Guaranteed Side Crumple on Side-Roll Recovery

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Apr 7, 2013.

By Myke on Apr 7, 2013 at 11:05 PM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Dora neko akira has produced a follow-up video to Virtua Wrecker 5 Final Showdown which showcases attacks against Oten-Ukemi (Side-Roll Recovery) that can lead into very damaging combos! In this new video, we see attacks that generate a Side Crumple on Normal Hit thrown into the mix. Check it out!



Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Apr 7, 2013.

    1. Zekiel
      No one said it was game breaker but in reality it is. If you press a button except guard thats 103-107 dmg gone. Your telling me that cant change the game? Also i do understand but like someone else said you can do meaties after combos while still dealing close to max dmg. Offense is rewarded in this version. Thats y players dont press buttons against jacky because one mistake and 45-55% life is gone. If one uses possible Laigeri combos each time on a launcher head crumple etc, they'll be beaten in a matter of seconds. As a jacky player you should know this but you dont use high dmg combos alot huh? Ik what im talking about lol.
    2. SDS_Overfiend1
      You Should'nt Be pressing buttons sideturn especially under heavy pressure.. Secondly I gets all my damage. This is good to know but its not a gamebreaker.
      ShinobiFist likes this.
    3. Zekiel
      I dont think you understand........ Your not ST unless you block Same with everyone else. lts during a tech roll and there moves are +2-3 on guard. Thats a better version of Oten Ukemi. You'll see that in the vid or go test it urself by using a circular/half circular like 1pk then use SS -K.on a exact tech roll.
    4. LegendaryHero90
      wait what?

      i thought that by tech rolling you recovered from a crouching animation resulting in a guaranteed mid attack. Was this changed in VF5FS??
    5. ShinobiFist
      Do what I do, eat the stomp instead :) I never tech roll in VF5FS. I just roll away like a blunt.
      SDS_Overfiend1, nou and Cozby like this.
    6. SUGATA
      It WAS before but was removed in VF5FS - and w/o balance: Ukemi in place is useless now, always perform Side Ukemi, especially when only few characters have this punishing stuff.

      QUESTION: what is the pros/cons in In-place Ukemi VS Side Ukemi?
    7. Tricky
      In-Place Ukemi opens up your back side to some crazy combos when side ukemi won't.
    8. MarlyJay
      At times when yo tech in place you're actually backturned. Of course in those instances you can't block at all so if meaty attacks that would crumple are heading your way you're in serious trouble.

      Edit: i've basically said the exact same thing as Tricky...So yeah.
      Tricky likes this.
    9. Tricky
      I'd say you elaborated on the specifics while I was more general.
    10. SDS_Overfiend1
      Bottomline when someones mounted a offense.. You don't have to tech roll. Slow it down like Fist said and play dead. Disrupt the offensive flow.
      ShinobiFist and cobratron like this.
    11. Ytpme_Secaps
      Thnx for the info and for the reply myke.
    12. SUGATA
      Again, in VF5FS is in-place Ukemi useful or you always is needed to use SIDE UKEMI? (I.e. no balance between them in VF5FS)?
    13. academi-ya
      Thank you for providing us with the opportunity to demonstrate our movie.
      It is my sincere hope that you are completely satisfied with our studies, and will avail yourself of our expertise again in the future.
      We are always interested in suggestions that would allow us to improve upon our verification, and encourage you to give us your thoughts and comments.
      We would like to present additional our recent movie.

      See the Supporting Information for details.
      001, erdraug, SUGATA and 2 others like this.
    14. Tricky

      Firstly: I lost my shit when I saw Akira do the jumping attack from the wall into the combo. That was crazy, and then it only got more crazy with Blaze OMing all over the place.

      I love your videos. The biggest most immediate feedback I could give is about adding english subtitles to explain what it is you are telling us in the start of the video. Or just add the English in the description. THANKS!
    15. academi-ya
       We greatly appreciate your reasonable comments. Very recently, we have started to describe our articles in English: 2AFC Approach:

       The first few chapter follows the style of 'VFDC Wiki', with some revisions. However, we will add some important principles that had been published in only Japanese.

       The articles would be >200 articles (in English), but now we have complete only 60 chapters. Therefore, we would like to update articles per a week.
      Tricky likes this.
    16. Junsuina Chikara
      Junsuina Chikara
      Nice video academi-ya! :)

      I just have one suggestion regarding the first Akira set up in the video. With the Akira set up, after Aoi's side roll recovery, after 2PKG GB, PP, I think it would be better to use 46p+k instead of Youhou since Akira is in open stance after PP, 46p+k will be towards the wall and that will get a full wall splat and then you can use 214P for heavy bound, might even be able to throw in the knee between 46p+k and 214p as well since Akira is in open stance after PP, 46p+k will be towards the wall.

      I'll try it in the dojo but I'm pretty sure after the soft wall hit, you'll get guaranteed 46p+k
    17. Junsuina Chikara
      Junsuina Chikara
      Ok I just tried it in the dojo. My combo does work (46p+k = wall splat) so you can do 214p after it. Ultimately, it's less damage than your combo so I'll go with your combo. Here is the combo I meant:

      Oten-ukemi: 2pkg, 6_pp, 46p+k (wall splat), k+g!g (Knee), 214p, True DLC, 2_6pp = 115 pts.

      Yours is 119 and if the wall doesn't break, it can be followed up with 2_6pp making it 130 pts.
    18. academi-ya
       I am sorry for the delay in my reply. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your verification. According to your suggestions, we will mention another reason why Youhou has proven to be the attack of choice. Anyway, we are always interested in suggestions that would allow us to improve upon our verification.​
    19. MakiLeSushi
      OMG, i didn t know for this thread, i was keepin this video secretly just for me and now i see that all community saw it since April loool

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