Hit Sparks In VF5US A Step Backward???

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, May 29, 2021.

  1. SSShinji

    SSShinji Active Member

    Exactly! The game is already "free" and yet they are still complaining so much. Sometimes some games have to move on from their "archaic" designs to appeal to new and younger audiences. There were some legit criticisms from some fighting game players even during the classic VF5 era (05/06). There were legit reasons why we had to wait for 11 years just to get a "remake/remaster" of an old game.
    A great franchise should be able to compete with its contemporaries. It has to improve, evolve, and innovate while maintaining the core concept mechanics of the original.
    For those players who are still stubbornly hanging on to their "VF nostalgia", please be a little bit "less selfish" and more "open-minded" and think of the "new generations".
    That is unless you like to wait another 10 years for VF6!
    bruciethebeast, Sozos and masterpo like this.
  2. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    I'm just being honest about what I like and don't like.
    It's not enough to stop me playing the game, but I think the hit-sparks suck.
    beanboy likes this.
  3. charleypk222

    charleypk222 Well-Known Member

    at least let hope sega give us the option on and off
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    @SSShinji with much respect my friend. The complaint here is about including Hit Sparks in VF, (without the option to turn them off). If we were talking about some new feature you might have a point. But Hit Sparks, Hit Effects, Hit Explosions, etc have been in Tekken and Soul Calibur and a few other 3D Fighting games since the mid 90's and in 2D fighting games before then. There is absolutely nothing new about them. Adding Hit Sparks is not about VF evolving but rather about VF devolving:(

    An this my friend is the point Virtua Fighter has a reputation of being the innovator and the first to deploy a technique in a 3D fighting game. In this case, they are the last. If the goal was to communicate counter hit, side hit, block, combo launcher information etc, The VF team should have came up with a new and better and less intrusive way to do so. Not the same old tired Hit Sparks from Tekken (just with a VF twist).

    @SSShinji your point is well taken. Of course VF is allowed to innovate and add new things for a new generation. But I for one don't want to see VF poorly imitate old tired things that have been in 3D Fighting games since the mid 90's:cry:

    If they give us an option to turn them off. All is well and is forgiven.;)

    Again, I realize that that EA's UFC Martial Art games are simulations and part of a sport and are not arcade fighters. But if we are talking about the state of the art in 3D Fighting Games, or new refreshing fighting game techniques for a new generation, Then , VF could take a few pointers from the UFC games which have millions of more players. They represent the state of the art in 3D Fighting games. They are not arcade fighting games. But they are 3D fighting games in every sense of the term. And Virtua Fighter would have been much better off pushing the realism envelope rather than chasing mid 90's Hit Sparks.

    Last edited: May 30, 2021
  5. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    i dont think my approach is bad. Espessialy to sega who finally bring the game back after so long time. Im so happy about VF right now that i couldnt care about hitsparks and if you ask me i like the changes. IMO the game in general looks way better now.
    Sonic The Fighters and SSShinji like this.
  6. Gibon

    Gibon Well-Known Member

    Only the stages look better. The rest is actually looking worse.
  7. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Your opinion my friend
  8. SSShinji

    SSShinji Active Member

    If you really "CARE" about "Virtua Fighter" that much, please "listen" and "humble" yourselves. I'm posting a video below that I just saw today from YouTube. These kinds of opinions about VF have been going on for yearsss.., among your own friends and other fighting game enthusiasts.

    With the launch of "VF5 Ultimate Showdown", many of them are willing to give VF another shot. So please open your eyes and continue to support the "New Generations"! That's it from me, guys. VF Renaissance is just beginning! (y)(y)

    Last edited: May 31, 2021
    bruciethebeast and Sozos like this.
  9. Gibon

    Gibon Well-Known Member

    You don't see Tekken fans "humbling" themselves.

    I don't understand this approach at all.

    What works, works. What doesn't work, doesn't work.

    Keep it real, people, and remember: well-wishers let the devil in.
    MadeManG74 likes this.
  10. charleypk222

    charleypk222 Well-Known Member

    i think the game look way better overall and i`m very happy but i`m agree they really need to fix and update some face
    Zekiel, beanboy and SSShinji like this.
  11. Gibon

    Gibon Well-Known Member

    As you guys can see from all the early access streams, the hit sparks can't be turned off in the current build.

    The UI can be switched to the VF1 one, though.
    MadeManG74, beanboy and masterpo like this.
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Hopefully they'll add an option to turn them off in the next patch.

    For those players that like them, its all good. But they should really allow players that don't like them to turn them off. DOA 5LR has a option that lets the player turn off some of the hit effects. So this kind of thing is possible.

    The stages look better., I'm not so sure about the character models, and I can't tell about the fabric and detail of clothes yet.

    I am happy that its on PS4, so that if my PS3s die I'll have other options to play the game. That's very good news and I'm happy Sega ported the game. But it was already ported in Yakuza 6 and Judgement on the PS4 and it looked good to me. They could have just given us that version as well (There were no hit sparks):meh:
  13. charleypk222

    charleypk222 Well-Known Member

    watching the stream i`m very please with this version
    all video on youtube dont give justice to the game the color and stage are beautiful

    sure some character on close up , need some fix but is minor
    SSShinji and Sonic The Fighters like this.
  14. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Everyone here, might not agree with every opinion about hit sparks, but everyone especially VF fans on this forum, have the right to their opinion though. And the opinions expressed so far, all have legit takes to them. So please be a bit more open minded to that.
    FlawedFists, Gibon and SSShinji like this.
  15. SUGATA

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    I like more realism. But HS in VF5US are far more better than in Tekken or Soul Calibur - b/c they are less size, one color and much more informing.

