting Xbox One for at least another year, I really am following Titan Fall because that game looks amazing--I hope whatever version or sequel of the game they will work on for PS4 will come out soon...)
  18. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Well most PS3 games were not really HD and many games struggled to reach even 720p. I don't believe I have seen any game with a DolbyTrueHD soundtrack. The PS3 processor was a beast but don't underestimate the PS4 set up. Just look at the difference between Tomb Raider: DE and the last gen version. Check out the graphics in Killzone: Shadowfall. Even I was surprised by the step up in just launch titles.
  19. S_KILL

    S_KILL Well-Known Member

    I got mine a week ago... This is a superb piece of hardware.
    Sadly i ditched XBOX for good and i was a huge supporter of
    360 but XBONE is what PS3 was for SONY 10 years ago and
    their CELL processor. A FAILURE!

    P.s. KILLZONE ROCKS! You got to experience it to believe it!;)
  20. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Recently jumped on the GG hype, so I'll probably be getting a PS4 when the new GG drops.

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