Hit Sparks In VF5US A Step Backward???

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, May 29, 2021.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Dude.., All we want is an option to turn hit effects off. DOA5LR implemented that option nice. It was just a settings option. For those that want to see the hit effects they leave the option on, and for those who don't they should have the choice to turn them off. Its not about anything deeper than that :whistle: The Hit Effects were distracting during my matches today:(
    jinxhand likes this.
  2. Zaibatsu

    Zaibatsu Active Member

    Oh god... we are talking about a game that has been commercially dead for how long? more than ten years? Sega has bringed it back from the reign of the forgotten games without changing a single frame from VF5FS version... and what the zealots of VF are whinning about? sparks on hits... god... Would sparks on hits attract more people to play this game? that sounds good to me, but unfortunately I think after the initial enthusiasms about this VF5US/eSports, it will come back to cemetery... at least in Eu or US if Sega won't wake up and makes some serious update to revive the game.
  3. Gibon

    Gibon Well-Known Member

    Yes, go and blame the only people who even supported this franchise over the years for another ill-considered, halfbaked SEGA release. :ROTFL:

    The hits sparks can be there for those who want it, but WHY THERE'S NO OFF OPTION? Even VF4 had it. We have to beg them to add something so BASIC?
  4. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Personally i don't find the sparks to be that invasive visually speaking. It's going to be a very good indicator about what's happening in the fight. I've been playing vf since the first game and i also remember when in vf4 vanilla you could turn off the light flash and i preferred to keep the look clean. When vf4evo was released the light effect was mandatory.
    This kind of effects are what help people to read the situation and accelerate the answer, so i'm actually rooting for more of this visual clues.
    Zekiel, Junosynth and Sozos like this.
  5. Gibon

    Gibon Well-Known Member

    Most people who played EVO didn't even notice there's any kind of light effect when hitting an opponent. They were so subtle.

    In VF5US, the hit sparks obscure the entire character at times.
    Zekiel likes this.
  6. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I agree, however, when you look up the plethora of articles written about this game, a few things are mentioned:

    1) VF is the most realistic fighter
    2) VF has the most depth of a fighter
    3) VF is difficult/hard

    From a non-VF player's viewpoint, those points don't seem like good ones by todays standards. Maybe during the early 3D fighter's era they held some weight, but there needs to be more than just updated skin textures and hyper realistic mocap animations to capture todays audience. You also have to think, back then making 3D fighters were considered visual "shenanigans" compared to the crisp sprites of the many fighters from Capcom, SNK, Data East, and even IGS. These graphical updates allow both the player and the audience better understand exactly what's going on during the match. There should be no reason why you have to learn the game in order to understand the match at first glance.

    Could the graphical hit sparks be presented better? I think so. Sega went from sweat splashes to colorful dust, which I'm still not a huge fan of. FWIW Sega made 1/2 a step in the right direction I think.

    @masterpo fair point. If that option does become available in the future, hopefully that doesn't become a standard in tournaments. At this point, I think Sega needs every buff they can in terms of presenting a game that's not only engaging to play, but equally engaging to watch, and easy to follow.
    masterpo likes this.
  7. Gibon

    Gibon Well-Known Member

    It doesn't matter what SEGA wants to do with the hit sparks as long as they give us the option to turn that crap off.
  8. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Honestly I don't even notice them in the middle of an intense battle. But yeah, if it bothers some people then Sega should definitely give you the option to turn it off or on. How hard can it be to add that simple option and please more fans? Hopefully Sega can patch it in.
  9. Zaibatsu

    Zaibatsu Active Member

    If SEGA really wanted to please more fans probably introducing a better netcode would be more appreciated than an option for sparks. We are basically playing a retro-game, but ehi... the problem are the sparks! The real problem of this game is: it is OLD! Playing this one or PS3/XB360 version doesn't make any differnce, but in that game there weren't sparks... (y)
  10. gido

    gido Well-Known Member

    All of this. I think people are exaggerating when it comes to the hit sparks. I barely notice it. and no they are not copying Tekken or SoCal..it's simply visual aesthetics.
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Here is a 3d Fighting game that has millions of players, a 1000 times more noobs than VF or Tekken combined and is extremeeely modern and has no Fu!Kin Hit Sparks. These stile of Hit effects are from the early 80's and 90's they don't make a game look modern. The game is this video represents the state of the art in 3D Fighting games. And even non players watch it being played on ESPN. It has huge viewer ship and is very entertaining;)

    Last edited: Jun 3, 2021
  12. Gibon

    Gibon Well-Known Member

    Stop blaming the players. They can complain about anything they want, moan all they want, and it's not their fault that SEGA drops the ball time and time again.

