Guard breaks

Discussion in 'Akira' started by Andramelech, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

  2. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Now this is interesting (no sarcasm)

    Here's from Jacky ST thread.
    I did that part to be thorough with if getting hit was the same as getting "hit" with GB. Truthfully I think I just watched Akira's float and deemed it as not getting lower. Retesting it now I'm getting whiffed 6K,P second hit.
    Should probably try if an actual hit into "unguard frames" launch has that same property. I'm fairly sure I did that with Jacky but maybe the basic combo I did just didn't get affected.
    I really want to figure this system out as thoroughly as possible. Sorry for the false into, I guess.

    EDIT: all of that is still true, except for that "crouching for lower float" part.
    EDIT2: That's funny. 33P crouch float from front and side are the same. Yet the unguard crouched sidefloat looks just like a regural (side)float. This is the first time I encounter a difference in this.
    Feck likes this.
  3. Junsuina Chikara

    Junsuina Chikara Well-Known Member


    That's a good setup against a guard-heavy opponent but there are a couple of flaws with that tech. I noticed you did that with me after Teirou-Kanpo, K tonight. The opponent can interrupt your OM (don't know the frames of OM) with an attack, probably P/2P or elbow so it messes up your offense. Then there is the case of the frames for the Knee. It's 17f so even if your opponent chooses to wait for the OM, he could throw out P/2P/Elbow. Against a proficient Jacky opponent, you could be on the end of the Flash kick ([6_][K][G]) which is 16f, beating knee and can actually be considered a launcher as I've successfully landed combos off it (e.g.: [6_][K][G], [6_][P], [2][P][+][K], [8]/[2][P][K][G][P][P]) I don't remember the damage off it but it's in the high 60s. Unsafe tech IMO but I guess it just depends on your opponent.
    mfwebdude likes this.
  4. mfwebdude

    mfwebdude Well-Known Member

    ggs last night bro.
    yeah, good call man. i tend to throw out OM > guard break pretty carelessly at times. i still havent figured how to properly integrate OM into akira's arsenal.

    the focus of the vid wasn't so much OM tech though, but more on the opponent's ability to mess with float height. I wanted to exaggerate this as much as possible by using the slowest guaranteed launcher after a GB that I could think of (at least I think it's guaranteed...), which happened to be side GB > Knee. When Pai ducks in the example, Akira is not able to teleport under her with DLC.

    Totally agree, my examples are not ideal follow-ups to side guard break. From a technical standpoint, I was just interested in finding out if there were any character specific ways to avoid them since the frame data you see in the dojo suggests they are too slow. Someone mentioned sabakis and reversals as an option. Anyone know of any?

    lol, why you beatin up on Dorris bro?
  5. Junsuina Chikara

    Junsuina Chikara Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I made a mistake in my last post :oops:. I forgot that you did the GB from ST (which the GB itself is 16f) so it will trade with a 16f counter if the opponent chooses to attack after OM but like you said, Knee is guaranteed off 2PKG GB. Personally, I would prefer to use 6PKG GB. It's quicker and gives more advantage so you have more time to do your launcher, rather than having to buffer the Knee perfectly after the 2PKG GB. There is more range of 2PKG so perhaps if there is a larger distance, it would be better to use it but mid->close range, 6PKG would be my preferred option.
  6. Junsuina Chikara

    Junsuina Chikara Well-Known Member

    Double palm definitely won't connect. Double palm is 13f and if buffered, 14f so it would be 1 frame off so it'll be guarded.

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