    The best way - ability to turn ON/OFF Hit sparks by player's will in settings.

    Pros from new Hit sparks (HS):
    - whiff = no HS
    - Normal hit = no HS (so, in some situations difficult to determine whiff or normal hit, only by sound/ Yes, we have hit checking by sound but 90% information we are getting fro eyes, visual recognition and so reaction is much more FASTER than from audio/sounds).
    - Counter hit = Yellow HS
    - Side hit = Blue HS
    - No lightning of HS on close around surfaces (floor, walls)
    - No size of HS proportional to Damage

    Now (VF5US):
    - whiff = no HS
    - Normal hit = Yellow HS
    - Counter Hit = Red HS
    - Side hit = Blue HS
    - Lightning of HS also exists on close around surfaces (floor, walls)
    - Size of HS is proportional to damage

    RESUME: Now - in VF5US we have 1) concrete visual INDICATION for EVERY type of situation + 2) more lightning b/c of surfaces (floor, walls) = better Hit checking recognition & reaction = better for cybersport.
    Before - we do NOT have those things, so sometimes with some moves Hit checking was NOT so fast and good = worse for cybersport.
    So, New HS are GOOD for me from cybersport POV. But toggle On (new type)/Off (old type) in settings will be better!
    Last edited: May 31, 2021
  16. SSShinji

    SSShinji Active Member

    Hey, bro. Honestly, I don't care either way as long as VF is doing well and not going back to hibernation. I believe we all wanted the same great things for VF, right? We all are on the same team.
    I did mention above that SEGA might have the option to turn them OFF. So, I have already been open-minded in that regard. However, some people in this post are just truly close-minded, so I'd like to remind them to be a little bit more open-minded and consider why VF failed to capture the fighting game market in the past.
    So rather than just saying the hit-sparks suck and delete them from the game, why don't you give more details on why they suck? Any suggestions to improve them so VF will look more presentable in the modern era to compete with other flashy 3D fighting games like Tekken and DOA? Especially if you're one of VF community leaders or long-time members of VF competitive scenes, you gotta always bring "positivity" into the VF community. Please tell me, did I say anything wrong?
    beanboy and Tha_FeauchA like this.
  17. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    I think we're all going to get used to it. I've been watching gameplay with all these streams, and I'm starting to think they look pretty good. With all the variations of effects, it is pretty cool to always see exactly how hard the player got hit and see when it was a side hit. The action can be going on so fast that sometimes you don't notice you got hit when turned sideways. Or that you were even sideways to begin with.

    And like I said before, the effects look more like water and smoke (moreso smoke) blended together with some slight particles, rather than sparks. Sometimes when someone gets hit in the head, the effects act like when sweat gets knocked off of someone's face. I've seen other times when Akira does his 66P+K and it's a counter hit, the big red effect makes it somewhat look like their soul left their body, lol.

    It's just like that Trackmania game when they changed the look of the cars. It was jarring at first, but I'm starting to dig it. I think they did a great job with differentiating the effects for each kind of hit and how much damage it did. You see small yellow effects, up to big ones.
    Zekiel and SSShinji like this.
  18. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Folks I'm a Tekken player and a Soul Calibur player. I understand the value of Hit Effects of any kind and there place in a FG. And when I'm in the mood for Hit Sparks, I jump into Tekken or Soul Calibur, sometimes DOA. I prefer not to see them in Virtua Fighter. My personal preference is to have an option under settings that would let me turn them off. As I posted earlier , there is nothing modern about Hit Sparks they've been in 3d Fighting games since the mid 90's and in 2D fighting games since the 80's. Adding Hit Sparks to VF does not modernize it:ROTFL:

    If others like Hit Sparks in VF , hooray for them(y) Just give me the option to turn them off. I will never get use them because I still play VF4, VF4 EVO, and VF5 and they will be a constant reminder that Hit Sparks have always been out of place and not part of the Virtua Fighter Patina. I've watched hours of streaming of VF5US today, and for me the Hit Sparks detracts from the beauty of the stages and the character animations. That's just my opinion. :whistle:

    I'm fine with Hit Sparks when I play Tekken. They fit in the Tekken Universe. I'm fine with Hit Sparks when I play Soul Calibur. They fit in the Soul Calibur Universe. For me, and for my tastes Hit Sparks do not fit in the Virtua Fighter Universe:cool: Not now, and not at any time in the future. Part of my personal definition of Virtua Fighter includes " a fg with no hit sparks". So its a defining feature for me personally.

    I'm happy that folks are back to playing Virtua Fighter:) And if the Hit Sparks represent progress in the visualization department to some players , its all good.:confused:

    But please, give me an option to turn them off(n)
    beanboy likes this.
  19. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    People often make the comparison that VF is realistic, but exactly how "realistic" is Kage's TFT lol???

    I get it, alot of VF purists want things to look less flashy, etc. The fact is when it comes to continuing a product, especially one of this caliber, some changes (albeit subtle) have to occur. Casuals outweigh purists/hardcore numbers, that's it. If Sega wants VF to enter "esports", they're gonna need to make things appealing for the viewer.

    I don't agree with every decision Sega has made with VF5US, but they're taking a few steps in the right direction with changing the hit sparks at least. Could they do more without damaging the integrity of the game? Sure. Hopefully those decisions are made for VF6.
    FlawedFists, masterpo and Zekiel like this.
  20. Gibon

    Gibon Well-Known Member

    There's nothing realistic about it, but it used to have clean, no-nonsense graphics. It was far more focused on precise gameplay than visual shenanigans.
    beanboy and FlawedFists like this.

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