    The hit sparks are annoying to some people. Add an ON/OFF option, like every normal company out there.
    Zekiel likes this.
  13. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    What hit sparks? I almost never notice them.
    Zekiel and masterpo like this.
  14. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Never heard of this game. Looks boring and I never seen it on TV.

    here is the REAL bottom line. Y’all don’t like hit sparks because most of you always on the receiving end of them. Instead of worrying about getting better. Y’all Bitching about hit sparks. HIT SPARKS!!? Not even the real game but Hit sparks. Now all of a sudden everybody is visually impaired and hit sparks is so hard on the eyes.... Let me know..Am I missing something here? Did the surgeon general issue a warning that hit sparks cause cancer? Never mind the fact we have a VF sighting again.. But we talking about hit sparks!! Not the real game.... But HIT SPARKS! 4 pages of Hit sparks.
    LuxerHusku, Zekiel, Sozos and 3 others like this.
  15. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Are we really going to pretend like VF5FS wasn't actually VF Tekken edition, anyway? Hit sparks were the logical step in my opinion. ;)
  16. boobiebombs

    boobiebombs Active Member


    100% this is it right here. If you want VF to continue to be a really niche game with a relatively small community of players, that doesn't attract the financial resources to justify lengthy and robust support form SEGA and FGC events at large, keep gate-keeping over trivial things like hit sparks. If you want to play this game and other iterations of it for the ongoing future, you gotta be open to more ways in which the game is attempting to evolve (especially in trivial ways) to appeal to a little bit broader of an audience.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2021
    SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
  17. Gibon

    Gibon Well-Known Member

    The most ill-conceived argument possible.

    People who don't like hit sparks will see them no matter who gets hit. That's why modern fighting games have options to accommodate various people. It's especially dumb to attack VF players who don't like big hit sparks effects because this series didn't have them in past. For some VF players, that was one of the appealing factors. The very least SEGA could do was providing an option to switch between on and off. If they were really serious about this, there would even be an option to regulate their sizes and/or types.
    jinxhand, masterpo and TexasLion like this.
  18. boobiebombs

    boobiebombs Active Member

    Agreed that an option to turn them off would be great. Rest of my statement stands. Let's not act like hit sparks existing is a sign of the downfall of VF.
    masterpo likes this.
  19. Gibon

    Gibon Well-Known Member

    No, it's just one of the signs.
  20. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    @Rodnutz Of course you almost never notice Hit Sparks! You're too busy kicking everybody's A$$:ROTFL:

    So many players have said they either don't notice them at all, or almost, or barely notice them. Which leads to the question:

    If Players don't notice them or almost never notice them, then why are they in the game:confused:

    All of this mumbo jumbo about Hit Sparks being indicators for counter hit, block, etc. is somebody's poor excuse to put them in the game, because they believe somehow it will make VF more popular, more like Tekken and SF;)

    But the fact is, the market for VF has always been people who don't want to play Tekken or SF:) People choose VF precisely because its a superior 3D arcade fighting game, with excellent graphics, an excellent roster, unique fighting styles, and a rock solid fighting engine. Up until now it was unique with respect to not needing Hit Sparks to create a sense of drama, excitement, or damage during a match. Up until now VF has been the leader in bringing new innovations to 3D Arcade Fighting games. I believe (If I'm not mistaken) that this is the first time that VF has been last to add a feature. Hit Sparks have been in Tekken and SC since the mid 90's. Hit Sparks have been in 2D Arcade games since the mid 80's. And here it is 2021 and the Virtua Fighter series desperately adds Hit Sparks hoping to gain favor with Tekken, SF, MK, KOF, Blaze Blue, Soul Calibur Fans:cry:

    To Top it all off they add Hit Sparks that many players don't even notice or almost never notice.o_O

    If players are really into the dramatic screen pyrotechnics why would they choose VF's lack luster version of HIt Sparks. They'll immediately see the HIt Sparks in VF aren't as dramatic as Tekken's , SF, or SC and they drop VF like a rock:(

    VF will never beat, or even compete with those other 3D fighters that are doing everything possible to emulate 2D fighter and appeal to a 2D fighting crowd.

    One of the distinguishing features of the Virtua Fighter series has been it realism and in contradistinction to Tekken, SF, Soul Calibur etc its absence of or dependence on graphical fireworks to create a sense of visceral and exciting combat.

    VF needs to innovate where it has always been strong: realism, unique fighting styles, balanced engine, and superior innovations in graphics and game play.

    @SDS_Overfiend1 I dunno.. you. never heard of this game, never seen any of the tournaments on ESPN 2:LOL:


    Well 1.2 million players seem to have heard about it:cool:

    It has superior 3D fighting game graphics. It has more fighters than SF+Tekken+MK combined. It has customizations from facial design, body types, tattoos, height, weight, to an incredible array of clothes. For player created fighters, the move list can be customized
    and it has an extremely balanced fighting engine that is FN impressive and offers state a state of the art video game combat system.

    Instead of competing with the Tekken, and the other 2D fighters from the mid 80's and mid 90's, the Virtua Fighter series should be competing with the visceral, exciting , amazing combat that's in the Ultimate Fighting Championship series.

    EA and UFC 4 are innovating in 3D combat simulation game genre the way Virtua Fighter used to innovate in the 3D arcade fighting game area.

    If VF really wanted to make an e-sports game, that would shock the world they would do far better innovating over some of the concepts from the UFC series of fighting games, rather than chasing and poorly implementing Tekken's old mid 90's arcade based techniques:)

    Just give me an off option for the Hit Effects. They're causing me to lose more than my usual 90% of games:mad:

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